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Paleovegetation maps were reconstructed based on a network of pollen records from Australia, New Zealand, and southern South America for 18 000, 12000, 9000, 6000, and 3000 BP and interpreted in terms of paleoclimatic patterns. These patterns permitted us to speculate on past atmospheric circulation in the South Pacific and the underlying forcing missing line mechanisms. During full glacial times, with vastly extended Australasian land area and circum-Antarctic ice-shelves, arid and cold conditions characterized all circum-South Pacific land areas, except for a narrow band in southern South America (43° to 45°S) that might have been even wetter and moister than today. This implies that ridging at subtropical and mid-latitudes must have been greatly increased and that the storm tracks were located farther south than today. At 12000 BP when precipitation had increased in southern Australia, New Zealand, and the mid-latitudes of South America, ridging was probably still as strong as before but had shifted into the eastern Pacific, leading to weaker westerlies in the western Pacific and more southerly located westerlies in the eastern Pacific. At 9000 BP when, except for northernmost Australia, precipitation reached near modern levels, the south Pacific ridges and the westerlies must have weakened. Because of the continuing land connection between New Guinea and Australia, and reduced seasonality, the monsoon pattern had still not developed. By 6000 BP, moisture levels in Australia and New Zealand reached their maximum, indicating that the monsoon pattern had become established. Ridging in the South Pacific was probably weaker than today, and the seasonal shift of the westerlies was stronger than before. By 3000 BP essentially modern conditions had been achieved, characterized by patterns of high seasonal variability.Contribution to Clima Locarno — Past and Present Climate Dynamics; Conference September 1990, Swiss Academy of Sciences — National Climate Program  相似文献   
Since the early 1970s the Australian economy has undergone major transformations common to other western industrialised countries. Jobs in manufacturing declined precipitately whilst the service economy grew, most significantly in producer services but also in lower skilled jobs. Tourism and services exports began to rival traditional agricultural and mining staples. Social outcomes, also typical of international trends, included rising unemployment and polarisation of incomes. Australia's changing global context, especially the nation's increasing orientation towards Asian growth economies, have underpinned restructuring. A political climate of economic rationalism has facilitated and accentuated restructuring. The economic shifts of the past quarter century have meant that everywhere the basis for economic growth has changed. Overlaying and reinforcing the re-definition of competitive advantage has been a shift in the pattern of agglomeration economies and diseconomies. New growth regions have emerged, others have had their prospects reinforced, and still others have had their outlook diminished in absolute or, more commonly, relative terms. The paper traces the regional outcomes of national economic restructuring and shifts in the balance of agglomeration economies and diseconomies over the period from 1971 to 1991. The focus is on the top end of the urban hierarchy, on specialised industrial cities where job loss from manufacturing has hit hard, amenity regions where international and domestic tourism have been major factors in growth, and non-metropolitan balances where growth has been uneven but generally low. Demographic, economic sectoral and welfare indicators are woven into a tableau of change expressed at national, intra-state and intrametropolitan scales.  相似文献   
Abstract Apatite and zircon fission track ages from Ryoke Belt basement in northeast Kyushu show late Cretaceous, middle to late Eocene, middle Miocene and Quaternary groupings. The basement cooled through 240 ± 25°C, the closure temperature for fission tracks in zircon, mainly during the interval 74-90 Ma as a result of uplift and denudation, the pattern being uniform across northeast Kyushu. In combination with published K-Ar ages and the Turonian-Santonian age of sedimentation in the Onogawa Basin, active suturing along the Median Tectonic Line from 100-80 Ma, at least, is inferred. Ryoke Belt rocks along the northern margin of Hohi volcanic zone (HVZ) cooled rapidly through ∼100°C to less than 50°C during the middle Eocene to Oligocene, associated with 2.5-3.5 km of denudation. The timing of this cooling follows peak heating in the Eocene-Oligocene part (Murotohanto subbelt) of the Shimanto Belt in Muroto Peninsula (Shikoku) inferred previously, and coincides with the 43 Ma change in convergence direction of the Pacific-Eurasian plate and the demise of the Kula-Pacific spreading centre. Ryoke Belt rocks along the southern margin of HVZ have weighted mean apatite fission track ages of 15.3 ± 3.1 Ma. These reset ages are attributed to an increase in geothermal gradient in the middle Miocene combined with rapid denudation and uplift of at least 1.4 km. These ages indicate that heating of the overriding plate associated with the middle Miocene start of subduction of hot Shikoku Basin lithosphere extended into the Ryoke Belt in northeast Kyushu. Pleistocene apatite fission track ages from Ryoke Belt granites at depth in the centre of HVZ are due to modern annealing in a geothermal environment.  相似文献   
