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The magnetic anisotropy of several artificially constructed samples has been measured with different types of instruments in several laboratories. Susceptibility bridge determinations have given consistent results, but the magnitude of the anisotropy determined by the Digico anisotropy delineator is incorrect. For future measurements with this instrument it is necessary to make either a simple calibration change or to make a minor change in the associated computer program. A set of equations for correcting the old published data is given.  相似文献   
We quantified the seasonal changes in the zooplankton abundances collected from the Huetzalin Lake (Mexico City, Mexico) for two years (February 2003–January 2004 and then March 2005–February 2006). Selected physicochemical variables (Secchi depth, temperature, pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, phosphorus, nitrogen, carbon and chlorophyll a concentration) were also measured at the time of zooplankton collection. The data on zooplankton abundances and the physicochemical variables were subjected to multiple correlation analysis and we also derived Shannon–Wiener species diversity index. Secchi depth ranged from 9 to 65 cm. Generally the lake was alkaline (pH 7–12). The conductivity ranged from 500–1000 mS cm−1, while the mean water temperature was 20.5 °C. Dissolved oxygen levels were generally >3 mg L−1 and were higher in the winter than warmer months. Nitrates (90–95 μg L−1) and phosphates (.2–.5 mg L−1) indicated that the water was eutrophic. Chlorophyll a levels ranged from 143 to 696 μg L−1 during the study period. The zooplankton community was dominated by rotifers (46 species), followed by cladocerans (9 species) and there were only two copepod species. The dominant rotifer species were Brachionus angularis, Brachionus calyciflorus, Brachionus havanaensis, Brachionus quadridentatus, Lecane bulla and Polyarthra vulgaris. Rare rotifer species in Lake Huetzalin were Lecane ohioensis, Dicranophorus forcipatus, Lecane pyriformis, Lindia torulosa, Pleurotrocha petromyzon and Brachionus durgae. Highest densities (occasional peaks of 400 ind L−1) of B. quadridentatus occurred between April and December, while B. havanaensis reached peak densities, during June to October. B. calyciflorus reached densities higher than 1240 ind L−1 during May–September. Cladoceran and copepod densities in Lake Huetzalin were much lower than that of the rotifers. This study confirmed the earlier findings that Xochimilco system of canals is dominated by rotifers and the crustacean zooplankton have much lower abundances possibly due to predation from fish.  相似文献   
The nature and restricted range of Dupal-type Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic compositions of Cretaceous kimberlites, tuffaceous diatremes of kamafugitic affinity and carbonatite complexes which intrude the southwestern São Francisco craton margin in Brazil, indicate that these magmas either interacted extensively with, or were derived from, a light rare earth element (LREE) enriched homogeneous lithospheric mantle source isotopically similar to the “enriched mantle I” (EMI) component. The shallow-derived alkalic rocks contain a greater proportion of this EMI-like component, whereas the lower time-averaged Rb/Sr, Nd/Sm and Pb/U ratios of the kimberlites compared to the other rock types suggest mixing of the EMI-like mantle material with variable amounts of mantle with a high 238U/204Pb (HIMU-like) component. Systematic variations in rock types and geochemistry on a regional scale are believed to be indicative of vertical geochemical heterogeneities which are translated into lateral heterogeneities by different depths of melting. It is proposed that HIMU- and EMI-like signatures in particular, are concentrated in laterally extensive but vertically distinctive portions of the mantle beneath the São Francisco craton. The EMI-type signatures appear to be restricted to shallow-derived volcanism, whereas the HIMU-type signatures may originate from a source that started melting deeper in the mantle. The Nd signatures of the EMI-type volcanics follow the evolution path defined by the NeoProterozoic crustal sequences which overlie and flank the craton margin. This suggests that the source of the EMI-type mantle signatures might be related to the tectono-thermal processes which led to the formation and evolution of such crustal sequences. The isotopic similarity of the sources of the studied rocks and of the high-Ti basalts of the northern Paraná basin to those of some Ocean Island Basalts with Dupal signatures in the South Atlantic (viz. in Walvis Ridge) is ascribed to processes by which continental lithosphere became firstly delaminated, and then contaminated a zone of South Atlantic asthenosphere from which hotspot islands have been erupting.  相似文献   
Mining and deforestation in the early 20th century, the development of petrochemical industries during the 1950s, and the constant weathering of natural deposits of cinabrium (HgS) have made Golfo Triste, Venezuela, a region impacted by mercury (Hg). We studied the chronology of Hg in coral skeletons of Siderastrea siderea (1 colony, 1900-1996) and Montastraea faveolata (2 colonies, 1930-1999) from Parque Nacional San Esteban. Maximum values of Hg/Ca ratios and standard deviations of Hg enrichment factors occurred in the 1940s, 1960s, and 1980s, and matched maxima of decadal rainfall. Values from the 1950s and 1970s matched periods of abundant but constantly decreasing rainfall and hence were best explained by the combination of runoff and the sudden bioavailability of Hg in the region. This sudden availability likely was associated with activities of the chlorine-caustic soda and fertilizer plants of Morón petrochemical complex, industries that started producing large amounts of Hg in 1958.  相似文献   
