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The Late Devensian (<20 ka BP) glacial geology of the Irish Sea Basin (4000 km2) is an event stratigraphy recording the entry of marine waters into a glacio-isostatically-depressed basin, and the rapid retreat of the Irish Sea Glacier as a tidewater ice margin. Marine limits occur up to 140 m O.D. Across much of the central basin, the ice margin was uncoupled from its bed exposing a subglacially-scoured topography to glaciomarine processes. The Irish Sea Glacier was a major drainage conduit of the last British Ice Sheet; calving of the marine ice margin resulted in fast flow (surging) of ice streams recorded by drumlin fields around the northern basin margin and tunnel valleys. Rapid evacuation of the basin may have stranded large areas of dead ice in peripheral zones (e.g. Cheshire/Shropshire Lowlands) and initiated the collapse of the ice sheet.Thick wedges of ice-contact glaciomarine sediments were deposited during ice retreat as morainal bank complexes by successive tidewater ice margins stabilized at pinning points around the Irish Sea coast. Where morainal banks occur on the seaward side of drumlin swarms there is a clear sequential relationship between rapid ice loss from calving ice margins, the development of fast flowing ice streams, drumlinization and the pumping of subglacial sediment to tidewater. Raised delta complexes are locally associated with marine limits along the high relief coastal margins of Wales, east central Ireland, and the Lake District. Associated valley infill complexes record downslope resedimentation of heterogenous sediments into the marine environment during ice retreat. Co-eval offshore deposits are represented by well-stratified glaciomarine complexes that infill a subglacially-scoured topography that shows networks of tunnel valleys. Glaciomarine mud drapes occur well to the south of the maximum limit of grounded ice in the basin (e.g. North Devon, Scilly Islands, Southern Ireland). The age of these distal sediments, previously mapped as pre-Devensian tills, is constrained by amino acid ratios.Basin rebound following deglaciation was rapid, with over 100 m recovery in 3 ka, and was followed by a low marine still stand. Peat, accumulating in offshore areas now as much as 55 m below sea level has been drowned by the postglacial eustatic rise in sea level.The glacio-sedimentary model identified in this paper, involving rapid ice retreat and related sedimentation triggered by rising relative sea level, suggests that isotatic downwarping is an important mechanism for deglaciating continental shelves.  相似文献   
A rapid, clean, low-energy, image-based method for determining the grain size distribution of soils by image analysis has been developed. The method is called Sediment Imaging or “Sedimaging”. It develops the grain size distribution for particles in the range between a U.S. Standard Sieve No. 10 (2.0 mm openings) and U.S. Standard Sieve No. 200 (0.075 mm openings) range. The system utilizes a high resolution Nikon D7000 digital single lens reflex camera and image processing software developed specifically for interpreting the images and producing the resulting grain size distribution. The Sedimaging system is more sustainable and environmentally friendly than traditional sieving by virtue of its far lower power needs, less water consumption, longer equipment life and less maintenance. From the environmental and health perspectives, Sedimaging is less noisy, generates no vibrations and produces no airborne particulates. Sedimaging is also significantly faster than sieving and produces thousands of data points compared to typically 8 by sieving; it also automatically computes grain size distribution metrics such as the coefficients of uniformity and gradation.  相似文献   
This paper proposes and demonstrates a two-layer depth-averaged model with non-hydrostatic pressure correction to simulate landslide-generated waves. Landslide (lower layer) and water (upper layer) motions are governed by the general shallow water equations derived from mass and momentum conservation laws. The landslide motion and wave generation/propagation are separately formulated, but they form a coupled system. Our model combines some features of the landslide analysis model DAN3D and the tsunami analysis model COMCOT and adds a non-hydrostatic pressure correction. We use the new model to simulate a 2007 rock avalanche-generated wave event at Chehalis Lake, British Columbia, Canada. The model results match both the observed distribution of the rock avalanche deposit in the lake and the wave run-up trimline along the shoreline. Sensitivity analyses demonstrate the importance of accounting for the non-hydrostatic dynamic pressure at the landslide-water interface, as well as the influence of the internal strength of the landslide on the size of the generated waves. Finally, we compare the numerical results of landslide-generated waves simulated with frictional and Voellmy rheologies. Similar maximum wave run-ups can be obtained using the two different rheologies, but the frictional model better reproduces the known limit of the rock avalanche deposit and is thus considered to yield the best overall results in this particular case.  相似文献   
