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An architecture of government adaptation programs is presented. Components include leadership, institutional organization, stakeholder involvement, climate change information, appropriate use of decision analysis techniques, explicit consideration of barriers to adaptation, funding for adaptation, technology development and diffusion, and adaptation research. This architecture is a useful heuristic for identifying, evaluating, and reevaluating the needs of decision makers as they improve management of climate-sensitive resources in a changing environment.  相似文献   
The structure of deuterated jarosite, KFe3(SO4)2(OD)6, was investigated using time-of-flight neutron diffraction up to its dehydroxylation temperature. Rietveld analysis reveals that with increasing temperature, its c dimension expands at a rate ~10 times greater than that for a. This anisotropy of thermal expansion is due to rapid increase in the thickness of the (001) sheet of [Fe(O,OH)6] octahedra and [SO4] tetrahedra with increasing temperature. Fitting of the measured cell volumes yields a coefficient of thermal expansion, α = α0 + α1 T, where α0 = 1.01 × 10−4 K−1 and α1 = −1.15 × 10−7 K−2. On heating, the hydrogen bonds, O1···D–O3, through which the (001) octahedral–tetrahedral sheets are held together, become weakened, as reflected by an increase in the D···O1 distance and a concomitant decrease in the O3–D distance with increasing temperature. On further heating to 575 K, jarosite starts to decompose into nanocrystalline yavapaiite and hematite (as well as water vapor), a direct result of the breaking of the hydrogen bonds that hold the jarosite structure together.  相似文献   
The first aim of the present work is to compute a more accurate and recent model for the Earth’s magnetic field. The second aim is to determine the effects of the Earth’s magnetic field on the motion of a charged artificial satellite to evaluate the variations of the orbital elements of the satellite due to these effects. The magnetic field and its variation with time have been studied at different heights, longitudes and latitudes. The geomagnetic field is considered as a multiple potential field and the electrical charge of the satellite is assumed to be constant. A new computer code has been constructed to follow the components of the magnetic field in spherical harmonic models. The Gauss equations are solved numerically. The results concentrate on the computation of the numerical values of orbital perturbation for the case of a low Earth satellite. RS-1 satellite and space craft gravity probe B (GPB) are chosen as cases of studies for a detailed numerical analysis.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Den Grundlagen der C-14-Datierung von Wasser folgen Ausführungen über Ursprung und Anfangskonzentration dieses Isotops im Grundwasser, Verfälschungsmöglichkeiten und Ausführungen über das Isotopenverhältnis C-13/C-12 als geologisches Instrument. Der Hauptteil der Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Altersberechnung der in Frage stehenden Grundwasserproben.
Basal considerations concerning C-14-dating include origin and primary concentration of this isotope in subsurface waters. These and, C-13/C-12 proportion are discussed in their value for geological conclusions. Finally, absolute-age determinations of this kind are dealt with.

Résumé Sur la base de la datation des eaux à partir du C 14, les auteurs présentent leurs déductions sur l'origine et la concentration de cet isotope dans les eaux des nappes aquifères ainsi que sur les contaminations possibles, et s'étendent sur le rapport des isotopes C-13/C-12 comme instrument géologique.La partie principale du travail a trait aux calculs d'âge des eaux prélevées ici.

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In a joint enterprise, mostly Eastern Sahara artesian waters have been investigated. Age determinations and geochemistry allow geological conclusions. The rains responsible for the waters probably fell in a Pluvial about 25–35000 years ago. Their infiltration took place (simultaneously with or shortly after the lowest Würm-level of the Mediterranean) mainly in Nubian sandstone regions and within Oasis-depressions of Western Egypt. The upper levels of the geological reservoir seem to have been leaked out during the eustatic lowering of the Mediterranean level via an overdeepened Nile-bed. Infiltration trapped air within the pore-space of Nubian sandstone. This air re-appears to-day — after having lost its Oxygene etc.-content — as Nitrogene-gas.Münnich andVogel describe (?Untersuchungen an pluvialen Wässern etc.“) detailed investigations concerning the absolute age of these (and generally such) waters. E. T.Degens, in his part ?Geochemische Untersuchungen etc.“, deals with the geochemistry of the occurrences, mainly with some stable isotopes.  相似文献   
A metamorphic rock complex, strongly resembling the so-called “Granulitgebirge” of Saxony, occurs in the Spanish region Galicia. Stratigraphically, these rocks are overlain by migmatites, supracrustal metamorphites and finally by early palaeozoic strata cropping out in Western Asturias and Northern Portugal. Structurally the complex constitutes a mushroom-shaped dome which has been raised through a thin mantle of schists and gneisses along blastomylonitic borderzones containing tectonic “fish”. Petrologically it consists predominantly of rather coarsely banded, lenticular or massive rocks belonging for the greater part to the hornblende-clinozoisite granulite subfacies ofEskola's granulite facies, closely associated with eclogites, serpentinites, amphibolites and gneisses. Indications of progressive metamorphism and migmatization (especially that of a pegmatoid nature) are of strictly local occurrence, but on the other hand there is abundant evidence of one or more stages of retrograde metamorphism, particularly in the blastomylonitic horizons. The chemistry of granulites and eclogites and of their typomorphic minerals is briefly mentioned together with their metamorphic facies relations. Finally, petrogenesis and tectogenesis of the rock complex are discussed.  相似文献   
The orogeny of the Scandinavian and Greenland Caledonides is shortly reviewed, and a structural sketch map of the Scandinavian Caledonide part of the Geotraverse is presented. Post-Caledonian rifting episodes prior to the formation of the North Atlantic Ocean are briefly discussed, as well as the opening of the northern North Atlantic Ocean and its spreading rates.Computations of density models carried out on the basis of the Simplex-Algorithm which allows a least-squares solution under certain constraints show clearly a Moho-depression beneath the Caledonides and a comparatively thick oceanic crust in the Norwegian Sea. The transition zone oceanic continental crust has a complex structure, but a continuation of the Lofoten Islands and a part of the Vøring Plateau escarpment can be detected.The residuals of former measurements of tidal gravity in Fennoscandia are explained by oceanic loading tides, and a chart for the M2-loading effect is given. The influence of crustal structure on the residuals is shortly discussed. A finite element model is used to calculate the loading effect for a laterally inhomogeneous structure.
Zusammenfassung Die Orogenese der skandinavischen und grönländischen Kaledoniden wird kurz beschrieben und die Struktur des skandinavisch-kaledonischen Teils skizziert. Die postkaledonische Dehnungstektonik vor der Bildung des Nordatlantiks sowie die Öffnung des nördlichen Nordatlantiks und die entsprechende Öffnungsrate werden kurz diskutiert.Berechnungen von Dichtemodellen mit Hilfe des Simplex-Algorithmus erlauben die Optimierung unter Berücksichtigung von Randbedingungen. Die Modelle zeigen eine ausgeprägte Depression der Moho unter den Kaledoniden und eine relativ dicke ozeanische Kruste. Die Übergangszone von kontinentaler zu ozeanischer Kruste hat eine äußerst komplizierte Struktur, jedoch lassen sich sowohl die Fortsetzung der Lofoten als auch der Rand des Vøring-PIateaus erkennen.Die Residuen von Schweregezeiten in Fennoskandien lassen sich durch ozeanische Auflasteffekte erklären, und eine Karte des M2-Meeresgezeiteneinflusses wird vorgestellt. Der Einfluß der Krustenstruktur auf die Residuen wird kurz diskutiert. Zur Modellierung lateraler Inhomogenitäten wurde ein finites Elementmodell entwickelt.

