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Marine protected areas (MPAs) could be useful as fisheries management tools for the exportation of pelagic eggs, larvae and adult fish. A decreasing gradient of fish biomass across MPAs boundary may indicate export. We determine whether gradients of decreasing biomass of fish assemblage occurred in Tabarca Marine Reserve over two habitats with different continuity across the boundaries, to test if the patchy nature of the marine environment might act as a barrier for the fish export. In general, significant decreasing gradients in total fish biomass and biomass of some species were observed on P. oceanica and rocky substrates, independently of their different continuity through the reserve boundaries. Changes in the multivariate structure of the fish assemblage were correlated with the distance from integral reserve. All of these results support the hypothesis that the exportation of adult fish from Tabarca Marine Reserve occurs, and this process may influence the surrounding fished areas.  相似文献   
The aim of this study was to investigate biochemical changes in juvenile carp (Cyprinus carpio) exposed to zinc chloride (10, 30 and 100 microM) for a period of 48 h. Zinc exposure caused a concentration-dependent reduction in glutathione reductase (GR) activity in gills, liver and brain. Gill glutathione S-transferase (GST) was reduced when animals were exposed to the highest concentration of 100 microM zinc. The phosphorylation of p38(MAPK) increased in the brain of fish exposed to zinc 100 microM, while phosphorylation of the extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and c-Jun N-terminal protein kinase 1/2 (JNK1/2) remained unchanged. Expression of proteins HSP60 and HSP70 were not affected by zinc exposure. Considering the significant concentration-dependent inhibition of GR in all tissues analyzed, this enzyme could be a potential biomarker of exposure to zinc, which has to be confirmed.  相似文献   
Solar wind propagation from the point of measurement to an arbitrary target in the heliosphere is an important input for heliospheric, planetary and cometary studies. In this paper a new kinematic propagation method, the magnetic lasso method is presented. Compared to the simple ballistic approach our method is based on reconstructing the ideal Parker spiral connecting the target with the Sun by testing a previously defined range of heliographic longitudes. The model takes into account the eventual evolution of stream–stream interactions and handles these with a simple model based on the dynamic pressure difference between the two streams. Special emphasis is given to input data cleaning by handling interplanetary coronal mass ejection events as data gaps due to their different propagation characteristics. The solar wind bulk velocity is considered radial and constant. Density and radial magnetic field are propagated by correcting with the inverse square of the radial distance. The model has the advantage that it can be coded easily and fitted to the problem; it is flexible in selecting and handling input data and requires little running time.  相似文献   
We are totally immersed in the Big Data era and reliable algorithms and methods for data classification are instrumental for astronomical research. Random Forest and Support Vector Machines algorithms have become popular over the last few years and they are widely used for different stellar classification problems. In this article, we explore an alternative supervised classification method scarcely exploited in astronomy, Logistic Regression, that has been applied successfully in other scientific areas, particularly biostatistics. We have applied this method in order to derive membership probabilities for potential T Tauri star candidates from ultraviolet-infrared colour-colour diagrams.  相似文献   
Using differential emission measure tomography (DEMT) based on time series of EUV images, we carry out a quantitative comparative analysis of the three-dimensional (3D) structure of the electron density and temperature of the inner corona (\(r<1.25\,\mathrm{R}_{\odot}\)) between two specific rotations selected from the last two solar minima, namely Carrington Rotations (CR)1915 and CR-2081. The analysis places error bars on the results because of the systematic uncertainty of the sources. While the results for CR-2081 are characterized by a remarkable north–south symmetry, the southern hemisphere for CR-1915 exhibits higher densities and temperatures than the northern hemisphere. The core