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A study of the roughness effects of multiple windbreaks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A wind-tunnel study of the roughness effect of a network of uniformly spaced long parallel windbreaks has been attempted. The roughness parameterZ 0 in the well-known logarithmic profile has been obtained as a function of the ratio of the spacingL to heightH of the barriers. In one part of the study, a naturally developing boundary layer was used and the windbreaks were not spread on the entire wind-tunnel floor. Spacing ratiosL/H of 1 to 20 were treated. In the other part of the study, spires were used to thicken the boundary layers artificially and the windbreaks were spread throughout the wind-tunnel floor. In this case, spacing ratiosL/H of 1 to 30 were examined.Values of the roughness parameter obtained from the above two cases have been compared to some (though very few) previously published pertinent values.  相似文献   
I-DtjcrONAlpine environment enjoys a distinct set of physicochemical conditions asl compared to other aqueous systems. Thehydrochemical characteristics of meltwater draining from thisenvironment are different from the other aqueous ecosystemsdue to their mountainous nature and extreme cold climatic conditions. The high concentration of various chemical constitu.ents in meltwater shows the intensive chemical weathering inthe basin. The rapid physical weathering due tO grinding actionof the gl…  相似文献   
The correlation function theory on the basis of prescribed boundary conditions provides a deeper understanding in studying the dynamical parameters of galaxy clusters. The approach approximates that the moderate dense systems discussed by a two point correlation function is helpful for describing the dynamical nature of galaxy clusters. The projected theory of two point correlation function for point mass and extended mass structures can be used an alternative tool in measuring the average peculiar motion and temperature profile of galaxy clusters.  相似文献   
Passive microseismic data are commonly buried in noise, which presents a significant challenge for signal detection and recovery. For recordings from a surface sensor array where each trace contains a time‐delayed arrival from the event, we propose an autocorrelation‐based stacking method that designs a denoising filter from all the traces, as well as a multi‐channel detection scheme. This approach circumvents the issue of time aligning the traces prior to stacking because every trace's autocorrelation is centred at zero in the lag domain. The effect of white noise is concentrated near zero lag; thus, the filter design requires a predictable adjustment of the zero‐lag value. Truncation of the autocorrelation is employed to smooth the impulse response of the denoising filter. In order to extend the applicability of the algorithm, we also propose a noise prewhitening scheme that addresses cases with coloured noise. The simplicity and robustness of this method are validated with synthetic and real seismic traces.  相似文献   
We inquire the phenomena of clustering of galaxies in an expanding universe from a theoretical point of view on the basis of thermodynamics and correlation functions. The partial differential equation is developed both for the point mass and extended mass structures of a two-point correlation function by using thermodynamic equations in combination with the equation of state taking gravitational interaction between particles into consideration. The unique solution physically satisfies a set of boundary conditions for correlated systems and provides a new insight into the gravitational clustering problem.  相似文献   
Ten wheat production sites of Pakistan were categorized into four climatic zones i.e. arid, semi-arid, sub-humid and humid to explore the vulnerability of wheat production in these zones to climate change using CSM-Cropsim-CERES-Wheat model. The analysis was based on multi-year (1971–2000) crop model simulation runs using daily weather series under scenarios of increased temperature and atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration (CO2) along with two scenarios of water management. Apart from this, sowing date as an adaptation option to offset the likely impacts of climate change was also considered. Increase in temperature resulted in yield declines in arid, semi-arid and sub-humid zone. But the humid zone followed a positive trend of gain in yield with rise in temperature up to 4°C. Within a water regime, increase in CO2 concentration from 375 to 550 and 700 ppm will exert positive effect on gain in wheat yield but this positive effect is significantly variable in different climatic zones under rainfed conditions than the full irrigation. The highest response was shown by arid zone followed by semi-arid, sub-humid and humid zones. But if the current baseline water regimes (i.e. full irrigation in arid and semi-arid zones and rainfed in sub-humid and humid zones) persist in future, the sub-humid zone will be most benefited in terms of significantly higher percent gain in yield by increasing CO2 level, mainly because of its rainfed water regime. Within a CO2 level the changes in water supply from rainfed to full irrigation shows an intense degree of responsiveness in terms of yield gain at 375 ppm CO2 level compared to 550 and 700 ppm. Arid and semi-arid zones were more responsive compared to sub-humid and humid zones. Rise in temperature reduced the length of crop life cycle in all areas, though at an accelerated rate in the humid zone. These results revealed that the climatic zones have shown a variable intensity of vulnerability to different scenarios of climate change and water management due to their inherent specific and spatial climatic features. In order to cope with the negative effects of climate change, alteration in sowing date towards cooler months will be an appropriate response by the farmers.  相似文献   

Incised valleys form excellent stratigraphic pinch-out traps. Traditional seismic data analysis techniques fail to predict quantitatively the porous and low-velocity sand-fills for incised valleys. The 3D quantitative seismic inverted porosity–velocity (3DQSIPV) analysis was applied in the Indus Basin, SW Pakistan. The reflection strength attribute better portrayed the reservoir sandstone and faults compared to seismic amplitude attribute. The sweetness-based continuous wavelet transform authenticated the development of the stratigraphic play. The 17 Hz amplitude delineated the non-porous seal and porous reservoirs of sand-filled incised valley and strand plain, and faults. The integrated model of seismic attributes categorizes the reservoir and seal constituents. The petrophysical modeling corroborated the gas-bearing “sweet-spots” within the stratigraphic-based dynamical system. The facies modeling predicted the for coarse-grained sandstone and fine-grained shales, depositional environments, fluctuations of sea level and their impacts on the overall development of stratigraphic plays. The predicted density and P-wave velocity for the sandstone-filled incised valley of the lowstand system tract were?~?1.4–1.75 g/cc and?~?3217–3802 m/s, respectively. The predicted density and P-wave velocity for the sealing shales facies of strand plain of transgressive system tract were?~?1.9–2.1 g/cc and 2.55–2.7 g/cc and 3900–4700 m/s, respectively. The 3DQSIPV predicted?>?25% porosity and?~?3300 m/s velocity of reservoirs in the west. The eastern zones shows?<?12% porosity and high velocity of?~?4580 m/s. Cross-plots of porosity, velocity, and thickness showed correlation coefficients of R2?>?0.90 for inverted velocity. This workflow may serve as an analogue for the remaining oil and gas fields of the Indus Basins of Pakistan and similar geological settings of divergent plate margins.

电离层foF2变化对地震反应非常敏感,与地震有关的电离层扰动变化结果似乎非常有望用于地震短期预测。格林威治时间2011年1月18日20:23分,一次7.2级的大地震发生在巴基斯坦的达尔巴丁(28.73oN, 63.92oE)。本文研究中,我们必须利用架设在巴基斯坦的伊斯兰堡(33.78oN, 73.06oE)、玛尔坦(32.26oN,71.51oE)和卡拉奇(24.89oN,67.02oE)三个垂直探测台站获得的白天(08:00 a.m. - 05:00 p.m.)小时值数据找出地震前的foF2异常变化特征。结果显示,在达尔巴丁地震前几天,foF2出现了显著变化;并且距离震中最近的台站观测到的频率与幅度异常变化大于较远的位于孕震区边缘的台站。尽管地震异常特征显著,但增加其它电离层参数可以提高foF2异常的高置信度水平。  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Analysis of climatic variables is important for the detection and attribution of climate change trends and has received considerable attention from researchers...  相似文献   
Theoretical and Applied Climatology - Satellite-based precipitation (SBP) is emerging as a reliable source for high-resolution rainfall estimates over the globe. However, uncertainty in SBP is...  相似文献   
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