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In 1999, the large surface-rupturing earthquakes of Izmit and Duzce completed a 60-year cycle that included a westward migration of nine consecutive large earthquake failures (>50 km surface rupture), which started with the 1939 Erzincan earthquake in eastern Turkey. In this study, we focused on seismic cycles and seismic risk predictability along the North Anatolian Fault (NAF). Toward the west end of the NAF (26°E–32°E, i.e. Bolu), large earthquake frequency is measured from either historic earthquake catalogs, or geologic records from isolated outcrops and marine sediment cores from the Marmara Sea. In comparison, the eastern part of the NAF zone (32°E–42°E) is less well documented by palaeo-seismologic archives. Thus, the sediment records of lake basins located on the eastern NAF zone constitute a unique opportunity for testing a new palaeo-seismologic approach. To this end, we used a diverse array of complementary methods involving: (1) a 600-km transect of fault-related lakes, (2) sedimentologic observations on cores from six lakes, and (3) a comparison between records of catastrophic sediment transfers in lakes (i.e. radionuclide chronomarkers and erosion tracers) and historic earthquake reports. Our study indicates that lakes along the NAF are sensitive geologic recorders of large surface-rupturing earthquakes (surface-wave magnitude (M s) ≥ 6.9); smaller intensities are not recorded. The most responsive lake systems exhibit increases in sediment accumulation by a factor of >40 for a >3-m strike-slip displacement (M s ≥ 7). However, based on results from the 1939 Erzincan earthquake (M s = 7.8) chronostratigraphic marker, large surface-rupturing earthquakes are detected only by certain lake records and not by others. Matching multiple lake records along the NAF provides information both on the location of a surface rupture of a paleo-earthquake as well as its magnitude. Finally, the shallow lake basins along the NAF could potentially document cycles of large seismic events for at least the late Holocene.  相似文献   
In this study at the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site we demonstrate that the polonium–lead disequilibrium system may perform better as a tracer of organic carbon export under low-flux conditions (in this case, <2.5 mmol C m?2 d?1) than under bloom conditions in an oligotrophic setting. With very few exceptions, the POC flux predictions calculated from the water-column 210Po deficit were within a factor of 2 of the POC flux caught in surface-tethered sediment traps. However, we found higher correlation between size-fractionated particulate 210Po activity and POC concentration in November 2006 (r=0.93) than in January (r=0.79) and during the spring bloom in March 2007 (r=0.80). We suggest that this is due to the ability of polonium to distinguish between bulk mass flux and organic carbon export under oligotrophic and lithogenic-driven flux regimes. Further, we found that the POC/Po ratio on particles was largely independent of size class between 10 and 100 μm (P=0.13) during each season, supporting the notion that export in this oligotrophic system is driven by sinking aggregates of smaller cells and not by large, individual cells.  相似文献   
We present spectroscopy and photometry of GD 448, a detached white dwarf – M dwarf binary with a period of 2.47 h. We find that the Na  I  8200-Å feature is composed of narrow emission lines, owing to irradiation of the M dwarf by the white dwarf, within broad absorption lines that are essentially unaffected by heating. Combined with an improved spectroscopic orbit and gravitational redshift measurement from spectra of the Hα line, we are able to derive masses for the white dwarf and M dwarf directly (0.41 ± 0.01 and 0.096 ± 0.004 M, respectively). We use a simple model of the Ca II emission lines to establish the radius of the M dwarf assuming the emission from its surface to be proportional to the incident flux per unit area from the white dwarf. The radius derived is 0.125 ± 0.020 R. The M dwarf appears to be a normal main-sequence star in terms of its mass and radius, and is less than half the size of its Roche lobe. The thermal time-scale of the M dwarf is much longer than the cooling age of the white dwarf, so we conclude that the M dwarf was unaffected by the common-envelope phase. The anomalous width of the Hα emission from the M dwarf remains to be explained, but the strength of the line may be due to X-ray heating of the M dwarf owing to accretion on to the white dwarf from the M dwarf wind.  相似文献   
This research aims to understand the difference of major land-cover change results caused in various time periods and to examine the impacts of human-induced factors on land-cover changes along the TransAmazon Highway region. The Landsat Thematic Mapper and Operational Land Imager data from 2011, 2014, and 2017 and our previous land-cover classification results in 1991, 2000, and 2008 were used to examine land-cover dynamics. A classification system consisting of five land-cover classes – primary forest (PF), secondary forest (SF), agropasture (AP), urban area, and water – were chosen. The hierarchical-based classification method was used to generate land-cover classification results, and the post-classification comparison approach was used to produce detailed “from-to” conversions for each detection period. The emphasis was on deforestation of PF, dynamic change of SF and AP, and urbanization over time. The impacts of human-induced factors such as population and economic conditions on urban expansion, AP expansion, and deforestation were examined. This research indicated that selection of a suitable time period was critical for effectively detecting land-cover changes; that is, too long time period (i.e., 9 years) cannot accurately capture some land-cover changes such as the AP and SF in this research. Although deforestation – the conversion from PF to SF and AP – accounted for a large proportion of land-cover changes, the changes between SF and AP became more important than PF conversion, and required a short time period (i.e., 3 years here) for effectively reflecting their dynamics. Human-induced factors play important roles in deforestation, dynamic changes between AP and SF, and urbanization.  相似文献   
