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We report on observations of global solar Ca K-line intensity oscillations taken in May 1991 from Mees Solar Observatory, Hawaii. We measurep-mode frequency splittings for modes of spherical harmonic degrees between 20 and 129 averaged over the radial order of the modes. Our measurement of the antisymmetric component of the splittings is comparable with previous measurements and thus indicates a decrease in the latitudinal differential rotation with depth into the convection zone and the upper radiative zone. We find evidence for a 1% variation in the rotation rate of the upper convection zone roughly in phase with the solar activity cycle. Our measurement of the symmetric component of the splittings is of the same order as was reported from the previous solar maximum and is an order of magnitude larger than has been measured near solar minimum. From the degree dependence of the symmetric component of the splittings, we find evidence for an aspherical fractional sound speed perturbation located at a depth of 0.85 ± 0.05 solar radii. This perturbation has a magnitude ofc/c +9 × 10–4 at the equator relative to the poles. Additionally, there is evidence for a near-surface aspherical sound speed perturbation of smaller magnitudec/c +4 × 10–4 at the equator relative to the poles. If an intense global magnetic field were the dominant source of the observed symmetric component of the splittings, instead of latitudinal gradients in the sound speed, then global fields of order 105 G would be required in the convection zone.  相似文献   
A simple model to study the decay of turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) in the convective surface layer is presented. In this model, the TKE is dependent upon two terms, the turbulent dissipation rate and the surface buoyancy fluctuations. The time evolution of the surface sensible heat flux is modelled based on fitting functions of actual measurements from the LITFASS-2003 field campaign. These fitting functions carry an amplitude and a time scale. With this approach, the sensible heat flux can be estimated without having to solve the entire surface energy balance. The period of interest covers two characteristic transition sub-periods involved in the decay of convective boundary-layer turbulence. The first sub-period is the afternoon transition, when the sensible heat flux starts to decrease in response to the reduction in solar radiation. It is typically associated with a decay rate of TKE of approximately t −2 (t is time following the start of the decay) after several convective eddy turnover times. The early evening transition is the second sub-period, typically just before sunset when the surface sensible heat flux becomes negative. This sub-period is characterized by an abrupt decay in TKE associated with the rapid collapse of turbulence. Overall, the results presented show a significant improvement of the modelled TKE decay when compared to the often applied assumption of a sensible heat flux decreasing instantaneously or with a very short forcing time scale. In addition, for atmospheric modelling studies, it is suggested that the afternoon and early evening decay of sensible heat flux be modelled as a complementary error function.  相似文献   
The iron oxide-water interface is of interest not only in geochemical and environmental processes, but also in fields ranging from corrosion to photocatalysis. The structure of α-Fe2O3 (001) surfaces is not fully understood, and questions have arisen recently concerning different terminations of (001) terraces; a so-called Fe-termination is expected, but under some conditions an O-termination may also be possible. Ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunneling microscope (STM) studies report evidence for an O-termination in coexistence with an Fe-termination, but other studies find no evidence for an O-termination. Molecular mechanics studies suggest that an O-termination should be possible in an aqueous environment. An O-termination could result from dissolution; if Fe atoms were to dissolve from an Fe-termination, an O-termination would presumably result (and vice-versa). We imaged hematite (001) surfaces in air and aqueous solution using STM. To aid interpretation of the images, we use a resonant tunneling model (RTM) parameterized using ab initio calculations.Our STM and RTM results are consistent with mixed O- and Fe-terminated (001) surfaces. For acid-etched surfaces we find evidence for a periodic (with wavelength of 2.2 ± 0.2 nm) arrangement of nominal O- and Fe-terminated domains. Two different borders between domains should occur, one in which the Fe-termination is high relative to the O-termination, and the reverse. The different domain borders have significantly different heights, consistent with RTM calculations. This agreement allows us to conclude that the Fe-termination is topographically high on most terraces. Surface domains are observed in aqueous solutions at the atomic scale, and appear to be very unreactive on tens-of-seconds time scales at pH 1.  相似文献   
