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We present two new luminous blue variable (LBV) candidate stars discovered in the M33 galaxy. We identified these stars as massive star candidates at the final stages of evolution, presumably with a notable interstellar extinction. The candidates were selected from the Massey et al. catalog based on the following criteria: emission in H α , V<18./m 5 and 0.m 35 < (B - V) < 1.m 2. The spectra of both stars reveal a broad and strong H α emission with extended wings (770 and 1000 kms−1). Based on the spectra we estimated the main parameters of the stars. Object N45901 has a bolometric luminosity log(L/L) = 6.0–6.2 with the value of interstellar extinction A V = 2.3 ± 0.1. The temperature of the star’s photosphere is estimated as T⋆ ∼ 13000–15000 K, its probable mass on the Zero Age Main Sequence is M∼ 60–80 M. The infrared excess in N 45901 corresponds to the emission of warm dust with the temperature Twarm ∼ 1000 K, and amounts to 0.1%of the bolometric luminosity. A comparison of stellar magnitude estimates from different catalogs points to the probable variability of the object N45901. Bolometric luminosity of the second object, N125093, is log(L/L) = 6.3 − 6.6, the value of interstellar extinction is A V = 2.75 ± 0.15. We estimate its photosphere’s temperature as T⋆∼ 13000–16000K, the initial mass as M ∼ 90–120 M. The infrared excess in N125093 amounts to 5–6% of the bolometric luminosity. Its spectral energy distribution reveals two thermal components with the temperatures Twarm ∼ 1000K and Tcold ∼ 480 K. The [Ca II] λλ7291, 7323 lines, observed in LBV-like stars Var A and N93351 in M33 are also present in the spectrum of N 125093. These lines indicate relatively recent gas eruptions and dust activity linked with them. High bolometric luminosity of these stars and broad H α emissions allow classifying the studied objects as LBV candidates.  相似文献   
We have studied the characteristics of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) associated with Deca-Hectometric (DH) type II radio bursts (1–14 MHz) in the interplanetary medium during the year 1997–2005. The DH CMEs are divided into two parts: (i) DH CMEs (All) and (ii) DH CMEs (Limb). We found that 65% (177/273) of all events have the speed >900 km?s?1 and the remaining 35% (96/273) events have the speed below 900 km?s?1. The average speed of all and limb DH CMEs are 1230 and 1288 km?s?1, respectively, which is nearly three times the average speed of general population of CMEs (473 km?s?1). The average widths of all and limb DH CMEs are 105° and 106°, respectively, which is twice the average width (52°) of the general population of CMEs. We found a better correlation between the speed and width of limb DH CMEs (R=?0.61) than all DH CMEs (R=?0.53). Only 28% (177/637) of fast >900 km?s?1 general population of CMEs are reported with DH type II bursts counterpart. The above results gives that the relation between the CME properties is better for limb events.  相似文献   
The specific features of the radar sounding of the soil of Phobos during the performance of the Russian Phobos-Grunt project have been considered. The parameters of the long-wave subsurface sounding radar designed in order to study the electrophysical characteristics of the soil of Phobos, reveal the depth structure, estimate the rock density, and perform radar mapping of the satellite relief and surface roughness have been justified. The scheme of the experimental sounding of the soil of Phobos is presented.  相似文献   
We present and analyze 17 consecutive years of UBVRI time‐series photometry of the spotted giant component of the RS CVn binary HD 208472. Our aim is to determine the morphology and the evolution of its starspots by using periodsearch techniques and two‐spot light‐curve modelling. Spots on HD208472 always occur on hemispheres facing the observer during orbital quadrature and flip their location to the opposite hemisphere every approximately six years. The times when the spots change their preferential hemisphere correspond to times when the light curve amplitudes are the smallest and when abrupt changes of the photometric periods are observed. During these times the star is also close to a relative maximum brightness, suggesting a vanishing overall spottedness at each end of the previous cycle and the start of a new one. We find evidence for a 6.28±0.06‐yr brightness cycle, which we interpret to be a stellar analog of the solar 11‐year sunspot cycle. We also present clear evidence for a brightening trend, approximated with a 21.5±0.5‐yr period, possibly due to a stellar analog of the solar Gleissberg cycle. From the two‐spot modelling we also determine an upper limit for the differential‐rotation coefficient of α = ΔP/P of 0.004±0.010, which would be fifty times weaker than on the Sun (© 2010 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   
Stellar masses and ages are not directly observable parameters, and the methods used to determine them are based on the calibrating relations. In particular, the mass–luminosity relation, based on the masses of less than 200 well-studied binaries, is virtually the only way to estimate the mass of single stars. Thus, the development of methods for estimating stellar masses with accuracy comparable to direct methods is a problem of vital importance.
Here, we describe a method for estimating stellar masses and ages, which is based on the geometric similarity of evolutionary tracks for the stars at the same evolutionary stage in the Hertzsprung–Russell (HR) diagram. To examine the proposed approach, it has been applied to various test data sets. Application of the method, using synthetic stellar spectra Basel Stellar Library (of theoretical spectra; BaSeL), demonstrates that it allows determination of masses and ages of stars with a predictable distribution of uncertainties.
This statistical approach allows us to demonstrate the viability of the method using it on the set of double-lined eclipsing binaries with intermediate-mass and low-mass components which allows us to compare calculated characteristics with observational ones. As a result, the uncertainties of the stellar masses estimated with the proposed method are comparable with the accuracy of ones obtained from direct observations. This allows us to recommend the method for mass estimates of masses of single stars by the localization in the HR diagram.
