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The method of common reflection surface (CRS) extends conventional stacking of seismic traces over offset to multidimensional stacking over offset‐midpoint surfaces. We propose a new form of the stacking surface, derived from the analytical solution for reflection traveltime from a hyperbolic reflector. Both analytical comparisons and numerical tests show that the new approximation can be significantly more accurate than the conventional CRS approximation at large offsets or at large midpoint separations while using essentially the same parameters.  相似文献   
We present a new development in fluid theory, incorporating into it the velocity and spin fields; special attention is given to the structure of transport.The theory includes asymmetric molecular stresses and independent rotation velocity, i.e., spin. Our approach is based on our former studies on the asymmetric continuum theory with the balance and constitutive laws for displacement velocity and independent rotation motion, and points out the role of a related characteristic length unit. It is assumed that the vorticity caused by velocities can induce a spin transport counterpart. Thus, under certain conditions, an additional transport term due to rotational velocity fields may be incorporated to the velocity transport, which may lead to the vortex fields included directly into the theory.  相似文献   
There is a persistent need for high resolution photographic images of the sea floor and associated biota for marine habitat classification and fisheries stock assessment. This paper presents a novel low cost Lagrangian imaging platform that offers high quality images with reduced operational demands in comparison to existing methodologies such as diver surveys, drop cameras, ship towed systems and dedicated remote or autonomous underwater vehicles. The platform consists of a recently developed bottom following Lagrangian float fit with down looking stereo cameras and strobe lighting. The float can use active ballasting to perform constant altitude photographic drift surveys in coastal waters over varying bathymetry. Images from the float can be used to create large photomosaics, stereographic bathymetry estimates and image-derived current measurements. Test data are presented to demonstrate the operation of the Lagrangian float and summarize the data products.  相似文献   
The Marcell Experimental Forest (MEF) in northern Minnesota, USA, with hydrological research and monitoring of peatland catchments in a low-topographic relief landscape, contrasts with the mountainous terrain that typifies most research catchments. Six research catchments were instrumented and hydrological and meteorological monitoring was initiated during 1960. Paired-catchment studies, which started during 1969, have been used to assess land management and environmental change effects on forests, water availability, and biogeochemistry. Over the decades, the research and collaborations have proliferated to include new monitoring and ecosystem experiments. We provide an overview of available datasets and access information for hydrological and meteorological data. Data on streamflow, water table elevation, precipitation, snow, ground frost, air temperature, soil moisture, upland runoff, and water chemistry are discoverable with associated metadata and are archived through several Web-based, community repositories. The research programme is ongoing and we anticipate updates on an annual or more frequent basis. Additionally, we aim to release other physical, chemical, and isotopic measurements associated with long-term catchment monitoring and studies at the MEF.  相似文献   
A conceptual framework for climate change assessments of international market systems that involve long-term investments is proposed. The framework is a hybrid of dynamic and static modeling. Dynamic modeling is used for those system components for which temporally continuous modeling is possible, while fixed time slices are used for other system components where it can be assumed that underlying assumptions are held constant within the time slices but allowed to vary between slices. An important component of the framework is the assessment of the “metauncertainty” arising from the structural uncertainties of a linked sequence of climate, production, trade and decision-making models. The impetus for proposing the framework is the paucity of industry-wide assessments for market systems with multiple production regions and long-term capital investments that are vulnerable to climate variations and change, especially climate extremes. The proposed framework is pragmatic, eschewing the ideal for the tractable. Even so, numerous implementation challenges are expected, which are illustrated using an example industry. The conceptual framework is offered as a starting point for further discussions of strategies and approaches for climate change impact, vulnerability and adaptation assessments for international market systems.  相似文献   
A new gravimetric geoid model, USGG2009 (see Abbreviations), has been developed for the United States and its territories including the Conterminous US (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands. USGG2009 is based on a 1′ × 1′ gravity grid derived from the NGS surface gravity data and the DNSC08 altimetry-derived anomalies, the SRTM-DTED1 3′′ DEM for its topographic reductions, and the global geopotential model EGM08 as a reference model. USGG2009 geoid heights are compared with control values determined at 18,398 Bench Marks over CONUS, where both the ellipsoidal height above NAD 83 and the Helmert orthometric height above NAVD 88 are known. Correcting for the ellipsoidal datum difference, this permits a comparison of the geoid heights to independent data. The standard deviation of the differences is 6.3 cm in contrast to 8.4 cm for its immediate predecessor— USGG2003. To minimize the effect of long-wavelength errors that are known to exist in NAVD88, these comparisons were