The Nantianwan mafic intrusion in the Panxi region, SW China, part of the ~260?Ma Emeishan large igneous province, consists of the olivine gabbro and gabbronorite units, separated by a transitional zone. Olivine gabbros contain olivine with Fo values ranging from 83 to 87, indicating crystallization from a moderately evolved magma. They have 0.2 to 0.9?wt?% sulfide with highly variable PGE (17?C151?ppb) and variable Cu/Pd ratios (1,500?C32,500). Modeling results indicate that they were derived from picritic magmas with high initial PGE concentrations. Olivine gabbros have negative ??Nd(t) values (?1.3 to ?0.1) and positive ??Os(t) values (5?C15), consistent with low degrees of crustal contamination. Gabbronorites include sulfide-bearing and sulfide-poor varieties, and both have olivine with Fo values ranging from 74 to 79, indicating crystallization from a more evolved magma than that for olivine gabbros. Sulfide-bearing gabbronorites contain 1.9?C4.1?wt?% sulfide and 37?C160?ppb PGE and high Cu/Pd ratios (54,000?C624,000). Sulfide-poor gabbronorites have 0.1?C0.6?wt?% sulfide and 0.2?C15?ppb PGE and very high Cu/Pd ratios (16,900?C2,370,000). Both sulfide-bearing and sulfide-poor gabbronorites have ??Nd(t) values (?0.9 to ?2.1) similar to those for olivine gabbros, but their ??Os(t) values (17?C262) are much higher and more variable than those of the olivine gabbros. Selective assimilation of crustal sulfides from the country rocks is thus considered to have resulted in more radiogenic 187Os of the gabbronorites. Processes such as magma differentiation, crustal contamination and sulfide saturation at different stages in magma chambers may have intervened during formation of the intrusion. Parental magmas were derived from picritic magmas that had fractionated olivine under S-undersaturated conditions before entering a deep-seated staging magma chamber, where the parental magmas crystallized olivine, assimilated minor crustal rocks and reached sulfide saturation, forming an olivine- and sulfide-laden crystal mush in the lower part and evolved magmas in the upper part of the chamber. The evolved magmas were forced out of the staging chamber and became S-undersaturated due to a pressure drop during ascent to a shallow magma chamber. The magmas re-attained sulfide saturation by assimilating external S from S-rich country rocks. They may have entered the shallow magma chamber as several pulses so that several gabbronorite layers each with sulfide segregated to the base and a sulfide-poor upper part. The olivine gabbro unit formed from a new and more primitive magma that entrained olivine crystals and sulfide droplets from the lower part of the staging chamber. A transitional zone formed along the boundary with the gabbronorite unit due to chemical interaction between the two rock units.  相似文献   
We have characterized the outer-membrane decaheme cytochromes OmcA and MtrC from Shewanella oneidensis MR-1 at the single-molecule level using scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and tunneling spectroscopy (TS). These cytochrome proteins are of great interest because they are thought to mediate bacterial electron transfer reactions in anoxic waters that control the reductive dissolution of oxide minerals. In our study, to characterize the electron transfer properties of these proteins on a model surface, the purified cytochromes were chemically immobilized as molecular monolayers on Au(111) substrates via a recombinant tetra-cysteine sequence as verified by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. Atomic force microscopy images confirm the monolayer films were ∼5-8 nm thick which is consistent with the apparent lateral dimensions of individual cytochrome molecules obtained with STM. Current-voltage TS of single cytochrome molecules revealed that OmcA and MtrC have different abilities to mediate tunneling current despite having otherwise very similar molecular and biochemical properties. These observations suggest that, based on their electron tunneling properties, the two cytochromes could have specific roles during bacterial metal reduction. Additionally, this study establishes single-molecule STM/TS as an effective means for revealing insights into biogeochemical redox processes in the environment.  相似文献   
