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Recent observations and missions to Mars have provided us with new insight into the past habitability of Mars and its history. At the same time they have raised many questions on the planet evolution. We show that even with the few data available we can propose a scenario for the evolution of the Martian atmosphere in the last three billion years. Our model is obtained with a back integration of the Martian atmosphere, and takes into account the effects of volcanic degassing, which constitutes an input of volatiles, and atmospheric escape into space. We focus on CO2, the predominant Martian atmospheric gas.Volcanic CO2 degassing rates are obtained for different models of numerical model crust production rates [Breuer, D., Spohn, T. 2003. Early plate tectonics versus single-plate tectonics on Mars: Evidence from magnetic field history and crust evolution. J. Geophys. Res. - Planets, 108, E7, 5072, Breuer, D., Spohn, T., 2006. Viscosity of the Martian mantle and its initial temperature: Constraints from crust formation history and the evolution of the magnetic field. Planet. Space Sci. 54 (2006) 153–169; Manga, M., Wenzel, M., Zaranek, S.E., 2006. Mantle Plumes and Long-lived Volcanism on Mars as Result of a Layered Mantle. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2006, Abstract #P31C-0149.] and constrained on observation. By estimating the volatile contents of the lavas, the amount of volatiles released in the atmosphere is estimated for different scenarios. Both non-thermal processes (related to the solar activity) and thermal processes are studied and non-thermal processes are incorporated in our modelling of the escape [Chassefière, E., Leblanc, F., Langlais, B., 2006, The combined effects of escape and magnetic field history at Mars. Planet. Space Sci. Volume 55, Issue 3, Pages 343–357.]. We used measurements from ASPERA and Mars Express and these models to estimate the amount of lost atmosphere.An evolution of the CO2 pressure consistent with its present state is then obtained. A crustal production rate of at least 0.01 km3/year is needed for the atmosphere to be at steady state. Moreover, we show that for most of the scenarios a rapid loss of the primary (and primordial) atmosphere due to atmospheric escape is required in the first 2 Gyr in order to obtain the present-day atmosphere. When CO2 concentration in the mantle is high enough (i.e. more than 800 ppm), our results imply that present-day atmosphere would have a volcanic origin and would have been created between 1 Gyr and 2 Gyr ago even for models with low volcanic activity. If the volcanic activity and the degassing are intense enough, then the atmosphere can even be entirely secondary and as young as 1 Gyr. However, with low activity and low CO2 concentration (less than 600 ppm), the present-day atmosphere is likely to be for the major part primordial.  相似文献   
The Aquitanian Coast (France) is a high-energy meso-macrotidal environment exhibiting a highly variable double sandbar system. The inner and the outer bar generally exhibit a bar and rip morphology and persistent crescentic patterns, respectively. In June 2007, an intense five-day field experiment was carried out at Biscarrosse Beach. A large array of sensors was deployed on a well-developed southward-oriented bar and rip morphology. Daily topographic surveys were carried out together with video imaging to investigate beach morphodynamic evolution. During the experiment, offshore significant wave height ranged from 0.5 to 3 m, with a persistent shore-normal angle. This paper identifies two types of behavior of an observed rip current: (1) for low-energy waves, the rip current is active only between low and mid tide with maximum mean rip current velocity reaching 0.8 m/s for an offshore significant wave height (Hs) lower than 1 m; (2) for high-energy waves (Hs≈ 2.5–3 m), the rip current was active over the whole tide cycle with the presence of persistent intense offshore-directed flows between mid and high tide. For both low and high-energy waves, very low-frequency pulsations (15–30 min) of the mean currents are observed on both feeder and rip channels.A persistent slow shoreward migration of the sandbar was observed during the experiment while no significant alongshore migration of the system was measured. Onshore migration during the high-energy waves can be explained by different sediment transport processes such as flow velocity skewness, wave asymmetry or bed ventilation. High-frequency local measurements of the bed evolution show the presence of significant (in the order of 10 cm) fluctuations (in the order of 1 h). These fluctuations, observed for both low- and high-energy waves, are thought to be ripples and megaripples, respectively and may play an important but still poorly understood role in the larger scale morphodynamics. The present dataset improves the knowledge of rip dynamics as well as the morphological response of strongly alongshore non-uniform meso-macrotidal beaches.  相似文献   
On 8–9 September 2002, an extreme rainfall event caused by a stationary mesoscale convective system (MCS) occurred in the Gard region, France. Distributed hydrologic and hydraulic modelling has been carried out to assess and compare the various sources of data collected operationally and during the post-event field surveys. Distributed hydrological modelling was performed with n-TOPMODELs and assessed for ungauged basins with the discharge estimates of the post-event surveys. A careful examination of the occurrence in time and space of the flash floods over the head watersheds indicates that flooding was controlled by the trajectory of the convective part of the MCS. Stationarity of the MCS over the Gardon watershed (1858 km2 at Remoulins) for 28 h was responsible for the exceptional magnitude of the flood at this scale. The flood dynamics were characterized by an extensive inundation of the Gardonnenque plain upstream of the Gardon Gorges resulting in a significant peak flow reduction downstream. One-dimensional unsteady-flow hydraulic modelling was found to be required to reproduce these dynamics. Hydraulic modelling also proved to be potentially useful for the critical analysis and extrapolation of operational discharge rating curves.  相似文献   