Diverse latest Pliocene volcanic and plutonic rocks in the north-central Caucasus Mountains of southern Russia are newly interpreted as components of a large caldera system that erupted a compositionally zoned rhyolite-dacite ash-flow sheet at 2.83 ± 0.02 Ma (sanidine and biotite 40Ar/39Ar). Despite its location within a cratonic collision zone, the Chegem system is structurally and petrologically similar to typical calderas of continental-margin volcanic arcs. Erosional remnants of the outflow Chegem Tuff sheet extend at least 50 km north from the source caldera in the upper Chegem River. These outflow remnants were previously interpreted by others as erupted from several local vents, but petrologic similarities indicate a common origin and correlation with thick intracaldera Chegem Tuff. The 11 × 15 km caldera and associated intrusions are superbly exposed over a vertical range of 2,300 m in deep canyons above treeline (elev. to 3,800 m). Densely welded intracaldera Chegem Tuff, previously described by others as a rhyolite lava plateau, forms a single cooling unit, is > 2 km thick, and contains large slide blocks from the caldera walls. Caldera subsidence was accommodated along several concentric ring fractures. No prevolcanic floor is exposed within the central core of the caldera. The caldera-filling tuff is overlain by andesitic lavas and cut by a 2.84 ± 0.03-Ma porphyritic granodiorite intrusion that has a cooling age analytically indistinguishable from that of the tuffs. The Eldjurta Granite, a pluton exposed low in the next large canyon (Baksan River) 10 km to the northwest of the caldera, yields variable K-feldspar and biotite ages (2.8 to 1.0 Ma) through a 5-km vertical range in surface and drill-hole samples. These variable dates appear to record a prolonged complex cooling history within upper parts of another caldera-related pluton. Major W-Mo ore deposits at the Tirniauz mine are hosted in skarns and hornfels along the roof of the Eldjurta Granite, and associated aplitic phases have textural features of Climax-type molybdenite porphyries in the western USA. Similar 40Ar/39Ar ages, mineral chemistry, and bulk-rock compositions indicate that the Chegem Tuff, intracaldera intrusion, and Eldjurta Granite are all parts of a large magmatic system that broadly resembles the middle Tertiary Questa caldera system and associated Mo deposits in northern New Mexico, USA. Because of their young age and superb three-dimensional exposures, rocks of the Chegem-Tirniauz region offer exceptional opportunities for detailed study of caldera structures, compositional gradients in volcanic rocks relative to cogenetic granites, and the thermal and fluid-flow history of a large young upper-crustal magmatic system.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Schiefer- und Phyllitgebiete sind auch tektonisch voneinander verschieden. An Beispielen werden Charakteristika der beiden Einheiten erläutert. Im Schiefergebirge Ostthüringens sind die Beziehungen zwischen Faltung und Schieferung von besonderem Interesse. Im Schiefer- und Phyllitgebiet des Schwarzburger Sattels lassen sich mehreres-Flächensysteme und Achsen unterscheiden; zum Liegenden hin ist hier entsprechend den Vorstellungen einer Stockwerktektonik eine Änderung des tektonischen Stils zu beobachten.
Tectonically, regions of shale and areas of phyllite are different. In the shale and phyllite area of the Schwarzburg Anticline several systems of s-surfaces and axes are represented. Toward the base a change in structural style can be observed in accordance with the concept of Stockwerk tectonics.

Résumé Les domaines de schistes et de phyllites sont différents les uns des autres également du point de vue tectonique. Des exemples illustrent les caractéristiques des 2 unités. Dans le Massif schisteux de la Thuringe orientale, les relations entre le plissement et la schistosité sont particulièrement intéressantes. Dans le domaine des schistes et des phyllites de l'anticlinal de Schwarzburg, on peut distinguer plusieurs axes et plans de clivage; vers le bas on observe un changement du style tectonique conformément à une tectonique de Stockwerk.

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Measurements of stress carried out in mines suggest that much of the Earth's crust is in a state of horizontal compression. The average of the two principal horizontal stresses usually exceeds the hydrostatic (geostatic) pressure and fits N. Hast's empirical relationship of increasing excess compressive stress with depth. High compressive stresses are usually aligned perpendicular to the trends of young, folded mountain ranges and to axes of positive and negative gravity anomalies.  相似文献   
The orogenetic history of the Eurasian continent is outlined. Geological and geophysical — mainly paleomagnetical — evidence points to a history of crustal tension and compression, in accordance with the hypothesis of continental drift.  相似文献   
Electron probe and wet chemical analyses of amphibole pairs from the sillimanite zone of central Massachusetts and adjacent New Hampshire indicated that for a particular metamorphic grade there should be a restricted composition range in which three amphiboles can coexist stably. An unequivocal example of such an equilibrium three amphibole rock has been found in the sillimanite-orthoclase zone. It contains a colorless primitive clinoamphibole, space group P21/m, optically and chemically like cummingtonite with blue-green hornblende exsolution lamellae on (100) and (¯101) of the host; blue-green hornblende, space group C2/m, with primitive cummingtonite exsolution lamellae on (100) and (¯101) of the host; and pale pinkish tan anthophyllite, space group Pnma, that is free of visible exsolution lamellae but is a submicroscopic intergrowth of two orthorhombic amphiboles. Mutual contacts and coarse, oriented intergrowths of two and three host amphiboles indicate the three grew as an equilibrium assemblage prior to exsolution. Electron probe analyses at mutual three-amphibole contacts showed little variation in the composition of each amphibole. Analyses believed to represent most closely the primary amphibole compositions gave atomic proportions on the basis of 23 oxygens per formula unit as follows: for primitive cummingtonite (Na0.02Ca0.21 Mn0.06Fe2+ 2.28Mg4.12Al0.28) (Al0.17Si7.83), for hornblende (Na0.35Ca1.56Mn0.02Fe1.71Mg2.85Al0.92) (Al1.37Si6.63), and for anthophyllite (Na0.10Ca0.06Mn0.06Fe2.25Mg4.11Al0.47) (Al0.47Si7.53). The reflections violating C-symmetry, on X-ray single crystal photographs of the primitive cummingtonite, are weak and diffuse, and suggest a partial inversion from a C-centered to a primitive clinoamphibole. Single crystal photographs of the anthophyllite show split reflections indicating it is an intergrowth of about 80% anthophyllite and about 20% gedrite which differ in their b crystallographic dimensions. Split reflections are characteristic of all analyzed orthorhombic amphiboles so far examined from Massachusetts and New Hampshire except the most aluminous gedrites, and the relative intensity of the gedrite reflections is roughly proportional to the degree of Na and Al substitution. Thin sections of a few of these anthophyllite specimens show lamellae parallel to (010) that are just resolved with a high power objective.Publication approved by the Director, U.S. Geological Survey.  相似文献   
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