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An attempt is made to identify and delineate the groundwater flow direction and rate in a fractured hard rock aquifer in Maheshwaram granite watershed in Andhra Pradesh using multiple tracers such as bromide, iodide and rhodamine-B under both natural and induced conditions. A main well in the center and three observation wells at 25 m in north-northwest, southeast and southwest directions respectively were constructed based on 222Rn anomalies and 4He measurements. Streaming potential survey was also carried out in the area before, during and after pumping test. The tracer tests indicated preferential groundwater flow in N-S direction. The groundwater flow velocity estimated based on arrival of tracer under natural and induced conditions are 0.52 m/d and 375 m/d respectively.  相似文献   
Wular Lake, one of the largest freshwater lakes of Jhelum River Basin, is showing signs of deterioration due to the anthropogenic impact and changes in the land use/land cover (LULC) and hydrometeorological climate of the region. The present study investigated the impacts of temporal changes in LULC and meteorological and hydrological parameters to evaluate the current status of Wular Lake environs using multisensor, multitemporal satellite and observatory data. Satellite images acquired for the years 1992, 2001, 2005, and 2008 were used for determining changes in the LULC in a buffer area of 5 km2 around the Wular Lake. LULC mapping and change analysis using the visual interpretation technique indicated significant changes around the Wular Lake during the last two decades. Reduction in lake area from 24 km2 in 1992 to 9 km2 in 2008 (?62.5 %) affected marshy lands, the habitat of migratory birds, which also exhibited drastic reduction from 85 km2 in 1992 to 5 km2 in 2008 (?94.117 %). Marked development of settlements (642.85 %) in the peripheral area of the Wular Lake adversely affected its varied aquatic flora and fauna. Change in climatic conditions, to a certain extent, is also responsible for the decrease in water level and water spread of the lake as witnessed by decreased discharge in major tributaries (Erin and Madhumati) draining into the Wular Lake.  相似文献   
The HydraSleeve is a sampling device for collecting groundwater from the screened interval of a monitoring well without purging that uses a check valve to take in water over the first 3 to 5 feet of an upward pulling motion. If the check valve does not perform as expected, then the HydraSleeve has the potential to collect water from an incorrect depth interval, possibly above the screened interval of the well. We have evaluated volatile organic chemical (VOC) results from groundwater samples collected with the HydraSleeve sampler compared to other methods for sampling monitoring wells at three sites. At all three sites, lower VOC concentration results were observed for samples collected using the HydraSleeve. At two of these three sites, the low concentration sample results were most strongly associated with monitoring wells with more than 10 feet of water above the monitoring well‐screened interval. At the site with the largest dataset, the median bias for samples collected with HydraSleeve was ?20% (p < 0.001). At this site, a bias of ?26% (p < 0.001) was observed for the subset of monitoring wells with greater than 10 feet of water above the screened interval compared to a bias of ?7% (p = 0.21) for wells screened across the top of the water table. In addition to lower VOC concentrations, the monitoring records obtained using the HydraSleeve were more variable compared to monitoring records obtained using purge sampling methods, a characteristic that would make it more difficult to determine the long‐term concentration trend in the well.  相似文献   
In the present study, a mechanical model has been developed to study the behavior of multilayer geosynthetic-reinforced granular fill over stone column-reinforced soft soil. The granular fill and geosynthetic reinforcement layers have been idealized by Pasternak shear layer and rough elastic membranes, respectively. The Kelvin–Voight model has been used to represent the time-dependent behavior of saturated soft soil. The stone columns are idealized by stiffer springs and assumed to be linearly elastic. The nonlinear behavior of the soft soil and granular fill is considered. The effect of consolidation of soft soil due to inclusion of the stone columns on settlement response has also been included in the model. Plane strain conditions are considered for the loading and reinforced foundation soil system. An iterative finite difference scheme is applied for obtaining the solution and results are presented in nondimensional form. It has been observed that if the soft soil is improved with stone columns, the multilayer reinforcement system is less effective as compared to single layer reinforcement to reduce the total settlement as there is considerable reduction in the total settlement due to stone column itself. Multilayer reinforcement system is effective for reducing the total settlement when stone columns are not used. However, multilayer reinforcement system is effective to transfer the stress from soil to stone column. The differential settlement is also slightly reduced due to application of multiple geosynthetic layers as compared to the single layer reinforcement system.  相似文献   
