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Brothers volcano, of the Kermadec intraoceanic arc, is host to a hydrothermal system unique among seafloor hydrothermal systems known anywhere in the world. It has two distinct vent fields, known as the NW Caldera and Cone sites, whose geology, permeability, vent fluid compositions, mineralogy, and ore-forming conditions are in stark contrast to each other. The NW Caldera site strikes for ??600?m in a SW?CNE direction with chimneys occurring over a ??145-m depth interval, between ??1,690 and 1,545?m. At least 100 dead and active sulfide chimney spires occur in this field and are typically 2?C3?m in height, with some reaching 6?C7?m. Their ages (at time of sampling) fall broadly into three groups: <4, 23, and 35?years old. The chimneys typically occur near the base of individual fault-controlled benches on the caldera wall, striking in lines orthogonal to the slopes. Rarer are massive sulfide crusts 2?C3?m thick. Two main types of chimney predominate: Cu-rich (up to 28.5?wt.% Cu) and, more commonly, Zn-rich (up to 43.8?wt.% Zn). Geochemical results show that Mo, Bi, Co, Se, Sn, and Au (up to 91?ppm) are correlated with the Cu mineralization, whereas Cd, Hg, Sb, Ag, and As are associated with the dominant Zn-rich mineralization. The Cone site comprises the Upper Cone site atop the summit of the recent (main) dacite cone and the Lower Cone site that straddles the summit of an older, smaller, more degraded dacite cone on the NE flank of the main cone. Huge volumes of diffuse venting are seen at the Lower Cone site, in contrast to venting at both the Upper Cone and NW Caldera sites. Individual vents are marked by low-relief (??0.5?m) mounds comprising predominately native sulfur with bacterial mats. Vent fluids of the NW Caldera field are focused, hot (??300°C), acidic (pH????2.8), metal-rich, and gas-poor. Calculated end-member fluids from NW Caldera vents indicate that phase separation has occurred, with Cl values ranging from 93% to 137% of seawater values. By contrast, vent fluids at the Cone site are diffuse, noticeably cooler (??122°C), more acidic (pH?1.9), metal-poor, and gas-rich. Higher-than-seawater values of SO4 and Mg in the Cone vent fluids show that these ions are being added to the hydrothermal fluid and are not being depleted via normal water/rock interactions. Iron oxide crusts 3?years in age cover the main cone summit and appear to have formed from Fe-rich brines. Evidence for magmatic contributions to the hydrothermal system at Brothers includes: high concentrations of dissolved CO2 (e.g., 206?mM/kg at the Cone site); high CO2/3He; negative ??D and ??18OH2O for vent fluids; negative ??34S for sulfides (to ?4.6??), sulfur (to ?10.2??), and ??15N2 (to ?3.5??); vent fluid pH values to 1.9; and mineral assemblages common to high-sulfidation systems. Changing physicochemical conditions at the Brothers hydrothermal system, and especially the Cone site, occur over periods of months to hundreds of years, as shown by interlayered Cu?+?Au- and Zn-rich zones in chimneys, variable fluid and isotopic compositions, similar shifts in 3He/4He values for both Cone and NW Caldera sites, and overprinting of ??magmatic?? mineral assemblages by water/rock-dominated assemblages. Metals, especially Cu and possibly Au, may be entering the hydrothermal system via the dissolution of metal-rich glasses. They are then transported rapidly up into the system via magmatic volatiles utilizing vertical (??2.5?km long), narrow (??300-m diameter) ??pipes,?? consistent with evidence of vent fluids forming at relatively shallow depths. The NW Caldera and Cone sites are considered to represent stages along a continuum between water/rock- and magmatic/hydrothermal-dominated end-members.  相似文献   
Measurements of pH and dissolved oxygen saturation in summer from 90 Irish estuaries and coastal bays were used to develop a simple index of trophic state. The index is based on the assumption that large fluctuations in both these variables are likely to be a characteristic feature of eutrophication. In this paper, we use a simple index to capture the relative variation in both pH and dissolved oxygen saturation in each water body during a period of 3 years. We show that the index is in good agreement with other trophic status schemes and strongly correlated with parameters indicative of trophic state such as chlorophyll a and biochemical oxygen demand. We conclude that the index could be used as a simple screening tool to group individual water bodies into broad categories that reflect their trophic state.  相似文献   
