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Image fusion is the production of high-resolution images by combining the spatial details of a high-resolution image with the spectral features of a low-resolution one. Reports of various quality metrics to evaluate the spectral and spatial qualities of fused images have been published. However, metrics may lead to misinterpretation due to inherent limitations in their mathematical algorithms. Hence, the use of additional assessment techniques in quality evaluation is reasonable. The purpose of the study was to compare the performances of several advanced fusion algorithms in order to help users in their choice of an appropriate fusion algorithm. Four different datasets were fused using advanced fusion algorithms, namely UNB PanSharp, Hyperspherical Color Space, High-Pass Filtering, Ehlers, Subtractive, Wavelet Single Band, Gram-Schmidt, Flexible Pixel-Based, and Criteria-Based. The spectral and spatial qualities of the fused images were evaluated using various quantitative procedures to ensure comprehensive and reliable comparison. The results showed that the Flexible Pixel-Based and High-Pass Filtering algorithms were very successful with regard to spatial quality, whereas the Flexible Pixel-Based and Criteria-Based algorithms were very successful with regard to spectral quality. The authors conclude that the Flexible Pixel-Based algorithm can be used for applications that require high spectral and spatial quality.  相似文献   
The variation in phytoplankton community as a response to improving water quality has been studied in the severely polluted Golden Horn Estuary (GHE). Phytoplankton data collected monthly for 4 years and a detailed set of environmental parameters clearly showed the remarkable change in the GHE. The GHE ecosystem did not respond to numerous rehabilitation efforts to improve water quality, unless strict measures were taken to enhance water circulation. The opening of a bridge operating on large buoys and release of high amounts of fresh water from a dam acted as the turning point for the whole system. The weakening of light limitation and anoxia at upper regions is followed by consecutive blooms of different species/groups and resulted in super-saturated dissolved oxygen concentrations and a significant decrease in nutrient concentrations. When compared to the pre-remediation period, average total eukaryotic phytoplankton abundance increased 11-fold in the lower estuary, while the increase in the upper estuary was over 3 × 104 in the post-remediation period. In addition, species richness continuously increased through the study period and community structure showed very strong variability. Since the estuarine ecosystem is controlled by precipitation in the last decade, the increase in anthropogenic/terrestrial inputs following heavy rainfall had adversely affected water quality and phytoplankton.  相似文献   
Long-term biological data supported by physicochemical parameters were evaluated to investigate the biodiversity of the Golden Horn Estuary from the past to the present. Limited observations dating back to 60 years ago indicated the existence of a diverse community in this small estuary. Unfortunately, in parallel with the increase in unplanned settlements and industry around the Golden Horn, pollution stress increased since the 1960s. Preliminary studies in the 1990s indicated survival of only a couple of pollution-resistant species, in the relatively cleaner lower estuary. Following the intensification of rehabilitation studies in 1998 and particularly after the opening of the floating bridge at the mid estuary; a remarkable day-by-day recovery in marine life has begun with the improving water quality. Nutrient concentrations decreased markedly; while water clarity significantly increased. Fecal coliform values decreased 10(3) fold. Phytoplankton composition changed and dense blooms of eukaryotic phytoplankters frequently occurred. Hydrogen sulfide almost completely disappeared even during the warmest periods of the year and dissolved oxygen concentrations increased. All results clearly depicted that the Golden Horn ecosystem shifted to eutrophic conditions from an anoxic environment. SCUBA dives in 2002, documented the level of diversification of life in the Golden Horn. All appropriate substratums were intensely covered by macrobenthic forms until the Halic Bridge and filter feeders dominated the plankton-rich ecosystem. Achieving the diversity of 1940s is not possible since the Black and Marmara seas, influencing water quality of the Golden Horn, are also suffering from anthropogenic impacts and are far less diverse than their rich diversity in 1940s. However, the Golden Horn is a good example that even the most polluted ecosystems can recover when appropriate measures are taken.  相似文献   
Spatial sensitivity of seismic hazard results to different models with respect to background seismic activity and earthquake occurrence in time is investigated. For the contribution of background seismic activity to seismic hazard, background area source with uniform seismicity and spatially smoothed seismicity models are taken into consideration. For the contribution of faults, through characteristic earthquakes, both the memoryless Poisson and the time dependent renewal models are utilized. A case study, involving the assessment of seismic hazard for the Bursa province in Turkey, is conducted in order to examine quantitatively the influence of these models on seismic hazard results. The spatial variation of the difference in Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) values obtained from these different models is presented in the form of difference maps for return periods of 475 and 2475 years. Best estimate seismic hazard maps for PGA and Spectral Accelerations (SA) at 0.2 and 1.0 s are obtained by using the logic tree method.  相似文献   