Geomagnetic data for the year 1967 from seven Canadian observatories, spanning the subauroral, auroral and polar zones, have been analysed to investigate the characteristic variation of Pc5 period with several geophysical variables. Pulsations in the whole spectrum of Pc5 (period range 150–600 s) were found to occur at all of the observatories. Those with smaller periods occurred more frequently at lower latitudes while those with longer periods occurred more frequently at higher latitudes. Daily variation of the periods of Pc5 showed little change with seasons or with magnetic activity. Periods, in general, had two daily maxima which appeared at different local times in different zones. A predominant morning peak was noted at all stations except Baker Lake, where a mid-day maximum of the period was found. The Pc5 periods tended to increase with geomagnetic activity at lower latitude stations, and to decrease with activity at stations in the polar cap for low to moderateKp levels. At high activity levels these trends appeared to reverse, though results are less certain. In different seasons and for the whole year the periods increased almost linearly with latitude. However when similar analysis was done for individual hours of the day and for different magnetic activity groups, this linear relationship between period and geomagnetic latitude was not evident. Efforts to detect a 27-day recurrence tendency of Pc5 periods did not succeed.Contributions from the Earth Physics Branch No. 495.  相似文献   
We present the results of a detailed analysis of multi-wavelength observations of a very impulsive solar flare 1B/M6.7, which occurred on 10 March, 2001 in NOAA AR 9368 (N27 W42). The observations show that the flare is very impulsive with a very hard spectrum in HXR that reveal that non-thermal emission was most dominant. On the other hand, this flare also produced a type II radio burst and coronal mass ejections (CME), which are not general characteristics for impulsive flares. In H we observed bright mass ejecta (BME) followed by dark mass ejecta (DME). Based on the consistency of the onset times and directions of BME and CME, we conclude that these two phenomena are closely associated. It is inferred that the energy build-up took place due to photospheric reconnection between emerging positive parasitic polarity and predominant negative polarity, which resulted as a consequence of flux cancellation. The shear increased to >80 due to further emergence of positive parasitic polarity causing strongly enhanced cancellation of flux. It appears that such enhanced magnetic flux cancellation in a strongly sheared region triggered the impulsive flare.  相似文献   
Emission-line stars in young open clusters are identified to study their properties, as a function of age, spectral type and evolutionary state. 207 open star clusters were observed using the slitless spectroscopy method and 157 emission stars were identified in 42 clusters. We have found 54 new emission-line stars in 24 open clusters, out of which 19 clusters are found to house emission stars for the first time. About 20 per cent clusters harbour emission stars. The fraction of clusters housing emission stars is maximum in both the 0–10 and 20–30 Myr age bin (∼40 per cent each). Most of the emission stars in our survey belong to Classical Be class (∼92 per cent) while a few are Herbig Be stars (∼6 per cent) and Herbig Ae stars (∼2 per cent). The youngest clusters to have Classical Be stars are IC 1590, NGC 637 and 1624 (all 4 Myr old) while NGC 6756 (125–150 Myr) is the oldest cluster to have Classical Be stars. The Classical Be stars are located all along the main sequence (MS) in the optical colour–magnitude diagrams (CMDs) of clusters of all ages, which indicates that the Be phenomenon is unlikely due to core contraction near the turn-off. The distribution of Classical Be stars as a function of spectral type shows peaks at B1–B2 and B6–B7 spectral types. The Be star fraction [N(Be)/N(B+Be)] is found to be less than 10 per cent for most of the clusters and NGC 2345 is found to have the largest fraction (∼26 per cent). Our results indicate there could be two mechanisms responsible for the Classical Be phenomenon. Some are born Classical Be stars (fast rotators), as indicated by their presence in clusters younger than 10 Myr. Some stars evolve to Classical Be stars, within the MS lifetime, as indicated by the enhancement in the fraction of clusters with Classical Be stars in the 20–30 Myr age bin.  相似文献   
Accurate representations of the Earth’s surface in the form of digital elevation models (DEMs) are essential for a variety of applications in glaciological and remote-sensing research. In the present study area change and thickness variation over Pensilungpa glacier was attempted using remote sensing approach. It can be remarked that a net loss of 9.23 sq. km. which is 38% of the glacier area mapped in 1962 indicate a drastic change over the glacier area during 1962–2007. Estimation of glacier thickness change on Pensilungpa glacier based on ASTER DEM (2003) and Survey of India (SOI) contour based DEM (1962) indicated increase in the glacier elevation in the accumulation zone mainly by 30 to 90 m and similar reduction by 30 to 90 m in the ablation zone.  相似文献   
Himalayan fold belt has full of geological surprises, ‘mélange’ is one of them which create difficulties during tunneling. Such mélange completely went unnoticed during surface mapping and geotechnical investigation preceding the construction of the Udhampur railway tunnel (URT). During the construction, the mélange zone has encountered across the tunnel, which occurs along the Tanhal thrust (equivalent to MBT) that separates the Murree Group and the Shiwalik Group. The mélange was characterized by a chaotic, heterogeneous geological mixture of stronger blocks (scale independence) and weaker sheared fine-grained matrix, often termed as “block-in-matrix rocks” or bimrocks, which enforced mixed face tunneling. The heterogeneity in a tectonic mélange led to stress concentrations in the rock blocks, and there were relatively high deformations within the matrix also. Release of stress from the blocks due to excavation, with unfavorable joint and thrust orientations enforced brittle failure of the blocks (face and crown collapses) while matrix deformation (time dependent) caused convergence of primary support later. Additionally, the clay minerals with high swelling potential within the matrix swelled and created pressure on the primary support. Due to the geomechanical heterogeneity in mélange, homogenizing the rock-mass by the commonly used quantitative systems might have lead to an inappropriate design and construction. The adopted New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) proved to be an useful tool for tunneling.  相似文献   
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