Résumé L'orogenèse des calédonides Scandinaves et groenlandaises sera décrit brièvement et la structure de la partie Scandinave ébauchee.La distension tectonique post-calédonienne avant la formation de l'Atlantique nord ainsi que l'ouverture du nordatlantique septentrional avec le taux d'expansion correspondant sont ensuite brièvement discutés.Des calculs de modèle de densité à l'aide de l'algorithme simplex permettent la détermination optimale sur le principe des moindres carrés, compte tenu des conditions aux limites.Les modèles montrent une dépression prononcée de la Moho sous les calédonides et une croûte océanique relativement épaisse. La zone de transition entre la croûte continentale et la croûtre océanique a une structure extrêmement compliquée; cependant on peut reconnaître la continuation des Lofoten ainsi que la marge du plateau de Vøring.Les résidus des marées terrestres fenno-scandiennes peuvent s'expliquer par des effets de charge océanique, et une carte de l'influence du terme M2 des marées est présentée. L'influence de la structure de la croûte sur les residues est discutée. Pour modeler les homogénéités latérales on a développé un modèle d'éléments finis.

- . - , , . Simplex-Algorithmus . . , , , . - ; . . , .
The hydrogen kinetic isotope effects (KIEs) of the reactions of 15 non-methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) with the OH radical were measured at 298 ± 2 K. The measurements were made using NMHCs without artificial isotopic labeling or enrichment. The following average hydrogen KIE values, in per mil (), were obtained: 29.8 ± 2.1 (toluene),51.6 ± 2.1 (n-butane), 97.3± 12.5 (i-butane), 63.2 ± 5.9 (cyclopentane), 10.5 (p-xylene), 26.8 ± 3.5 (ethylbenzene), 65.9± 7.0 (n-pentane), 79.5 ± 9.6 (cyclohexane), 52.8 ± 5.0(n-hexane), 38.9 ± 7.8 (n-heptane), 33.4 ± 3.1 (n-octane), 29.6 ± 1.6(n-nonane), and 29.0 ± 5.3 (n-decane). The KIEs for reactions of two alkenes (cyclohexene and 1-heptene) could not be determined accurately due to interference from reaction with ozone, but nevertheless the results clearly show that the KIEs for reaction of alkenes with OH are significantly lower than those for saturated hydrocarbons. The KIEs for reaction of alkanes are smaller than isotope effects reported in literature for the reactions of NMHCs artificially labeled with deuterium. The main reason for this difference is the reduced probability for reaction at a labeled site for compounds with close to natural deuterium abundance, although some impact of secondary isotope effects cannot be ruled out. Still, the KIEs for NMHCs with natural or close to natural abundance of deuterium are of sufficient magnitude to allow determination of the extent of chemical processing of hydrocarbons in the atmosphere using methods analogous to stable carbon KIE studies. Furthermore, it is shown that combining stable hydrogen and stable carbon isotope ratio data has the potential to also provide valuable information regarding the stable isotope ratios of emissions, and specifically to test one of the key assumptions of the stable isotope hydrocarbon clock, the absence of significant variations of the stable isotope ratio for the emitted NMHCs.  相似文献   
The delicate equilibrium of soil moisture and biomass may become unstable under water scarcity conditions causing banded vegetation patterns to form on hillsides of semi-arid catchments. Soil related processes that induce instability (namely: soil moisture advection and diffusion), have been evaluated numerically for different rainfall regimes. This study addresses the combined influence of some relevant soil characteristics, and the effect of seasonal precipitation on vegetation patterns, advancing the comprehension of those mechanisms that cause shifts toward banded vegetation patterns or bare states.  相似文献   
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