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Ten-micrometer spectra of the North Tropical Zone, North Equatorial Belt, and Great Red Spot at a spectral resolution of 1.1 cm?1 are compared to synthetic spectra. These ground-based spectra were obtained simultaneously with the Voyager 1 encounter with Jupiter in March, 1979. The NH3 vertical distribution is found to decrease with altitude significantly faster than the saturated vapor pressure curve and is different for the three observed regions. Spatial variability in the NH3 mixing ratio could be caused by changes in the amount of NH3 condensation or in the degree of the NH3 photolysis. The C2H6 emission at 12 μm has approximately the same strength at the North Tropical Zone and North Equatorial Belt, but it is 30% weaker at the Great Red Spot. A cooler temperature inversion or a smaller abundance of C2H6 could explain the lower C2H6 emission over the Great Red Spot.  相似文献   
The density distributions of the two main components in interstellar hydrogen are calculated using 21 cm line data from the Berkeley Survey and the Pulkovo Survey. The narrow, dense component (state I of neutral hydrogen) has a Gaussianz-distribution with a scale-height of 50 pc in the local zones (the galactic disk). For the wide, tenuous component (hydrogen in state II) we postulate a distribution valid in the zones where such a material predominates (70 pc?z? 350 pc the galactic stratum) i.e., $$n_H \left( z \right) = n_H \left( 0 \right)exp \left( { - \left( {z/300{\text{ }}pc} \right)^{3/2} } \right).$$ Similar components are found in the dust distribution and in the available stellar data reaching sufficiently highz-altitudes. The scale-heights depend on the stellar type: the stratum in M III stars is considerably wider than in A stars (500–700 pc against 300 pc). The gas to dust ratio is approximately the same in both components: 0.66 atom cm?3 mag?1 kpc in the galactic plane. A third state of the gas is postulated associating it the observed free electron stratum at a scale-height of 660 pc (hydrogen fully ionized at high temperatures). The ratio between the observed dispersions in neutral hydrogen (thermal width plus turbulence) and the total dispersions corresponding to the real inner energies in the medium is obtained by a comparison with the dispersion distribution σ(z) of the different stellar types associated with the disk and the stratum $$\sigma ^2 \left( {total} \right) = \sigma ^2 \left( {21{\text{ cm line}}} \right) \cdot {\text{ }}Q^2 ,$$ from which we graphically obtainedQ 2=2.9 ± 0.3, although that number could be lower in the densest parts of the spiral arms. Its dependence on magnetic field and cosmic rays is analysed, indicating equipartition of the different energy components in the interstellar medium and consistency with the observed values of the magnetic field: i.e., fluctuations with an average of ~ 3 μG (associated with the disk) in a homogeneous background of ~ 1 μG (associated with the stratum). A minimum and maximumK z-force are obtained assuming extreme conditions for the total density distribution (gas plus stars). TheK z-force obtained from the interstellar gas in its different states using approximations of the Boltzmann equation is a reasonable intermediate case between maximum and minimumK z. The mass density obtained in the galactic plane is 0.20±0.05M pc?3, and the results indicate that the galactic disk is somewhat narrower and denser than has usually been believed. The effects of wave-like distributions of matter in thez-coordinate are analysed in relation with theK z-force, and comparisons with theoretical results are performed. A qualitative model for the galactic field of force is postulated together with a classification of the different zones of the Galaxy according to their observed ranges in velocity dispersions and the behaviour of the potential well at differentz-altitudes. The disk containing at least two-thirds of the total mass atz<100 pc, the stratum containing one-third or less of the total mass atz≤600–800 pc, and the halo at higherz-altitudes with a small fraction of such a mass which is difficult to evaluate.  相似文献   
We searched for a variation with heliographic latitude of the solar limb effect by comparing the relative wavelengths of weak and strong Fraunhofer lines. The blue shifts associated with the limb effect appear 9%±5% larger in the polar radius vector than in an equatorial radius vector at cos = 0.5. This should perhaps be interpreted as an increase with latitude of either solar convection or of convective overshoot. Recent observations of poleward meridional flows of 30m s–1 should be corrected for this limb effect variation. This correction increases this flow velocity to 70 m s–1. A search for a similar variation in plages and in network boundaries had negative results, the variation being +1%±5% and -1%±6% respectively.Now at the Multiple Mirror Telescope Observatory, University of Arizona, Tucson, Ariz. 85721, U.S.A. The MMTO is jointly operated by the University of Arizona and the Smithsonian Institution.The Sacramento Peak Observatory is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. under contract AST 78-17292 with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   
He i 10830 Å synoptic maps, obtained at the Kitt Peak National Observatory during 1974–1979, show that the Sun's polar coronal holes have contracted significantly during 1977–1978. Prior to the accelerated increase of sunspot activity in mid-1977, the area of each polar cap was on the order of 8% of the Sun's total surface area (4R 2), whereas toward the end of 1978 these areas fell below 2% of 4R 2. Synoptic polar plots show that the vestigual holes had irregular shapes and were often well removed from the poles themselves. These results are consistent with the changes that one would expect when the polar magnetic fields are weakening just prior to sunspot maximum.  相似文献   
A localized force-free current is proposed as a model for the observed coronal loops.An upper limit for the growth rate of kink instabilities in this model is found by solving numerically, in cylinder symmetry, the MHD equation of motion, with the boundary condition = 0 outside the loop.For various current densities a spectrum of kinks is found. These instabilities will disrupt the loops that are long or strongly twisted, on a time scale of a few seconds.The kinks in short or barely twisted loops are too long to fit.  相似文献   
On March 1, 1980, observations of Saturn from Pic-du-Midi Observatory using a Lallemand electronographic camera led to the discovery of a new satellite (V magnitude ? + 17.5) whose orbital period is surprisingly similar to that of Dione.  相似文献   
A solar flare of importance 1B which occurred at 06:36 UT on April 27, 1979 on the solar disk (N 20, E 16) produced intense radio bursts. The most interesting feature of this event is the observation of a strong continuum radiation (type IV) starting at 06:53 UT and lasting for about 10 min in the decametric range. This continuum radiation displayed sharp low frequency cut-off, which varied from about 40 to 30 MHz in a quasiperiodic manner and could be attributed to Razin effect. The perturbation of this cut-off frequency is interpreted as that induced by the passing MHD shock wave through the region of the trapped energetic electrons. Assuming model electron density values and using the observed cut-off frequency, the magnitude of coronal magnetic field around 2R from Sun center works out to be about 6 G.  相似文献   
The author describes the role of population pressure in the current transition from tree crops to wet rice cultivation (sawah) in Northwestern Kalimantan, Indonesia. He contends that this change is occurring "because the senescent trees no longer produce enough commodities to exchange for rice to feed an enlarged population." The historical background is described, policies of the Indonesian government are discussed, and data are presented on the rate of population growth  相似文献   
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