made on a state-by-state basis. The standard deviations of the differences range from 3–5 cm in eastern states to about 6–9 cm in the more mountainous western states. If the GPS/Bench Marks-derived geoid heights are corrected by removing a GRACE-derived estimate of the long-wavelength NAVD88 errors before the comparison, the standard deviation of their differences from USGG2009 drops to 4.3 cm nationally and 2–4 cm in eastern states and 4–8 in states with a maximum error of 26.4 cm in California and minimum of −32.1 cm in Washington. USGG2009 is also compared with geoid heights derived from 40 tide-gauges and a physical dynamic ocean topography model in the Gulf of Mexico; the mean of the differences is 3.3 cm and their standard deviation is 5.0 cm. When USGG2009-derived deflections of the vertical are compared with 3,415 observed surface astro-geodetic deflections, the standard deviation of the differences in the N–S and E–W components are 0.87′′ and 0.94′′, respectively.  相似文献   
Quantitative suction sampling was used to characterize and compare the species composition, abundance, biomass, and secondary production of macrofauna inhabiting intertidal mud-flat and sand-flat, eelgrass meadow, and salt-marsh-pool habitats in the Nauset Marsh complex, Cape Cod, Massachusetts (USA). Species richness and abundance were often greatest in eelgrass habitat, as was macroinvertebrate biomass and production. Most striking was the five to fifteen times greater rate of annual macrofaunal production in eelgrass habitat than elsewhere, with values ranging from approximately 23–139 g AFDW m2 yr?1. The marsh pool containing widgeon grass (Ruppia maritima) supported surprisingly low numbers of macroinvertebrates, probably due to stressfully low dissolved oxygen levels at night during the summer. Two species of macroinvertebrates, blue mussels (Mytilus edulis) and to a lesser extent bay scallops (Argopecten irradians), used eelgrass as “nursery habitat.” Calculations showed that macroinvertebrate production is proportionally much greater than the amount of primary production attributable to eelgrass in the Nauset Marsh system, and that dramatic changes at all trophic levels could be expected if large changes in seagrass abundance should occur. This work further underscores the extraordinarily large impact that seagrass can have on both the structure and function of estuarine ecosystems. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY070 00006  相似文献   
Investigations on the reconstruction of processes and facies relationships from submarine volcanics of Devonian age in the Lahn syncline (Rhenish Mountains, Western Germany) reveal a complex development of secondary alteration. This is well illustrated by a mafic pyroclastic sequence (»Schalstein«) at the Gänsberg near Weilburg where alteration processes are visible by petrographic and geochemical means and can be further classified by cathodoluminescence. Iron ore formation of Lahn-Dill type is recognized as part of this alteration process, resulting from diagenetic seeping. Until recently a direct magmatic source for the Lahn-Dill type iron ore has been the generally accepted model. These bodies have therefore been viewed as a rather unique stratiform deposit, whose occurrence was virtually confined to this type area. However, it is here considered that the formation of the iron ore corresponds well with existing models of alteration processes within recent oceanic environments which are of a more universal occurrence.
Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen zur Rekonstruktion der Abläufe an und in den submarinen Vulkangebäuden des Devons (Givet/Adorf-Phase) der Lahnmulde (südliches Rheinisches Schiefergebirge) schließen die sekundäre Alteration mit ein und werden an dem ausschließlich aus basischen Pyroklastiten (Schalstein) aufgebauten Profil am Gänsberg bei Weilburg exemplarisch vorgestellt. Diese anhand petrographischer und geochemischer Kriterien erkennbaren sekundären Prozesse zeigen eine mehrphasige Entwicklung auf, die durch Kathodenlumineszenz-Untersuchungen der Karbonatzemente bestätigt und zeitlich geordnet werden kann. Die an die pyroklastische Abfolge gebundene Roteisensteinvererzung vom Lahn-Dill-Typ läßt sich mit der bei diesen Vorgängen erfolgten Wanderung verschiedener Elemente korrelieren. Damit wird die Vererzung zu einem Produkt der diagenetischen Alteration und nicht der magmatischen Differentiation, wodurch sie mit rezent im ozeanischen Raum beobachteten Prozessen vergleichbar ist. Diese Vorstellungen fügen die Lahn-Dill-Erze in aktualistisch begründete Modelle zur Genese von Erzen ein. Damit erscheint die Besonderheit und fast nur auf den rhenoherzynischen Raum beschränkte Verbreitung dieses Typus hinfällig.

Résumé L'étude de la succession des phénomènes et des relations facielles dans les volcanites sous-marines d'âge dévonien du synclinal de la Lahn (Massif schisteux rhénan) fait apparaître des processus complexes d'altération secondaire. Ceci est particulièrement bien illustré par la séquence pyroclastique («Schalstein») du Gänsberg près de Weilburg: les processus secondaires, identifiables par des critères pétrographiques et géochimiques y présentent un développement polyphasé dont l'histoire peut être reconstituée par application de la cathodo-luminescence au ciment carbonaté. Les minéralisations en fer associées à la série pyroclastique peuvent être corrélées avec les migrations de divers éléments impliqués dans ces processus. Ces minéralisations apparaissent ainsi comme le produit d'une altération diagénétique et ne correspondent donc pas au modèle généralement admis d'une différenciation magmatique. Cette genèse par altération est d'ailleurs conforme à ce qu'on observe dans les domaines océaniques récents de sorte que les gisements de la région Lahn-Dill doiventêtre considérés non pas comme une singularité du massif schisteux rhénan, mais comme l'expression d'un phénomène plus général à caractère actualiste.

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