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Elemental and isotopic abundances of lithium in chondrule constituents in the Allende CV3 meteorite were determined using secondary ion mass spectrometry. Olivines and mesostasis dominated by a feldspathic phase are depleted in Li ( and , respectively). In contrast, low-Ca pyroxenes and mesostasis dominated by a Na-rich phase are enriched in Li ( and , respectively) and the interchondrule matrix is generally enriched in Li ( on average). The Li isotopic abundance of olivine ranges from to 21. The spatial distributions of elemental and isotopic abundances of Li in olivines within individual chondrules exhibit no systematic pattern. This suggests that the distribution of Li in olivine was not disturbed during aqueous alteration or thermal metamorphism on the Allende meteorite parent body. Although mesostasis is the last crystallizing phase from a chondrule melt and is expected to be enriched in Li, in the Allende meteorite it is generally depleted in Li. We suggest that during aqueous alteration on the CV asteroid, Li in mesostasis was leached out by aqueous fluids. The Li-enriched Na-rich mesostasis was probably produced later by infiltration of Na-rich fluids. It seems likely that aqueous fluids sequestered alkali elements from the Allende-chondrite region in the CV parent asteroid, although significant amounts of Li are preserved in ferrous olivine in the interchondrule matrix.  相似文献   
In a disk with a low optical depth, dust particles drift radially inward by the Poynting-Robertson (P-R) drag rather than are blown out by stellar radiation pressure following destructive collisions. We investigate the radial distribution of icy dust composed of pure ice and refractory materials in dust-debris disks taking into account the P-R drag and ice sublimation. We find that icy dust particles form a dust ring by their pile-ups at the edge of their sublimation zone, where they sublime substantially at the temperature 100-110 K. The distance of the dust ring is 20-35 AU from the central star with its luminosity L??30L and 65(L?/100L)1/2 AU for L??30L, where L is the solar luminosity. The effective optical depth is enhanced by a factor of 2 for L??100L and more than 10 for L??100L. The optical depth of the outer icy dust disk exceeds that of the inner disk filled with refractory particles, namely, the residue of ice sublimation, which are further subjected to the P-R effect. As a result, an inner hole is formed inside the sublimation zone together with a dust ring along the outer edge of the hole.  相似文献   
Least-squares collocation technique was used to process regional gravity data of the SE South American lithospheric plate in order to map intermediate (10–2000 km) wavelength geoid anomalies. The area between 35–10° S and 60–25° W includes the Paraná CFB Province, the Southern São Francisco Craton and its marginal fold/thrust belts, the Brazilian continental margin and oceanic basins. The main features in the geoid anomaly map are: (a) Paraná CFB Province is characterized by a 1000 km long and 500 km wide, NE-trending, 9 m-amplitude negative anomaly which correlates with the distribution of sediments and basalts within the Paraná basin. (b) A circular (600–800 km in diameter) positive, 8 m-amplitude geoid anomaly is located in the southern S. Francisco craton and extends into the northeastern border of the Paraná CFB Province. This anomaly partially correlates with Alto Paranaíba Igneous Province (APIP), where alkalic volcanism and tholeiitic dikes of ages younger than 80 Ma are found and where a low-velocity zone in the mantle has been mapped using seismic tomography. This positive geoid anomaly extends towards the continental margin at latitude 21° S and joins a linear sequence of short wavelength positive geoid anomalies associated with Vitoria–Trindade seamounts. (c) A NE-trending, 1000 km long and 800 km wide, 4 m-amplitude, positive geoid anomaly, which is located along the southeastern coast of Brazil, from latitude 24 to 35° S. The northern part of this anomaly correlates with the Ponta Grossa Arch and Florianopolis dyke swarm provinces. The age of this intrusive volcanism is 130–120 Ma. (d) A circular positive anomaly with 9 m of amplitude, located over the Rio Grande and Uruguay shields and offshore Pelotas basin. Few alkaline intrusives with ages between 65 and 80 Ma are found in the region and apatite fission track ages in basement rocks indicates cooling at around 30 Ma. A semi-quantitative analysis of the observed geoid anomalies using isostatic considerations suggests that the mechanism which generated Paraná CFB Province did not change, in a significant manner, the lithospheric thermal structure, since the same geoid pattern observed within this province continues northward over the Neoproterozoic fold/thrust belts systems separating the São Francisco and Amazon cratons. Therefore, this observation favours Anderson’s idea of rapid basaltic outpouring through a pull-apart mechanism along a major suture zone. A thermal component may still be present in the Southern São Francisco Craton and in the Rio Grande Shield and contiguous continental margins, sites of Tertiary thermal and magmatic reactivations.  相似文献   
