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The correlation between individual waves in a real sea state has a central role in existing theories of wave grouping. The attractive Kimura (1980) theory has two critical assumptions, that the sequence of individual wave heights follows a Markov process and that the joint distribution of consecutive wave heights follows a bivariate Rayleigh form. Analysis of measured water surface records suggests that sequences of individual waves can reasonably be described as a first order mixed autoregressive, moving-average or ARMA process, though a distinction among ARMA (1,0), ARMA (0,1) and ARMA (1,1) models was beyond the resolution of the data. These include the Markov or ARMA (1,0) model. The decisive detail, the joint distribution of consecutive wave heights in the sea state, was evaluated by a simulation methodology that is consistent with the Gaussian random wave model. The estimates are dependent on spectral shape and are consistently narrower and more sharply focussed at the peak than the corresponding bivariate Rayleigh estimate. The resulting predictions of run and group length statistics differ from the Kimura theory, though not by a sufficient margin to displace the Kimura theory as a pragmatic choice for wave grouping.  相似文献   
A controlled field pilot has been developed in Bozeman, Montana, USA, to study near surface CO2 transport and detection technologies. A slotted horizontal well divided into six zones was installed in the shallow subsurface. The scale and CO2 release rates were chosen to be relevant to developing monitoring strategies for geological carbon storage. The field site was characterized before injection, and CO2 transport and concentrations in saturated soil and the vadose zone were modeled. Controlled releases of CO2 from the horizontal well were performed in the summers of 2007 and 2008, and collaborators from six national labs, three universities, and the U.S. Geological Survey investigated movement of CO2 through the soil, water, plants, and air with a wide range of near surface detection techniques. An overview of these results will be presented.  相似文献   
The origin of high-Mg adakitic granitoids in collisional orogens can provide important information about the nature of the lower crust and upper mantle during the orogenic process. Late-Triassic high-Mg adakitic granite and its mafic enclaves from the Dongjiangkou area, the Qinling orogenic belt, central China, were derived by partial melting of subducted continental crust and underwent interaction with the overlying mantle wedge peridotite. Adakitic affinity of the different facies of the Dongjiangkou granite body are: high Sr, Ba, high La/Yb and Sr/Y, low Y,Yb, Yb/Lu and Dy/Yb, and no significant Eu anomalies, suggesting amphibole + garnet and plagioclase-free restite in their source region. Evolved Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions [(87Sr/86Sr)i = 0.7050 to 0.7055,εNd(t) = –6.6 to –3.3; (206Pb/204Pb)i = 17.599 to 17.799, (207Pb/204Pb)i = 15.507 to 15.526, (208Pb/204Pb)i = 37.775 to 37.795] and high K2O, Rb, together with a large variation in zircon Hf isotopic composition (εHf(t) = ?9.8 to + 5.0), suggest that the granite was derived from reworking of the ancient lower continental crust. CaO, P2O5, K2O/Na2O, Cr, Ni, Nb/Ta, Rb/Sr and Y increase, and SiO2, Sr/Y and Eu/Eu* decrease with increasing MgO, consistent with interaction of primitive adakitic melt and overlying mantle peridotite. Zircons separated from the host granites have U-Pb concordia ages of 214 ± 2 Ma to 222 ± 2 Ma, compatible with exhumation ages of Triassic UHP metamorphic rocks in the Dabie orogenic belt. Mafic microgranular enclaves and mafic dykes associated with the granite have identical zircon U-Pb ages of 220 Ma, and are characterized by lower SiO2, high TiO2, Mg# and similar evolved Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic composition. Zircons from mafic microgranular enclaves (MMEs) and mafic dykes also show a large variation in Hf isotopic composition with εHf(t) between ?11.3 and + 11.3. It is inferred that they were formed by partial melting of enriched mantle lithosphere and contaminated by the host adakitic granite magma.In combination with the regional geology, high-Mg# adakitic granitoid rocks in the Dongjiangkou area are considered to have resulted from interaction between subducted Yangtze continental crust and the overlying mantle wedge. Triassic continental collision caused detachment of the Yangtze continental lithosphere subducted beneath the North China Craton, at ca. 220 Ma causing asthenosphere upwelling and exhumation of the continental crust. Triassic clockwise rotation of the Yangtze Craton caused extension in the Dabie area which led to rapid exhumation of the subducted continental lithosphere, while compression in the Qinling area and high-P partial melting (amphibole ± garnet stability field) of the subducted continental crust produced adakitic granitic magma that reacted with peridotite to form Mg-rich hybrid magma.  相似文献   
Thin- to medium-bedded, stratiform calc-silicate deposits (banded skarns) are a peculiar, but important, component of the supracrustal successions in the Palaeoproterozoic Bergslagen mining district of central Sweden. They are referred to as ??skarn-banded leptites?? in the literature and are common in areas and at stratigraphic levels that contain iron oxide and base metal sulphide deposits. The stratigraphic hanging wall of the stratabound Ryllshyttan Zn?CPb?CAg + magnetite deposit at Garpenberg, contains approximately 100?C150?m of interbedded aluminous skarn beds and rhyolitic ash-siltstones. The skarn beds are mineralogically variable and dominantly composed of grandite, spessartine, epidote, actinolite, quartz, clinopyroxene, and locally magnetite. Integrated field-mapping, and whole-rock lithogeochemical, microscopic and mineral chemical analyses suggest that the stratiform skarn beds are the products of at least two discrete hydrothermal