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Seismicity in the northernmost part of the Red Sea has been studied using data from Hurghada Seismological Network in addition to readings from the existing neighbouring networks. Relocated events in addition to data from national centers are used to obtain a complete and true picture for the seismicity of the area. The spatial distribution of earthquakes defines three earthquake zones in the Gulf of Aqaba and three zones at the entrance of the Gulf of Suez and southern tip of Sinai Peninsula. The thermal activity and the triple junction nature control the activity in this area. The activity defines also an active trend extending from the southern tip of Sinai Peninsula to the median zone of the Red Sea. The seismicity of this trend is probably related to the active spreading zone associated with the opening of the Red Sea. The b-values are derived for the entrance areas of the two gulfs and for Gulf of Aqaba. Values of b are 1.35 for the triple junction region, 1.13 for the activity before the 22 November 1995 Gulf of Aqaba mainshock and 1.25 for the aftershocks of this event.  相似文献   
Forecasting and monitoring extreme floods in arid regions like Saudi Arabia (SA) are a big challenge for engineers and hydrologists. It is difficult to derive reliable flood estimates at any site without adequate flood measurements. Therefore, envelope curves were developed for reliable estimates of flood peaks. Relaying on recorded flood events in SA, Francou–Rodier approach is used to develop the Regional Maximum Flood (RMF) for some wadis and for SA as a whole. A total of 3121 flood events in 32 arid basins of sizes varying from 99 to more than 4500 km2 are collected and analyzed. Results show that established regional coefficients (K) range between 2.76 and 5.5. The RMF formula for the Saudi regions is Q?=?251 A0.45. The flood-frequency analysis showed that the Log-Pearson Type III is best. The extreme observed floods for the envelope curve for K?=?5.5 accommodate floods of recurrence interval ranging between 1000 and 100,000 years. The study results provide more realistic runoff peaks for a design of flood protection works for SA watersheds and for the similar environment. Consequently, it is recommended to use the developed envelope curves and models for efficient, safe and precise hydraulic structures design in SA.  相似文献   
The diapiric province of north-eastern Algeria and Tunisia extends NE–SW over several hundreds of kilometres. Available, geophysical and geological investigations were focused on the study of known diapiric outcrop. In contrast to the existing work, our study is focused on to identify a new hidden near surface salt diapir in the Guelma Basin, north-east of Algeria.Integrated geophysical study comprising aeromagnetic, gravimetric and DC resistivity data calibrated with existing well information provides new insights into the geometry of the geologic structure of Guelma Basin. Spatial correlation between magnetic low, strong gravity minimum and resistivity high reveal a hidden near surface salt diapir. The Guelma salt diapir is topped by a local topographic high which follows exactly the underlying salt body. Joint gravity-magnetic modelling indicates that salt is deeply rooted and has a dome-like shape. The Guelma salt diapir was triggered by normal faulting and is directly controlled by regional extension.  相似文献   

L’aquifère du Trarza s’étend sur environ 40 000 km2 dans le Sud-Ouest mauritanien, entre le fleuve Sénégal au Sud, l’Océan Atlantique à l’Ouest et la chaîne métamorphique des Mauritanides au Nord et à l’Est. La nappe libre est contenue dans les sédiments du Continental Terminal et du Quaternaire. Les campagnes de terrain menées entre 2010 et 2012 ont significativement complété les quelques mesures anciennes. Le croisement d’approches hydrodynamiques et géochimiques a montré que, dans cette zone semi-aride, la dynamique de la nappe est influencée par les multiples changements, actuels et anciens, de l’environnement (depuis les transgressions quaternaires jusqu’aux différents barrages régulant le cours du fleuve Sénégal). La nappe est principalement alimentée par l’infiltration latérale des eaux de surface du fleuve Sénégal et, dans une moindre proportion, par les précipitations. La minéralisation des eaux souterraines résulte d’interactions eau-roches et minéraux silicatés et alumino-silicatés et est localement influencée par des traces des transgressions quaternaires. L’évaporation marque fortement les eaux de surface avant et durant leur infiltration. Des calculs encore très préliminaires suggèrent une recharge annuelle inférieure ou égale à 5% des précipitations, soit de 5 à 10 mm.
