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Historically, the Tuareg shield is divided into three parts bordered by mega-shear zones with the centre, the Central Polycyclic Hoggar, characterized by Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic lithologies. Nearly 10 years ago, the Tuareg shield was shown to be composed of 23 displaced terranes [Geology 22 (1994) 641] whose relationships were deciphered in Aïr to the SE [Precambr. Res. 67 (1994) 59]. The Polycyclic Central Hoggar terranes were characterized by the presence of well preserved Archaean/Palaeoproterozoic and Neoproterozoic lithologies.We show here that the terranes from Central Hoggar (Laouni, Azrou-n-Fad, Tefedest, Egéré-Aleksod) belonged to a single old passive margin, to which we gave the acronym name LATEA, which behaved as a craton during the Mesoproterozoic and the Early-Middle Neoproterozoic but was partly destabilized and dissected during the Late Neoproterozoic as a consequence of its involvement as a passive margin in the Pan-African orogen.An early Pan-African phase consisted of thrust sheets including garnet-bearing lithologies (eclogite, amphibolite, gneiss) that can be mapped and correlated in three LATEA terranes. In the Tin Begane area, PTt paths have been established from>15 kbar––790 °C (eclogite) to 4 kbar––500 °C (greenschist retrogression) through 12 kbar––830 °C (garnet amphibolite) and 8 kbar––700 °C (garnet gneiss), corresponding to the retrograde path of a Franciscan-type loop. Sm–Nd geochronology on minerals and laser ablation ICP-MS on garnet show the mobility of REE, particularly LREE, during the retrograde greenschist facies that affects, although slightly, some of these rocks. The amphibolite-facies metamorphism has been dated at 685 ± 19 Ma and the greenschist facies at 522 ± 27 Ma. During the thrust phase, the Archaean–Palaeoproterozoic basement was only locally affected by the Pan-African tectonics. LATEA behaved as a craton. Other juvenile terranes were also thrust early onto LATEA: the Iskel island arc at ≈850 Ma to the west of LATEA, the Serouenout terrane in the 700–620 Ma age range to the east. No subduction-related magmas have intruded LATEA during this epoch, which behaved as a passive margin.During the main Pan-African phase (625–580 Ma), LATEA was dissected by mega-shear zones that induced several hundreds km of relative displacement and allowed the emplacement of high-K calc-alkaline batholiths. Smaller movements continued till 525 Ma, accompanied by the emplacement of subcircular plutons with alkaline affinity. Here is dated the Ounane granodiorite (624 ± 15 Ma; 87Sr/86Sri=0.70839 ± 0.00016; 6WR, MSWD=0.87) and the Tisselliline granite (552 ± 15 Ma; 87Sr/86Sri=0.7074 ± 0.0001; 5WR, MSWD=1.4). Nd isotopes indicate a preponderant Palaeoproterozoic crustal source for these two plutons: Nd=−14 to −21 at 624 Ma and TDM=1650–2320 Ma for Ounane and Nd=−13 to −15 at 555 Ma and TDM=1550–1720 Ma for Tisselliline. Our model links these intrusions to a linear lithospheric delamination along mega-shear zones, allowing the hot asthenosphere to rise, melt by adiabatic pressure release and inducing the melting of the Palaeoproterozoic and Archaean lower crust.The LATEA cratonic microcontinent remained however sufficiently rigid to preserve Archaean and Palaeoproterozoic lithologies as well as Middle Neoproterozoic oceanic thrust sheets. This corresponds to the notion of metacraton [J. African Earth Sci. 34 (2002) 119], i.e. a craton that has been remobilized during an orogenic event but is still recognizable dominantly through its rheological, geochronological, isotopic and sometimes petrological characteristics.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with numerical methods for the modeling of flow and transport of contaminant in porous media. The numerical methods feature the mixed finite element method over triangles as a solver to the Darcy flow equation and a conservative finite volume scheme for the concentration equation. The convective term is approximated with a Godunov scheme over the dual finite volume mesh, whereas the diffusion–dispersion term is discretized by piecewise linear conforming triangular finite elements. It is shown that the scheme satisfies a discrete maximum principle. Numerical examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the methodology for a coupled system that includes an elliptic equation and a diffusion–convection–reaction equation arising when modeling flow and transport in heterogeneous porous media. The proposed scheme is robust, conservative, efficient, and stable, as confirmed by numerical simulations.   相似文献   
Douala, the most important metropolis of Cameroon, is a sub-Saharan wet coastal environment of which the anarchic urbanization is a socio-economic and environmental problem, significantly influencing the local climate. In this study, three Landsat images from 1986 (TM), 2007 (ETM+) and 2016 (LDCM), were utilized to investigate the effect of this urbanization on the increasing land surface temperature (LST) between these dates. Thus, the urban indices (UI), determined from the Landsat Visible and NIR channels were used to identify impervious areas (Urban Fabric and bare soil) of urban area. It has been shown from the UI images that, impervious areas have been increased from 1986 to 2016. The LST images derived have a continual expansion of zones and points of heat throughout these dates. The correlation analysis of LST and UI, at the pixel-scale, indicated the positive relationship between these parameters, which could show a real impact of urbanization on the increasing temperature in the area. These correlations are fairly low in 1986 (maximum R-square value is about 0.35) and in 2007 (maximum R-square value is about 0.44. In 2016, a high positive correlation (maximum R-square value is about 0.77) confirm that, the impervious areas strengthen the temperature and the Urban Heat Island effect in Douala urban zone. Overall, the earth observation images and the geographic information system techniques were effective approaches for aiming at environment monitoring and analyzing urban growth patterns and evaluating their impacts on urban climates.  相似文献   