We studied the seasonal variation of arthropod assemblages and the response to high discharge events in a subtropical Andean basin. Using abundance of common taxa and taxon richness of each sampled site, we examined the temporal variation of arthropods and related these changes with 12 environmental variables. Seasonal patterns of benthic arthropods were confirmed by uni- and multivariate techniques. Benthic abundance and taxon richness peaked on autumn-winter months, and declined abruptly on the month of peak discharge (summer season). Distinct taxonomic groups were dominant in each season influenced by discharge and seven chemical variables.Assemblage resistance to disturbance by spates was low. Rapid recovery of benthic arthropods after floods reflected high resilience of the system. The dominance of groups of short life cycles such as Ephemeroptera played an important role in this process.  相似文献   
Models of the diabatic wind profile over homogeneous terrain for the entire atmospheric boundary layer are developed using mixing-length theory and are compared to wind speed observations up to 300 m at the National Test Station for Wind Turbines at Høvsøre, Denmark. The measurements are performed within a wide range of atmospheric stability conditions, which allows a comparison of the models with the average wind profile computed in seven stability classes, showing a better agreement than compared to the traditional surface-layer wind profile. The wind profile is measured by combining cup anemometer and lidar observations, showing good agreement at the overlapping heights. The height of the boundary layer, a parameter required for the wind profile models, is estimated under neutral and stable conditions using surface-layer turbulence measurements, and under unstable conditions based on the aerosol backscatter profile from ceilometer observations.  相似文献   
--The electromagnetic (EM) coupling effect in induced polarization (IP) data is an important problem. In many works it has been computed only considering homogeneous or layered earth models with discretely uniform conductivity. In this study, an algorithm has been developed to compute the EM coupling effect in IP data measured on the earth, whose conductivity varies (increases or decreases) exponentially with depth. The EM coupling effects for Percent Frequency Effect (PFE) and phase data are computed for a dipole-dipole array with different separations, however the method can be applied to any electrode array. The results obtained for the cases of increasing and decreasing conductivity as a function of depth indicate that the EM coupling effect strongly depends on the subsurface resistivity and the dipole length. Here an "exponential" earth model is considered to remove EM coupling from the IP data in frequency and phase domain. For this purpose, first, the region of pseudo-section is divided into segments, and within each segment a typical average apparent resistivity (a) curve is constructed. An exponential conductivity model is fitted to average a data. The conductivity model is then used to compute EM responses. Next the data are corrected for the EM coupling contribution. This decoupling process is applied to field data from a galenite-pyrite mineralization area at the Dolluk site, in western Turkey. The results from the decoupling method developed here are compared with other techniques.  相似文献   
This paper presents results of numerical modeling of site response for Euroseistest. Ground motion across a very detailed model of the subsoil of this valley has been simulated for vertically incident SH waves. The predominance of locally generated surface waves is very clear in the synthetic seismograms. These results are then compared with published studies of observed site effects at this basin and with a detailed analysis of two events in the time domain. It is discussed in which sense it is possible to obtain a good fit between observations and 1D models, even though the real behavior involves locally generated Love waves. For this reason, it can be misleading to rely on an incomplete observation such as empirical transfer functions. Finally, it is stressed that in order to predict ground motion in alluvial valleys the information contained in the phase cannot be neglected.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to take a comprehensive look at site effects in Mexico City for the 1985 Michoacan earthquake. We examine, successively, 1D and 2D models. For the latter, we consider in detail both large scale and small scale heterogeneities, using extensively the Aki-Larner wave propagation method, in the version given by Bard and Gariel. In particular, we make a critical review of the different explanations proposed for the large duration of strong ground motion in the lake zone. Our purpose is two-sided. We first outline the difference between what is well established and what remains still unexplained regarding the seismic response of Mexico City basin. On the other hand, we wish to make explicit the conditions that the proposed models require to explain strong motion duration. Our results allow us to qualify the models proposed to date and to point out what could be the experiments and the new data required to find a truly satisfactory explanation of strong ground motion at Mexico City.  相似文献   
Summary On the basis of long period measurements of ionospheric absorption in five A3 circuits in Central Europe, it is shown that the considerable seasonal variation of the diurnal asymmetry of absorption, found in[1], exhibits practically no year-to-year variability and is well-developed at equivalent frequencies f eq 1 MHz, while it vanishes at F eq 2 MHz. The limited data on the diurnal asymmetry of the D-region electron concentration are consistent with the seasonal pattern of the diurnal asymmetry in absorption. A tentative hypothesis of nitric oxide variability as the cause of the seasonal variation of the asymmetry is proposed.  相似文献   
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