The Devonian I-type St. Marys Porphyrite (388±1Ma) comprises two petrographically similar units, an 800 m thick pyroclastic sheet (compositionally dacite and rhyolite) and a subvolcanic feeder dyke. The pyroclastics are crystal-rich and contain (in order of decreasing abundance) plagioclase, quartz, biotite, augite, hypersthene and sanidine phenocrysts in an aphanitic groundmass.The early phenocryst assemblage clinopyroxene+orthopyroxene+plagioclase was followed by crystallisation of less magnesian pyroxene, more sodic plagioclase and biotite, quartz and K-feldspar. The phenocrysts crystallised at high temperature, between 1,000°-850° C, and at a pressure of 2.5±1 kb from a water undersaturated (<2.5 wt.%) magma in a chamber underlying the intrusive centre.At least two eruptive phases are present in the pyroclastic pile, each commencing with rhyolite. Bulk chemical variation probably reflects a zonation in the magma chamber prior to eruption. The low pressure phenocryst crystallisation conditions and the pyroxene Fe-enrichment trend with falling temperature support a fractional crystallisation model. The chemical variation can be explained by 20% fractional crystallisation involving plagioclase, quartz, biotite and pyroxene in proportions similar to modal phenocryst abundances.Volcanics like the St. Marys Porphyrite preserve evidence of their early magmatic history by quenching of mineral phases. Textural relationships and physico-chemical parameters deduced from the St. Marys Porphyrite are applicable to the interpretation of I-type granitoids in eastern Australia and elsewhere and constrain petrogenetic models for their genesis. Pyroxene cores of hornblende grains, pyroxene inclusions in plagioclase and corroded cores of plagioclase crystals may be formed through magmatic crystallisation and need not represent restite.  相似文献   
Michael D. Higgins   《Lithos》2005,83(3-4):199-213
The layered mafic intrusion at Sept Iles, Canada, is one of the largest intrusions in the world. A new interpretation of its structure is proposed, based on a review of its geology and a comparison with the Skaergaard intrusion, Greenland. Several different magmatic components are recognized; hence the name Sept Iles Intrusive suite (SIIS) is proposed. Emplacement of the suite may have been preceded by eruption of flood basalts. The first magmas of the suite rose in the crust to accumulate beneath the density filter afforded by the basalts. The largest component is the Sept Iles Mafic intrusion (SIMI). The Lower series of the SIMI is dominated by leucotroctolites and leucogabbros. Above it lie the Layered series, which is largely comprised of gabbro and troctolite. Both these units are unchanged from earlier interpretations. The anorthosites (s.l.), gabbros and monzogabbros, formerly called the Transitional series, are now considered to be the Upper Border series, developed by floatation of plagioclase. Common autoliths in the Layered series are parts of the hydrothermally altered Upper Border series from towards the interior of the intrusion, which have foundered and settled through the magma. The contamination of the magma that accompanied this event oxidised iron in the magma and led to the precipitation of magnetite around the periphery of the intrusion. The subsequent depletion of Fe3+ and/or increase in SiO2, CaO and P2O5 may have induced apatite saturation and accumulation to form two layers rich in apatite, near the base and at top of the Layered series. Granitic magma was developed by fractional crystallisation and was emplaced along the roof of the chamber, where it acquired large quantities of xenoliths. These were probably derived from the flood basalts, their evolved members and fragments of mafic dykes chilled by the granitic magma. Accumulations of monzonite pillows in this unit testify to another magmatic event and a floor to the granitic magma chamber, indicating lateral transport of magma. Chemically distinct syenites in the upper part of the intrusion are part of the Point du Criade intrusion, a large, late composite sill. Diabase and leucogabbro components show a close link with the SIMI and all the acidic magmas may have originally formed by differentiation of the main magma in cupolas towards the centre of the intrusion. A series of late gabbro intrusions that cut the SIMI may represent a rejuvenation of magmatism. The Border zone is a mass of fine-grained rocks that occurs along the border of the SIMI: it may be another magmatic component, or just the lateral border series of the SIMI.  相似文献   
Dissolution kinetics at the aqueous solution-calcite interface at 50 °C were investigated using in situ atomic force microscopy (AFM) to reveal the influence of magnesium concentration and solution saturation state on calcite dissolution kinetics and surface morphology. Under near-equilibrium conditions, dissolved Mg2+ displayed negligible inhibitory effects on calcite dissolution even at concentrations of . Upon the introduction of , the solution saturation state with respect to calcite, , acted as a “switch” for magnesium inhibition whereby no significant changes in step kinetics were observed at Ωcalcite<0.2, whereas a sudden inhibition from Mg2+ was activated at Ωcalcite?0.2. The presence of the Ω-switch in dissolution kinetics indicates the presence of critical undersaturation in accordance with thermodynamic principles. The etch pits formed in solutions with exhibited a unique distorted rhombic profile, different from those formed in Mg-free solutions and in de-ionized water. Such unique etch pit morphology may be associated with the anisotropy in net detachment rates of counter-propagating kink sites upon the addition of Mg2+.  相似文献   
