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GPS radio occultation(GPS RO) method,an active satellite-to-satellite remote sensing technique,is capable of producing accurate,all-weather,round the clock,global refractive index,density,pressure,and temperature profiles of the troposphere and stratosphere.This study presents planetary-scale equatorially trapped Kelvin waves in temperature profiles retrieved using COSMIC(Constellation Observing System for Meteorology,Ionosphere,and Climate) satellites during 2006-2009 and their interactions with background atmospheric conditions.It is found that the Kelvin waves are not only associated with wave periods of higher than 10 days(slow Kelvin waves) with higher zonal wave numbers(either 1 or 2),but also possessing downward phase progression,giving evidence that the source regions of them are located at lower altitudes.A thorough verification of outgoing longwave radiation(OLR) reveals that deep convection activity has developed regularly over the Indonesian region,suggesting that the Kelvin waves are driven by the convective activity.The derived Kelvin waves show enhanced(diminished) tendencies during westward(eastward) phase of the quasi-biennial oscillation(QBO) in zonal winds,implying a mutual relation between both of them.The El Nino and Southern Oscillation(ENSO) below 18 km and the QBO features between 18 and 27km in temperature profiles are observed during May 2006-May 2010 with the help of an adaptive data analysis technique known as Hilbert Huang Transform(HHT).Further,temperature anomalies computed using COSMIC retrieved temperatures are critically evaluated during different phases of ENSO,which has revealed interesting results and are discussed in light of available literature.  相似文献   
The atmospheric heat source over the Bolivian plateau for a mean January   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The atmospheric heat sources of large plateaus strongly influence the general circulation particularly in the summer season. The Bolivian plateau and the adjacent areas affect the upper tropospheric flow in a typical summer month by developing an anticyclone and deflecting the prevailing westerlies. The plateau initially warms the atmosphere through sensible heating and then through latent heating as thunderstorms develop.The atmospheric heat source over the Bolivian and adjacent plateau was computed employing conventional surface and satellite radiation data for the mean January 1979. Because of a lack of direct ground temperature data, the surface radiation was estimated following an empirical formula devised for some earlier Tibetan studies.The results revealed that the latent heating developing in the eastern and northeastern part of the plateau is the biggest contributor to the atmospheric heat source (500 W m-2). A comparison of these results against similar recent results from Tibet showed that the atmospheric heat source in South America is stronger than that over Tibet, primarily because of increased rainfall over Bolivia.  相似文献   
The differences and similarities in atmospheric boundary-layer (ABL) characteristics, in particular the ABL height, evolution and wind field, between two contrasting episodes of the Indian summer monsoon have been studied using measurements from wind profilers and an instrumented 50-m tower at Gadanki in India. The observed differences are discussed in light of various forcing mechanisms, in particular the effect of soil moisture on the surface energy balance and ABL. The differences in ABL height, its evolution and the wind field between episodes are quite pronounced. Wet episodes not only have a shallower ABL but also the growth is delayed by 1–4 h when compared with that for dry episodes. Abundant soil moisture during the wet episodes (a factor of two greater than during the dry episodes) reduces the buoyancy flux, and thereby not only limits the ABL height but also delays the commencement of ABL growth. The low-level jet (LLJ) is stronger during the dry episodes and has a larger diurnal range than during the wet episodes. The highest occurrence and magnitude of LLJ apparent at a height of 1.5 km during early morning hours shift progressively with height and time till the afternoon, following ABL evolution. The weaker LLJ during the wet episodes is attributed to its southward migration from its mean position (15 \(^{\circ }\) N). Larger signal-to-noise ratio and spectral width values are observed during the early night to midnight, compared to noon-time, when the ABL is buoyantly turbulent.  相似文献   