Editeur Z.W. Kundzewicz

Citation Mohamed, A.-S., Marlin, C., Leduc, C., et Jiddou, M., 2014. Modalités de recharge d’un aquifère en zone semi-aride: cas de la nappe du Trarza (Sud-Ouest Mauritanie). Hydrological Sciences Journal, 59 (5), 1046–1062.  相似文献   
Four wells (K-109, Hr-1, Tk-3, and Bj-1) in NE Iraq (including parts of the Kurdistan Region) were selected to study the Tithonian–Berriasian Chia Gara Formation from the inorganic geochemical point of view. The intervals studied in each well occurred at present-day burial depths of Hr-1 3,075–3,310 m; K-109 2,780–3,090; Tk-1 2,770–2,890; and Bj-1 2,150–2,310 m. A total of 16 samples from the four studied wells were investigated geochemically using X-ray fluorescence in order to measure their major element oxides and their trace element contents. Among the major oxides, CaO has the highest weight percentages in all samples as expected in this limestone-dominated formation. SiO2 and Al2O3 show higher concentrations only in well Bj-1 than the other sections, due to its shallower depth of deposition and its marginal location within the depositional basin. The general trace element distribution along all studied well successions showed good similarity. However, the ratios of V/Ni and V/Cr were of higher values in the lower part of the formation, which is considered as a good indicator to the deposition of this part of the formation within anoxic depositional environment. An exception was in well Bj-1, where the V/Ni ratio was lower in the this lower part of the formation than the upper part that may be due to the different lithology in this succession which is lacking distinct shale or calcareous shale beds. However, the V/Cr ratio can still indicate the prevailing of reducing condition because V/Cr ratios in all samples are >2. Also, Th/U ratio in the lower part of the studied successions was lower than the upper part, which is also coinciding with the domination of the reducing geochemical conditions in the depositional environment. It may be concluded from this study that the R-mode cluster analysis of the main oxides indicated to the main mineral constituent of the rock which is calcite. It is also confirmed that the SiO2 and Al2O3 contents in the Chia Gara limestones are especially high in well Bj-1, particularly in the lower and upper parts of the succession. On the other hand, R-mode cluster analysis of the trace elements showed lower amounts of Zr and V in relation to silica and confirmed the random distribution of Sr and Ba in the studied samples. Q-mode cluster analysis indicated that the upper part of the studied formation is pure limestone in well H-1 and such purity of limestone beds also occurs in the lower part of the studied formation in well Tk-3. The elemental distribution within the sections as inferred from the studied samples indicates that the anoxic depositional conditions were prevailed during the Chia Gara Formation, especially during the accumulation of the lower part.  相似文献   
In this article, we present a multi-wavelength and multi-instrument investigation of a halo coronal mass ejection (CME) from active region NOAA 12371 on 21 June 2015 that led to a major geomagnetic storm of minimum \(\mathrm{Dst} = -204\) nT. The observations from the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory in the hot EUV channel of 94 Å confirm the CME to be associated with a coronal sigmoid that displayed an intense emission (\(T \sim6\) MK) from its core before the onset of the eruption. Multi-wavelength observations of the source active region suggest tether-cutting reconnection to be the primary triggering mechanism of the flux rope eruption. Interestingly, the flux rope eruption exhibited a two-phase evolution during which the “standard” large-scale flare reconnection process originated two composite M-class flares. The eruption of the flux rope is followed by the coronagraphic observation of a fast, halo CME with linear projected speed of 1366 km?s?1. The dynamic radio spectrum in the decameter-hectometer frequency range reveals multiple continuum-like enhancements in type II radio emission which imply the interaction of the CME with other preceding slow speed CMEs in the corona within \(\approx10\)?–?\(90~\mbox{R} _{\odot}\). The scenario of CME–CME interaction in the corona and interplanetary medium is further confirmed by the height–time plots of the CMEs occurring during 19?–?21 June. In situ measurements of solar wind magnetic field and plasma parameters at 1 AU exhibit two distinct magnetic clouds, separated by a magnetic hole. Synthesis of near-Sun observations, interplanetary radio emissions, and in situ measurements at 1 AU reveal complex processes of CME–CME interactions right from the source active region to the corona and interplanetary medium that have played a crucial role towards the large enhancement of the geoeffectiveness of the halo CME on 21 June 2015.  相似文献   
