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Solar g-modes are global oscillations that would exist primarily in the radiative zone (RZ) and would be excited by either convective overshoot or nuclear burning in the core. Wolff and O’Donovan (Astrophys. J. 661, 568, 2007) proposed a non-linear coupling of g-modes into groups that share the same harmonic degree . Each group (denoted set()) exhibits a unique retrograde rotation rate with respect to the RZ that depends mainly on . The coupling yields a standing wave (nearly stationary in longitude) that has two angularly defined hot spots offset from the equator on opposite sides of the Sun that would deposit energy asymmetrically in the lower convective envelope (CE). It is anticipated that when two or more groups overlap in longitude, an increase in local heating would influence the distribution of sunspots. In this paper, we scanned a multitude of rotational reference frames for sunspot clustering to test for frames that are concordant with the rotation of these g-modes sets. To achieve this, spherical harmonic filtering of sunspot synoptic maps was used to extract patterns consistent with coalesced g-modes. The latitude band, with minimal differential rotation, was sampled from each filtered synoptic map and layered into a stackplot. This was progressively shifted, line-by-line, into different rotational reference frames. We have detected long-lived longitudinal alignments, spanning 90 years of solar cycles, which are consistent with the rotation rate of the deep solar interior as well as other rotational frames predicted by the coupled g-mode model. Their sidereal rotation rates of 370.0, 398.8, 412.7, 418.3, 421.0, 424.2 and 430.0 nHz correspond, respectively, to coupled g-modes for = 2 through 7 and G, where G is a set with high values or a group of such sets (unresolved) that rotate almost as fast as the RZ. While the clustering in these reference frames offers new approaches for studying the longitudinal behavior of solar activity, it tentatively leads to the more profound conclusion that a portion of the driving force for sunspot occurrence is linked to energy extracted from the solar core and deposited at the top of the RZ by solar g-modes.  相似文献   
Global warming: a review of this mostly settled issue   总被引:6,自引:6,他引:0  
Global warming and attendant climate change have been controversial for at least a decade. This is largely because of its societal implications since the science is largely straightforward. With the recent publication of the Fourth Assessment Report of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (Working Group 1) there has been renewed interest and controversy about how certain the scientific community is of its conclusions: that humans are influencing the climate and that global temperatures will continue to rise rapidly in this century. This review attempts to update what is known and in particular what advances have been made in the past 5 years or so. It does not attempt to be comprehensive. Rather it focuses on the most controversial issues, which are actually few in number. They are:
  • Is the surface temperature record accurate or is it biased by heat from cities, etc.?
  • Is that record significantly different from past warmings such as the Medieval Warming Period?
  • Are human greenhouse gases changing the climate more than the sun?
  • Can we model climate and predict its future, or is it just too complex and chaotic?
  • Are there any other changes in climate other than warming, and can they be attributed to the warming?
Finally there is a very brief discussion of the societal policy response to the scientific message. Note that much of the introductory material in each section is essentially the same as that which appears in Keller 2003 (hereafter referred to as OR = original review) and its update (Keller 2007). Despite continued uncertainties, the review finds an affirmative answer to these questions. Of particular interest are advances that seem to explain why satellites do not see as much warming as surface instruments, how we are getting a good idea of recent paleo-climates, and why the twentieth century temperature record was so complex. It makes the point that in each area new information could come to light that would change our thinking on the quantitative magnitude and timing of anthropogenic warming, but it is unlikely to alter the basic conclusions.  相似文献   

A comprehensive hydro-ecological investigation was conducted to determine the ecological response of increased groundwater withdrawals from the Kirkwood-Cohansey aquifer system, an important source of water supply in southern New Jersey, USA. Collocated observations were made of aquatic-macroinvertebrate assemblages and stream hydrologic attributes to develop flow–ecology response relations. A sub-regional transient groundwater flow model (MODFLOW) was used to simulate three plausible high-stress groundwater-withdrawal scenarios which resulted in stream baseflow reductions of approximately 0.12, 0.20, and 0.26 m3 s-1. These reduction scenarios were used to construct flow-alteration ecological response models to evaluate aquatic-macroinvertebrate response to streamflow reduction. For example, flow-alteration ecological response models indicate that if groundwater withdrawals diminish mean annual streamflow from 1.1 to 0.6 m3 s-1, the abundance of intolerant taxa could be reduced by as much as 20%. These flow-alteration ecological response modelling results could be used by resource professionals to evaluate alternative water management strategies to determine maximum basin withdrawal rates that meet ongoing human water demand while protecting biological integrity.
