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Norwegian Quaternary research has experienced rapid development during recent decades, from a rather weak position before 1960 to a more 'normal' position in 1986. A brief comparison with the status in 1960 is attempted, in order to understand this development and the present day status.  相似文献   
Books reviewed in this article:
Bowen. D. O.(ed.) 1982: Quaternary Science Reviews.  相似文献   
The relative age of glacial deposits on Jameson Land was investigated by weathering-based techniques. Two related methods, measurement of rind thickness and of Schmidt hammer rebound values. were added to a dating programme of luminescence-, amino acid- and 14C-analyses. Rind thicknesses differ significantly between areas which represent three glacial phascs, spanning a time interval from late Saale to Late Weichselian. Rebound values are more susceptible to external factors than the rind values but may, if these external factors are known, serve as a complement to the interpretation of rind development.  相似文献   
The age and correlation of marginal moraines in Norway is discussed. A tentative location of the ice margin 15,000 B.P. is suggested, as well as a more firmly based location of the 10,000 B.P. ice margin. The results are preliminary and based partly on observations by the field parties of the I.G.C.P. project Quaternary Glaciations in the Northern Hemisphere'.  相似文献   
The Swedish Road Weather Information System is a tool for road winter maintenance giving warnings about risk of slipperiness and severe weather conditions. The system is based on climatological research at the University of Göteborg and was initiated by Professor Sven Lindqvist during the 1970s. Knowledge about micro‐and local climate variations is crucial when it comes to forecasting and giving warnings about different kinds of weather‐related traffic disturbances. The progress of climatological research has made it possible to increase the use of road weather data into different applications. Future development will be focused upon development of the road weather information system towards a user‐friendly maintenance decision support system which will enhance the benefits of the road weather information system.  相似文献   
Delaware's Inland Bays comprise a large estuarine system with a restricted access to the Atlantic Ocean (Indian River Inlet). As part of a local oyster stock enhancement and restoration effort, we conducted a survey for the protozoan pathogenPerkinsus marinus (Dermo) in oysters from a newly established reef. Using standardized methods for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of the non-transcribed spacer (NTS) region, we were surprised to find no detectable titers of this pathogen in the 30 oysters sampled in the first year of the project. The detection threshold of the PCR coupled with chemiluminescent detection was 30 fgP. marinus NTS DNA. We were able to detect a trace presence of this pathogen in a few hard clams (Mercenaria mercenaria) from the same locale, indicating that aPerkinsus sp. was present in the Inland Bay system. Subsequent monitoring of the reef system using a fluid thioglycollate assay over 3 yr revealed no epizootic outbreaks of this pathogen within the planted oyster population. Two large mortality episodes that did appear in the oyster population were attributable to abiotic conditions and not pathogen exposure. This study emphasizes that all potential sources of mortality in the environment are important to consider when designing oyster seeding projects. In the Delaware Inland Bays,P. marinus does not appear to have a large enough oyster host population to become a significant disease threat at present. Because of the low parasite incidence levels in the Inland Bay system in 2000, the James Farm oyster reef restoration project presents an ideal model system to follow the population dynamics between an oyster-host population and a latent or reservoir pathogen population.  相似文献   
The objectives of this study were to examine both spatial and temporal changes of particulate major elements and minor metals, as well as dissolved Mn and Cd, in the waters of Thermaikos Gulf. Collections of water and suspended particulate matter (SPM), as depth profiles (5–8 depths), were undertaken at 10 principal stations, essentially on a N–S traverse of the western side of the Gulf.One of the principal aims of the study was to observe if there was any change in the patterning of the elements between the three occupations of the stations: (a) in September 2001, immediately before the commencement of trawling; (b) in October 2001, whilst fishing was active; and (c) in winter/early spring conditions (February 2002), when fishing was still active, but after a change of river/atmospheric conditions.Bottom (20 m) waters were dominated by sediment resuspension; this was identified by concentration changes in the aluminosilicate elements (e.g. Al, Ti, K, Fe) of the SPM. A two- to three-fold increase occurred between September and October, caused