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Using an apparent-magnitude limited Main galaxy sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7(SDSS DR7), we investigate the correlation between morphologies and luminosity for the Main galaxy sample. Our Main galaxy sample is divided into two classes: Main galaxies only with TARGET_GALAXY flag (bestPrimtarget = 64), and ones also with other flags. It is found that for the second class Main galaxies, the early-type proportion monotonously increases with increasing luminosity nearly in the whole luminosity region. But for the first class Main galaxies, the early-type proportion increases with increasing luminosity only within a certain luminosity region (−22.2 < M r  < −19.8). In the high luminosity region (M r  < −22.2), the early-type proportion of the first class Main galaxies even decreases dramatically with increasing luminosity. We also analyze the correlation between morphologies and luminosity of galaxies around the peak of the redshift distribution ( 0.07 ≤ z ≤ 0.08 ). In such a narrow redshift region, we still observe strong correlation between morphologies and luminosity, which shows that this correlation is fundamental.  相似文献   
辐射传输模式Hydrolight在国际水色遥感研究领域已被广泛用于解决水体光学的各种问题,也是进行石油类污染水体辐射传输特性研究的有效模型。结合Hydrolight模式的机理、应用现状及含油水体的特点,提出了将该模式应用于光学特性复杂的石油污染水体辐射传输特性研究时需要解决的关键技术,包括测定石油污染水体吸收系数和散射系数、建立石油污染吸收和散射特性随波长和深度变化的参数化模型、确定油物质的吸附后悬浮颗粒物体散射函数模型等方面。依据2018年8月和2016年8月分别在辽宁大连港和辽宁盘锦辽河油田等区域测定的含油水体数据,讨论了这些关键技术的解决方案。  相似文献   
南海是西太平洋地区规模最大且具有代表性的边缘海盆地之一。经过近几十年的研究积累,尤其是通过实施5个国际大洋钻探航次(1999–2018年)与国家自然科学基金委“南海深海过程演变”重大研究计划(2011–2019年),我国科学家获得了大量宝贵的第一手资料,取得了一系列创新进展与重大突破,标志着南海海洋地质与地球物理研究正走向国际前沿。重要研究成果包括:(1)新提出南海是“板缘张裂”盆地,与经典的大西洋型陆缘模式不同;(2)大洋钻探首次获取了基底玄武岩样品,结合中国在南海首次深拖地磁测量实验,精确测定了南海海盆玄武岩年龄,揭示南海海盆从东向西分段扩张;(3)大洋钻探结果发现南海陆缘岩石圈减薄之初岩浆迅速出现,未发现缓慢破裂造成的蛇纹岩出露;(4)发现南海扩张结束后仍存在大量岩浆活动,可能受控于多种构造与地幔因素;(5)地球化学证据与地球动力学模拟都显示南海岩浆的形成受到周边俯冲带的影响。目前我国的海洋地球科学正在进入崭新的发展阶段,有望以南海为基点,开始拓展到周边大洋,通过主导大型研究计划以及建设我国大洋钻探平台,以提升我国在南海、西太平洋与印度洋海洋地质科学研究的实质性影响力与引领地位。  相似文献   
海面溢油无人机高光谱遥感检测与厚度估算方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
任广波  过杰  马毅  罗旭东 《海洋学报》2019,41(5):146-158
海上溢油是海洋国家所面临的共同问题,但至今仍没有一种可靠实用的海上溢油准确识别和油量遥感监测方法。为此,本文以无人机高光谱遥感为手段,开展了海面溢油检测与厚度估算方法研究。实验中,通过搭建室外大型水槽溢油实验装置,获取了模拟真实海洋环境条件下不同溢油量的遥感和现场光谱数据,在此基础上,分析并提取了海上溢油特征光谱波段,给出了海上溢油高光谱检测模型;针对现场实验条件下水面油膜厚度难以测定的问题,设计了3种利用总体溢油量的油膜厚度估算模型。得到如下主要结论:(1)675 nm和699 nm是海上溢油检测的有效特征波段,但对极薄的油膜没有检测能力;(2)提出了归一化溢油指数模型、反比例模型和吸收基线模型等3种海上溢油油膜厚度估算模型,其中对于薄油膜(厚度≤ 5 μm)和厚油膜(厚度>50 μm),反比例模型是溢油厚度反演的首选也是唯一选择。对于中厚度油膜,晴朗天气条件下,归一化溢油指数模型是油膜厚度反演的首选,同时反比例模型和溢油吸收基线模型也都有较好的反演能力,而在多云天气条件下,反比例模型效果最佳。  相似文献   
研究目的】地热资源特征研究及开发潜力分析是开发区域地热资源的重要依据。【研究方法】本文将前人研究成果与最新钻井资料相结合,通过对沧县隆起北部地区地热地质背景、热储分布、地温场特征、水化学资源类型等主要因素进行剖析,建立了该区的地热成藏模式。【研究结果】沧县隆起北部地区是在渤海湾伸展型沉积盆地高大地热流值背景下,由北部燕山裸露区基岩接受的大气降水作为近源补给水源,进入基岩的冷水在深层循环过程中受到深部热源加热增温,沿断裂破碎带和不整合面向上运移富集,形成的以传导型传热机制为主的地热系统。【结论】本区地热资源特点为热储类型多、盖层地温梯度高、补给速度快、资源量巨大。主要表现为:区内分布馆陶组砂岩热储,奥陶系、蓟县系雾迷山组岩溶热储三套主力热水储集层;地温场分布主要受基底构造形态控制,基岩凸起区的平均地温梯度为45℃/km;地下水类型随着埋深的增加由HCO3-Na、HCO3·SO4-Na型水向成熟的Cl-Na型水过渡;本区内三套热储的可采地热资源量为1.67×1010GJ,折合标煤5.72×108t,年可开采地热资源量可满足供暖面积2亿m2,若在采灌平衡的条件下,沧县隆起北部地区年可采地热资源量为7.06×107GJ,折合标煤2.41×106t,可满足供暖面积0.85亿m2,具有良好的地热市场开发前景。  相似文献   
基于遗传算法的叠前地震波形反演构建虚拟井曲线   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叠前地震波形反演能够提供详细的地下地层特征,但由于其计算量大、数据和模型之间的非线性、目标函数的多极值和反演结果的多解性使叠前地震反演的实施成为一大难点。本文通过叠前和叠后混合反演技术采用遗传算法实现了深海无井地震反演。遗传算法思想简单、易于实现和使用、具有隐含并行性和全局搜索能力等优点,基于遗传算法的叠前地震波形反演得到了与井中实际数据基本吻合的速度和密度数据。  相似文献   