The structurally controlled Au–Pd mineralization at Bleïda Far West occurs in a volcano-sedimentary rock sequence in altered amphibolites and chlorite schists of the Neoproterozoic Bou Azzer–El Graara inlier. The Au–Pd mineralization is virtually sulfide-free; instead, gold is associated with hematite, barite, quartz, and calcite. The gold grains are silver- and palladium-bearing (up to 19 wt% Ag and 6.3 wt% Pd) and are intergrown with a distinct suite of mainly Pd-dominated platinum group minerals, namely mertieite-I/isomertieite, merenskyite, keithconnite, kotulskite, palladseite, and sperrylite, defining a Au–Pd–As–Sb–Se–Te chemical signature. Stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies indicate a wide range of fluid compositions with a prominent saline component. In conjunction with the mineral association, oxidizing fluids are indicated, and Au and PGE transport and deposition likely took place by chloride complexes in the epithermal range, at elevated f O2 and/or low pH. It is still speculative whether the mineralization is late Pan-African (~600–550 Ma) in age, or connected with the Variscan orogeny (~330–300 Ma), or related to some other hydrothermal event. Common to all Au–Pd mineralizations worldwide (Brazil, Australia, UK), including Bleïda Far West, is their formation in the epithermal (<300°C) range; deposition mainly in brittle structures; sulfide-poor mineral assemblages comprising hematite, sulfate minerals, and selenides; and metal transport by, and deposition from, oxidized, chloride-rich fluids. These deposits are further characterized by noble metal abundances in the order Au>Pd>Pt and the chemical signature Au–Pd–Se–Te (±As, Sb, Bi). As such, the Au–Pd association represents a discrete style of gold mineralization distinct from other classes of gold deposits.  相似文献   
The environmental consequences are defined as consequences of accidental release of hazardous substances to the natural environment. This release can lead to many hazards depending on the material stored. The consequences of these hazards to the environment are widespread and have significant importance to human communities living in the surroundings. The mathematical models are extremely useful tools to predict the impacts of chemical process accidents. The objective of this paper is to develop a software package for accident simulation and damage potential estimation. The software is coded in visual basic and is compatible with windows working environments. The software is called Simulation of chemical industrial accident. This application is a comprehensive software package which can be integrated with geographical information system to predict and display the consequence of chemical hazards. The software is a user-friendly and effective tool for evaluating the consequences of major chemical accidents, process decision making for land-use planning, namely locating suitable hazardous installations, hazardous waste disposal areas and emergency response plan.  相似文献   
Since 1996 paleoseismological investigations have been used to develop the surface- rupturing history of the Bree fault scarp, the morphologically best-defined segment of the southwestern border fault of the Roer Valley graben in northeastern Belgium. The first studies determined that the escarpment is associated with a surface fault, and they exposed evidence for three surface displacements since about 40 ka BP. The most recent eventprobably occurred between 1000 and 1350 yr cal BP. Geophysical and trenching studies at a new site near the southeastern end of the fault scarp reconfirmed the coincidence of the frontal escarpment with a shallow normal fault, which displaces the Middle Pleistocene `Main Terrace' of the Maas River, as well as overlying coversands of Saalian to late Weichselian age. Different amounts of displacement shown by the two youngest coversand units indicate two discrete faulting events, but primary evidence for the coseismic nature of these events is sparse. Radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence dating constrainthe age of these events to the Holocene and between 14.0 ± 2.3 ka BP and 15.8 ± 2.9 ka BP, respectively. In addition, four older surface-rupturing events are inferred from the presence of four wedge-shaped units of reworked Main Terrace deposits that are interbedded with coversand units in the hanging wall of the trench and in shallow boreholes. These wedges are interpreted as colluvial wedges, produced by accelerated slope processes in response torejuvenation of the fault scarp, most probably in a periglacial environment. Luminescence dating indicates that five out of a total of six identified faulting events are younger than 136.6 ± 17.6 ka. The antepenultimate event was the largest faulting event, associated with a total fault displacement in excess of 1 m. Thus, the newly investigated trench site represents the longest and most complete record of surface rupturing recovered so far along the Bree fault scarp. This study also demonstrates the viability of the paleoseismological approach to identify past large earthquakes in areas of present-day moderate to low seismic activity.  相似文献   