Lagrangian approaches are well suited to transport in contrasted media but have been considered irrelevant when inversion is envisioned. The randomness of results for the same transport scenario adds to the rough evaluation by perturbation of the sensitivities, yielding an inaccurate search of parameters. It is shown here how a Time Domain Random Walk (TDRW) method can be inverted by deriving the sensitivities analytically. The calculations are very rapid and provide a precise evaluation of the descent directions followed by a Gauss–Newton optimizer. The method handles advection–dispersion + retention by matrix diffusion or sorption with first-order kinetics and proves its worth in all cases. Since analytical sensitivities are available, calculations are rigorous and allow discussing the inversion feasibility, the accuracy of the sought parameters, according to the predominant mechanism involved in the transport scenario.  相似文献   
A high-resolution sea surface temperature and paleoproductivity reconstruction on a sedimentary record collected at 36°S off central-south Chile (GeoB 7165-1, 36°33′S, 73°40′W, 797 m water depth, core length 750 cm) indicates that paleoceanographic conditions changed abruptly between 18 and 17 ka. Comparative analysis of several cores along the Chilean continental margin (30°–41°S) suggests that the onset and the pattern of deglacial warming was not uniform off central-south Chile due to the progressive southward migration of the Southern Westerlies and local variations in upwelling. Marine productivity augmented rather abruptly at 13–14 ka, well after the oceanographic changes. We suggest that the late deglacial increase in paleoproductivity off central-south Chile reflects the onset of an active upwelling system bringing nutrient-rich, oxygen-poor Equatorial Subsurface Water to the euphotic zone, and a relatively higher nutrient load of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current. During the Last Glacial Maximum, when the Southern Westerlies were located further north, productivity off central-south Chile, in contrast to off northern Chile, was reduced due to direct onshore-blowing winds that prevented coastal upwelling and export production.  相似文献   
The bottom water in the >300 m deep Lower St. Lawrence Estuary (LSLE) is persistently hypoxic in contrast to the normoxic bottom waters in the Gulf of St. Lawrence (GSL). We photographed the seabed at 11 stations in the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence (EGSL) during the summers 2006 and 2007 and analysed the images to identify bioturbation traces (lebensspuren) and benthic macrofauna. The objective was to identify the environmental variables that influence the density and diversity of benthic macrofauna and bioturbation traces, and the differences that exist among regions with high, medium and low oxygen levels in the bottom water. The bottom water oxygen concentration is the variable that best explains the densities of total-traces as well as surface-traces. However, the density of these traces was higher in hypoxic regions than in well-oxygenated regions. The higher density of traces in the hypoxic region of the LSLE is mainly due to the activities of the surface deposit feeder Ophiura sp., which occurs in large numbers in this region. Possible explanations explored are stress behaviour of the organisms in response to hypoxia and different benthic macrofauna community structures between the hypoxic regions of the LSLE and the normoxic regions of the GSL. In the former, surface deposit feeders and low-oxygen tolerant species dominate over suspension feeders and low-oxygen intolerant species.  相似文献   
The differentiation between the concentration of metals associated with suspended sediments and those in the dissolved phase is often of importance in aquatic ecosystems, for such reasons as toxicity evaluation, total maximum daily load calculations, and a better understanding of metal transport. Often, published water quality data include only concentrations of total and dissolved metals, with particulate concentrations assumed equal to the difference between the two. The validity of this assumption for mining-influenced waters is addressed in this paper by comparing data determined from the subtraction of total (acid-soluble) and dissolved (operationally defined as less than 0.45-μm) metal concentrations (difference method) with data obtained from acid-digestion of the particles retained on the filters used for filtering the dissolved fraction (digestion method). Greater than fifty water samples containing suspended sediment were collected from each of three sites in the Clear Creek Watershed in Colorado during a two and one-half year study on the fate and transport of metals in the watershed. Volumes of water filtered ranged from 50 to 250 ml, representative of typical volumes used for the determination of dissolved metal concentrations. The particulate-associated concentrations of Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn determined from the difference method compared well with the concentrations determined by the digestion method. Statistical analyses indicated that there is not a statistically significant difference between the two methods at the 95% confidence level, with p-values of 0.65, 0.88, 0.39, 0.67, and 0.75, for Al, Cu, Fe, Mn, and Zn, respectively, over the three sites.  相似文献   
Integrated studies based on tectonic, seismotectonic and geomorphological analyses indicate that Normandy (northwest France) has been an active area during the Quaternary. Topography and landform discontinuities reflect the dislocation and differential uplift of a late Cenozoic platform. The tectonic activity is represented by (i) active faults, indicated by linear scarps and seismic activity, (ii) offsetting of pre‐existing surfaces, (iii) Plio‐Pleistocene sedimentation restricted within narrow subsiding zones, and (iv) morphometric properties of drainage basins that indicate zones of differential uplift. The inferred strain pattern involves (i) a shortening direction that strikes NW–SE as expected in the European context of Alpine compression, and (ii) a NE–SW trending extension accommodated by NW–SE normal faults. The geomorphological systems encountered in Normandy preferentially record differential vertical displacements. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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