probably by trawling; this was sustained at the offshore stations, in February. During February, the western inshore stations showed little sediment resuspension, caused by extreme winter cooling and the sinking of water. Consequently, a N–S density discontinuity existed at all water depths, which prevented the thermohaline cyclonic circulation from penetrating into the western seaboard of the Gulf. The distribution of dissolved and particulate Mn in the lower waters was due to redox cycling of the element at the benthic boundary; this was more intense in the north, where the organic supply was higher.Biogenic element concentrations and Ca/Al, Si/Al ratios showed no evidence that trawling activity promoted higher biological production. Strong correlations of Co, Cr, Ni and V, with Al and K, showed that these elements were associated strongly with detrital aluminosilicates. However, the variable association of Cd, Pb and Zn, with K (and Al), especially in the upper waters, implied an anthropogenic source derived from the rivers and the city of Thessaloniki. Examination of the Kd's of Cd showed a two-order of magnitude decrease with depth, caused by resuspension and possible advection of relatively unpolluted sediments, into the western Gulf.  相似文献   
The growing appreciation of mitigation is highlighting theneed to develop a better understanding of what makes some people more vulnerable tothe impacts of a disaster. Health researchers have asked a similar question regarding thevarying vulnerability to illness within a population. This has lead to the identification of a setof social, physical and economic factors that are now referred to as the determinants of health.These factors are the same as those commonly associated with disaster vulnerability. Recognizingthat these same concepts are being applied in both the health and disaster management contextspresents an opportunity to also achieve a shared objective of reducing vulnerability withina population.  相似文献   
Tree-ring and peat stratigraphy data were examined back to 5000 BC in order to identify and compare humidity changes in Fennoscandia. The temporal variation in distribution of Scots pine ( Pinus sylvestris L.) was used as a measure of past lake-level fluctuations in central Sweden. The chronology, which spans 2893 BC–AD 1998 with minor gaps in AD 887–907 and 1633–1650 BC and with additional floating chronologies back to 4868 BC, was cross-dated and fixed to an absolute timescale using a chronology from Torneträsk, northern Sweden. The peat stratigraphy from the Stömyren peat bog, south-central Sweden, was transformed into humification indices to evaluate humidity changes during the past 8000 years. The peat chronology is established by four tephra datings and eight 14C datings. Synchronous periods of drier conditions, interpreted from regeneration and the mortality pattern of pine, tree-ring chronology and peat humification, were recognized at c. 4900–4800 BC, 2400–2200 BC, 2100–1800 BC, 1500–1100 BC, AD 50–200, AD 400–600 and AD 1350–1500. Possible wetter periods were encountered at 3600–3400 BC, 3200–2900 BC, 2200–2100 BC, 1700–1500 BC, 1100–900 BC, 100 BC-AD 50, AD 200–400, AD 750–900 and AD 1550–1700. The wet and dry periods revealed by the tree rings and peat stratigraphy data indicate considerable humidity changes in the Holocene.  相似文献   
High-resolution palaeoecological proxies of pollen, macrofossils and diatoms from an isolation lake provide a long-term record of the Holocene landscape history and shoreline displacement on the Biskopsmåla Peninsula in central Blekinge, SE Sweden. During the Preboreal/Boreal transition, the peninsula was sparsely vegetated by woodlands, along with lateglacial dwarf shrub/steppe communities. The lake basin was isolated from the shallow Yoldia Sea during this time. The regional climate improved from 10 700 cal. BP, evident as progressive expansion of Pinus-dominated mixed forest with deciduous trees. The lake basin was probably connected with the Ancylus Lake during the period 10700–10 100 cal. BP. Subsequently the basin became isolated again, corresponding to the Early Littorina Sea phase. Replacement of freshwater diatoms by those with brackish-water affinity at 8100 cal. BP indicates the initial transgression of the Littorina Sea in this basin. But not until 7500 cal. BP were brackish conditions fully established. Peaks of brackish-marine diatoms and dinoflagellates during 7500–7000 cal. BP indicate increased saltwater inflow to the Baltic Sea in response to global meltwater pulse 3. However, interactive changes in seagrass and stonewort macrofossil concentrations suggest that three minor transgressions during 5900–5300, 5000–4700 and 4400–4000 cal. BP occurred locally, associated with centennial-scale variations in regional wind pattern or coastal storminess. By 3000 cal. BP, the lake basin was finally isolated from the Baltic, and thereafter the landscape on the peninsula became gradually more influenced by human activities.  相似文献   
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