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We have re-examined the prospects of HOCl as an inert reservoir for atmospheric chlorine in the light of new theoretical calculations and available experimental measurements of its photodissociation cross-sections. The theoretical calculations and most recent laboratory studies imply that the broad maxima 3200 Å observed in two other experimental spectra may not belong to HOCl. On the basis of this implication HOCl could have a long lifetime against photodissociation in the stratosphere, and could, thereby, become a reservoir for atmospheric chlorine comparable to ClONO2 or even HCl. In this capacity HOCl could reduce the predicted ozone destruction due to any given level of total chlorine burden. We have also examined the difficulties in laboratory measurements of the HOCl absorption spectrum with particular emphasis on identifying the impurities which may be present in the experimental system. It appears that specialized new experiments are needed to clearly establish the nature and strength of HOCl absorption in the neighbourhood of 3200 Å. Some refinements in the theoretical calculations also seem desirable. In view of the difficulties involved in the laboratory determination of HOCl photodissociation cross-sections, it is suggested that a search for possible stratospheric HOCl by atmospheric spectroscopists would be worthwhile.  相似文献   
The equilibrium structure of two-dimensional magnetic current sheets is investigated for systems in which the plasma pressure dominates the bulk flow energy, as appears appropriate for the quiet time plasmasheet in the geomagnetic tail. A simple model is studied in which the field is contained between plane parallel boundaries and varies exponentially along the system, while the plasma pressure is anisotropic, the anisotropy being arbitrary but constant along the centre plane. When the field is highly inflated by the plasma current it is found that adiabatic solutions exist only when the plasma pressure is close to isotropic. For the case P > P it is argued that a thin, non-adiabatic current layer will in general form at the sheet centre, usually embedded within a much broader adiabatic current distribution. When P > P, a broad region of very depressed fields develops about the centre of the current sheet, terminated at its outer boundary by a spike in the current density. This central region becomes unstable to the mirror mode well before the limiting adiabatic solution is reached.  相似文献   
It is shown that variations in 6300 Å airglow intensities can, under certain assumptions, be simply related to ?0F2 and its time derivative. In deriving the relationship it is not necessary to assume that the concentration of the neutral atmosphere remains constant and so the relationship is useful on occasions when changes in the neutral atmosphere do occur making it difficult to obtain agreement between observed and calculated 6300 Å intensities; An example is given of a night in which a post-midnight enhancement occurred in the airglow and for which the observations could not be reproduced using a neutral atmosphere constant with time. It is shown that the airglow variations can be explained in terms of the variations of f0F2, implying that the airglow is due to recombination and that, during the night, changes occurred in the concentrations of the constituents of the neutral atmosphere.  相似文献   
By considering the integrals of the motion of charged particles moving in one-dimensional current sheets, a simple and exact proof is given that particles which are either magnetically or electrostatically trapped about such a current sheet exhibit zero net drift. The transition to the special case of a strictly neutral sheet, a limit remaining unclear from previous studies, is also elucidated. Finally, the relationship between the results and existing self-consistent current sheet solutions is discussed.  相似文献   
The dissociation of N2 by electron impact and by e.u.v. photo-absorption is studied, and it is shown that the forbidden predissociation of the numerous 1Πu and 1Σu+ valence and Rydberg states of N2 in the 11–24eV energy range is the dominant mechanism for N atom production. By measuring the absolute emission cross sections for the e.u.v. singlet bands of N2 and by using the generalized oscillator strength data of Lassettre (1974), it has been possible to construct a detailed model of the total N2 dissociation cross section which is in good agreement with the measurements of Winters (1966) and Niehaus (1967) and provides some insights into the maximum possible N(2D) yield from dissociative excitation. The total cross section for exciting N2 e.u.v. radiation in the 800Å–1100Å wavelength range has been measured and found to have a value of 3.4 ×10?17 cm2 at 100 eV under optically thin conditions. Although this result implies that large fluxes of e.u.v. photons should be excited in auroral substorms and in the airglow, they are not observed, and we show that this development is a consequence of radiation entrapment and predissociation. The total cross section for dissociating N2 by electron impact is given for optically thin and thick media. And some questions concerning the energy budget of a magnetospheric storm which are raised by these results, are discussed.  相似文献   
