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ma ama m n¶rt;u am[1]. u ama, m¶rt;au n unm ¶rt; uuauu ma m nau a¶rt;a. a uau ¶rt;m ma a muna . au mu mamau n [1], m m¶rt;au n ¶rt;am ¶rt;mam m mam ¶rt;a u amu aa mu. aumu amu, uauau n ma nuu ¶rt;a . m am ¶rt;am mumm mam a naama am, aa uu L 0 au n. aa, m am mam namuu aum m L 0 . amu aa mu u aumu amu, a m mam n ¶rt; u L 0 . u uu L 0 , anum¶rt; ma amu aa mu nuam, nu aua nam m, m uu L 0 auum. aumu amu, u L 0 um m uau m a uuu anum¶rt; u, mmmu a. uu L 0 , uuu nam. ma uam mumm mam ¶rt;a ¶rt;u naama am. uau ¶rt;m ma anum¶rt; u ma muna S, S u SS.  相似文献   
Summary On the basis of the 1966–73 data, the effect of the difference between pro- and anti-sectors of the IMF is found to be negligible in the winter midlatitude (Central Europe) ionosphere contrary to the dominant effect of this difference in the high-latitude ionosphere found earlier.
a ¶rt;a a 1966–73. u¶rt;m u m amu ¶rt; pro- u anti- mau . na a u ¶rt;um (¶rt; na) u, , a naa a, naum um u.
Summary The spectral analysis of samples of beating-type pc3 pulsations, recorded at the Budkov Observatory during the summer months of 1968 and 1969 was carried out in the frequency interval10 mHz100 mHz. The average limits of the pulsation frequency range are roughly20 mHz60 mHz. The centre of the occurrence frequency graphs for both components is at the frequency fg 41 mHz. The analysis of three separated daily intervals showed a very slight tendency to a systematic decrease in the frequency of the centre from the morning to the afternoon. The study of the sense of rotation of the pulsation disturbance vector in the (X, Y)-plane showed an overall predominancy of L over R-types during daytime, particularly during the morning.  相似文献   
Summary Dykes of alkaline and ultramafic carbonate lamprophyres (monchiquite-ouachitite and aillikite) intrude the Carboniferous sediments of Central Bohemia. Their characteristic feature is the presence of substantial amounts of a sodalite group mineral (presumably haüyne), carbonate and barite. Isotopic compositions of 13C (–3.4 to –6.2) and 18O ( + 13.5 to + 15.9) indicate that the carbonate is of primary magmatic origin and that fluids were formed at temperatures of 500 to 350°C. High contents of CO2 (3.6 to 17.6 wt.%) and incompatible elements, high LREE/HREE ratios (30.0 to 57.7), and low Rb/Sr (0.025 to 0.078) and87Sr/86Sr (0.7038 to 0.7042) ratios suggest the ultramafic lamprophyres are related to deep-seated carbonated magmas of mantle origin. Low degree of partial melting ( < 1%) of the mantle peridotite is envisaged, with additional transport of fluids rich in incompatible elements into the crustal chamber. Alkaline lamprophyres are fractionated derivatives which originated from the same source. Magma intrusion from different levels of a magma chamber into fracture zones under horizontal tension without a central intrusion could result in variability in lamprophyre composition (cumulates or evolved derivatives).
