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The Dawn spacecraft mission has provided extensive new and detailed data on Vesta that confirm and strengthen the Vesta–howardite–eucrite–diogenite (HED) meteorite link and the concept that Vesta is differentiated, as derived from earlier telescopic observations. Here, we present results derived by newly calibrated spectra of Vesta. The comparison between data from the Dawn imaging spectrometer—VIR—and the different class of HED meteorites shows that average spectrum of Vesta resembles howardite spectra. Nevertheless, the Vesta spectra at high spatial resolution reveal variations in the distribution of HED‐like mineralogies on the asteroid. The data have been used to derive HED distribution on Vesta, reported in Ammannito et al. (2013), and to compute the average Vestan spectra of the different HED lithologies, reported here. The spectra indicate that, not only are all the different HED lithologies present on Vesta, but also carbonaceous chondritic material, which constitutes the most abundant inclusion type found in howardites, is widespread. However, the hydration feature used to identify carbonaceous chondrite material varies significantly on Vesta, revealing different band shapes. The characteristic of these hydration features cannot be explained solely by infalling of carbonaceous chondrite meteorites and other possible origins must be considered. The relative proportion of HEDs on Vesta's surface is computed, and results show that most of the vestan surface is compatible with eucrite‐rich howardites and/or cumulate or polymict eucrites. A very small percentage of surface is covered by diogenite, and basaltic eucrite terrains are relatively few compared with the abundance of basaltic eucrites in the HED suite. The largest abundance of diogenitic material is found in the Rheasilvia region, a deep basin, where it clearly occurs below a basaltic upper crust. However, diogenite is also found elsewhere; although the depth to diogenite is consistent with one magma ocean model, its lateral extent is not well constrained.  相似文献   
A detailed study was made of the spectral reflectivity (0.3–1.1 μm) of 31 areas (10–20 km in diam) in the Humorum basin region. The results are: (1) There are at least two units in the mare portion of Humorum which are distinguishable by spectral properties. One of these units, called T-type, has a spectral reflectivity resembling that of the Apollo 11 site and also some areas in Oceanus Procellarum. The other unit in southwest Mare Humorum, resembles Mare Serenitatis in spectral character (S-type). An additional unit in the central area (I-type) with intermediate spectral properties is possible. (2) These mare units do not correlate with obvious morphological or albedo changes but agree well with shadings distinguishable on color difference photographs. (3) On the basis of studies of previously sampled sites it is suggested that the T-type unit may be higher in Ti content (similar to Apollo 11) than the S-type material (similar to Apollo 12). (4) The continuity of T-type material through the break in the northeast wall of Mare Humorum and its spectral similarity to areas in Procellarum suggest that the T-type material may result from an event that flooded parts of Mare Procellarum at a period later than the original Humorum basin filling (S-type). Relative ages derived from crater morphology studies support this sequence.  相似文献   
The creation and accumulation of nanophase iron (npFe0) is a principal mechanism by which spectra of materials exposed to the space environment incur systematic changes referred to as “space weathering.” Since there is no reason to assume that cumulative space weathering products throughout the Solar System will be the same as those found in lunar soils, these products are likely to be very dependent on the specific environmental conditions under which they were produced. We have prepared a suite of analog soils to explore the optical effects of npFe0. By varying the size and concentration of npFe0 in the analogs we found significant systematic changes in the Vis/NIR spectral properties of the materials. Smaller npFe0 (<10 nm in diameter) dramatically reddens spectra in the visible wavelengths while leaving the infrared region largely unaffected. Larger npFe0 (>40 nm in diameter) lowers the albedo across the Vis/NIR range with little change in the overall shape of the continuum. Intermediate npFe0 sizes impact the spectra in a distinct pattern that changes with concentration. The products of these controlled experiments have implications for space-weathered material throughout the inner Solar System. Our results indicate that the lunar soil continuum is best modeled by npFe0 particles with bulk properties in the 15–25 nm size range. Larger npFe0 grains result in spectra that are similar in shape to the Mercury continuum. The continuum of S-type asteroid spectra appear to be best represented by low abundances of npFe0. The size of asteroidal npFe0 is similar to that of lunar soils, but slightly smaller on average (10–15 nm).  相似文献   
By applying our understanding of lunar space weathering processes, we can predict how space weathering will effect the soil properties on Mercury. In particular, the extreme temperature range on Mercury may result in latitudinal variations in the size distribution of npFe0, and therefore the spectral properties of the soil.  相似文献   
Lunar images acquired at non-zero phase angles show brightness variations caused by both albedo heterogeneities and local topographic slopes of the surface. To distinguish between these two factors, altimetry measurements or photoclinometry data can be used. The distinction is especially important for imagery of phase-function parameters of the Moon. The imagery is a new tool that can be used to study structural anomalies of the lunar surface. To illustrate the removal of the topographic effects from photometric images, we used Earth-based telescopic observations, altimetry measurements carried out with the Kaguya (JAXA) LALT instrument, and a new photoclinometry technique that includes analysis of several images of the same scenes acquired at different phase angles. Using this technique we have mapped the longitudinal component of lunar topography slopes (the component measured along the lines of constant latitude). We have found good correlations when comparing our map with the corresponding data from Kaguya altimetry. The removal of the topographic surface properties allows for the study of the phase-function parameters of the lunar surface, not only for flat mare regions, but for highlands as well.  相似文献   