region of the streamer belt in both rotations is found to be populated by structures whose temperature decreases with height (called “down loops” in our previous articles). They are characterized by plasma \(\beta\gtrsim1\), and may be the result of the efficient dissipation of Alfvén waves at low coronal heights. The comparative analysis reveals that the low latitudes of the equatorial streamer belt of CR-1915 exhibit higher densities than for CR-2081. This cannot be explained by the systematic uncertainties. In addition, the southern hemisphere of the streamer belt of CR-1915 is characterized by higher temperatures and density scale heights than for CR-2081. On the other hand, the coronal hole region of CR-1915 shows lower temperatures than for CR-2081. The reported differences are in the range \({\approx}\,10\,\mbox{--}\,25\%\), depending on the specific physical quantity and region that is compared, as fully detailed in the analysis. For other regions and/or physical quantities, the uncertainties do not allow assessing the thermodynamical differences between the two rotations. Future investigation will involve a DEMT analysis of other Carrington rotations selected from both epochs, and also a comparison of their tomographic reconstructions with magnetohydrodynamical simulations of the inner corona.  相似文献   
In this experimental work I studied the correlation of the specific gravity and index of refraction at 19 moldavites from a finding place in Nchov. This place is in the south of Bohemia, in a district of eské Budjovice (Budweis). The reason for this work was the extraordinary declaration of the correlation of the specific gravity and index of refraction at one moldavite from Nchov that is: d=2,395 and n D =1,5033.These declarations were settled by Nováek. The results of these measurings have shown that the linear correlation of the specific gravity and index of refraction of the moldavites from other finding places are characteristic also for these ones. The definition of this correlation at 19 pieces of moldavites from Nchov shows also this linear character in the measuring of values d=2,355–2,395 and n D =1,4870–1,4950.In this work there were settled also some other dates of unity (so-called in couple-moldavites). But we must not oversee certain vaccilations of the declaration at the moldavites from Nchov, as at those from other finding places. The secularity of these declarations about the moldavites of Nchov lies also therein, that the avarage value of the correlation of specific gravity and index of refraction of this finding place is higher than those of other places.

Herrn Dr. Walter Weiskirchner, Dozent an der Universität Tübingen, danke ich herzlich für die freundliche Durchsicht der Arbeit.  相似文献   
Micron-scale iron-distribution patterns in sphalerite grains derived from two contrasting mineral assemblages of the Nagybörzsöny hydrothermal ore deposits (high temperature stockwork and low temperature veins), were determined with electron microprobe, pointcounter and continuous chart-recorder measurements along radial profiles. A significant oscillation of iron-content ranging from 8.1 to 18 per cent for stockwork and 4.3 to 15.8 per cent for veins took place during crystal growth. Homogeneous crystal cores are characteristic for vein-filling, while replacement occurring in deeper levels of the stockwork results in mosaic cores. Frequent oscillation of iron content is relevant to top-sections of the ore bodies, copious supply being recorded in recurring shells, whereas scanty, unilateral ones produce crescents arranged in onion-like structure.
Zusammenfassung Bestimmungen der Eisenverteilung wurden an Zinkblendekörnern aus zwei verschiedenen Mineralparagenesen (Hochtemperatur-Stockwerk und Gangfüllungen niederiger Bildungstemperatur) der hydrothermalen Erzlagerstätte Nagybörzsöny im Mikronbereich durch Elektronen-Mikrosonde-Messungen (Punktzählung und kontinuierliche Band-Registrierung) entlang radialer Profile vorgenommen. Bedeutende Schwankungen des Eisengehaltes (8,1–18% für das Stockwerk und 4,3–15,8% für die Gänge) wurden registriert. Homogene Kristallkerne kennzeichnen die Gangfüllungen, wogegen in tieferen Horizonten des Stockwerks Verdrängungen zur Bildung von Kristallen mit Mosaik-Kernen führen. Allgemein ist in den Gipfel-Partien der Erzkörper Fluktuation des Eisengehaltes häufig. Gleichmäßiger Nachschub während des Kristallwachstums führte zu ringförmigen Zonen gleicher Eisengehalte, spärlicher oder einseitiger dagegen zu halbmondförmigen Hüllen mit Zwiebelstruktur.
