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The Cassini Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph (UVIS) has detected 27 statistically significant features in 101 occultations by Saturn’s F ring since July 2004. This work nearly doubles the number of features reported by Esposito et al. (Esposito, L.W. et al. [2008]. Icarus 194, 278–289). As the number of statistically significant features has grown, it has become useful to classify them for the purposes of cataloging. We define three classes: Moonlet, Icicle, and Core, which visually classify the shapes of features seen to date in the occultation profiles of Saturn’s F ring. Two features fall into the Moonlet class. Each is opaque in its occultation, which makes them candidates for solid objects. A majority of features are classified as Icicles, which partially block stellar signal for 22 m to just over 3.7 km along the radial expanse of the occultation. The density enhancements responsible for such signal attenuations are likely due to transient clumping of material, evidence that aggregations of material are ubiquitous in the F ring. Finally, the variety of core region shapes displays how even the general shape of the F ring is ever-changing. The core region of the F ring (typically ~10 km wide) usually has a smooth U-shape to it, but the core region takes the shape of Ws and Vs in some occultation profiles. Our lengthy observing campaign reveals that Icicles are likely transient clumps, moonlets are possible solid objects, and cores show the variety of F ring morphology. We suggest that icicles may evolve into moonlets, which are an order of magnitude less abundant.  相似文献   
We monitored near-surface atmospheric fallout (15-cm above ground) and soil solution (at 15, 35 and 55 cm below ground) derived nanoparticles over an 8-month period by collecting the particles directly onto TEM grids in anthropogenically-influenced (vineyard) and pristine (native forest) sites in France. Particle clusters trapped on the grid were selected randomly and individual particles were binned into eight different groups (euhedral clays, weathered clays, salts, oxi-hydroxides, bacteria, non-living organic matter, aggregates and undetermined). Bacteria represent 9–23% of the collected nanoparticle area (ave. 9.4% and 18% for two atmospheric collection sites and ave. 23% for soil infiltration samples). Bacteria were most often associated with non-living organic matter and comprised a variety of morpho-types. Interestingly, 45% of all the bacteria analyzed by transmission electron microscopy and electron dispersive spectroscopy (TEM-EDX) showed the presence of intracellular grains significantly enriched in lead and phosphorus. Intracellular sequestration of Pb into polyphosphate bodies has been observed in the laboratory, but this is the first observation of this phenomenon in a natural environment. Furthermore, this suggests that microbial-bound Pb may be an important transport mechanism in subsurface environments.  相似文献   
Micro-Raman spectroscopy, even though a very promising technique, is not still routinely applied to analyse H2O in silicate glasses. The accuracy of Raman water determinations critically depends on the capability to predict and take into account both the matrix effects (bulk glass composition) and the analytical conditions on band intensities. On the other hand, micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy is commonly used to measure the hydrous absorbing species (e.g., hydroxyl OH and molecular H2O) in natural glasses, but requires critical assumptions for the study of crystal-hosted glasses. Here, we quantify for the first time the matrix effect of Raman external calibration procedures for the quantification of the total H2O content (H2OT = OH + H2Om) in natural silicate glasses. The procedures are based on the calibration of either the absolute (external calibration) or scaled (parameterisation) intensity of the 3550 cm−1 band. A total of 67 mafic (basanite, basalt) and intermediate (andesite) glasses hosted in olivines, having between 0.2 and 4.8 wt% of H2O, was analysed. Our new dataset demonstrates, for given water content, the height (intensity) of Raman H2OT band depends on glass density, reflectance and water environment. Hence this matrix effect must be considered in the quantification of H2O by Raman spectroscopy irrespective of the procedure, whereas the parameterisation mainly helps to predict and verify the self-consistency of the Raman results. In addition, to validate the capability of the micro-Raman to accurately determine the H2O content of multicomponent aluminosilicate glasses, a subset of 23 glasses was analysed by both micro-Raman and micro-FTIR spectroscopy using the band at 3550 cm−1. We provide new FTIR absorptivity coefficients (ε3550) for basalt (62.80 ± 0.8 L mol−1 cm−1) and basanite (43.96 ± 0.6 L mol−1 cm−1). These values, together with an exhaustive review of literature data, confirm the non-linear decline of the FTIR absorptivity coefficient (ε3550) as the glass depolymerisation increases. We demonstrate the good agreement between micro-FTIR and micro-Raman determination of H2O in silicate glasses when the matrix effects are properly considered.  相似文献   