Sinking particles were analyzed for their nitrogen isotopic ratio δ15N) of total particulate nitrogen (PN), stable carbon isotopic ratio (δ13C) and radioactive isotopic ratio (δ14C) of total particulate organic carbon (POC), at three different latitudinal (temperate, subpolar and equatorial) and geomorphological (trench, proximal abyssal plain and distal abyssal plain) sites in the western North Pacific Ocean using year-long time series sediment trap systems, to clarify the common vertical trends of the isotopic signals in deep water columns. Although the δ15N and δ13C values of sinking particulate organic matter (POM) were partly affected by the resuspension of sedimentary POM from the sea floor, especially in the trench, the changes in δ15N and δ13C values owing to the resuspension could be corrected by calculation of the isotopic mass balance from δ14C of sinking POC. After this correction, common downward decreasing trends in δ15N and δ13C values were obtained in the deep water columns, irrespective of the latitudes and depths. These coincidental isotopic signals between δ15N and δ13C values provide new constraints for the decomposition process of sinking POM, such as the preferential degradation of 15N- and 13C-rich compounds and the successive re-formation of the sinking particles by higher trophic level organisms in the deep water column.  相似文献   
We have conducted an initial search for discrete preflare brightenings as observed in soft X-radiation by Yohkoh. The Yohkoh images allow us to identify, to within a few arc seconds, the location of a preflare event relative to the succeeding flare. Our initial motivation in this study was to search for early coronal brightenings leading to flare effects, as had been suggested by earlier studies; thus we concentrated on Yohkoh limb events. We find no evidence for such early coronal brightenings. Between 15% and 41% of the 131 suitable events matched our criteria for preflare brightening: the same active region; brightening within one hour of the flare peak; preflare brightness less than 30% of the flare peak. In the great majority of the preflare cases, we found that physically separate nearby structures brightened initially. Often these structures appeared to share a common footpoint location with the flare brightening itself. In a few cases the preflare could have occurred in exactly the same structure as the flare.  相似文献   
Nine rock reference samples "Sedimentary rock series" issued by the Geological Survey of Japan (GSJ) were analysed for up to 31 elements by neutron activation analysis (NAA); 14MeV-NAA for Si and Al, fission track method for U, radiochemical and instrumental NAA for rare-earth elements, and instrumental NAA for the remaining elements, with reactor neutrons for the latter three. The present results are compared with reported values.  相似文献   
On 3 September 1998, a glacial lake outburst flood (GLOF) that originated from Tam Pokhari occurred in the Hinku valley of the eastern Nepal Himalaya. This study analyses the lake's geomorphic and hydrologic conditions prior to the outburst, and evaluates the conditions that could contribute to a future flood through photogrammetric techniques. We processed high‐resolution Corona KH‐4A (2.7 m) and ALOS PRISM (2.5 m) stereo‐images taken before and after the GLOF event, and produced detailed topographic maps (2‐m contour interval) and DEMs (5 m × 5 m). We (re‐) constructed lake water surfaces before (4410 ± 5 m) and after (4356 ± 5 m) the outburst, and reliably estimated the lake water surface lowering (54 ± 5 m) and the water volume released (19.5 ± 2.2 × 106 m3) from the lake, showing good agreement with the results obtained from ground‐based measurements. The most relevant conditions that may have influenced the catastrophic drainage of Tam Pokhari in 1998 include the presence of: (i) a narrow (75 ± 6 m), steep (up to 50°) and high (120 ± 5 m) moraine dam; (ii) high lake level (8 ± 5 m of freeboard) and (iii) a steep overhanging glacier (>40°). The lake outburst substantially altered the immediate area, creating