In this study, the geometric accuracy comparison of aerial photos and WorldView-2 satellite stereo image data is evaluated with the different number and the distribution of the ground control points (GCPs) on the basis of large scale map production. Also, the current situation of rivalry between airborne and satelliteborne imagery was mentioned. The geometric accuracy of Microsoft UltraCam X 45 cm ground sampling distance (GSD) aerial imagery and WorldView-2 data both with and without GCPs are also separately analyzed. The aerial photos without any GCP by only using global navigation satellite system (GNSS) and inertial measurement unit (IMU) data with tie points give an accuracy of ±1.17 m in planimetry and ±0.71 m in vertical that means nearly two times better accuracy than the rational polynomial coefficient (RPC) of stereo WorldView-2. Using one GCP affects the accuracies of aerial photos and WorldView-2 in different ways. While this situation distorts the aerial photo block, it corrects the shift effect of RPC in WorldView-2 and increases the accuracy. By using four or more GCPs, ½?pixel (~0.23 m) accuracy in aerial photos and 1 pixel (~0.50 m) accuracy in WorldView-2 can be achieved in horizontal. In vertical, aerial photos have 1 pixel (~0.55 m) and WorldView-2 has 1.5 pixels (~0.85 m) accuracy. These results show that Worldview-2 imagery can be used in the production of class I 1:5000 scale maps according to the ASPRS Accuracy Standards for Digital Geospatial Data in terms of geometric accuracy. It is concluded that the rivalry between aerial and satellite imagery will continue for some time in the future.  相似文献   
In engineering geology a number of factors affecting foundation conditions are taken into consideration during engineering-geological investigations. This article deals with the factor of heat sourced from a structure (brick kiln) as a restrictive factor in foundation engineering in clay soils and introduces a documentation of soil deformation observations as an impact of the heat transmission into the geological environment. It was carried out in Southern Moravia in the Czech Republic, where the dominant foundation soils are Neogeneous clays where differential settlements of a tunnel kiln structure occurred as a result of ignoring the boundary conditions of temperature changes in the soil environment. The brick kilns caused heterogeneous spatial changes in the subsoil temperatures. This consequently resulted in differential settlements due to temperature changes originating from the kilns. The differential settlements reached as much as 150 mm. The major objective of the article is to highlight the importance of the heat transmission from buildings into the geological environment as a factor which should be considered in engineering geology and its application in planning. A new procedure for reducing or elimination of ground movements sourced from underlying clayey soils depending on the heat changes was also suggested in this context.  相似文献   
Rainfall data are a fundamental input for effective planning, designing and operating of water resources projects. A well‐designed rain gauge network is capable of providing accurate estimates of necessary areal average and/or point rainfall estimates at any desired ungauged location in a catchment. Increasing network density with additional rain gauge stations has been the main underlying criterion in the past to reduce error and uncertainty in rainfall estimates. However, installing and operation of additional stations in a network involves large cost and manpower. Hence, the objective of this study is to design an optimal rain gauge network in the Middle Yarra River catchment in Victoria, Australia. The optimal positioning of additional stations as well as optimally relocating of existing redundant stations using the kriging‐based geostatistical approach was undertaken in this study. Reduction of kriging error was considered as an indicator for optimal spatial positioning of the stations. Daily rainfall records of 1997 (an El Niño year) and 2010 (a La Niña year) were used for the analysis. Ordinary kriging was applied for rainfall data interpolation to estimate the kriging error for the network. The results indicate that significant reduction in the kriging error can be achieved by the optimal spatial positioning of the additional as well as redundant stations. Thus, the obtained optimal rain gauge network is expected to be appropriate for providing high quality rainfall estimates over the catchment. The concept proposed in this study for optimal rain gauge network design through combined use of additional and redundant stations together is equally applicable to any other catchment. © 2014 The Authors. Hydrological Processes published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.  相似文献   
We determined the seismic model of the soil column within a residential project site in Istanbul, Turkey. Specifically, we conducted a refraction seismic survey at 20 locations using a receiver spread with 484.5-Hz vertical geophones at 2-m intervals. We applied nonlinear tomography to first-arrival times to estimate the P-wave velocity-depth profiles and performed Rayleigh-wave inversion to estimate the S-wave velocity-depth profiles down to a depth of 30 m at each of the locations. We then combined the seismic velocities with the geotechnical borehole information regarding the lithology of the soil column and determined the site-specific geotechnical earthquake engineering parameters for the site. Specifically, we computed the maximum soil amplification ratio, maximum surface-bedrock acceleration ratio, depth interval of significant acceleration, maximum soil-rock response ratio, and design spectrum periods TA-TB. We conducted reflection seismic surveys along five line traverses with lengths between 150 and 300 m and delineated landslide failure surfaces within the site. We recorded shot gathers at 2-m intervals along each of the seismic line traverses using a receiver spread with 4 840-Hz vertical geophones at 2-m intervals. We applied nonlinear tomograpby to first-arrival times to estimate a P-wave velocity-depth model and analyzed the reflected waves to obtain a seismic image of the deep near-surface along each of the line traverses.  相似文献   
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