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This paper compares the palaeolimnological evidence for climate change over the last 200 years with instrumental climate data for the same period at seven European remote mountain lakes. The sites are Øvre Neådalsvatn (Norway), Saanajärvi (Finland), Gossenköllesee (Austria), Hagelseewli (Switzerland), Jezero v Ledvici (Slovenia), Estany Redó (Spain, Pyrenees), and Niné Terianske Pleso (Slovakia). We used multiple regression analysis to transfer homogenised lowland air temperature records to each of the sites, and these reconstructions were validated using data from on-site automatic weather stations. These data showed that mean annual temperature has varied over the last 200 years at each site by between 1 and 2 °C, typical of the high frequency variability found throughout the Holocene, and appropriate, therefore, to test the sensitivity of the various proxy methods used. Sediment cores from each site were radiometrically dated using 210Pb, 137Cs and 241Am and analysed for loss-on-ignition, C, N, S, pigments, diatoms, chrysophytes, Cladocera and chironomids. Comparisons between the proxy data and the instrumental data were based on linear regression analysis with the proxy data treated as response variables and the instrumental data (after smoothing using LOESS regressions) as predictor variables. The results showed few clear or consistent patterns with generally low or very low r2 values. Highest values were found when the data were compared after smoothing using a broad span, indicating that some of the proxy data were capturing climate variability but only at a relatively coarse time resolution. Probable reasons for the weak performance of the methods used include inaccurate dating, especially for earlier time periods, the influence of confounding forcing factors at some sites e.g., air pollution, earthquakes, and the insensitivity of some methods to low amplitude climate forcing. Nevertheless, there were trends in some proxy records at a number of sites that had a relatively unambiguous correspondence with the instrumental climate records. These included organic matter and associated variables (C and N) and planktonic diatom assemblages at the majority of sites and chrysophytes and chironomids at a few sites. Overall for longer term studies of the Holocene, these results indicate the need to be cautious in the interpretation of proxy records, the importance of proxy method validation, the continuing need to use reinforcing multi-proxy approaches, and the need for careful site and method selection.  相似文献   
A global data set of cloud occurrence probability derived from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Terra and Aqua gridded daily data is analyzed to investigate the probability of obtaining at least a minimum number of cloud-free observations within various compositing periods. The probabilities derived from Terra and Aqua, with morning and afternoon overpass times, respectively, are similar and increase with compositing period. Compositing both Terra and Aqua observations results in considerably higher probabilities of obtaining a sufficient number of observations for bidirectional reflectance model-based compositing. Given that the only alternative to obtaining sufficient samples is to extend the observation period, which can cause significant problems when the surface state changes, it is concluded that using data from the two MODIS sensors provides the most effective way of generating composited products. Findings with respect to the availability of cloud-free composites when n-day composites are generated on a temporally overlapping daily rolling basis, i.e., every day, rather than every n-days, are also discussed for regional and global applications  相似文献   
The geology of northwestern part of Indian peninsula is considered to be important due to complete preservation of rocks from Archaean to Upper Proterozoic. Further, these rocks have served as ideal host of varieties of economic minerals. The present work is an attempt to study the structurally deformed granulitic terrain in parts of Gujarat and Rajasthan in light of remote sensing. The study area falls under Sirohi, Banas Kantha and Sabar Kantha districts of Rajasthan and Gujarat. Remote sensing technique is utilized for the understanding of structural geology and deciphering the shear pattern. The methods adopted in this study include generation of False Color Composite (FCC) of satellite data, interpretation of lineaments from FCC and study the drainage pattern, structural basin delineation, profiling, and field mapping. It is observed that the area has undergone extensive deformation. There are two major sets of lineaments interpreted in the granulitic terrain such as WNW-ESE and NE-SW directions. Majority of the WNW-ESE lineaments are brittle in nature and N-S, NE-SW trending lineaments are ductile in nature. Overall the study area bifurcated into seven structural basins comprises of basic granulites, calc granulites and pelitic granulites.  相似文献   
We have studied string-dust cosmological model in a stationary cylindrically symmetric space-time. A one parameter family of solutions is obtained for the field equations of the system.  相似文献   
Special analytical solutions are determined for restricted, coplanar, four-body equal mass problems, including the Caledonian problem, where the masses Mi = M for i = 1,2,3,4. Most of these solutions are shown to reduce to the Lagrange solutions of the Copenhagen problem of three bodies by reducing two of the masses (mi = m for i = 1,2) in the four-body equal mass problem to zero while maintaining their equality of mass. In so doing, families of special solutions to the four-body problem are shown to exist for any value of the mass ratio μ = m/M.  相似文献   