The ctenophore Mnemiopsis leidyi is an ecologically important predator in temperate coastal environments. Their populations fluctuate seasonally, serving as sinks of nutrients during periodic blooms, but as sources via excretion and during population collapse. Ctenophores were analyzed for elemental composition (C, N, and P) during 2008 and 2009 in Great South Bay, NY, USA. Salt-free weight percent C, N, and P correlated positively with ctenophore sizes and zooplankton prey abundances. Nitrogen and P were higher at the onset of blooms than during collapse when prey were substantially fewer. Ctenophores collected during average to high zooplankton densities had atomic ratios averaging C/N ~6:1 and C/P ~66:1, but became C- and P-depleted (C/N ~5:1, C/P ~128:1) with decreasing zooplankton. Incubations demonstrated rapid remineralization of ctenophore biomass (as NH4 +, HPO4 2?), following first order kinetics (e.g., k ~0.1–0.4 day?1) with enriched stoichiometric N and P fractionation relative to biomass under both oxic and anoxic conditions. Based on reported excretion rates, nutrient regeneration from excretion by active populations greatly exceeds nutrients remineralized during population crashes. To our knowledge, this is the first study documenting natural seasonal patterns in ctenophore elemental stoichiometry as a function of ctenophore size and prey availability.  相似文献   

Collision of the Kohistan island arc with Asia at ~100 Ma resulted in N-S compression within the Neo-Tethys at a spreading center north of the Indo-Pakistani craton. Subsequent India-Asia convergence converted the Neo-Tethyan spreading center into a short-lived subduction zone. The hanging wall of the subduction zone became the Waziristan, Khost and Jalalabad igneous complexes. During the Santonian- Campanian (late Cretaceous), thrusting of the NW IndoPakistani craton beneath Albian oceanic crust and a Cenomanian volcano-sedimentary complex, generated an ophiolite-radiolarite belt. Ophiolite obduction resulted in tectonic loading and flexural subsidence of the NW Indian margin and sub-CCD deposition of shelf-derived olistostromes and turbidites in the foredeep. Campanian-Maastriehtian calci- clastic and siliciclastic sediment gravity flows derived from both margins filled the foredeep as a huge allochthon of Triassic-Jurassic rise and slope strata was thrust ahead of the ophiolites onto the Indo-Pakistani craton. Shallow to intermediate marine strata covered the foredeep during the late Maastrichtian. As ophiolite obduction neared completion during the Maastrichtian, the majority of India-Asia convergence was accommodated along the southern margin of Asia. During the Paleocene, India was thrust beneath a second allochthon that included open marine middle Maastrichtian colored mélange which represents the Asian Makran-Indus-Tsangpo accretionary prism. Latérites that formed on the eroded ophiolites and structurally higher colored mélange during the Paleocene wei’e unconformably overlapped by upper Paleocene and Middle Eocene shallow marine limestone and shale that delineate distinct episodes of Paleocene collisional and Early Eocene post-collisional deformation.  相似文献   
Beryllium isotope concentrations were determined in monthly rainfall collections at three sites across New Zealand (36 to 45° S), from October 1996 to November 1998. At the northern sites of Leigh (near Auckland) and Gracefield (near Wellington), 7Be and 10Be concentrations are relatively constant at 1.2 to 1.4 × 107 atoms kg−1 rain and 2.1 to 2.6 × 107 atoms kg−1 rain, respectively. These concentrations correspond to annual flux rates of ∼15 and ∼27 × 109 atoms m−2 y−1, respectively. At the southern site of Dunedin, concentrations are similar to those at the northern sites, but flux rates are significantly lower at ∼ 9 and ∼19 × 109 atoms m−2 y−1, respectively, because of lower average rainfall east of the Southern Alps mountain range. These results are broadly similar to those reported by Brown et al. (1989) and Knies et al. (1994) for rain from midlatitude sites in the USA sampled from 1986 to 1994. Mean 7Be/10Be ratios for New Zealand (0.47 to 0.61) are, however, significantly lower than for the USA (0.69 to 0.78), due in part to the addition of 10Be from re-suspended dust. Subtraction of the dust component increases the New Zealand 7Be/10Be ratios to 0.70 (Leigh), 0.65 (Gracefield) and 0.50 (Dunedin). The adjusted results provide evidence for transfer of older stratospheric air to the troposphere in late-spring-summer, an effect which is strongest in the north. The overall reduction of 7Be/10Be from north to south implies an increase in residence time from ∼ 80 to ∼100 d for Be isotopes in the atmosphere above New Zealand.  相似文献   