events and subsequent metamorphism. The first event comprised accumulation in a quiescent subaqueous environment, below wave base, of calcareous and ferruginous sediments rich in Fe, Mn, Ca, and Mg. These chemical sediments were deposited concurrently with rhyolitic ash-silt sedimentation, thus forming a (now metamorphosed) laminated calcareous Fe formation with both a detrital rhyolitic component and rhyolitic siltstone interbeds. Positive Eu-anomalies and negative Ce-anomalies for normalized rare earth element analyses of skarn beds suggest that the iron may have been derived from exhalation of hot and reduced hydrothermal fluids, which upon mixing with more oxidized seawater, precipitated Fe oxides and/or carbonates that settled from suspension to the seafloor. The size of the positive Eu-anomalies of the chemical sediments are modified by the content of rhyolitic volcaniclastic material, which has a negative Eu anomaly, such that positive Eu-anomalies are only observed in skarn beds that possess a minor volcaniclastic component. Subsequently, the calcareous Fe formations were subjected to post-depositional alteration by hydrothermal fluids, locally yielding more manganoan and magnesian assemblages. The Mn-alteration is manifested by lateral gradations from epidote-grandite-clinopyroxene±magnetite rocks into significantly more Mn-rich quartz-spessartine rocks and massive andradite rocks over distances of less than 10?cm within individual skarn beds. Magnesian alteration is manifested by the development of discordant zones of pargasite para-amphibolites and formation of stratiform pargasite rocks texturally similar to the interlaminated grandite-epidote-ferroan diopside rocks. The latter increase in abundance towards the Ryllshyttan deposit and are associated with pre-metamorphic/pre-tectonic K?CMg?CFe±Si alteration (now biotite-phlogopite-garnet-cordierite-pargasite rocks) that is related to base metal mineralization. The zone of Mn- and Mg-altered skarn beds extends beyond the zone of pervasive K?CMg?CFe±Si alteration around Ryllshyttan. This suggests that the skarn bed progenitors, or their sedimentary contacts against rhyolitic ash-siltstones, acted as conduits to outflowing hydrothermal fluids. The chemical and mineralogical imprint, imposed on affected beds by alteration, may serve as indicators of proximity to intense K?CMg?CFe±Si alteration envelopes around other base metal sulphide deposits in Bergslagen. The last recorded event comprised syn-tectonic veining of competent massive andradite skarn beds. The veins contain quartz-albite-epidote-ferroan diopside-actinolite assemblages.  相似文献   
The moss, Warnstorfia exannulata (Schimp.) Loeske, was first reported forming a carpet beside a water pool in Ny-Ålesund (78°56′N), Svalbard in 1959. Fifty years later, in 2008, it was found growing as an aquatic in a pool. The moss is sensitive to seasonal changes and exhibits a pattern of seasonal growth: summer stems with densely arranged leaves and lateral branches, and winter growth with short-leaved stems and no lateral branch. The mean daily increase in stem length is 0.68 mm in summer and 0.07 mm in winter. The longest specimens were up to 8 years old. The growth of the moss reflects closely seasonal temperature and growth conditions. World distribution is discussed and global distribution mapped.  相似文献   
The Skellefte district in northern Sweden is host to abundant volcanogenic massive sulphide (VMS) deposits comprising pyritic, massive, semi-massive and disseminated Zn–Cu–Au ± Pb ores surrounded by disseminated pyrite and with or without stockwork mineralisation. The VMS deposits are associated with Palaeoproterozoic upper crustal extension (D1) that resulted in the development of normal faults and related transfer faults. The VMS ores formed as sub-seafloor replacement in both felsic volcaniclastic and sedimentary rocks and partly as exhalative deposits within the uppermost part of the volcanic stratigraphy. Subsequently, the district was subjected to deformation (D2) during crustal shortening. Comparing the distribution of VMS deposits with the regional fault pattern reveals a close spatial relationship of VMS deposits to the faults that formed during crustal extension (D1) utilising the syn-extensional faults as fluid conduits. Analysing the shape and orientation of VMS ore bodies shows how their deformation pattern mimics those of the hosting structures and results from the overprinting D2 deformation. Furthermore, regional structural transitions are imitated in the deformation patterns of the ore bodies. Plotting the aspect ratios of VMS ore bodies and the comparison with undeformed equivalents in the Hokuroko district, Japan allow an estimation of apparent strain and show correlation with the D2 deformation intensity of the certain structural domains. A comparison of the size of VMS deposits with their location shows that the smallest deposits are not related to known high-strain zones and the largest deposits are associated with regional-scale high-strain zones. The comparison of distribution and size with the pattern of high-strain zones provides an important tool for regional-scale mineral exploration in the Skellefte district, whereas the analysis of ore body shape and orientation can aid near-mine exploration activities.  相似文献   
4D reservoir monitoring is now becoming established as a normal part of business in some companies, in some regions such as the North Sea, and for some applications, such as thermally enhanced oil recovery. Some spectacular technical successes have been reported, mostly in monitoring water floods. We are beginning to understand how to acquire and process surveys to achieve good results. There is still, however, much to improve in how we use 4D technology to capture its potential value in field management and still some way to go in the tool itself, to make it faster, cheaper and more sensitive to small production effects.  相似文献   
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