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The asymmetry of fluxes of solar wind and planetary ions is studied by using the ASPERA-3 observations onboard the Mars Express spacecraft in February 2004 to March 2006. Due to the small scale of the Martian magnetosphere and its induced origin, the flow pattern near Mars is sensitive to the directions of the interplanetary magnetic and electric (-V×B) fields. Asymmetry of the magnetic field draping produces an asymmetry in plasma flows in the plane containing the IMF. The crustal magnetic fields on Mars also influence the flow pattern. Scavenging of planetary ions is less efficient in the regions of strong crustal magnetization and therefore the escape fluxes of planetary ions in the southern hemisphere are smaller. The results of the observations are compared to simulations based on a 3D hybrid model with several ion species.  相似文献   
Surface chemistry of disordered mackinawite (FeS)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Disordered mackinawite, FeS, is the first formed iron sulfide in ambient sulfidic environments and has a highly reactive surface. In this study, the solubility and surface chemistry of FeS is described. Its solubility in the neutral pH range can be described by Ksapp = {Fe2+} · {H2S(aq)} · {H+}−2 = 10+4.87±0.27. Acid-base titrations show that the point of zero charge (PZC) of disordered mackinawite lies at pH ∼7.5. The hydrated disordered mackinawite surface can be best described by strongly acidic mono-coordinated and weakly acidic tricoordinated sulfurs. The mono-coordinated sulfur site determines the acid-base properties at pH < PZC and has a concentration of 1.2 × 10−3 mol/g FeS. At higher pH, the tricoordinated sulfur, which has a concentration of 1.2 × 10−3 mol/g FeS, determines surface charge changes. Total site density is 4 sites nm−2. The acid-base titration data are used to develop a surface complexation model for the surface chemistry of FeS.  相似文献   
The Neutral Particle Detector (NPD), an Energetic Neutral Atom (ENA) sensor of the Analyzer of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) on board Mars Express, detected intense fluxes of ENAs emitted from the subsolar region of Mars. The typical ENA fluxes are (4-7) × 105 cm−2 sr−1 s−1 in the energy range 0.3-3 keV. These ENAs are likely to be generated in the subsolar region of the martian exosphere. As the satellite moved away from Mars, the ENA flux decreased while the field of view of the NPD pointed toward the subsolar region. These decreases occurred very quickly with a time scale of a few tens of seconds in two thirds of the orbits. Such a behavior can be explained by the spacecraft crossing a spatially constrained ENA jet, i.e., a highly directional ENA emission from a compact region of the subsolar exosphere. This ENA jet is highly possible to be emitted conically from the subsolar region. Such directional ENAs can result from the anisotropic solar wind flow around the subsolar region, but this can not be explained in the frame of MHD models.  相似文献   
A highly mobile system for accurate measurements of wind speed and horizontal turbulence in the lowest few hundred meters of the atmosphere is presented. It consists of a light-weight sonde (only 50 g, including batteries that permit 12 h of continuous operation) which can be easily lifted by a small kite in winds below 5 m/s and up to at least 25 m/s. In winds below 5 m/s, a small kytoon may be used instead. The signals from the sonde are received by a standard FM-radio equipped with a frequency converter, and data are recorded on ordinary cassette tapes. Field tests against towermounted precision instruments were performed at two sites during neutral and unstable conditions with the sonde suspended 25 m below a small kite, the measuring heights being 11 and 18 m respectively during the two test series. Mean wind speeds are found to be accurate to within ±0.2 m/s. Wind speed spectra obtained with the flying sonde can be evaluated up to 0.5 Hz and are found to agree closely with the spectra of the longitudinal component recorded simultaneously by the tower-mounted instrument at the same height. After correction for high frequency loss, which amounted to 5% at this low height (it is expected to decrease rapidly with height), the standard deviation of the wind recorded by the sonde agreed to within 2% with that obtained by the reference instrument. A notable result of the field tests is that there was no sign of degradation of the performance of the sonde in strong turbulence conditions.  相似文献   
Mars Express (MEX) Analyser of Space Plasmas and Energetic Atoms (ASPERA-3) data is providing insights into atmospheric loss on Mars via the solar wind interaction. This process is influenced by both the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the solar wind and by the magnetic ‘anomaly’ regions of the martian crust. We analyse observations from the ASPERA-3 Electron Spectrometer near to such crustal anomalies. We find that the electrons near remanent magnetic fields either increase in flux to form intensified signatures or significantly reduce in flux to form plasma voids. We suggest that cusps intervening neighbouring magnetic anomalies may provide a location for enhanced escape of planetary plasma. Initial statistical analysis shows that intensified signatures are mainly a dayside phenomenon whereas voids are a feature of the night hemisphere.  相似文献   
Galsgaard  K.  Reddy  R. V.  Rickard  G. J. 《Solar physics》1997,176(2):299-325
An ongoing debate is how magnetic energy is released in solar flares, which type of magnetic instabilities are responsible for triggering the energy release, and which magnetic topologies are most likely to host the instabilities. In this connection magnetic reconnection has been a general ingredient, with most of the previous work focussing on 2D reconnection. A natural extension to this is to investigate reconnection in 3D topologies, in particular the behaviour of magnetic nulls and the magnetic topology associated with them. This paper investigates the difference in dynamical behaviour of a numerical domain that either contains a double null-point pair connected by a separator or only a fraction of the separator defined by the null-points. The experiments show that nulls can either accumulate current individually, or act together to produce a singular current collapse along the separator. The implication of these results for the interpretation of coronal data is discussed.  相似文献   
