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Strategies to mitigate anthropogenic climate change recognize that carbon sequestration in the terrestrial biosphere can reduce the build-up of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere. However, climate mitigation policies do not generally incorporate the effects of these changes in the land surface on the surface albedo, the fluxes of sensible and latent heat to the atmosphere, and the distribution of energy within the climate system. Changes in these components of the surface energy budget can affect the local, regional, and global climate. Given the goal of mitigating climate change, it is important to consider all of the effects of changes in terrestrial vegetation and to work toward a better understanding of the full climate system. Acknowledging the importance of land surface change as a component of climate change makes it more challenging to create a system of credits and debits wherein emission or sequestration of carbon in the biosphere is equated with emission of carbon from fossil fuels. Recognition of the complexity of human-caused changes in climate does not, however, weaken the importance of actions that would seek to minimize our disturbance of the Earth’s environmental system and that would reduce societal and ecological vulnerability to environmental change and variability.  相似文献   
The cell dimensions and crystal structures of the fluoroperovskite NaMgF3 (neighborite), synthesized by solid state methods, have been determined by powder neutron diffraction and Rietveld refinement over the temperature range 300–3.6 K using Pt metal as an internal standard for calibration of the neutron wavelength. These data show that Pbnm NaMgF3 does not undergo any phase transitions to structures of lower symmetry with decreasing temperature. The cell dimensions and atomic coordinates together with polyhedron volumes and distortion indices are given for Pbnm NaMgF3 at 25 K intervals from 300 to 3.6 K. Decreases in the a and c cell dimensions reach a saturation point at 50 K, whereas the b dimension becomes saturated at 150 K. The distortion of the structure of Pbnm NaMgF3 from the aristotype cubic structure is described in terms of the tilting of the MgF6 octahedra according to the tilt scheme a a c + . With decreasing temperature the antiphase tilt (a ) increases from 14.24° to 15.39°, whereas the in-phase tilt (c + ) remains effectively constant at ∼10.7°. Changes in the tilt angles are insufficient to cause changes in the coordination sphere of Na that might induce a low temperature phase transition. The structure of Pbnm NaMgF3 is also described in terms of normal mode analysis and displacements of the condensed normal modes are compared with those of Pbnm KCaF3.  相似文献   
Spectroheliograms and disk-integrated flux monitoring in the strong resonance line of Ca ii (K line) provide the longest record of chromospheric magnetic plages. We compare recent reductions of the Ca ii K spectroheliograms obtained since 1907 at the Kodaikanal, Mt. Wilson, and US National Solar Observatories. Certain differences between the individual plage indices appear to be caused mainly by differences in the spectral passbands used. Our main finding is that the indices show remarkably consistent behavior on the multidecadal time scales of greatest interest to global warming studies. The reconstruction of solar ultraviolet flux variation from these indices differs significantly from the 20th-century global temperature record. This difference is consistent with other findings that, although solar UV irradiance variation may affect climate through influence on precipitation and storm tracks, its significance in global temperature remains elusive.  相似文献   
A field experiment consisting of geophysical logging and tracer testing was conducted in a single well that penetrated a sand-and-gravel aquifer at the U.S. Geological Survey Toxic Substances Hydrology research site on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Geophysical logs and flowmeter/pumping measurements were obtained to estimate vertical profiles of porosity ϕ, hydraulic conductivity K, temperature, and bulk electrical conductivity under background, freshwater conditions. Saline-tracer fluid was then injected into the well for 2 h and its radial migration into the surrounding deposits was monitored by recording an electromagnetic-induction log every 10 min. The field data are analyzed and interpreted primarily through the use of Archie's (1942) law to investigate the role of topological factors such as pore geometry and connectivity, and grain size and packing configuration in regulating fluid flow through these coarse-grained materials. The logs reveal no significant correlation between K and ϕ, and imply that groundwater models that link these two properties may not be useful at this site. Rather, it is the distribution and connectivity of the fluid phase as defined by formation factor F, cementation index m, and tortuosity α that primarily control the hydraulic conductivity. Results show that F correlates well with K, thereby indicating that induction logs provide qualitative information on the distribution of hydraulic conductivity. A comparison of α, which incorporates porosity data, with K produces only a slightly better correlation and further emphasizes the weak influence of the bulk value of ϕ on K.  相似文献   