Hydrological events transport large proportions of annual or seasonal dissolved organic carbon (DOC) loads from catchments to streams. The timing, magnitude and intensity of these events are very sensitive to changes in temperature and precipitation patterns, particularly across the boreal region where snowpacks are declining and summer droughts are increasing. It is important to understand how landscape characteristics modulate event-scale DOC dynamics in order to scale up predictions from sites across regions, and to understand how climatic changes will influence DOC dynamics across the boreal forest. The goal of this study was to assess variability in DOC concentrations in boreal headwater streams across catchments with varying physiographic characteristics (e.g., size, proportion of wetland) during a range of hydrological events (e.g., spring snowmelt, summer/fall storm events). From 2016 to 2017, continuous discharge and sub-daily chemistry grab samples were collected from three adjacent study catchments located at the International Institute for Sustainable Development-Experimental Lakes Area in northwestern Ontario, Canada. Catchment differences were more apparent in summer and fall events and less apparent during early spring melt events. Hysteresis analysis suggested that DOC sources were proximal to the stream for all events at a catchment dominated by a large wetland near the outlet, but distal from the stream at the catchments that lacked significant wetland coverage during the summer and fall. Wetland coverage also influenced responses of DOC export to antecedent moisture; at the wetland-dominated catchment, there were consistent negative relationships between DOC concentrations and antecedent moisture, while at the catchments without large wetlands, the relationships were positive or not significant. These results emphasize the utility of sub-daily sampling for inferring catchment DOC transport processes, and the importance of considering catchment-specific factors when predicting event-scale DOC behaviour.  相似文献   
Sources of debris flow material in burned areas   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
The vulnerability of recently burned areas to debris flows has been well established. Likewise, it has been shown that many, if not most, post-fire debris flows are initiated by runoff and erosion and grow in size through erosion and scour by the moving debris flow, as opposed to landslide-initiated flows with little growth. To better understand the development and character of these flows, a study has been completed encompassing 46 debris flows in California, Utah, and Colorado, in nine different recently burned areas. For each debris flow, progressive debris production was measured at intervals along the length of the channel, and from these measurements graphs were developed showing cumulative volume of debris as a function of channel length. All 46 debris flows showed significant bulking by scour and erosion, with average yield rates for each channel ranging from 0.3 to 9.9 m3 of debris produced for every meter of channel length, with an overall average value of 2.5 m3/m. Significant increases in yield rate partway down the channel were identified in 87% of the channels, with an average of a three-fold increase in yield rate. Yield rates for short reaches of channels (up to several hundred meters) ranged as high as 22.3 m3/m. Debris was contributed from side channels into the main channels for 54% of the flows, with an average of 23% of the total debris coming from those side channels. Rill erosion was identified for 30% of the flows, with rills contributing between 0.1 and 10.5% of the total debris, with an average of 3%. Debris was deposited as levees in 87% of the flows, with most of the deposition occurring in the lower part of the basin. A median value of 10% of the total debris flow was deposited as levees for these cases, with a range from near zero to nearly 100%. These results show that channel erosion and scour are the dominant sources of debris in burned areas, with yield rates increasing significantly partway down the channel. Side channels are much more important sources of debris than rills. Levees are very common, but the size and effect on the amount of debris that reaches a canyon mouth is highly variable.  相似文献   
The Heliophysics Integrated Observatory (HELIO) is a software infrastructure involving a collection of web services, heliospheric data sources (e.g., solar, planetary, etc.), and event catalogues – all of which are accessible through a unified front end. In this paper we use the HELIO infrastructure to perform three case studies based on solar events that propagate through the heliosphere. These include a coronal mass ejection that intersects both Earth and Mars, a solar energetic particle event that crosses the orbit of Earth, and a high-speed solar wind stream, produced by a coronal hole, that is observed in situ at Earth (L1). A ballistic propagation model is run as one of the HELIO services and used to model these events, predicting if they will interact with a spacecraft or planet and determining the associated time of arrival. The HELIO infrastructure streamlines the method used to perform these kinds of case study by centralising the process of searching for and visualising data, indicating interesting features on the solar disk, and finally connecting remotely observed solar features with those detected by in situ solar wind and energetic particle instruments. HELIO represents an important leap forward in European heliophysics infrastructure by bridging the boundaries of traditional scientific domains.  相似文献   
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