Hydrological simulations at multi-temporal time scales by a widely used land surface model (LSM) are investigated under contrasting vegetation and meteorological conditions. Our investigation focuses particularly on the effects of two different representations of root water uptake and root profile on simulated evapotranspiration (ET) and soil moisture by the Integrated BIosphere Simulator (IBIS). For this purpose, multi-year eddy covariance measurements, collected at four flux-tower sites across North America, were used to gauge IBIS simulations with: (a) its standard version (IBIS2.1), in which static root water uptake (RWU) and root profile schemes are incorporated; and (b) a modified version in which dynamic RWU and root profile schemes replaces the static schemes used in the standard version. Overall, our results suggest that the modified version of the model performs more realistically than the standard version, particularly when high atmospheric demand for evaporation is combined with high atmospheric vapour pressure deficit and low soil water availability. The overall correlation between simulated and measured monthly ET rates at the simulated sites reached 0.87 and 0.91 for the standard and the modified versions, respectively. Our results also show that the incorporation of the dynamic RWU in IBIS yields improved simulations of ET under very dry conditions, when soil moisture falls down to very low levels. This suggests that adequate representations of vegetation responses to drought are needed in LSMs as many state of the art climate models projections of future climate indicate more frequent and/or more intense drought events occurring in some regions of the globe. Our analysis also highlighted the urgent need for adequate methodologies to correct field measurements that exhibit energy imbalances in order to provide rigorous assessments of land surface model simulations of heat and mass exchanges between the land surface and the atmosphere.  相似文献   
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) is a joint space mission between NASA and the Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) designed to monitor and study tropical rainfall. In this study, the daily rainfall from TRMM has been utilized to simulate the soil moisture content up to 30 cm vertical soil profile of at an interval depth of 15 cm by using the HYDRUS 1D numerical model for the three plots. The simulated soil moisture content using ground-based rainfall and TRMM-derived rainfall measurements indicate an agreeable goodness of fit between the both. The Nash–Sutcliffe efficiency using ground-based and TRMM-derived rainfall was found in the range of 0.90–0.68 and 0.70–0.40, respectively. The input data sensitivity analysis of precipitation combined with different irrigation treatment indicates a high dependency of soil moisture content with rainfall input. The overall analysis reveals that TRMM rainfall is promising for soil moisture prediction in absence of ground-based measurements of soil moisture.  相似文献   

Une étude a été effectuée dans la zone Nord-Ouest du bassin versant de la Medjerda avec pour objectif de fournir de nouvelles connaissances sur la qualité des eaux ainsi que sur le type de relation qui peut exister entre les variables physico-chimiques, bactériologiques et les indices de diversité/densité de la méiofaune. Les résultats montrent une dégradation de la qualité du cours principal de la Medjerda et de trois de ses affluents Nord (augmentation de la salinité, teneur en nitrate, matière organique, coliformes…). Les indices de diversité et d’équitabilité suivent cette évolution régressive des variables physico-chimiques et apportent de nouvelles connaissances sur le type et la qualité du sédiment.
Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz ; Editeur associé B. Touaïbia  相似文献   
The newly proposed mega sub-controlled structure system(MSCSS) and related studies have drawn the attention of civil engineers for practice in improving the performance and enhancing the structural effectiveness of mega frame structures. However, there is still a need for improvement to its basic structural arrangement. In this project, an advanced, reasonable arrangement of mega sub-controlled structure models, composed of three mega stories with different numbers and arrangements of substructures, are designed to investigate the control performance of the models and obtain the optimal model configuration(model with minimum acceleration and displacement responses) under strong earthquake excitation. In addition, the dynamic parameters that affect the performance effectiveness of the optimal model of MSCSS are studied and discussed. The area of the relative stiffness ratio RD, with different mass ratio MR, within which the acceleration and displacement of the optimal model of MSCSS reaches its optimum(minimum) value is considered as an optimum region. It serves as a useful tool in practical engineering design. The study demonstrates that the proposed MSCSS configuration can efficiently control the displacement and acceleration of high rise buildings. In addition, some analytical guidelines are provided for selecting the control parameters of the structure.  相似文献   
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