Editor D. Koutsoyiannis; Guest editor M. Acreman

Citation Kennen, J.G., Riskin, M.L., and Charles, E.G., 2014. Effects of streamflow reductions on aquatic macroinvertebrates: linking groundwater withdrawals and assemblage response in southern New Jersey streams, USA. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (3–4), 545–561.  相似文献   
We report the results of two independent laboratory investigations to evaluate total and leachable concentrations of glycols, glycol ethers, phenol, and other compounds in representative Type I and Type I/II Portland cement products that United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), The American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) and others recommend as annular sealants in monitoring well completions. Water well drillers also use these cements in their well completions. The EPA has included some of these compounds for analysis in their National Hydraulic Fracturing Study to evaluate the effects of hydraulic fracturing on ground‐ and surface water resources. During any contaminant investigation, materials used in monitoring or water well drilling, completion, development, and sampling must be free of the chemicals being targeted by the regulatory agency. Three of five bulk cement products we tested contained part per million (ppm) (mg/kg) concentrations of diethylene glycol, ethylene glycol, tetraethylene glycol, and triethylene glycol; chemicals added as grinding aids during manufacture. Some cements also contained ppb (µg/kg) concentrations of benzoic acid, phenols, propylene glycol, and 2‐butoxyethanol. Leaching of cured cement samples in water produced ppm (mg/L) concentrations of glycols in the supernatant. These results show that cured cements in monitoring or water wells can contaminate groundwater samples with glycols and phenol. Our findings should help prevent future sample bias and false positives when testing for glycol compounds and phenol in groundwater samples from monitoring or water wells and highlight the need to test materials or products used in monitoring or water well drilling, completions, development, and sampling to avoid false positives when sampling and analyzing for less common analytical constituents.  相似文献   
A regression-based downscaling technique was applied to monthly mean surface wind observations from stations throughout western Canada as well as from buoys in the Northeast Pacific Ocean over the period 1979–2006. A predictor set was developed from principal component analysis of the three wind components at 500?hPa and mean sea-level pressure taken from the NCEP Reanalysis II. Building on the results of a companion paper, Curry et al. (Clim Dyn 2011, doi:10.1007/s00382-011-1173-3), the downscaling was applied to both wind speed and wind components, in an effort to evaluate the utility of each type of predictand. Cross-validated prediction skill varied strongly with season, with autumn and summer displaying the highest and lowest skill, respectively. In most cases wind components were predicted with better skill than wind speeds. The predictive ability of wind components was found to be strongly related to their orientation. Wind components with the best predictions were often oriented along topographically significant features such as constricted valleys, mountain ranges or ocean channels. This influence of directionality on predictive ability is most prominent during autumn and winter at inland sites with complex topography. Stations in regions with relatively flat terrain (where topographic steering is minimal) exhibit inter-station consistencies including region-wide seasonal shifts in the direction of the best predicted wind component. The conclusion that wind components can be skillfully predicted only over a limited range of directions at most stations limits the scope of statistically downscaled wind speed predictions. It seems likely that such limitations apply to other regions of complex terrain as well.  相似文献   
Two different field-based methods are used here to calculate feldspar dissolution rates in the Topopah Spring Tuff, the host rock for the proposed nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. The center of the tuff is a high silica rhyolite, consisting largely of alkali feldspar (60 wt%) and quartz polymorphs (35 wt%) that formed by devitrification of rhyolitic glass as the tuff cooled. First, the abundance of secondary aluminosilicates is used to estimate the cumulative amount of feldspar dissolution over the history of the tuff, and an ambient dissolution rate is calculated by using the estimated thermal history. Second, the feldspar dissolution rate is calculated by using measured Sr isotope compositions for the pore water and rock. Pore waters display systematic changes in Sr isotopic composition with depth that are caused by feldspar dissolution. The range in dissolution rates determined from secondary mineral abundances varies