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Many small estuaries are influenced by flow restrictions resulting from transportation rights-of-way and other causes. The biogeochemical functioning and history of such systems can be evaluated through study of their sediments. Ten long and six short cores were collected from the length of Jordan Cove, Connecticut, a Long Island Sound subestuary, and analyzed for stratigraphy, radionuclides (14C, 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs, and 60Co), and metals (Ag, Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn, Fe, and Al). For at least 3,800 yr, rising sea level has gradually inundated Jordan Cove, filling it with mud similar to that currently being deposited there. Long-term sediment accumulation in the cove averaged close to 0.1 cm yr−1 over the last three millennia. Recent sediment accumulation rates decrease inland from 0.84 cm yr−1 to 0.40 cm yr−1, and are slightly faster than relative sea-level rise at this site (0.3 cm yr−1). Similarity of depth distributions of trace metals was used to confirm relative sediment accumulation rates. 60Co and Ag are derived from sources outside the cove and its watershed, presumably the Millstone nuclear power plant and regional contaminated sediments, respectively. The combined data suggest that Long Island Sound is an important source of sediment to the cove; a minor part of total sediment is supplied from the local watershed. Trace metal levels are strongly correlated with Fe but not with either organic matter or Al. Sediment quality has declined in the cove over the past 60 yr, but only slightly. Cu, Pb, and Zn data correlate strongly with Fe but not with either organic matter or aluminum. Ratios of Ag to Fe and to trace metals suggest that Ag in the cove is derived almost entirely from Long Island Sound. This result supports the notion that Fenormalized Ag can serve as a better tracer of some kinds of contamination than more common and abundant metals, like Cu, Pb, and Zn. *** DIRECT SUPPORT *** A01BY085 00008  相似文献   
The Carboniferous succession in southeast County Limerick, on the southeastern margin of the Shannon Trough, is Courceyan to mid-Namurian in age and over 1900 m thick. The lithostratigraphy is described in detail. Its most important aspect is the presence of two thick volcanic sequences, a Chadian one of the alkali basalt to trachyte suite and one of Asbian age dominated by limburgites and ankaramites. The associated Dinantian carbonates are of shelf or ramp facies throughout, and no fundamental division into shelf and basin facies occurs as in the Dublin and Craven Basins in early Viséan times. Rapid differential subsidence between this area and the Shannon Estuary began during deposition of the late Courceyan to early Chadian Waulsortian facies but was less marked in the remaining Viséan when much of the volcanic topography was preserved by rapid basinal subsidence. There was basinal inversion in the late Dinantian to lower Namurian, followed by renewed subsidence in mid-Namurian times. This contrasts with the continuous rapid subsidence of the area further west on the Shannon Estuary. This behaviour, together with a comparison of that of nearby Carboniferous basins such as the Dublin, South Munster, and Craven Basins, which lack substantial volcanic sequences, suggests an origin in a transtensional regime rather than one of simple crustal stretching.  相似文献   
The late Holocene environmental history of the Lesotho highlands, southern Africa, is poorly understood with few detailed studies to date. At Likoaeng, Senqu Valley, Lesotho, a 3 m stratified sedimentary sequence from an open-air archaeological site records vegetation development for the period 3400-1070 cal. BP. Phytolith analyses and bulk sediment organic matter δ13C indicate that C4 grassland dominated the lower part of the sequence until approximately 2960 cal. BP when there was a switch to C3 Pooid grassland (2960-2160 cal. BP). Also noted was a change from hunting mainly bovids to a dominance of fishing at the site. The change in grassland type and archaeological subsistence strategies corresponds with an episode of neoglacial cooling and the expansion of Alpine sourgrasses into lower altitudes. From 2160 to 1600 cal. BP grassland became a mix of C3 and C4 types and by 1600-1070 cal. BP there was a return to C4 dominated grassland. During this latter phase there was a reversal from fishing to hunting again (and eventually some keeping of domestic livestock) at the site. These data outline the vegetation response to latitudinal shifts of frontal systems, and relatively strong atmospheric circulation variability, perhaps underpinned by variations of polar water into the Benguela Current during the late Holocene.  相似文献   
Currently available data on wave pump efficiency is reviewed. The obtainable efficiency is an important consideration in the design of practical devices for the extraction of wave energy and the analysis of natural systems (e.g., coral flats and rip currents). We find that the peak efficiency is 0.5 for very steep (∼ 40–45°) ramps where the waves break over the top of the ramp. For flatter (< 30°) ramps, the breaking process is more gradual and the peak efficiency is less than 0.1. We have identified natural atoll lagoon systems where the flushing is wave driven and successfully modeled it as driven by a wave pump. The same is the case for rip currents. For both of these natural systems, the pump efficiency is around 0.035. In addition a numerical swash model is used to estimate wave pump efficiency and is seen to match the experimental results for natural systems or breaking wave scenario.  相似文献   
Potential pathways in the subsurface may allow upwardly migrating gaseous CO2 from deep geological storage formations to be released into near surface aquifers. Consequently, the availability of adequate methods for monitoring potential CO2 releases in both deep geological formations and the shallow subsurface is a prerequisite for the deployment of Carbon Capture and Storage technology. Geoelectrical surveys are carried out for monitoring a small-scale and temporally limited CO2 injection experiment in a pristine shallow aquifer system. Additionally, the feasibility of multiphase modeling was tested in order to describe both complex non-linear multiphase flow processes and the electrical behavior of partially saturated heterogeneous porous media. The suitability of geoelectrical methods for monitoring injected CO2 and geochemically altered groundwater was proven. At the test site, geoelectrical measurements reveal significant variations in electrical conductivity in the order of 15?C30?%. However, site-specific conditions (e.g., geological settings, groundwater composition) significantly influence variations in subsurface electrical conductivity and consequently, the feasibility of geoelectrical monitoring. The monitoring results provided initial information concerning gaseous CO2 migration and accumulation processes. Geoelectrical monitoring, in combination with multiphase modeling, was identified as a useful tool for understanding gas phase migration and mass transfer processes that occur due to CO2 intrusions in shallow aquifer systems.  相似文献   
OFFICE DEVELOPMENT: A Geographical Analysis by M. Bateman. 14 × 22 cm, xvi and 175 pages. Croom Helm: London 1985 (ISBN 0 7099 0697 8) $A35.95 (cloth).