Interannual variations of subsurface influence on SST in the Indian Ocean show strong seasonality. The subsurface influence on SST confines to the southern Indian Ocean (SIO) in boreal winter and spring; it is observed on both sides of the equator in boreal summer and fall. Interannual long Rossby waves are at the heart of this influence, and contribute significantly to the coupled climate variability in the tropical Indian Ocean (TIO). Principal forcing mechanism for the generation of these interannual waves in the Indian Ocean and the relative influence of two dominant interannual signals in the tropics, namely El Niño and Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD), are also discussed. Two distinct regions dominated by either of the above climate signals are identified. IOD dominates the forcing of the off-equatorial Rossby waves, north of 10°S, and the forcing comes mainly from the anomalous Ekman pumping associated with the IOD. However, after the demise of IOD activity by December, Rossby waves are dominantly forced by ENSO, particularly south of 10°S.It is found that the subsurface feedback in the northern flank of the southern Indian Ocean ridge region (north of 10°S) significantly influences the central east African rainfall in boreal fall. The Indian Ocean coupled process further holds considerable capability of predicting the east African rainfall by one season ahead. Decadal modulation of the subsurface influence is also noticed during the study period. The subsurface influence north of 10°S coherently varies with the IOD, while it varies coherently with the ENSO south of this latitude.  相似文献   
The temporal variation in concentrations of major water soluble ionic species has been studied from several rain events occurred over Gadanki (13.5 °N, 79.2 °E), located in tropical semi arid region in southern India. The contribution from rain-out (in cloud) and wash-out (below cloud) processes to the total removal of ionic species by rain events is also estimated using the pattern of variations of ionic species within an individual event. A number of rain samples were collected from each rain event during June–November in 2006, 2007 and 2008. On average, nearly 20% of the total NH 4 + and non-sea SO 4 2? is removed by in-cloud scavenging, suggesting that their removal by “below cloud” washout is relatively dominant. In contrast Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, NO 3 ? and sea-SO 4 2? are mainly removed by below-cloud scavenging or wash-out process. A significant variation in the acidity was observed within rain events with successive precipitation showing higher acidity at the final stage of the precipitation due to partial neutralization of non-sea SO 4 2? . Overall, greater influence of both terrestrial and anthropogenic sources is recorded in the rain events compared to that from marine sources.  相似文献   
基于ERA5月平均再分析资料,利用Lorenz环流分解方法从定常和瞬变以及基流和涡旋的角度对比了北极与青藏高原臭氧低值区的动力输送特征。结果表明:动力总输送在两地上平流层作用最强,均使其臭氧浓度降低,且定常输送均强于瞬变输送,纬向与经向输送的作用均大致相反。然而,动力输送在北极地区的作用强度远大于青藏高原地区。北极地区纬向输送使得平流层中上层臭氧浓度降低,平流层下层臭氧浓度升高,经向输送的作用与之相反且强度明显偏弱,二者均主要作用于上平流层。青藏高原地区纬向和经向输送除在上平流层均使得臭氧浓度降低外,二者作用大致相反且强度相当,输送大值区在垂直方向上存在双中心结构,分别位于上平流层与上对流层—下平流层(Upper Troposphere–Lower Stratosphere,简称UTLS)区。两地区纬向和经向输送的差异均主要由定常涡旋输送所造成。青藏高原地区定常与瞬变输送的强度差异没有北极地区大。此外,两地定常和瞬变输送中涡旋对臭氧纬向平均的输送均起到主要作用,体现出涡旋输送在两地臭氧浓度变化的动力输送过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。  相似文献   
Summary The kinetic energy budget of the Asian summer monsoon is examined making use of the daily averaged (0000 and 1200 UTC) reanalysis data for forty-year (1960–99) period produced by the National Centres for Environmental Prediction-National Centre for Atmospheric Research (NCEP-NCAR). Especially, the features associated with evolution and established phases of the monsoon are elucidated. Some features are typical during both phases. The lower tropospheric balance is governed by adiabatic generation and frictional dissipation. On the other hand, the upper tropospheric balance is regulated by adiabatic generation and flux divergence. The adiabatic generation of kinetic energy within the boundary layer is mostly due to the meridional component. Contrasting characteristics during both phases are summarized as follows. Subtropical westerly jet controls the balance of kinetic energy during the evolution period. On the other hand, Tropical easterly jet and Somali jet modulate the balance during the established period. The adiabatic generation of kinetic energy is predominantly driven by the zonal component during the evolution phase and by the meridional component during the established phase of monsoon, respectively. This aspect essentially delineates the roles of zonal and meridional regimes during the evolution and established phases of the monsoon.  相似文献   
中西部地区高温炎热 台风引发致洪暴雨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
饶晓琴 《气象》2006,32(10):117-123
7月份,黄淮南部、江淮、江南南部、华南、西北中东部降水偏多,皖、苏、湘、赣、闽、桂、粤等省(区)出现暴雨洪涝灾害;东北中南部、华北东南部、西南地区大部降水偏少,四川、重庆等地出现严重伏旱。全国大部地区月平均气温接近常年或偏高,江南大部、华南北部、四川东部、重庆、新疆东南部、内蒙古西部等地出现多日高温酷热天气。西北太平洋及南海有3个热带气旋活动,其中0604号强热带风暴碧利斯和0605号台风格美先后在福建省登陆西行,使江南、华南暴雨成灾。  相似文献   
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