Bulut  Umit  Apergis  Nicholas 《GeoJournal》2021,86(4):1969-1980

From the empirical energy literature, it is observed that studies focusing on the energy-economic growth nexus ignore the possible existence of gradual breaks as they employ methods without or with sharp structural breaks. Therefore, one can argue that they may yield biased and inefficient output in the presence of gradual breaks. The goal of this paper is to investigate the impact of solar energy consumption on GDP utilizing quarterly data over the period 1984–2018 for the USA. For this purpose, the paper performs a unit root test and a cointegration test that are based on the Fourier approximation to take gradual breaks into account. The paper also performs the dynamic ordinary least squares estimator to estimate long-run parameters. The findings document that there exists cointegration in the empirical model and that GDP is positively associated with solar energy consumption. Some implications based on the empirical findings are presented in the paper.

A model is developed for estimating location of a volcano relative to sample points in an associated ashfall, cloud height during eruption, and mean wind velocity during ash deposition. The ash deposit must cover a large area and have an elongate axis. The model appears to be applicable both to recent and to unobserved ashfalls in the past, provided adequate and representative ash samples are available. The opportunity to test the diagnostic model on volcanic ashfalls is limited by sparsity of the necessary input data. From more than 20 ashfalls described in the literature, the 1947 Hekla (Iceland) eruption is the only one which includes suitable particle size analyses taken from samples related to a well-defined axis. The application of the model to the Hekla ashfall is discussed.  相似文献   
Acidification of surface seawater owing to anthropogenic activities has raised serious concerns on its consequences for marine calcifying organisms and ecosystems. To acquire knowledge concerning the future consequences of ocean acidification (OA), researchers have relied on incubation experiments with organisms exposed to future seawater conditions, numerical models, evidence from the geological record, and recently, observations from aquatic environments exposed to naturally high CO2 and low pH, e.g., owing to volcanic CO2 vents, upwelling, and groundwater input. In the present study, we briefly evaluate the distribution of dissolved CO2–carbonic acid parameters at (1) two locations in the Pacific and the Atlantic Ocean as a function of depth, (2) a mangrove environment in Bermuda, (3) a seasonally stratified body of water in a semi-enclosed sound in Bermuda, and (4) in temporarily isolated tide pools in Southern California. We demonstrate that current in situ conditions of seawater pCO2, pH, and CaCO3 saturation state (Ω) in these environments are similar or even exceed the anticipated changes to these parameters in the open ocean over the next century as a result of OA. The observed differences between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans with respect to seawater CO2–carbonic acid chemistry, preservation of CaCO3 minerals, and the occurrence and distribution of deep-sea marine calcifiers, support the hypothesized negative effects of OA on the production and preservation of CaCO3 in surface seawater. Clues provided from shallow near-shore environments in Bermuda and Southern California support these predictions, but also highlight that many marine calcifiers already experience relatively high seawater pCO2 and low pH conditions.  相似文献   
Over the past thirty years, geoarchaeology has moved from the fringe to mainstream status within Mesoamerican archaeological investigations. This review focuses on works published since the year 2000. Five themes are identified as central to recent studies: (1) the correlation of environmental change and cultural history; (2) anthropogenic environmental impacts; (3) ancient land cover, land use, and diet; (4) archaeological prospection; and (5) provenance studies. These themes are often interwoven in the application of complex systems approaches that allow scientists to more accurately model the intricacies of ancient human–environment interactions.  相似文献   
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