ATLAS OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT, 1981: The Geographic Distribution of Youth Unemployment in Australian Cities from the 1981 Census According to Birthplace and Gender by P. Matwijiw with E. Bamford and C. Maher. 21 × 29 cm, 127 pages. Australian Institute of Multicultural Affairs: Melbourne 1985 (ISBN 949890 33 2) $A12.00 (limp).

ENVIRONMENT AND HEALTH by A. J. Rowland and P. Cooper. 23 × 16 cm, vi and 205 pages. Edward Arnold: London 1983 (ISBN 0 7131 2855 0) $A27.95 (limp).

FAMINE AS A GEOGRAPHICAL PHENOMENON edited by B. Currey and G. Hugo. 17 × 24 cm, vi and 202 pages. Reidel: Dordrecht 1984 (ISBN 90 277 1762 1) Dfl 95.00, $US37.00 (cloth).

SOUTH AUSTRALIA'S CHANGING POPULATION (South Australian Geographical Papers No. 1) by G. J. Hugo. 25 × 18 cm, 71 pages. Royal Geographical Society of Australasia (SA Branch): Adelaide 1983 (ISBN 0 909112 05 03) $A4.00 (limp).

DEVELOPMENTS IN POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY edited by M. A. Busteed. 23 × 15 cm, 340 pages. Academic Press: London 1983 (ISBN 0 12 148420 3) $US42.00 (cloth).

NEITHER JUSTICE NOR REASON: A Legal and Anthropological Analysis of Aboriginal Land Rights by M. Gumbert. 22 × 14 cm, xv and 215 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1984 (ISBN 0 7022 1746 8) $A20.00 (cloth).

RURAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT by P. J. Cloke and C. C. Park. 14 × 22 cm, xiii and 473 pages. Croom Helm: London 1985 (ISBN 0 7099 2037 7) $A44.95 (cloth).

FARM POLICY IN AUSTRALIA by R. K. Hefford. 14 × 22 cm, xviii and 415 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1985 (ISBN 0 7022 1698 4) $A40.00 (cloth).

TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATIONS FOR PACIFIC MICROSTATES: Issues in Organisation and Management edited by C. C. Kissling. 14 × 21 cm, 192 pages. Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific: Suva 1984. $A10.00 (cloth), $A8.00 (limp).

TIMES OF CRISIS: Epidemics in Sydney 1788–1900 by P. H. Curson. 15 × 25 cm, xii and 195 pages. Sydney University Press: Sydney 1985 (ISBN 0 424 00112 8). $A35.00 (cloth).

PEASANTS, SUBSISTENCE, ECOLOGY AND DEVELOPMENT IN THE HIGHLANDS OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA by L. S. Grossman. 24 × 16 cm, xxi and 302 pages. Princeton University Press: Princeton, NJ 1984 (ISBN 0 691 09406 3) $US45.50.

THE WORLD FOOD PROBLEM 1950–1980 by D. Grigg. 15 × 24 cm, 276 pages. Basil Blackwell: Oxford 1985 (ISBN 0 631 13481 6) $A58.50 (cloth).

POPULATION REDISTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH ASIA edited by L. A. Kosinski and K. M. Elahi. 17 × 24 cm, 243 pages. Reichel: Dordrecht 1985 (ISBN 90 277 1938 1) Dfl 120.00, $US44.00, £30.50 (cloth).

GEOGRAPHY AND ETHNIC PLURALISM edited by C. Clarke, D. Ley and C. Peach. 15 × 23 cm, xvii and 294 pages. Allen & Unwin: London 1984 (ISBN 0 04 309107 5) $A45.00 (cloth); (ISBN 0 04 309108 3) $A24.95 (limp).

SOCIAL GEOGRAPHY IN INTERNATIONAL PERSPECTIVE edited by J. Eyles. 14 × 22 cm, 295 pages. Croom Helm: London 1986 (ISBN 0 7099 0944 6) $A49.95 (cloth).

THE GENTRIFICATION OF INNER MELBOURNE: A Political Geography of Inner City Housing by W. S. Logan. 14 × 22 cm, xvi and 328 pages. University of Queensland Press: St. Lucia 1985 (ISBN 0 7022 1729 8) $A50.00 (cloth).

YELLOWCAKE AND CROCODILES: Town Planning, Government and Society in Northern Australia by J. Lea and R. Zehner. 14 × 22 cm, xxvi and 200 pages. Allen & Unwin: Sydney 1986 (ISBN 0 86861 875 6) $A24.95 (cloth); (ISBN 0 86861 843 8) $A 14.95 (limp).

THE BUNGALOW: The Production of a Global Culture by A. D. King. 20 × 25 cm, xii and 310 pages. Routledge & Kegan Paul: London 1984 (ISBN 0 7100 9538 4) $A62.50 (cloth).

THE WEST EUROPEAN CITY: A Social Geography by P. White. 15 × 23 cm, xviii and 269 pages. Longman: London 1984 (ISBN 0 582 30047 9) $A22.95 (limp).

THE SHAPING OF AMERICA: A Geographical Perspective on 500 years of History. Volume 1. Atlantic America, 1492–1800 by D. W. Meinig. 18 × 25 cm, xii and 500 pages. Yale University Press: New Haven 1986 (ISBN 0 300 03548 9) $US35.00 (cloth).

CANBERRA: MYTHS AND MODELS. Forces at Work in the Formation of the Australian Capital by K. F. Fischer. 21 × 30 cm, 166 pages. Institute of Asian Studies: Hamburg 1984 (ISBN 3 88910 009 0).

THE GEOGRAPHY OF PEACE AND WAR edited by D. Pepper and A. Jenkins. 15 × 23 cm, vi and 222 pages. Basil Blackwell: Oxford 1985 (ISBN 0 631 13559 6) $A75.00 (cloth); (ISBN 0 631 14069 7) $A23.95 (limp).

POLITICAL GEOGRAPHY: World‐economy, Nation‐state and Locality by P. J. Taylor. 15 × 23 cm, × and 238 pages. Longman: London 1985 (ISBN 0 582 30088 6) $A24.95 (limp).

THE INDUSTRIAL GEOGRAPHY OF CANADA by A. Blackbourn and R. G. Putnam 14 × 22 cm, 201 pages. Croom Helm: London 1984 (ISBN 0 7099 0622 6) $A42.50 (cloth).