A network of families of periodic orbits is obtained approximately for the case =0.1 of the restricted problem using a direct grid search. Only such orbits of the third body are considered that cross the synodical line of the primaries outside the smaller of the two, perpendicularly, and in the direction of rotation of the system.  相似文献   
Sixteen years (1994 – 2009) of ozone profiling by ozonesondes at Valentia Meteorological and Geophysical Observatory, Ireland (51.94° N, 10.23° W) along with a co-located MkIV Brewer spectrophotometer for the period 1993–2009 are analyzed. Simple and multiple linear regression methods are used to infer the recent trend, if any, in stratospheric column ozone over the station. The decadal trend from 1994 to 2010 is also calculated from the monthly mean data of Brewer and column ozone data derived from satellite observations. Both of these show a 1.5 % increase per decade during this period with an uncertainty of about ±0.25 %. Monthly mean data for March show a much stronger trend of?~?4.8 % increase per decade for both ozonesonde and Brewer data. The ozone profile is divided between three vertical slots of 0–15 km, 15–26 km, and 26 km to the top of the atmosphere and a 11-year running average is calculated. Ozone values for the month of March only are observed to increase at each level with a maximum change of +9.2?±?3.2 % per decade (between years 1994 and 2009) being observed in the vertical region from 15 to 26 km. In the tropospheric region from 0 to 15 km, the trend is positive but with a poor statistical significance. However, for the top level of above 26 km the trend is significantly positive at about 4 % per decade. The March integrated ozonesonde column ozone during this period is found to increase at a rate of ~6.6 % per decade compared with the Brewer and satellite positive trends of ~5 % per decade.  相似文献   
This paper derives a notional future carbon budget for UK agriculture, land use, land use change and forestry sectors (ALULUCF). The budget is based on a bottom-up marginal abatement cost curve (MACC) derived for a range of mitigation measures for specified adoption scenarios for the years 2012, 2017 and 2022. The results indicate that in 2022 around 6.36 MtCO2e could be abated at negative or zero cost. Furthermore, in the same year, over 17% of agricultural GHG emissions (7.85 MtCO2e) could be abated at a cost of less than the 2022 Shadow Price of Carbon (£34 (tCO2e)???1). The development of robust MACCs faces a range of methodological hurdles that complicate cost-effectiveness appraisal in ALULUCF relative to other sectors. Nevertheless, the current analysis provides an initial route map of efficient measures for mitigation in UK agriculture.  相似文献   
We observed polymictic behaviour in stream pools in Long Meadow, Sequoia National Park, California—part of the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory. Stream pools stratified thermally during the day time and were isothermal at night—this pattern persists from the middle of summer into the fall. We found that four characteristics typical of a mountain meadow environment—low stream flow, open sky, cold groundwater discharge, and elevated organic carbon concentrations—are particularly conducive to pool stratification. Incoming shortwave radiation was the dominant energy input to heat pool water while nighttime emitted longwave radiation was the major cooling mechanism. Relatively cold groundwater discharge into the pool bottom increased density stratification within the pool. Elevated DOC concentrations increased the capacity of the pool to absorb photosynthetically active radiation and also promoted stratification. Stream velocities in the meadow were generally insufficient to meet threshold Richardson numbers and mix the pools during the daytime; smaller stream cross sectional areas would have potential for destabilizing pools in the daytime. We propose a conceptual model for describing polymictic stream pools and assessing the potential for polymictic pools to occur. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Summary This paper presents a range of applications of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), a comprehensive mesoscale meterological modeling system. Applications discussed in this paper include large eddy simulations (LES) and simulations of thunderstorms, cumulus fields, mesoscale convective systems, mid-latitude cirrus clouds, winter storms, mechanically- and thermally-forced mesoscale systems, and mesoscale atmospheric disperision. A summary of current RAMS options is also presented. Improvements to RAMS currently underway include refinements to the cloud radiation, cloud microphysics, cumulus, and surface soil/vegetative parameterization schemes, the parallelization of the code, development of a more versatile visualization capability, and research into meso--scale cumulus parameterization.With 18 Figures  相似文献   
Groundwater is not a sustainable resource, unless abstraction is balanced by recharge. Identifying the sources of recharge in a groundwater basin is critical for sustainable groundwater management. We studied the importance of river water recharge to groundwater in the south‐eastern San Joaquin Valley (24,000 km2, population 4 million). We combined dissolved noble gas concentrations, stable isotopes, tritium, and carbon‐14 analyses to analyse the sources, mechanisms, and timescales of groundwater recharge. Area‐representative groundwater sampling and numerical model input data enabled a stable isotope mass balance and quantitative estimates of river and local recharge. River recharge, identified by a lighter stable isotope signature, represents 47 ± 4% of modern groundwater in the San Joaquin Valley (recharged after 1950) but only 26 ± 4% of premodern groundwater (recharged before 1950). This implies that the importance of river water recharge in the San Joaquin valley has nearly doubled and is likely the result of a 40% increase in total recharge, caused by river water irrigation return flows and increased stream depletion and river recharge due to groundwater pumping. Compared with the large and long‐duration capacity for water storage in the subsurface, storage of water in rivers is limited in time and volume, as evidenced by cold river recharge temperatures resulting from fast infiltration and recharge. Groundwater banking of seasonal surface water flows and expansion of managed aquifer recharge practices therefore appear to be a natural and promising method for increasing the resilience of the San Joaquin Valley water supply system.  相似文献   
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