The July 12, 1973, occultation of Europa by Io was observed in 30 wavelength channels in the spectral region λλ3200-11, 000 Å with the 200-inch Hale telescope and a multichannel spectrometer. The data are presented in absolute units above the Earth's atmosphere. The data are analyzed to obtain the spectral reflectivity of seven localized areas on the disk of Europa centered on 324°W longitude. The equatorial material is confirmed to be darker than the eastward-skewed bright north polar cap and a hint is evident that the darker material as well may be somewhat redder than the cap material.  相似文献   
Magnesium ilmenite from discrete nodules and lamellar intergrowths with pyroxene from the Kao, Sekameng, Frank Smith, and Monastery kimberlites has been analysed for Ti, Fe, Mg, Nb, Zr, Cr, Cu, Zn, Mn, Co, and Ni. Each kimberlite contains discrete ilmenites which exhibit a wide compositional range within the ilmenite-geikeilite series. Lamellar ilmenites from Frank Smith and Monastery differ in composition but both show a limited range in composition which lies within the compositional range shown by discrete ilmenites from these pipes. The ilmenites are enriched in Nb, Zr, Cr, Co, and Ni and depleted in Mn, Cu, and Zn relative to Mg-poor ilmenites from basic intrusions. Nb, Zr, and Ni correlate with Fe, Ti and Mg variations but the abundances of the other trace elements are independent of major element variation. R-mode factor analysis is interpreted to imply that the geochemistry cannot be interpreted in terms of a differentiation hypothesis in which trace elements are removed from or concentrated in residua. Factor scores and major element abundances indicate that each pipe is characterized by a particular suite of discrete ilmenite nodules, which are considered to be phenocrysts in a proto-kimberlite magma. Lamellar ilmenite-pyroxene intergrowths are unlikely to have had a eutectic origin, and show no simple relationship to the discrete ilmenites.  相似文献   
Resistivity prospecting is the main tool used to investigate the shallow structure of the ground. A series of new techniques for determining the 2-D and 3-D geometry of the ground is now finding increasing use, but the light and simple Wenner prospecting technique remains a practical and efficient tool for rapidly mapping lateral variations in resistivity. When the resistivity changes are smooth, 1-D modelling can be used to interpret the data, and the criteria governing this approximation can be defined from synthetic data generated by a 3-D slab-model. For a Wenner array, two quadripole configurations can be used, Normal and Dipole-Dipole. For these two configurations the width of the transition zone, the apparent anisotropy effect and the precision of the resistivity values recovered from 1-D inversion differ. However the simultaneous inversion of both sets of data gives better results than for either configuration by itself. Two examples illustrate that in geological contexts where the thickness of the weathered zone causes the changes in the apparent resistivity value, this parameter can be recovered from 1-D inversion.  相似文献   
Elongated aerosol particle removal on fibrous filters has been investigated. It was shown that particle agglomerates are removed much more efficiently compared to the regularly shaped single particles with identical electrical mobility diameter at two filtration velocities tested. The experimental results were compared with the classical filtration theory and it was shown that the theoretical predictions, which are based on the assumption that the particles are spherical, are significantly different compared to an agglomerate filtration efficiency value. In order to account for a particle shape non-regularity, dominating nanoparticle removal mechanisms were firstly evaluated for a regular particle of certain size and then adjusted by fitting coefficients k1 (for diffusion component) and k2 (for interception). These coefficients were determined by fitting the theoretical values that gives the best coincidence with the measured data points. As was further demonstrated theoretically, the coefficient k1 is identical to the ratio of the actual particle surface area to the surface area of the spherical particle of the equivalent diameter. On the other hand, the coefficient k2 was found to be equal to the ratio of the projection of a given particle on a plane perpendicular to a streamline, to that of the spherical particle of the equivalent diameter. The reported findings would allow undertaking more accurate evaluation of the removal efficiency of non-regular aerosol particle, which is especially important for industrial applications where non-regular aerosols are frequently met.  相似文献   
We investigate the possibility that strong EUV lines observed with the Goddard Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) provide good proxies for estimating the total coronal flux over shorter wavelength ranges. We use coordinated SERTS and Yohkoh observations to obtain both polynomial and power-law fits relating the broad-band soft X-ray fluxes to the intensities of Fexvi 335 Ú and 361 Ú, Fexv 284 Ú and 417 Ú, and Mgix 368 Ú measured with SERTS. We found that the power-law fits best cover the full range of solar conditions from quiet Sun through active region, though not surprisingly the cooler Mgix 368 Ú line proves to be a poor proxy. The quadratic polynomial fits yield fair agreement over a large range for all but the Mgix line. However, the linear fits fail conspicuously when extrapolated into the quiet-Sun regime. The implications of this work for the Heii 304 Ú line formation problem are also briefly considered.  相似文献   
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