THE FOODMAKERS by S. Sargent. 13 × 20 cm, 296 pages. Penguin: Ringwood 1985 (ISBN 0 14 007359 0) $A8.95 (limp).

LIMITS TO PREDICTION edited by R. B. McKern and G. C. Lowenthal. 13 × 19 cm, xiii and 163 pages. Australian Professional Publications: Sydney 1985 (ISBN 0 949416 029) $A14.95 (limp).

THE KANGAROO KEEPERS edited by H. J. Lavery. 18 × 25 cm, xxvi and 211 pages. University of Queensland Press: St Lucia 1985 (ISBN 0 7022 1875 8).

PRACTICAL ECOLOGY by D. D. Gilbertson, M. Kent and F. B. Pyatt. 15 × 23 cm, 320 pages, Hutchinson: London 1985 (ISBN 0 09 162651 X) £8.95.

BASIC BIOGEOGRAPHY (Second edition) by N. Pears. 15 × 24 cm, × and 358 pages. Longman: London 1985 (ISBN 0 582 30120 3) $A24.95 (limp).

ENVIRONMENTAL CHANGE (Second edition) by A. Goudie. 23 × 15 cm, xi and 258 pages. Oxford University Press: Oxford 1983 (ISBN 0 19 874135 9) A16.00 (limp).

MEGA‐GEOMORPHOLOGY edited by R. Gardner and H. Scoging. 16 × 24 cm, xiii and 240 pages. Oxford University Press: Oxford (ISBN 0 19 823244 6) $A48.00.

GRANITE LANDFORMS by C. R. Twidale. 25 × 17 cm, xxiii and 372 pages. Elsevier: Amsterdam 1982 (ISBN 0 444 42116 5) $A148.25.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied time-resolved synchrotron X-ray diffraction (TRXRD) to develop kinetic models that test a proposed two-stage reaction pathway for cation exchange in birnessite. These represent the first rate equations calculated for cation exchange in layered manganates. Our previous work has shown that the substitution of K, Cs, and Ba for interlayer Na in synthetic triclinic birnessite induces measurable changes in unit-cell parameters. New kinetic modeling of this crystallographic data supports our previously postulated two-stage reaction pathway for cation exchange, and we can correlate the kinetic steps with changes in crystal structure. In addition, the initial rates of cation exchange, R3 min−1), were determined from changes in unit-cell volume to follow these rate laws: R = 1.75[]0.56, R = 41.1[]1.10, R = 1.15[]0.50. Thus, the exchange rates for Na in triclinic birnessite decreased in the order: Cs ? K > Ba. These results are likely a function of hydration energy differences of the cations and the preference of the solution phase for the more readily hydrated cation.  相似文献   
Lava flows of the Ninole Basalt, the oldest rocks exposed on the south side of the island of Hawaii, provide age and compositional constraints on the evolution of Mauna Loa volcano and the southeastward age progression of Hawaiian volcanism. Although the tholeiitic Ninole Basalt differs from historic lavas of Mauna Loa volcano in most major-element contents (e.g., variably lower K, Na, Si; higher Al, Fe, Ti, Ca), REE and other relatively immobile minor elements are similar to historic and prehistoric Mauna Loa lavas, and the present major-element differences are mainly due to incipient weathering in the tropical environment. New K-Ar whole-rock ages, from relatively fresh roadcut samples, suggest that the age of the Ninole Basalt is approximately 0.1–0.2 Ma, although resolution is poor because of low contents of K and radiogenic Ar. Originally considered the remnants of a separate volcano, the Ninole Hills are here interpreted as faulted remnants of the old south flank of Mauna Loa. Deep canyons in the Ninole Hills, eroded after massive landslide failure of flanks of the southwest rift zone, have been preserved from burial by younger lava due to westward migration of the rift zone. Landslide-induced depressurization of the southwest rift zone may also have induced phreatomagmatic eruptions that could have deposited widespread Basaltic ash that overlies the Ninole Basalt. Subaerial presence of the Ninole Basalt documents that the southern part of Hawaii Island had grown to much of its present size above sea level by 0.1–0.2 Ma, and places significant limits on subsequent enlargement of the south flank of Mauna Loa.  相似文献   
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