Alkalische und ultramafische Karbonat-Lamprophyre der zentralen böhmischen Karbonbecken, Tschische Republik
Zusammenfassung Alkalische und ultramafische Karbonat-Lamprophyrgänge (Monchiquit-Ouachitit und Aillikit) intrudieren in karbonische Sedimente Zentralböhmens. Sie sind charakterisiert durch das Auftreten von beträchtlichen Mengen an Mineralen der Sodalith-Gruppe (v.a. Haüyn), Karbonaten und Baryt. Ihre Isotopenzusammensetzung von 13C (–3.4 bis –6.2) und 18O (13.5 bis 15.9) zeigt, daß die Karbonate primär magmatischen Ursprungs sind und daß assoziierte Fluide in einem Temperaturbereich von 350 bis 500°C gebildet wurden. Hohe Gehalte an CO2 (3.6 bis 17.6 Gew. %), inkompatiblen Elementen, hohe LREE/HREE-Verhältnisse (30.0 bis 57.7), sowie niedrige Rb/Sr—(0.025 bis 0.078) und87Sr/86Sr-(0.7038 bis 0.7042) Verhältnisse lassen vermuten, daß die ultramafischen Lamprophyre mit karbonatischen Magmen des Mantels in Beziehung stehen. Eine niedrige Aufschmelzungsrate ( < 1%) von Mantelperidotit mit zusätzlichem Transport von, an inkompatiblen Elementen angereicherten Fluiden, in die krustale Magmenkammer wird diskutiert. Alkalische Lamprophyre sind als stärker fraktionierte Magmen, die derselben Quelle entstammen, zu verstehen. Die Intrusion der aus verschiedenen Bereichen der Magmenkammer stammenden Magmen in durch horizontale Dehnung verursachte Störungszonen könnte das Fehlen eines zentralen Intrusionskörpers und die unterschiedliche Zusammensetzung der Lamprophyre (Kumulate oder entwickelte Derivate) erklären.

With 8 Figures  相似文献   
Contamination by the pollutants SO2 and SO=4 was analyzed for the 1989–1992 period at four regional stations in Spain under the auspices of the EMEP-BAPMON program. The evolution of the time series of the daily pollution has also been assessed, and high mean concentrations at La Cartuja and Logroño observed, with values of 3.8 and 4.5 g m−3 for SO2, respectively. Maximum annual concentrations were recorded in 1989, when SO2 reached values of 6.24, 5.39, 5.71, and 9.30 g m−3 for the stations of La Cartuja, San Pablo de los Montes, Roquetas, and Logroño, respectively. This work attempts to establish a relationship between the concentrations of the pollutants - both SO2 gas and SO=4 aerosol - and the zones of emission or persistence of these long-range transported pollutants. In this way, those regions showing a greater impact on the air quality in each season have been determined. To achieve this, the trajectories of the air masses carrying away the pollution to each of the receiving stations were considered and followed by a sectorial analysis. Nonparametric statistical methods were implemented to contrast the chemical homogeneity among the different sectors. The criterion that several homogeneous sectors form a chemically homogeneous region was used. To improve this sectorial analysis, we have proposed a new technique based on the Potential-Source-Contribution Function (PSCF). Starting out from a set of specified regions, considered to be chemically homogeneous domains, it is possible to determine the likelihood that an air mass with particular characteristics (e.g., that a value of the daily concentration higher than the mean recorded at the station has been obtained) will arrive at a given station after having crossed one of the previously defined regions. Using this technique, it is possible to determine the source regions through which the air masses circulate and bring high pollution concentrations to the studied stations. Thanks to the PSCF, these statistical methods offer, through a sectorial analysis, the possibility to pass from a qualitative to a more quantitative view.  相似文献   
Summary The convection in a rapidly rotating electrically conducting, fluid horizontal layer of non-constant stratification, permeated by an inhomogeneous magnetic field, is studied. In this connection, a temperature model of the layer is constructed, which creates a structure such that part of the layer is unstably and a part stably stratified. The results obtained are applied to the conditions in the fluid Earth's core.
¶rt;m u m aa mn¶rt; u¶rt;uma , m um nm mamuuau u a¶rt;um ¶rt;¶rt; aum n. uaa nu m mna ¶rt; nu¶rt;um uu ma mm, nu m am mamuuum mau, a am — mau. mam unm ¶rt; aaua n, nu¶rt;u u¶rt; ¶rt; u.