Rb-Sr and Pb/Pb whole rock isochrons on the Qôrqut Granite Complex yield ages of 2530 ± 30 Myr (initial87Sr86Sr = 0.7081 ± 0.0008) and 2580 ± 80 Myr respectively. A model relating initial Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the Qôrqut granites to the Sr and Pb isotopic compositions of the Amîtsoq gneisses (ca. 3700 Myr) and Nûk gneisses (ca. 2900 Myr) at 2550 Myr ago, as well as Sr and Pb contents of the gneiss units, suggests that between 40 and 50% of the Qôrqut granite magma was generated by partial melting of Amîtsoq gneisses, and the remainder by partial melting of Nûk gneisses.  相似文献   
Mean crustal velocity is a critical parameter for genesis of continental crystalline crust because it is a function of mean crustal composition and therefore may be used to resolve continental crustal growth in space and time. Although the best values of mean crustal velocity are determined from wide-angle reflection measurements, most studied here necessarily come from vertical averages in crustal refraction determinations. The mode of 158 values of mean crustal velocity is 6.3 km/s, a velocity which corresponds to a mean crustal composition of granodiorite to felsic quartz diorite; Archean crust may be slightly more mafic. Mean crustal velocities range from 5.8 to 7.0 km/s. The lowest values invariably are found in thermally disturbed rift zones and the highest values correspond to velocities in gabbro. Velocities in island arcs may be as low as 6.0 km/s but are typically 6.5–6.9 km/s which corresponds to andesitic composition; estimates of island arc composition are andesitic. If values of mean crustal velocity are not biased, this observation suggests that continental crust did not grow simply by addition of island arc material. Possibilities are that crust formed from fusion of island arcs and was later changed to more felsic composition by addition of material from the mantle or that the late Archean episode of major crustal growth did not involve processes similar to younger island arcs. Some crustal blocks might be changed in composition and thickness by such processes as underplating, interthrusting, necking and sub-crustal erosion. Specially designed experiments are suggested to determine this parameter so critical for understanding genesis of continental crust.  相似文献   
It is advantageous to postulate the phenomenological equivalence of chargeability with a slight increase in resistivities rather than a similar reduction in the conductivities. Substitution of these increments in the expression for the total differential of apparent resistivity leads directly to Seigel's formula. Included also are (i) an equally simple demonstration that, for a homogeneously chargeable ground with arbitrary resistivity distribution, the apparent chargeability ma, equals the true homogeneous value m, and (ii) a direct derivation of the completely general resistivity relation where the symbols have the usual meanings.  相似文献   
Some results of induced polarisation surveys carried out for the exploration of sulphide mineralisation in parts of Rajasthan and Gujarat, employing both frequency-domain and time-domain techniques, are presented. A few typical examples of I.P. results along with borehole sections and results of conventional geophysical surveys have been incorporated. Frequency-domain and time-domain I.P. data have been compared for selected areas.Borehole data pertaining to several areas investigated have corroborated the I.P. results fairly well.  相似文献   
Experiments combining different cleaning and analytical techniques indicate that multiphase magnetizations may be quite common. However, these may not be recognized because of limited experimental work. Alternating field (AF) cleaning is often the only treatment applied to igneous and metamorphic rocks; thermal and/or AF cleanings are usually the only treatments applied to sedimentary rocks. In many instances, AF and thermal treatments are limited to 100 mT and 550°C respectively. Investigations based on such limited cleaning often fail to detect some of the phases of magnetization contained in the rock. Failure to detect one or more phases means that valuable data are not recovered and the whole magnetic history of the rock has not been unfolded. Most importantly, the undetected phase might be the initial so that a secondary magnetization can easily be mistaken for the initial with an erroneous interpretation as a result. It is therefore imperative to recognize all phases of magnetizations and it possible to separate them.Procedures that have been used to recognize and unravel multiphase magnetizations are described. These procedures make use of chemical, thermal and AF cleaning treatments, two-stage demagnetization, vector analysis, slicing of specimens and vector diagrams. The combination used depends on the rock studied. For example, it is found that AF followed by thermal treatment can be very useful for the study of igneous rocks; chemical leaching is by far the most effective cleaning technique for the study of red beds. A three-phase model describing the magnetizations process of certain red beds is proposed. The slicing of specimens is used to explain intermediate directions with respect to field reversals. It is shown that graphical representation by vector diagrams can greatly facilitate the interpretation of the results. The examples show that, although a statistically well defined magnetization may be obtained after limited cleaning, it cannot be assumed to be the initial. One must ascertain that another magnetization has not remained undetected. This necessitates detailed and extensive experimental work using and devising new analytical procedures in an attempt to unfold the whole magnetic history of the rock. It is noted that tentative polar paths constructed from results obtained after inadequate experimental work cannot be up-graded by adding more data points of doubtful or unproven quality. The evolutionary process of polar paths is dependent upon increasing the reliability of palaeomagnetic results.  相似文献   
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