The mineralogy of a planetary surface is a diagnostic product of its formation and geologic evolution. Global assessment of lunar mineralogy at high spatial resolution has been a long standing goal of lunar exploration. Currently, the only global data available for such study is multispectral imagery from the Clementine mission. We use the detailed compositional, petrographic, and spectroscopic data of lunar soils produced by the Lunar Soil Characterization Consortium to explore the use of multispectral imaging as a diagnostic tool. We compare several statistically optimized formulations of links between spectral and mineral parameters and apply them to Clementine UV-VIS data. The most reliable results are for estimations of pyroxene abundance and maturity parameters (agglutinate abundance, Is/FeO). Estimations of different pyroxene composition (low-Ca versus high-Ca) appear good in a relative sense, but absolute values are limited by residual wavelength dependent Clementine photometric calibrations. Since the signal-to-noise of Clementine multispectral data is good at the 1-km scale, almost any combination of parameters that capture inherent spectral variance can provide spatially coherent maps, although the parameters may not actually be directly related to composition. Clementine estimates are useful for identifying scientific or exploration targets for imaging spectrometer sensors of the next generation that are specifically designed to characterize mineralogy.  相似文献   
Abstract— Black ordinary chondrite meteorites sample the spectral effects of shock on ordinary chondrite material in the space environment. Since shock is an important regolith process, these meteorites may provide insight into the spectral properties of the regoliths on ordinary chondrite parent bodies. To determine how common black chondrites are in the meteorite collection and, by analogy, the frequency of shock-alteration in ordinary chondrites, several of the world's major meteorite collections were examined to identify black chondrites. Over 80% of all catalogued ordinary chondrites were examined and, using an optical definition, 61 black chondrites were identified. Black chondrites account for approximately 13.7% of ordinary chondrite falls. If the optically altered gas-rich ordinary chondrites are included, the proportion of falls that exhibit some form of altered spectral properties increases to 16.7%. This suggests that optical alteration of asteroidal material in the space environment is a relatively common process.  相似文献   
Reflectance spectra of 26 Martian areas (200–400 km in diameter) that were measured during the 1973 opposition are presented. They were measured through 25 narrow-band interference filters between 0.33 and 1.10 μm, using a photoelectric filter photometer at the Mauna Kea 230-cm telescope. There were many more bright and dark areas observed than during previous oppositions, and for the first time spectra were obtained of dust clouds and areas of mixed and intermediate albedo. The bright areas and dust clouds were all apparently composed of the same mineralogic unit. The dark area spectra differed substantially from the bright area and dust cloud spectra, and they showed major regional variations. The spectra of mixed and intermediate albedo areas had absorption bands seen in both bright and dark area spectra, and did not display any unique new features: thus they were apparently not compositionally unique, but rather were probably composed of mixtures of high albedo dust and dark area soils.  相似文献   
Images of the lunar nearside obtained by telescopes of Maidanak Observatory (Uzbekistan) and Simeiz Observatory (Crimea, Ukraine) equipped with Canon CMOS cameras and Sony CCD LineScan camera were used to study photometric properties of the lunar nearside in several spectral bands. A wide range of lunar phase angles was covered, and the method of phase ratios to assess the steepness of the phase function at different phase angles is applied. We found several areas with photometric anomalies in the south-west portion of the lunar disk that we refer to as Oceanus Procellarum anomalies. The areas being unique on the lunar nearside do not obey the inverse correlation between albedo and phase-curve slope, demonstrating high phase-curve slopes at intermediate albedo. Low-Sun images acquired with Lunar Orbiter IV and Apollo-16 cameras do not reveal anomalous topography of the regions, at least for scales larger than several tens of meters. The areas also do not have any thermal inertia, radar (70 and 3.8 cm), magnetic, or chemical/mineral peculiarities. On the other hand they exhibit a polarimetric signature that we interpret to be due to the presence of a porous regolith upper layer consisting of dust particles. The anomalies may be interpreted as regions of very fresh shallow regolith disturbances caused by impacts of meteoroid swarms consisting of rather small impactors. This origin is similar to one of the hypotheses for the origin of lunar swirls like the Reiner-γ formation. The photometric difference between the shallow and pervasive (Reiner-γ class) swirls is that the latter appear to have a significant amount of immature soils in the upper surface layers.  相似文献   
Abstract— Understanding the fundamental crystal chemical controls on visible and near‐infrared reflectance spectra of pyroxenes is critical to quantitatively assessing the mineral chemistry of pyroxenes viewed by remote sensing. This study focuses on the analysis of spectroscopic measurements of a comprehensive set of synthetic Mg‐Fe pyroxenes from the visible through the near‐infrared (0.3–2.6 μm) to address the constraints of crystal structure and Fe2+ content on spin‐forbidden and spin‐allowed crystal field absorptions in Ca‐free orthopyroxenes. The chemistry and oxidation state of the synthetic pyroxenes are characterized. Coordinated Mössbauer spectroscopy is used to determine site occupancy of Fe2+ in the M1 and M2 crystallographic sites. Properties of visible and near‐infrared absorption bands of the synthetic pyroxenes are quantified using the modified Gaussian model. The 1 and 2 μm spin‐allowed crystal field absorption bands move regularly with increasing iron content, defining a much tighter trend than observed previously. A spin‐allowed crystal field absorption band at 1.2 μm is explicitly verified, even at low total iron contents, indicating that some portion of Fe2+ resides in the M1 site. The 1.2 μm band intensifies and shifts to longer wavelengths with increasing iron content. At visible wavelengths, spin‐forbidden crystal field absorptions are observed in all iron‐bearing samples. The most prominent absorption near 506 nm, attributed to iron in the M2 site, shifts to slightly longer wavelengths with iron content. The purity and extent of this pyroxene series allows visible wavelength absorption bands to be directly assigned to specific transitions of Fe2+ in the M1 and M2 sites.  相似文献   
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