In this study, planform adjustment began during a period of calm weather immediately after nourishment and then the passage of one strong storm caused a substantial portion of the total profile equilibration. Weekly beach profiles, shoreline surveys, and nearshore wave measurements were conducted before, during, and immediately after construction of the 1100-m long Upham Beach nourishment project on the low-energy, west coast of Florida. This project was constructed in three segments: the wide north segment, the central segment, and the narrow south segment. With the exception of the relatively distant passage of Hurricane Charley, calm weather prevailed for 45 days following completion of the south and central segments. Construction of the wide north segment was completed on August 27, 2004. Substantial planform diffusion occurred prior to construction completion via formation of a 300-m long spit extending from the wide north segment. The shoreline orientation was changed abruptly due to this diffusion spit formation, as opposed to the gradual adjustment predicted by most long-term models. Planform adjustment was initiated prior to profile equilibration, and it did not require high-energy conditions. A simple vector sum model for determining the orientation of a potential diffusion spit was developed. This study recommends designing end transitions at the predicted diffusion spit orientation to avoid post-nourishment spit formation during future projects.  相似文献   
Cohesive sediment dynamics in mountainous rivers is poorly understood even though these rivers are the main providers of fine particles to the oceans. Complex interactions exist between the coarse matrix of cobble bed rivers and fine sediments. Given that fine sediment load in such environments can be very high due to intense natural rainfall or snowmelt events and to man‐induced reservoir or dam flushing, a better understanding of the deposition and sedimentation processes is needed in order to reduce ecohydrological downstream impacts. We tested a field‐based approach on the Arc and Isère alpine rivers combining measurements of erosion and settling properties of river bed deposits before and after a dam flushing, with the U‐GEMS (Gust Erosion Microcosm System) and SCAF (System Characterizing Aggregates and Flocs), respectively. These measurements highlight that critical shears, rates of erosion, settling velocities and propensity of particles to flocculate are highly variable in time and space. This is reflective of the heterogeneity of the hydrodynamic conditions during particle settling, local bed roughness, and nature and size of particles. Generally the deposits were found to be stable relative to what is measured in lowland rivers. It was, however, not possible to make a conclusive assessment of the extent to which the dynamics of deposits after reservoir flushing were different from those settled after natural events. The absence of any relationships between erosion and deposition variables, making it impossible to predict one from another, underlined the need to measure all of them to have a full assessment of the fine sediment dynamics and to obtain representative input variables for numerical models. While the SCAF was found to be effective, an alternative to the U‐GEMS device will have to be found for the erodibility assessment in cobble bed rivers, in order to make more rapid measurements at higher shears. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
New equilibrium experiments have been performed in the 20–27 kbar range to determine the upper thermal stability limit of endmember deerite, Fe 12 2+ Fe 6 3+ [Si12O40](OH)10. In this pressure range, the maximum thermal stability limit is represented by the oxygen-conserving reaction: deerite(De)=9 ferrosilite(Fs)+3 magnetite(Mag)+3 quartz(Qtz)+5 H2O(W) (1). Under the oxygen fugacities of the Ni-NiO buffer the breakdown-reduction reaction: De=12 Fs+2 Mag+5 W+1/2 O2 (10) takes place at lower temperatures (e.g. T=63° at 27 kbar). The experimental brackets can be fitted using thermodynamic data for ferrosilite, magnetite and quartz from Berman (1988) and the following 1 bar, 298 K data for deerite (per gfw): Vo=55.74 J.bar-1, So=1670 J.K-1, H f o =-18334 kJ, =2.5x10-5K-1, =-0.18x10-5 bar-1. Using these data in conjunction with literature data on coesite, grunerite, minnesotaite, and greenalite, the P-T stability field of endmember deerite has been calculated for P s=P H 2O. This field is limited by 6 univariant oxygenconserving dehydration curves, from which three have positive dP/dT slopes, the other three negative slopes. The lower pressure end of the stability field of endmember deerite is thus located at an invariant point at 250±70°C and 10+-1.5 kbar. Deerite rich in the endmember can thus appear only in environments with geothermal gradients lower than 10°C/km and at pressures higher than about 10 kbar, which is in agreement with 4 out of 5 independent P-T estimates for known occurrences. The presence of such deerite places good constraints on minimum pressure and maximum temperature conditions. From log f O 2-T diagrams constructed with the same data base at different pressures, it appears that endmember deerite is, at temperatures near those of its upper stability limit, stable only over a narrow range of oxygen fugacities within the magnetite field. With decreasing temperatures, deerite becomes stable towards slightly higher oxygen fugacities but reaches the hematite field only at temperatures more than 200°C lower than the upper stability limit. This practically precludes the coexistence deerite-hematite with near-endmember deerite in natural environments.  相似文献   
