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提出了利用单站地基GPS多普勒频移实时估计弯曲角的方法,该方法克服了探空法和模型法的局限,可以全天候观测,适合于实时应用。实验结果显示,GPS结果与探空结果具有较好的一致性,且在低仰角范围内优于模型结果。 相似文献
This paper investigates the stability of equilibrium points in the restricted three-body problem, in which the masses of the
luminous primaries vary isotropically in accordance with the unified Meshcherskii law, and their motion takes place within
the framework of the Gylden–Meshcherskii problem. For the autonomized system, it is found that collinear and coplanar points
are unstable, while the triangular points are conditionally stable. It is also observed that, in the triangular case, the
presence of a constant κ, of a particular integral of the Gylden–Meshcherskii problem, makes the destabilizing tendency of the radiation pressures
strong. The stability of equilibrium points varying with time is tested using the Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers (LCN). It
is seen that the range of stability or instability depends on the parameter κ. The motion around the equilibrium points L
(i=1,2,…,7) for the restricted three-body problem with variable masses is in general unstable. 相似文献
This paper investigates the combined effect of small perturbations ε,ε′ in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, radiation pressure q i , and changing oblateness of the primaries A i (t) (i=1,2) on the stability of equilibrium points in the restricted three body problem in which the primaries is a supergiant eclipsing binary system which consists of a pair of bright oblate stars having the appearance of a giant peanut in space and their masses assumed to vary with time in the absence of reactive forces. The equations of motion are derived and the equilibrium points are obtained. For the autonomized system, it is seen that there are more than a pair of the triangular points as κ→∞; κ being the arbitrary sum of the masses of the primaries. In the case of the collinear points, two additional equilibrium points exist on the line joining the primaries when simultaneously κ+ε′<0 and both primaries are oblate, i.e., 0<α i ?1. So there are five collinear equilibrium points in this case. Two non-planar equilibrium points exist for κ>1. Hence, there are at least nine equilibrium points of the system. The stability of these points is explored analytically and numerically. It is seen that the collinear and triangular points are stable with respect to certain conditions controlled by κ while the non-planar equilibrium points are unstable. 相似文献
This paper examines the effect of a constant κ of a particular integral of the Gylden-Meshcherskii problem on the stability of the triangular points in the restricted three-body
problem under the influence of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces, together with the effects of radiation
pressure of the bigger primary, when the masses of the primaries vary in accordance with the unified Meshcherskii law. The
triangular points of the autonomized system are found to be conditionally stable due to κ. We observed further that the stabilizing or destabilizing tendency of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces is controlled
by κ, while the destabilizing effects of the radiation pressure remain unchanged but can be made strong or weak due to κ. The condition that the region of stability is increasing, decreasing or does not exist depend on this constant. The motion
around the triangular points L
4,5 varying with time is studied using the Lyapunov Characteristic Numbers, and are found to be generally unstable. 相似文献
D. Onić 《Astrophysics and Space Science》2013,346(1):3-13
A considerable fraction of Galactic supernova remnants (SNRs) characterize flat spectral indices (α<0.5). There are several explanations of the flat radio spectra of SNRs in the present literature. The most of models involve a significant contribution of the second-order Fermi mechanism but some of them also discuss high compressions (>4), contribution of secondary electrons left over from the decay of charged pions, as well as the possibility of thermal contamination. In the case of expansion in high density environment, intrinsic thermal bremsstrahlung could theoretically shape the radio spectrum of an SNR and also account for observable curved—“concave up” radio spectra of some Galactic SNRs. This model could also shed a light on the question of flat spectral indices determined in some Galactic SNRs. On the other hand, present knowledge of the radio continuum spectra (integrated flux densities at different frequencies) of SNRs prevent definite conclusions about the significance of proposed models so the question on flat spectral indices still remains open. New observations, especially at high radio continuum frequencies, are expected to solve these questions in the near future. Finally, as there is a significant connection between the majority of Galactic SNRs with flat integrated radio spectrum and their detection in γ-rays as well as detection of radiative recombination continua in their X-ray spectra, the analysis of high energy properties of these SNRs is very important. 相似文献
加权平均温度(WMT)是地基全球卫星导航系统(GNSS)气象学中解算大气可降水量(PWV)时的一个重要物理量,利用国内四个典型地区2019年的历史气象探空数据计算各剖面的WMT,构建了适合当地的WMT线性统计模型,并对所建模型、工程上常用的几种WMT统计模型及利用其换算得到的PWV进行了对比. 根据统计结果可知:对于精度较高的需求,构建适合当地的统计模型是很有必要的,另外,各统计模型中Mao模型和Mendes模型的精度相对较高,在不具备建模条件的情况下可以优先考虑. 本统计结果可为其他涉及WMT的工程应用提供参考. 相似文献
In this paper, the restricted problem of three bodies is generalized to include a case when the passively gravitating test particle is an oblate spheroid under effect of small perturbations in the Coriolis and centrifugal forces when the first primary is a source of radiation and the second one an oblate spheroid, coupled with the influence of the gravitational potential from the belt. The equilibrium points are found and it is seen that, in addition to the usual three collinear equilibrium points, there appear two new ones due to the potential from the belt and the mass ratio. Two triangular equilibrium points exist. These equilibria are affected by radiation of the first primary, small perturbation in the centrifugal force, oblateness of both the test particle and second primary and the effect arising from the mass of the belt. The linear stability of the equilibrium points is explored and the stability outcome of the collinear equilibrium points remains unstable. In the case of the triangular points, motion is stable with respect to some conditions which depend on the critical mass parameter; influenced by the small perturbations, radiating effect of the first primary, oblateness of the test body and second primary and the gravitational potential from the belt. The effects of each of the imposed free parameters are analyzed. The potential from the belt and small perturbation in the Coriolis force are stabilizing parameters while radiation, small perturbation in the centrifugal force and oblateness reduce the stable regions. The overall effect is that the region of stable motion increases under the combine action of these parameters. We have also found the frequencies of the long and short periodic motion around stable triangular points. Illustrative numerical exploration is rendered in the Sun–Jupiter and Sun–Earth systems where we show that in reality, for some values of the system parameters, the additional equilibrium points do not in general exist even when there is a belt to interact with. 相似文献