The Peräpohja schist belt in northern Finland rests unconformably on Archaean granitoids, and marks the early stages of Proterozoic crustal evolution in the Fennoscandian (Baltic) shield. 2440 Ma old layered mafic intrusions predate the supracrustal , and ca. 2200 Ma old sills of the gabbro-wehrlite association intrude the lowest quartzites and volcanics (Runkaus) of the sequence. The Sm-Nd mineral isochron of the Penikat layered intrusion gives an age of 2410±64 Ma. The initial Nd-values of the Penikat intrusion (Nd(2440) = –1.6) and the Runkausvaara sill (Nd(2200) 0) suggest that these mafic magmas were contaminated by older crustal material. The Sm-Nd and Pb isotopic results on the 2.44–2.2 Ga old Runkaus volcanics indicate mobility of Pb, fractionation of Sm/Nd during late greenschist facies metamorphism, and crustal contamination. The Pb-Pb data provide an age of 1972±80 Ma with a high initial 207Pb/204Pb ratio (1 = 8.49), while scattered Sm-Nd data result in an imprecise age of 2330±180 Ma, with an initial Nd-value of about zero. Secondary titanite gives an U-Pb age of ca. 2250 Ma. The Jouttiaapa basalts, in contrast, ascended from the mantle without interaction with older crust. These LREE depleted tholeiites mark a break in continental sedimentation, and yield a Sm-Nd age of 2090±70 Ma. Their initial Nd = + 4.2 ±0.5 implies that the subcontinental early Proterozoic mantle had been depleted in LREE for a long period of time. The first lava flows are strongly depleted in LREE, suggesting that their source was significantly more depleted than the source of mid-ocean ridge basalts today.  相似文献   
The ability to test for similarities and differences among families of shapes by closed-form Fourier expansion is greatly enhanced by the concept of homology. Underlying this concept is the assumption that each term of a Fourier series, when compared to the same term in another series, represents the same thing. A method that ensures homology is one which minimizes the centering error, as reflected in the first harmonic term of the Fourier expansion. The problem is to chose a set of edge points derived from a much larger, but variable, number of edge points such that a valid homologous Fourier series can be calculated. Methods are reviewed and criteria given to define a proper solution. An algorithm is presented which takes advantage of the fact that minimization of the error term can be accomplished by minimizing the distance between the origin of the polar coordinate system in the calculation of the Fourier series and the shape centroid. The use of this algorithm has produced higher quality solutions for quartz grain provenance studies.  相似文献   
The metallurgical recovery processes in diamond mining may, under certain circumstances, cause an under-recovery of large diamonds. In order to predict high quantiles or tail probabilities we use a Bayesian approach to fit a truncated Generalized Pareto Type distribution to the tail of the data consisting of the weights of individual diamonds. Based on the estimated tail probability, the expected number of diamonds larger than a specified weight can be estimated. The difference between the expected and observed frequencies of diamond weights above an upper threshold provides an estimate of the number of diamonds lost during the recovery process.  相似文献   
International Journal of Earth Sciences - The Western Sierras Pampeanas (WSP) of Argentina record a protracted geological history from the Mesoproterozoic assembly of the Rodinia supercontinent to...  相似文献   
The Isla Cristalina de Rivera crystalline complex in northeastern Uruguay underwent a multistage magmatic and metamorphic evolution. Based on SHRIMP U–Pb zircon, Th–U–Pb monazite (CHIME-EPMA method) and K–Ar age data from key units several events can be recognized: (1) multistage magmatism at 2,171–2,114?Ma, recorded on zircon of the granulitic orthogneisses and their 2,093–2,077?Ma overgrowths; (2) a distinct amphibolite facies metamorphism at ~1,980?Ma, recorded by monazite; (3) greenschist facies reworking and shearing at ca. 606?Ma (monazite and K–Ar on muscovite) along the Rivera Shear Zone, and finally (4) intrusion of the post-tectonic Sobresaliente and Las Flores granites at around 585?Ma. Lithological similarities, geographic proximity and coeval magmatic and metamorphic events indicate a similar tectonometamorphic evolution for the Isla Cristalina de Rivera, the Valentines Block in Uruguay and the Santa María Chico Granulitic Complex in southern Brazil, since at least 2.1?Ga.  相似文献   
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