The potential impacts of climate change on potatoes cropping in the Peruvian highlands (Altiplano) is assessed using climate projections for 2071–2100, obtained from the HadRM3P regional atmospheric model of the Hadley Centre. The atmospheric model is run under two different special report on emission scenarios: high CO2 concentration (A2) and moderate CO2 concentration (B2) for four locations situated in the surroundings of Lake Titicaca. The two main varieties of potato cultivated in the area are studied: the Andean potato (Solanum tuberosum) and the bitter potato (Solanum juzepczukii). A simple process-oriented model is used to quantify the climatic impacts on crops cycles and yields by combining the effects of temperature on phenology, of radiation and CO2 on maximum yield and of water balance on yield deficit. In future climates, air temperature systematically increases, precipitation tends to increase at the beginning of the rainy season and slightly decreases during the rest of the season. The direct effects of these climatic changes are earlier planting dates, less planting failures and shorter crop cycles in all the four locations and for both scenarios. Consequently, the harvesting dates occur systematically earlier: roughly in January for the Andean potato instead of March in the current situation and in February for the bitter potato instead of April. Overall, yield deficits will be higher under climate change than in the current climate. There will be a strong negative impact on yields for S. tuberosum (stronger under A2 scenario than under B2); the impact on S. juzepczukii yields, however, appears to be relatively mixed and not so negative.  相似文献   
Spectra of Hα, Hβ and Hδ have been taken under good seeing conditions with the vacuum tower telescope of Sacramento Peak Observatory. Intensity curves are given at various wavelengths in these lines to permit further comparison with a theoretical model. Moreover, considering in each case the range of height in which the lines are almost optically thin and using a few approximations, the following results are derived: between 2000 and 6000 km above the limb the average thermal + turbulent velocity of the atoms is found to increase from 20 km s?1 to 30 km s?1 and the mean number of hydrogen atoms per cm3 in level 2 is given by $$\log n_2 {\text{ = }}4.5{\text{ }} - {\text{ 0}}{\text{.00056(}}z - 2000)$$ z being the altitude above the limb in km. For line profile computations a new interpolation formula is presented; it gives good profiles with a small number of scans, saving microphotometer time.  相似文献   
Crystal-rich materials (scoriae and lava flows) emitted during the 1985–2000 activity of Stromboli were taken into consideration for systematic study of bulk rock/matrix glass chemistry and in particular for the study of chemical and textural zoning of plagioclase, the most abundant mineral phase. Over the considered time period, bulk rock composition remained fairly constant in both major (SiO2 49.2–50.9 wt% and K2O 1.96–2.18 wt%) and trace elements. The quite constant chemistry of matrix glasses also indicates that the degree of crystallization of magma was maintained at around 50 vol%. Plagioclase ranges in composition between An62 and An88 and is characterized by alternating, <10–100 m thick, bytownitic and labradoritic concentric layers, although the dominant and representative plagioclase of scoriae is An68. The labradoritic layers (An62–70) show small-scale (1–5 µm), oscillatory zoning, are free of inclusions, and appear to record episodes of slow crystal growth in equilibrium with a degassed liquid having the composition of the matrix glass. In contrast the bytownitic layers (An70-An88) are patchy zoned, show sieve structure with abundant micrometric glass inclusions and voids, and are attributed to rapid crystal growth.A key to understanding the origin of bytownitic layers can be retrieved from the texture and composition of the coronas of plagioclase xenocrysts, inherited from crystal-rich magma, in nearly aphyric pumice which are erupted during more energetic events and represent a deep, volatile-rich, HK-basaltic magma. They show a continuum from fine-sieve to evident skeletal texture from the inner to the outer part of the corona associated with normal compositional zoning from An90 to An75. In the light of these observations, we propose that input of H2O-rich melt blobs, and their mixing with the residing magma, causes partial dissolution of the labradoritic layers followed by the growth of bytownitic composition whose sieve texture attests of rapid crystallization occurring under undercooling conditions mainly induced by degassing. As a whole, the zoning of plagioclase in the scoriae records successive and discrete intrusions of volatile-rich magma blobs, its degassing and mixing with the resident degassed magma at shallow level.Editorial responsibility: T.L. GroveAn erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
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