As for the ages, the estimates for intermediate-mass stars are more reliable, while those obtained for low-mass stars are very uncertain, due both to slower movement of these stars in the HR diagram with age at stages close to the main sequence and to certain disagreements between theoretical models for this mass range.  相似文献   
In this work an analysis of a series of complex cosmic ray events that occurred between 17 January 2005 and 23 January 2005 using solar, interplanetary and ground based cosmic ray data is being performed. The investigated period was characterized both by significant galactic cosmic ray (GCR) and solar cosmic ray (SCR) variations with highlighted cases such as the noticeable series of Forbush effects (FEs) from 17 January 2005 to 20 January 2005, the Forbush decrease (FD) on 21 January 2005 and the ground level enhancement (GLE) of the cosmic ray counter measurements on 20 January 2005. The analysis is focusing on the aforementioned FE cases, with special attention drawn on the 21 January 2005, FD event, which demonstrated several exceptional features testifying its uniqueness. Data from the ACE spacecraft, together with GOES X-ray recordings and LASCO CME coronagraph images were used in conjunction to the ground based recordings of the Worldwide Neutron Monitor Network, the interplanetary data of OMNI database and the geomagnetic activity manifestations denoted by K p and D st indices. More than that, cosmic ray characteristics as density, anisotropy and density gradients were also calculated. The results illustrate the state of the interplanetary space that cosmic rays crossed and their corresponding modulation with respect to the multiple extreme solar events of this period. In addition, the western location of the 21 January 2005 solar source indicates a new cosmic ray feature, which connects the position of the solar source to the cosmic ray anisotropy variations. In the future, this feature could serve as an indicator of the solar source and can prove to be a valuable asset, especially when satellite data are unavailable.  相似文献   
Protandrism was confirmed in Crepidula fecunda Gallardo 1979 by histological analysis of the gonad. Individuals were classified as immature (12 mm or less in shell length), male (13–26 mm), intersex (25–28 mm), and female (over 26 mm). There was an evident loss of mobility with growth— large females became completely sessile. The presence of epithelial glands in mobile individuals was associated with the need for lubrication during crawling, whereas the proliferation of subepithelial glands in sessile females was associated with adhesion. Mobility of immature and male individuals was related to grazing activities on biofilms, and in males was also associated with copulation. Grazing activity of motile individuals was carried out so that the radula teeth did not come into direct contact with the substratum, but rather harvested the biofilm surface. Sessile females used the radula to rasp the area under their shells, thus cleaning the substratum in preparation for oviposition. Since this process required that the radula enter into direct contact with the substratum, it suffered abrasion of radular teeth and loss of radular denticles, producing important alterations in its appearance in mature females. A complex interaction was observed between size, mobility, histological changes in the foot, activity, and tooth‐wear of the radula, which have been related to the sessile habit, sex change, and the oviposition process in this species.  相似文献   
This article presents a complete study of the diurnal chemical reactivity of the biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC), 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MBO) in the troposphere. Reactions of MBO with OH and with ozone were studied to analyse the respective parts of both processes in the global budget of MBO atmospheric reactivity. They were investigated under controlled conditions for pressure (atmospheric pressure) and temperature (298 ± 2 K) using three complementary European simulation chambers. Reaction with OH radicals was studied in the presence of and in the absence of NO x . The kinetic study was carried out by relative rate study using isoprene as a reference. The rate constant found for this reaction was molecule−1 cm3 s−1. FTIR spectroscopy, DNPH- and PFBHA-derivatisation analyses were performed for reactions with both OH radicals and ozone. In both reactions, the hydroxycarbonyl compound, 2-hydroxy-2-methylpropanal (HMPr) was positively identified and quantified, with a yield of in the reaction with OH, and a yield of and 0.84 ± 0.08 in the reaction with ozone under dry (HR < 1%) and humid conditions (HR = 20%–30%). A primary production of two other carbonyl compounds, acetone , and formaldehyde was found in the case of the dry ozonolysis experiments. Under humid conditions, only formaldehyde was co-produced with HMPr as a primary carbonyl compound, with a yield of . For the reaction with OH, three other carbonyl compounds were detected, acetone , formaldehyde and glycolaldehyde . In addition some realistic photo-oxidation experiments were performed to understand in an overall way the transformations of MBO in the atmosphere. The realistic photo-oxidation experiments were conducted in the EUPHORE outdoor simulation chamber. It was found that this compound is a weak secondary aerosol producer (less than 1% of the carbon balance). But it was confirmed that it is a potentially significant source of acetone, Δ[Acetone]/Δ[MBO] = 0.45. With our experimental conditions ([MBO]0 = 200 ppb, [NO]o = 50 ppb), an ozone yield of Δ[O3]/Δ[MBO] = 1.05 was found.  相似文献   
The data of continuous observations of ELF emissions (polar chorus) at South Pole Antarctic observatory (Φ = ?74.02°) for 1997–1999 and during the superstrong magnetic storms of October and November 2003 are analyzed. It has been established that an increase in polar chorus is as a rule observed during the initial and recovery phases of a magnetic storm at positive values of the IMF vertical component (IMF B z > 0). Under such conditions, South Pole is located in the region of closed field lines. It has been found that the generation of polar chorus at South Pole abruptly ceases during the storm main phase after the IMF B z southward turning and beginning of an intense substorm in the nightside auroral zone, probably, because this observatory appears in the region of projection of the open magnetosphere due to the expansion of the polar cap.  相似文献   
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