Solar flares and magnetospheric substorms are discussed in the context of a general theory of impulsive flux transfer events (IFTE). IFTE theory, derived from laboratory observations in the Double Inverse Pinch Device (DIPD), provides a quantitative extension of neutral sheet theories to include nonsteady field line reconnection. Current flow along the reconnection line increases with magnetic flux storage. When flux build-up exceeds the level corresponding to a critical limit on the current, instabilities induce a sudden transition in the mode of conduction. The resulting IFTE, indifferent to the specific modes and instabilities involved, is the more energetic, the lower the initial resistivity. It is the more violent, the greater the resulting resistivity increase and the faster its growth. Violent events can develop very large voltage transients along the reconnection line. Persistent build-up promoting conditions produce relaxation oscillations in the quantity of flux and energy stored (build-up-IFTE cycles). It is difficult to avoid the conclusion: flares and substorms are examples of IFTE.  相似文献   
Preliminary results of polarization measurements at three solar flares of July 5 and 6, 1974, are given. The measurements were performed at h 15 keV with Thomson-scattering polarimeter on the Intercosmos 11 satellite.At the decay phase of the flare on July 5 we obtained P = 3.4–5.0%, which did not exclude some contribution from non-thermal processes. At the flares of July 6 we found P =1.0–1.9% and P = 0.1–2.0%, respectively: neither value exceeds the level of statistical fluctuations.Presented at XVIII COSPAR Meeting (VARNA, May–June 1975), contribution III.B.2.9.  相似文献   
Slitless spectrograms obtained during the eclipse of 10 June 1972 have been analyzed to determine the height distribution of the D3 He line intensity.For undisturbed regions the maximum of D3 line intensity is confirmed to exist at about 1700km above the limb. Besides the above mentioned maximum, in plages a considerable intensity may be observed at low heights (h < 1000 km).An analysis of these observations for h > 1000 km has been carried out within the low temperature mechanism of triplet helium emission taking into account the helium ionization by XUV radiation. The density dependence of the 23 S level population at different XUV flux values has been calculated. Our observations give N e 2 × 1010 cm–3 in the chromosphere at h = 2000 km. The probable coincidence of the H and He emission small filaments in the middle chromosphere is discussed.  相似文献   
W. Mattig  A. Nesis 《Solar physics》1976,50(2):255-258
Vertical small scale velocities deduced from highly resolved spectra in the center of the solar disk, obtained with a RCA image intensifier tube, are discussed. As a main result we find that the velocities of small elements (< 2) are remarkably larger in active regions around sunspots than in the quiet Sun. In both cases the velocities decrease with height in the solar atmosphere (Figure 2).Mitteilungen aus dem Fraunhofer-Institut Nr. 145.  相似文献   
The peralkaline Kaffo albite—riebeckite granite is an albitised, low-temperature intrusion in Liruei Complex, one of the oldest of the ring-complexes in the Younger Granite province of Nigeria. Analyses of borehole samples from different parts of the intrusion show it to be compositionally heterogeneous, especially in respect of Si, Al, Na, K and F distribution and this, in part, can be correlated with the variable degree of albitisation. Isotopically the granite is a normal plutonic type with δ18 O values of + 8.1 ± 0.2‰, and albitisation does not seem to have been accompanied by exchange of isotopes between albitising fluid and the granite. Co-existing riebeckitic-arfvedsonite and aegirine pairs from borehole samples show extreme enrichment in Na and Fe; the amphibole also shows considerable substitution of Fe by Ti, Zn and Mn, and of OH by F. Isotopically the amphibole and pyroxene are different from others, having low, variable δ18 O values (+5.3–+6.4 and +4.4–+5.1‰, respectively), and the fractionation value Δ Px — Am is always large, negative and constant (—1.2 ± 0.2‰). The low δ18 O values are considered to be due to special features of the crystal chemistry of the alkali amphiboles and pyroxenes, and the spread of each set of values may be due to sub-solidus isotope exchange between the minerals and albitising fluid.  相似文献   
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