In this work we have tried to detect and collect later phases associated with the Moho discontinuity and use them to study the lateral variations of the crustal thickness in southwest (SW) Japan. We first compute synthetic seismograms for local earthquakes taking into account the focal mechanism solutions estimated from first motion polarity data. Then we compare the synthetics with the observed waveforms to detect the major later phases in seismograms of shallow crustal earthquakes in SW Japan. Taking the advantage of the high quality and great quantity of Hi-net waveform data now available throughout the entire Japan Islands, we have detected 1659 Moho-reflected phases (PmP and SmS) from shallow events in SW Japan. We estimated the crustal thickness in the study area using travel time differences between these later phases and the first P and S arrivals. Our results show that the Moho is deep in Chubu district and becomes shallower along the coastlines of the Japan Sea and the Pacific Ocean. A thinner crust appears in Osaka Bay and Awajii Island where the 1995 Kobe earthquake (M7.2) occurred.  相似文献   
Dykes predominate within the Neoproterozoic rocks, especially granites, of Wadi El Redi-Wadi Lahami area in the southern Eastern Desert of Egypt. The dyke swarms form three major suites: from the oldest to the youngest, they are basaltic andesite—Suite 1 (E-W and ENE-WSW), rhyolite—Suite 2 (NE-SW), and andesite—Suite 3 (NNE-SSW, NNW-SSE, and NW-SE). Despite the wide ranges of the dyke compositions, the feldspar and amphibole are usually the essential forming minerals. The plagioclase arrays between Ab0.9An99.10 in the basaltic andesite and Ab98.80An0.70 in the rhyolite, while sanidine ranges from Or44.60Ab49.70 to Or98.40Ab1.60. Amphibole in Suite 1 and 3 (Al2O3, TiO2, Na2O, and K2O are the lowest and those of SiO2 and CaO are the highest) samples are usually magnesio-hornblende, whereas it is edenite and tschermakite in Suite 2 dykes. Despite all parent magmas have calc-alkaline affinity, some elements such as Ni show an erratic behavior against the progressing differentiation from one magma chamber and implying for an assimilation of the country rocks. The high contents of amphibole, the depletion in Ti, and the enrichment in large-ion lithophile elements (such as K, Rb, Ba, Sr, and Ba) compared to the primitive mantle composition are consistent with parent hydrous melts generated due to extension above the subduction zone. The estimated compositions of liquids in equilibrium with amphiboles and the pressures at which they crystallized (4.61–7.8 kbar for the Suite 2 and 1.5–2 kbar for the Suites 1 and 3) are greatly varied. These are indications for a difference in the source regions of the parent magmas of the studied dykes. It is supposed that the Suite 1 and 2 dykes are a conjugate set emplaced due to the NW-SE crustal extension in the Arabian-Nubian shield, whereas the Suite 3 dykes generated due to the rifting along the Red Sea.  相似文献   
Traditional grain storage used to be an effective mechanism to combat famine in the rural areas of W Sudan. Of late, this mechanism has failed to function and a severe famine took place in 1984–1985. This paper endeavours to highlight this crisis, show the traditional methods of grain storage and point out to ways of retrieving grain storage systems to start again on a less vulnerable basis. An assessment of grain storage requirements under the new conditions where both market and subsistence economy are effective in rural areas is made for the different ecological zones of W Sudan.  相似文献   
The analysis of the daily rainfall occurrence behavior is becoming more important, particularly in water-related sectors. Many studies have identified a more comprehensive pattern of the daily rainfall behavior based on the Markov chain models. One of the aims in fitting the Markov chain models of various orders to the daily rainfall occurrence is to determine the optimum order. In this study, the optimum order of the Markov chain models for a 5-day sequence will be examined in each of the 18 rainfall stations in Peninsular Malaysia, which have been selected based on the availability of the data, using the Akaike’s (AIC) and Bayesian information criteria (BIC). The identification of the most appropriate order in describing the distribution of the wet (dry) spells for each of the rainfall stations is obtained using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov goodness-of-fit test. It is found that the optimum order varies according to the levels of threshold used (e.g., either 0.1 or 10.0 mm), the locations of the region and the types of monsoon seasons. At most stations, the Markov chain models of a higher order are found to be optimum for rainfall occurrence during the northeast monsoon season for both levels of threshold. However, it is generally found that regardless of the monsoon seasons, the first-order model is optimum for the northwestern and eastern regions of the peninsula when the level of thresholds of 10.0 mm is considered. The analysis indicates that the first order of the Markov chain model is found to be most appropriate for describing the distribution of wet spells, whereas the higher-order models are found to be adequate for the dry spells in most of the rainfall stations for both threshold levels and monsoon seasons.  相似文献   
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