Chemical compositions of tetrahedrite—Ag-rich tetrahedrite—freibergite solid solutions (Ag-rich tetrahedritess) and homogenization temperatures of fluid inclusions in quartz and carbonates of seventeen samples from nine veins in the El Zancudo deposit, Antioquia, Colombia, were investigated to reveal the origin of silver in Ag-rich tetrahedritess, to derive their crystallization temperatures and to examine the relationship between chemical compositions of Ag-rich tetrahedritess and their crystallization temperatures. The ores consist of arsenopyrite, pyrite, sphalerite, Ag-rich tetrahedritess, galena, boulangerite, andorite, owyheeite, diaphorite, jamesonite, miargyrite, bournonite, chalcopyrite, and electrum. Ag-rich tetrahedritess forms about 10 volume % of the total ores and is one of the most common and widely distributed sulfosalts in this deposit. Ag-rich tetrahedritess is rich in Ag (1.13 to 31.02 wt%) and Sb (22.93 to 29.82 wt%), and poor in As (0.06 to 2.43 wt%), consistent with the reported incompatibilities of Ag and As in Ag-rich tetrahedritess. The Zn/(Zn + Fe)-, Ag/(Ag + Cu)- and Sb/(Sb + As + Bi)-atomic ratios exhibit some variations among the veins. Ag-rich tetrahedritess with higher Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratios coexist with diaphorite, whereas those with lower ratios are not associated with this sulfosalt. Ag-rich tetrahedritess in the assemblages of Ag-rich tetrahedritess+ sphalerite and of Ag-rich tetrahedritess+ bournonite + galena shows no Zn ↔ Fe and Cu ↔ Ag variations between core and rim, respectively, negating the possibility of solid state reaction during cooling. Ag-rich tetrahedritess is thus regarded as primary phase. Homogenization temperatures of primary fluid inclusions in quartz and carbonates co-existing with Ag-rich tetrahedritess define the mineralization temperatures of 134 to 263°C. Independent crystallization temperatures of Ag-rich tetrahedrite estimated based on Zn/(Zn + Fe) and Ag/(Ag + Cu) ratios of the Ag-rich tetrahedritess associated with silver minerals such as miargyrite, andorite and diaphorite using Sack's thermochemical database lie in a range between 170 and ∼250°C. Both results are thus in good agreement.  相似文献   
Facies reconstructions are used in hydrogeology to improve the interpretation of aquifer permeability distribution. In the absence of sufficient data to define the heterogeneity due to geological processes, uncertainties in the distribution of aquifer hydrofacies and characteristics may appear. Geometric and geostatistical methods are used to understand and model aquifer hydrofacies distribution, providing models to improve comprehension and development of aquifers. However, these models require some input statistical parameters that can be difficult to infer from the study site. A three-dimensional reconstruction of a kilometer scale fine-grain dominated Cenozoic alluvial fan derived from more than 200 continuously cored, closely spaced, and regularly distributed wells is presented. The facies distributions were reconstructed using a genetic stratigraphic subdivision and a deterministic geostatistical algorithm. The reconstruction is only slightly affected by variations in the geostatistical input parameters because of the high-density data set. Analysis of the reconstruction allowed identification in the proximal to medial alluvial fan zones of several laterally extensive sand bodies with relatively higher permeability; these sand bodies were quantified in terms of volume, mean thickness, maximum area, and maximum equivalent diameter. These quantifications provide trends and geological scenarios for input statistical parameters to model aquifer systems in similar alluvial fan depositional settings.  相似文献   
Predictive GIS-Based Model of Rockfall Activity in Mountain Cliffs   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
Rockfall susceptibility has been analysed in mountain cliffs of the Cantabrian Range, North Spain. The main aim of this analysis has been to build a predictive model of rockfall activity from a low number of environmental and geological variables. The rockfall activity has been quantified in a GIS. The cartographic information used shows the spatial distribution of all the recent talus screes as well as their associated source areas in the rock-slopes. The area relation At/Ar (recent talus scree polygon/source basins) in the rock slopes has been used as the rockfall activity indicator. This relation has been validated in 50 pilot rock-slopes and compared with the relation number of recent rock fragments/source basin, obtained from field work. The environmental factors causing rockfall depend on the rock slope situation, and these are: altitude and sun radiation on the rock cliff. The geological factors considered are: lithology, relative position of the main discontinuities with respect to the topographic surface and two morphologic parameters: the roughness and slope gradient. A logistic regression analysis has been applied to a population of 442 limestone and quartzite rock cliffs. The dependent variable is the rockfall activity indicator, which allows the definition of two classes of rock cliff units: low and high activity. The independent variables are altitude, sun radiation (equinox radiation, summer solstice radiation, winter solstice radiation), slope roughness, slope gradient,anisotropy and lithology. Results suggest that it is possible tobuild a valid cartographic predictive model for rockfall activity in mountain rock cliffs from a limited number of easily obtainable variables. The method is especially applicable in massive rock slopes or in regions with uniform rock mass characteristics.  相似文献   
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