a low and wide (>500 m) outwash plain below the lake, a wide lake outlet channel (~50 m) and a gentle channel slope (~3–5°). Our new data suggest that the likelihood of a future lake outburst is low. Our results demonstrate that the datasets produced by photogrammetric techniques provide an excellent representation of micro‐landform features on moraine dams, lake water surfaces and the changes in both over time, thereby allowing highly accurate pre‐ and post‐GLOF (volumetric) change analysis of glacial lakes. Furthermore, it enables precise measurement of several predictive variables of GLOFs that can be useful for identifying potentially dangerous glacial lakes or prioritizing them for detailed field investigations. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Marine Geophysical Research - After the twenty-first century, the Global Navigation Satellite System-Acoustic ranging (GNSS-A) technique detected geodetic events such as co- and postseismic effects...  相似文献   
Mare basalts provide insights into the composition and thermal history of the lunar mantle. The ages of mare basalts suggest a first peak of magma activity at 3.2–3.8 Ga and a second peak at ~2 Ga. In this study, we reassess the correlation between the titanium contents and the eruption ages of mare basalt units using the compositional and chronological data updated by SELENE (Kaguya). Using morphological and geological criteria, we calculated the titanium content of 261 mare units across a representative area of each mare unit. In the Procellarum KREEP Terrane, where the latest eruptions are located, an increase in the mean titanium content is observed during the Eratosthenian period, as reported by previous studies. We found that the increase in the mean titanium content occurred within a relatively short period near approximately 2.3 Ga, suggesting that the magma source of the mare basalts changed at this particular age. Moreover, the high‐titanium basaltic eruptions are correlated with a second peak in volcanic activity near ~2 Ga. The high‐titanium basaltic eruptions occurring during the last volcanic activity period can be explained by the three possible scenarios (1) the ilmenite‐bearing cumulate rich layer in the core‐mantle boundary formed after the mantle overturn, (2) the basaltic material layers beneath the lunar crust formed through upwelling magmas, and (3) ilmenite‐bearing cumulate blocks remained in the upper mantle after the mantle overturn.  相似文献   
The Kingking deposit is a gold‐rich porphyry copper deposit and the southernmost deposit at the eastern Mindanao mineralized belt, Philippines. It is underlain by Cretaceous–Paleogene sedimentary and volcanic rocks that are intruded by mineralized Miocene diorite porphyries and by barren Miocene–Pliocene dacite and diorite porphyries. The main alteration zones in the deposit are the inner potassic zone and the outer propylitic zone. The biotite‐bearing diorite and hornblende diorite porphyries are the primary host rocks of mineralization. Two dominant copper minerals, bornite and chalcopyrite, which usually occur as fracture fillings, are associated with fine crystalline quartz veinlet stockworks in the mineralized diorites. Minor secondary covellite, chalcocite and digenite are also observed. The primary Cu‐Fe sulfide phases initially deposited from ore fluids consisted of bornite solid solution (bnss) and intermediate solid solution (iss), which decomposed to form the bornite and chalcopyrite. Peculiar bornite pods that are different from dissemination and are associated with volcanic rock xenoliths in biotite‐bearing diorite porphyry are noted in a drill hole. These pods of bornite are not associated with quartz veinlet stockworks. Fluid inclusion analyses show three types of inclusions contained in Kingking samples: two‐phase fluid‐rich and vapor‐rich inclusions and polyphase hypersaline inclusions from porphyry‐type quartz veinlet stockworks. The liquid–vapor homogenization temperatures (TH) and the dissolution temperature of halite daughter crystals (TM) from the polyphase hypersaline inclusions predominantly range from 400°C up to >500°C. The wide range of TH and TM may be due to heterogeneous trapping of variable ratios of vapor and brine. For some inclusions, TH > TM and in some cases, TH < TM, indicating that some of the brine was supersaturated or saturated with NaCl at the time of entrapment. Calculated salinity of the polyphase hypersaline inclusions ranges from 40 to 60% NaCl equivalent. Temperature and vapor pressure of mineralized fluid were estimated to be 400°C and 16 MPa.  相似文献   
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