The upper ionospheres of Mars and Venus are permeated by the magnetic fields induced by the solar wind. It is a long-standing question whether these fields can put the dense ionospheric plasma into motion. If so, the transterminator flow of the upper ionosphere could explain a significant part of the ion escape from the planets atmospheres. But it has been technically very challenging to measure the ion flow at energies below 20 eV. The only such measurements have been made by the ORPA instrument of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter reporting speeds of 1-5 km/s for O+ ions at Venus above 300 km altitude at the terminator ( [Knudsen et al., 1980] and [Knudsen et al., 1982]). At Venus the transterminator flow is sufficient to sustain a permanent nightside ionosphere, at Mars a nightside ionosphere is observed only sporadically. We here report on new measurements of the transterminator ion flow at Mars by the ASPERA-3 experiment on board Mars Express with support from the MARSIS radar experiment for some orbits with fortunate observation geometry. We observe a transterminator flow of O+ and O2+ ions with a super-sonic velocity of around 5 km/s and fluxes of 0.8×109/cm2 s. If we assume a symmetric flux around the terminator this corresponds to an ion flow of 3.1±0.5×1025/s half of which is expected to escape from the planet. This escape flux is significantly higher than previously observed on the tailside of Mars. A possible mechanism to generate this flux can be the ionospheric pressure gradient between dayside and nightside or momentum transfer from the solar wind via the induced magnetic field since the flow velocity is in the Alfvénic regime. We discuss the implication of these new observations for ion escape and possible extensions of the analysis to dayside observations which may allow us to infer the flow structure imposed by the induced magnetic field.  相似文献   
Ozone production efficiencies (EN), which can be defined as the netnumber of ozone molecules produced per molecule of NOxoxidised, have been calculated from measurements taken during three intensive field campaigns (one in the spring, EASE 96, and two in the summer, EASE 97 and TIGER 95), at two European coastal sites (Mace Head, Ireland (EASE) and Weybourne, Norfolk (TIGER)) impacted by polluted air masses originating from both the U.K. and continental Europe, as well as relatively clean oceanic air masses from the Arctic and Atlantic. From a detailed wind sector analysis of the EASE 96 and 97 data it is clear that two general types of pollution regime were encountered at Mace Head. The calculated ozone production efficiency in clean oceanic air masses was approximately 65, which contrasted to more polluted air, from the U.K. and the continental European plume, where the efficiency decreased to between 4 and 6. The latter values of ENagree well with literature measurements conducted downwind of various urban centres in the U.S. and Europe, which are summarised in a wide-ranging review table. The EN value calculated for clean oceanic air is effectivelyan upper limit, owing to the relatively rapid deposition of HNO3 tothe ocean. Consideration of the variation of EN with NOx forthe three campaigns suggests that ozone production efficiency is relatively insensitive to both geographical location and season. The measuredEN values are also compared with values derived from steady-state expressions. An observed anti-correlation between EN and measured ozone tendencyis briefly discussed.  相似文献   
The PROMICS-3 instrument on Interball-2 is nominally identical to the PROMICS-3 instrument on Interball-1. It performs three-dimensional measurements of ions in the energy range 4 eV–70 keV with mass separation and of electrons in the energy range 300 eV–35 keV. Interball-2 was launched on August 29, 1996, into an orbit with the same inclination as that of Interball-1, 63°, but with apogee at 20 000 km. In this study the PROMICS-3 instrument on Interball-2 is briefly described and examples of the first results are presented. Firstly, we report observations of upward moving molecular ions with energies of up to 700 eV at the poleward edge of the auroral oval. Previous observations of outflowing molecular ions have been at lower altitudes and lower energies. Secondly, we show observations of dawnside magnetosheath plasma injections. Using conjugate data from both PROMICS-3 instruments we have found dispersion structures above the morningside auroral oval, which occurred simultaneously with isolated “pockets” of magnetosheath plasma at a distance of XGSM = −14 to −12 RE, which had been injected into the inner part of the low-latitude boundary layer. These isolated plasma structures were sites of strong field-aligned currents and are proposed to be the magnetospheric counterparts of the dispersion structures.  相似文献   
Non-indigenous marine species (NIMS) are likely to be introduced into harbours by ballast water discharge or hull fouling, and then spread by natural means in the nearshore/shelf circulation. Reanalysis currents from the Australian Bluelink modelling project are used with particle-tracking to estimate the potential dispersal kernels for major New Zealand ports. A random walk term is added to the particle-tracking algorithm to account for missing variability in the numerical model currents. With few data to validate the model, the choice of added diffusivity is made by comparing simulated dispersal with observed dispersal of Global Program drifters. Histograms of the dispersal times between the ports are computed, along with estimates of the 10−1 and first percentile dispersal times, which are taken as proxies for the minimum dispersal time between the ports. The 10−1 percentile times range from 1 day (e.g., Bay of Islands to Whangarei) to several months (Tauranga to Chatham Islands). We identify eight geographical regions, based on the coastal currents and present kernels for a representative port in each region, along with tables of the 10−1 and first percentile dispersal times for all ports. The regions are: (1) northeast coast of the North Island (influenced by the East Auckland Current), (2) east coast of the North Island (East Cape Current), (3) west coast of the North Island (West Auckland Current/Taranaki Bight circulation), (4) Cook St (circulation in Cook St), (5) east coast of the South Island (Southland Current), (6) west coast of the South Island (Westland Current), (7) Fiordland (Subtropical Front/Southland Current), and (8) the Chatham Islands.  相似文献   
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