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In the 20th century on the territory of the northern slope of the Greater Caucasus the number of glaciers increased by 245 (or by 19%) and the glaciation area decreased by 849 km2 (or by 52.6%). It is revealed that the increase in the number of glaciers occurred as a result of the disintegration of larger glaciers into smaller parts and as a result of the cutoff of their tributaries, and the decrease in the glaciation area, due to the negative balance of the mass of glaciers. The length of all glaciers decreased by 128–3520 m during that period. It is demonstrated that in 1970–2011 the decrease in the glaciation area occurred with the rate being smaller than in 1895–1970 by 1.6 times that is associated with more favorable climatic conditions in 1970–2011. According to the computations of the climate model by the Main Geophysical Observatory (moderate scenario) for 2011–2099, average annual air temperature will increase by 1.06–2.70°C and the annual amount of precipitation, by 2.09–2.77%. According to the results of computations, the glaciation area in 2011–2099 will reduce by 585 km2 or by 76.5%. In the region under consideration, glaciation with the area of 180 km2 which will be concentrated only in the central part of the Greater Caucasus will maintain by 2099. The glacier runoff will decrease by 74–80%.  相似文献   
First measurements of the short time variations of Ap stars with the twin telescope show a nonlinear drift caused by a sensibility of the amplifier depending on temperature. Moreover we found a dependence of the impulse rate on the position of the star image in the diaphragm. Special test measurements with a simple incandescent lamp show that this telescope gives results with an accuracy of ± 0.002 mag after elimination of these effects.  相似文献   
The short-periodic spectroscopic and photometric variations and the frequency ratio of 1:2 suggest the existence of a triple system for ET And, though some serious difficulties continue to exist in explaining all observational facts. Assuming a triple, the observable star is the primary of a very close, ellipsoidal binary system. Under this assumption the star cannot be a main-sequence B9 star as usually assumed. It should be a star located in the domain of the horizontal branch stars in the HR diagram possessing a thin and expanding envelope. Spektroskopische und photometrische Beobachtungen des variablen Sterns ET And wurden in den Jahren 1981/82 ausgeführt. Zusätzlich zu der bekannten periodischen Variation der Radialgeschwindigkeit von 48.308 Tagen, hervorgerufen durch einen Begleiter und der wahrscheinlich von der Rotation des Sterns herrührenden photometrischen Periode von 1.61883 Tagen, existieren weitere periodische Variationen. So variieren die Radialgeschwindigkeiten mit einer Periode von 0.1989 Tagen und die photometrischen Werte mit der Hälfte dieses Wertes, d. h. mit 0.0994 Tagen. Die Minima der Helligkeit koinzidieren mit den Extrema der Radialgeschwindigkeiten. Die Radialgeschwindigkeitskurve weicht etwas von der Harmonischen ab; die Werte steigen rascher an, als sie abfallen. Das gleiche Verhalten liegt auch für den entsprechenden Teil der Lichtkurve vor. Die kurzperiodischen spektroskopischen und photometrischen Variationen und das Frequenzverhältnis 1:2 legen die Existenz eines Dreifachsystems für ET And nahe, obwohl für die Erklärung aller Beobachtungswerte einige ernste Schwierigkeiten fortbestehen. Vorausgesetzt der Stern sei ein Dreifachsystem, dann ist der beobachtete Stern die Hauptkomponente eines sehr engen ellipsoidalen Systems und kann nicht ein Hauptsequenz-B9-Stern sein, wie allgemein angenommen wird. Vermutlich handelt es sich bei ET And um einen Vertreter der Gruppe der Horizontalsterne im HR-Diagramm, welcher noch eine dünne, expandierende Hülle besitzt.  相似文献   
 Experiments were conducted on the fragmentation of analogue low-strength porous material (plastiprin) by rapid decompression in a shock-tube-type apparatus. The porous samples (length=365 mm, cross-section dimensions 40×40 mm) pressurized by air to pressures up to 0.9 MPa, were rapidly decompressed to 0.1 MPa. Rapid decompression of samples caused fragmentation and ejection of the fragmentation products into a large volume tank. The process of analogue material fragmentation was documented using high-speed cinematography and dynamic pressure measurements. The duration of the fragmentation event is significantly shorter than that of the ejection event. The fragmentation of material precedes the acceleration of fragments. As a result of fragmentation, sub-parallel fractures are generated. The characteristic fragment size decreases as the initial pressure differential increases. The ejected fragments obtain velocities of 60 m/s. The mechanisms of material fragmentation during unloading and fragmentation wave propagation are discussed. The experimental results provide insight into the fragmentation dynamics of highly viscous magmas in which brittle failure at high strain rate is possible. Received: 23 July 1997 / Accepted: 23 November 1997  相似文献   
The results of 2-year (2010–2012) measurements of the concentrations of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC), which were taken at the Zotino Tall Tower Observatory (ZOTTO) Siberian background station (61° N, 89° E), are given. Despite the fact that this station is located far from populated areas and industrial zones, the concentrations of OC and EC in the atmosphere over boreal forests in central Siberia significantly exceed their background values. In winter and fall, high concentrations of atmospheric carbonaceous aerosol particles are caused by the long-range transport (~1000 km) of air masses that accumulate pollutants from large cities located in both southern and southwestern regions of Siberia. In spring and summer, the pollution level is also high due to regional forest fires and agricultural burning in the steppe zone of western Siberia in the Russian–Kazakh border region. Background concentrations of carbonaceous aerosol particles were observed within relatively short time intervals whose total duration was no more than 20% of the entire observation period. In summer, variations in the background concentrations of OC closely correlated with air temperature, which implies that the biogenic sources of organic-particle formation are dominating.  相似文献   
Data are presented on the temporal structure, fluxes, energy spectra and coordinates of the sources of gamma-ray bursts detected in the KONUS experiment on Venera 11 and Venera 12 space probes in the period September 1978 to May 1979. The statistical distributions of gamma bursts in duration, intensity, and peak power, as well as the distribution of the burst sources over the celestial sphere presented are based on the updated KONUS information obtained until February 1980.  相似文献   
We propose an iterative algorithm for computing the synthesis of heavy elements through the rapid capture of neutrons (r-process) and, at sufficiently high temperatures, protons by simultaneously using two distinct computer codes. One of the codes describes the kinetics of nuclear reactions between light and intermediate chemical elements, which are the source of free neutrons and protons used by the second code to synthesize heavy elements from seed nuclides (isotopes near the iron peak of the cosmic abundance curve). The two codes interact through the neutron and proton reaction channels. We demonstrate the efficiency of our method with an example of the nucleosynthesis in a supernova’s helium shell triggered by the evaporation of neutrons and protons from α particles exposed to the neutrino flux from a collapsing stellar core. In this case, three or four iterations are enough to obtain an almost exact self-consistent solution.  相似文献   
Astronomy Reports - Some results of studies of cosmic rays obtained during the NUCLEON space experiment in 2015–2017 are presented. This experiment was intended for direct measurements of the...  相似文献   
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