Kanonaite forms rare porphyroblasts up to 12mm long in a gahnite— Mg-chlorite — coronadite — quartz schist occurring near Kanona, Zambia. The composition is (microprobe analysis): SiO2 32.2, Al2O3 33.9, Mn as Mn2O3 32.2, Fe2O3 0.66, ZnO 0.13, MgO 0.04, BaO 0.04, TiO2 0.01, CaO 0.01, PbO 0.01, CuO 0.01, total 99.21, corresponding to $$\left( {{\text{Mn}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.76}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} {\text{Al}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.23}}} {\text{Fe}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.015}}}^{{\text{3 + }}} } \right)_{1.005}^{\left[ 6 \right]} {\text{AL}}_{1.00}^{\left[ 5 \right]} \left[ {{\text{O}}_{{\text{1}}{\text{.00}}} |{\text{Si}}_{{\text{0}}{\text{.99}}} {\text{O}}_{{\text{4}}{\text{.00}}} } \right]$$ The mineral is greenish black, strongly pleochroic with X(∥a) yellow green, Y(∥b) bluish green, Z(∥c) deep golden yellow, biaxial positive, with 2V = 53°(3°), α = 1.702, β = 1.730, γ = 1.823. Vickers microhardness (100 gram load) ranges between 906 and 1017kp/mm2. The structure is orthorhombic, isotypic with andalusite, space group Pnnm, a = 0.7953(2), b = 0.8038(2), c = 0.5619(2) nm, V = 0.3592(1) nm3, a/b = 0.9895(3), c/b = 0.6990(3), S.G.(x) = 3.395 g/cm3, Z = 4. The strongest X-ray powder lines are (d in nm, I, hkl):0.5669, 100, 110; 0.4590, 75, 011 and 101; 0.3577, 90, 120 and 210; 0.2827, 94, 220; 0.2517, 90, 310 and 112; 0.2212, 83, 320, 122 and 212. Comparison of the intensities of 373 observed X-ray reflections with those calculated for several models of Mn3+-distribution indicates octahedral coordination of all or most of the manganese present. Interpretation of magnetic measurements (μeff = 3.15B.M. per Mn atom at 25 ° C) indirectly supports octahedral coordination of Mn3+. The name of the mineral is for Kanona, a town near the type locality. The name is proposed for the end member Mn3+ [6]Al[5][O¦SiO4] and for members of the solid-solution series towards andalusite with octahedral Mn3+>Al. The presently described mineral may be referred to as aluminian kanonaite.  相似文献   
Márton Pécsi 《GeoJournal》1995,36(2-3):117-131
In the process of loessification, the development of loess fabric, the role of zonal, regional and partly of local environmental factors is regarded decisive. In the loess sequences various genetic types of loess pockets and paleosols occur and reflect different climatic and paleogeographical conditions.As a consequence, even within a single profile the colour, grain size and mineral composition, CaCO3 content, degree of weathering and fabric of loess may vary. Zonal, regional or even local variations in such loess properties may equally derive from syngenetic or postgenetic processes. For similar reasons, spatially and temporally different forms, types and subtypes of paleosol also developed.This way, loess and soil formation resulted in various spatial types in the same glacial, interstadial or interglacial phase in the various geographical zones and regions. Although there exist major loess regions where the interglacial soils (eg brown forest soils) are markedly distinct from interstadial steppe soils or from other types of humic soils, continental loess areas can also be observed where the paleosols developed under interglacial and interstadial conditions (eg steppe or forest steppe soils) cannot be referred into different genetic types. In such cases the changes in paleoenvironments are difficult and uncertain to reconstruct.The interregional correlation of paleosols is occasionally hindered by the various terminologies applied to denote them. In addition, there are uncertainties concerning the dating and identification of paleoenvironments of polygenetic soils and of soil complexes consisting of paleosol units: how many soil formation phases they represent and how long erosional gaps can be reckoned with between these phases.  相似文献   
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