from 10−16 to 10−17 mol s−1 kg tuff−1 with the largest uncertainty being the effect of the early thermal history of the tuff. Dissolution rates based on pore water Sr isotopic data were calculated by treating percolation flux parametrically, and vary from 10−15 to 10−16 mol s−1 kg tuff−1 for percolation fluxes of 15 mm a−1 and 1 mm a−1, respectively. Reconciling the rates from the two methods requires that percolation fluxes at the sampled locations be a few mm a−1 or less. The calculated feldspar dissolution rates are low relative to other measured field-based feldspar dissolution rates, possibly due to the age (12.8 Ma) of the unsaturated system at Yucca Mountain; because oxidizing and organic-poor conditions limit biological activity; and/or because elevated silica concentrations in the pore waters (50 mg L−1) may inhibit feldspar dissolution.  相似文献   
The speciation of dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) in the temperate Tamar estuary of SW England is described. Eight stations from the riverine to marine end-members were sampled during four seasonal campaigns in 2007 and the DOP pool in the water column and sediment porewater was characterized and quantified using a flow injection manifold after sequential enzymatic hydrolysis. This enabled the enzymatically hydrolysable phosphorus (EHP) fraction and its component labile monoester phosphates, diester phosphates and a phytase-hydrolysable fraction that includes myo-inositol hexakisphosphate (phytic acid), to be determined and compared with the total DOP, dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) pools. The results showed that the DOP pool in the water column varied temporally and spatially within the estuary (1.1-22 μg L−1) and constituted 6-40% of TDP. The EHP fraction of DOP ranged from 1.1-15 μg L−1 and represented a significant and potentially bioavailable phosphorus fraction. Furthermore the spatial profiles of the three components of the EHP pool generally showed non-conservative behavior along the salinity gradient, with apparent internal estuarine sources. Porewater profiles followed broadly similar trends but were notably higher at the marine station throughout the year. In contrast to soil organic phosphorus profiles, the labile monoester phosphate fraction was the largest component, with diester phosphates also prevalent. Phytic acid concentrations were higher in the lower estuary, possibly due to salinity induced desorption processes. The EHP fraction is not commonly determined in aquatic systems due to the lack of a suitable measurement technique and the Tamar results reported here have important implications for phosphorus biogeochemistry, estuarine ecology and the development of efficient strategies for limiting the effects of phosphorus on water quality.  相似文献   
Delta fronts are often characterized by high rates of sediment supply that result in unstable slopes and a wide variety of soft‐sediment deformation, including the formation of overpressured and mobile muds that may flow plastically during early burial, potentially forming mud diapirs. The coastal cliffs of County Clare, western Ireland, expose Pennsylvanian (Namurian) delta‐front deposits of the Shannon Basin at large scale and in three dimensions. These deposits include decametre‐scale, internally chaotic mudstone masses that clearly impact the surrounding sedimentary strata. Evidence indicates that these were true mud (unlithified sediment) diapirs that pierced overlying strata. This study documents a well‐exposed ca 20 m tall mud diapir and its impact on the surrounding mouth‐bar deposits of the Tullig Cyclothem. A synsedimentary fault and associated rollover dome, evident from stratal thicknesses and the dip of the beds, define one edge of the diapir. These features are interpreted as recording the reactive rise of the mud diapir in response to extensional faulting along its margin. Above the diapir, heterolithic sandstones and siltstones contain evidence for the creation of localized accommodation, suggesting synsedimentary filling, tilting and erosion of a shallow sag basin accommodated by the progressive collapse of the diapir. Two other diapirs are investigated using three‐dimensional models built from ‘structure from motion’ drone imagery. Both diapirs are interpreted to have grown predominantly through passive rise (downbuilding). Stratal relationships for all three diapirs indicate that they were uncompacted and fluid‐rich mud beds that became mobilized through soft‐sediment deformation during early burial (i.e. <50 m, likely <10 m depth). Each diapir locally controlled the stratigraphic architecture in the shallow subsurface and potentially influenced local palaeocurrents on the delta. The mud diapirs studied herein are distinct from deeper ‘shale diapirs’ that have been inferred from seismic sections worldwide, now largely disputed.  相似文献   
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