By combining the carbon cycle model with the records of carbonate and organic (kerogen) carbon isotope, this paper presents the calculation of the fraction of organic carbon burial (f org) of beds 23–40 at the global boundary stratotype section and point (GSSP) of the Permian-Triassic boundary at Meishan, Zhejiang Province. The resulting calculation produces two episodes of f org maxima observed to occur at beds 23–24 and 27–29, which respectively corresponds to the two episodic anoxic events indicated by the flourish of green sulfur bacteria. Two episodic f org minima occurred at beds 25–26 and 32–34, generally coincident with the flourish of cyanobacteria (bed 26 and upper part of beds 29 to 34) as shown by the high value of 2-melthyhopnoanes. It appears that the f org is related to the redox conditions, with greater f org values observed under the reductive condition. The relationship between f org and the total organic carbon (TOC) content was complex. The f org value was low at some beds with a high TOC content (such as bed 26), while high observed at some beds with a low TOC content (e.g. bed 27). This association infers the important contribution of primary productivity to the TOC content. The original organic burial could be thus calculated through the configuration of the function of the primary productivity and f org, which can be used to correct the residual TOC measured today. This investigation indicates that compiling the organic-inorganic carbon isotopes with the carbon cycle model favors to understand the fraction of organic carbon burial, providing information for the reconstruction of the coupling among biota, environments and organic burial. Journal of China University of Geosciences, 2007, 32(6): 767–773 [译自: 地球科学—中国地质大学学报]  相似文献   

玉龙铜(钼)矿带的成因机制和动力学背景一直存在争议。本文选择目前研究程度较低的多霞松多岩体, 对该岩体含矿斑岩开展岩相学、年代学、岩石地球化学及锆石Hf同位素分析。研究表明, 多霞松多岩体主要由二长花岗斑岩和碱长花岗斑岩组成, 其中, 二长花岗斑岩的主要造岩矿物为钾长石、斜长石和石英, 碱长花岗斑岩的主要造岩矿物为钾长石和石英。两种岩石属于高钾钙碱性-钾玄质侵入岩, 具有富碱高钾的特征; 亏损Nb、Ti等高场强元素, 富集Rb、Th、U等大离子亲石元素和Pb; 稀土元素含量较高(ΣREE=145.04×10-6~290.91×10-6), 富集轻稀土(LREE/HREE=6~37)。铕表现为从二长花岗斑岩的弱负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.66~0.84)到碱长花岗斑岩的中等负异常(Eu/Eu*=0.35~0.39)。锆石U-Pb定年显示, 二长花岗斑岩的成岩年龄为38.3±0.6 Ma, 碱长花岗斑岩的成岩年龄为37.8±1.0 Ma, 两者形成时代基本一致, 均属于喜马拉雅期, 表明在多霞松多地区始新世存在一期重要的岩浆热液Cu-Mo成矿事件。多霞松多含矿斑岩的锆石εHf(t)范围在+1.3~+2.6之间。结合元素和同位素地球化学特征, 指示多霞松多含矿斑岩可能来源于亏损地幔分异的新生玄武质下地壳, 受控于印度板块与欧亚板块碰撞诱发的金沙江走滑断裂系统。

An accurate prediction of the thermal conductivity of reservoir rocks in the subsurface is extremely important for a quantitative analysis of basin thermal history and hydrocarbon maturation. A model for calculating the thermal conductivity of reservoir rocks as a function of mineral composition, porosity, fluid type, and temperature has been developed based on fabric theory and experimental data. The study indicates that thermal conductivities of reservoir rocks are dependent on the volume fraction of components (minerals, porosity, and fluids), the temperature, and the fraction of series elements (FSE) which represents the way that the mineral components aggregate. The sensitivity test of the fabric model shows that quartz is the most sensitive mineral for the thermal conductivity of clastic rocks. The study results indicate that the FSE value is very critical. Different lithologies have different optimum FSE values because of different textures and sedimentary structures. The optimum FSE values are defined as those which result in the least error in the model computation of the thermal conductivity of the rocks. These values are 0.444 for water-saturated clay rocks, 0.498 for water-saturated sandstones, and 0.337 for water-saturated carbonates. Compared with the geometric mean model, the fabric model yields better results for the thermal conductivity, largely because the model parameters can be adjusted to satisfy different lithologies and to minimize the mean errors. The fabric model provides a good approach for estimating paleothermal conductivity in complex rock systems based on the mineral composition and pore fluid saturation of the rocks.  相似文献   
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