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Partition coefficients (zircon/meltDM) for rare earth elements (REE) (La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Dy, Er and Yb) and other trace elements (Ba, Rb, B, Sr, Ti, Y and Nb) between zircon and melt have been calculated from secondary ion mass spectrometric (SIMS) analyses of zircon/melt inclusion pairs. The melt inclusion-mineral (MIM) technique shows that DREE increase in compatibility with increasing atomic number, similar to results of previous studies. However, DREE determined using the MIM technique are, in general, lower than previously reported values. Calculated DREE indicate that light REE with atomic numbers less than Sm are incompatible in zircon and become more incompatible with decreasing atomic number. This behavior is in contrast to most previously published results which indicate D > 1 and define a flat partitioning pattern for elements from La through Sm. The partition coefficients for the heavy REE determined using the MIM technique are lower than previously published results by factors of ≈15 to 20 but follow a similar trend. These differences are thought to reflect the effects of mineral and/or glass contaminants in samples from earlier studies which employed bulk analysis techniques.DREE determined using the MIM technique agree well with values predicted using the equations of Brice (1975), which are based on the size and elasticity of crystallographic sites. The presence of Ce4+ in the melt results in elevated DCe compared to neighboring REE due to the similar valence and size of Ce4+ and Zr4+. Predicted zircon/meltD values for Ce4+ and Ce3+ indicate that the Ce4+/Ce3+ ratios of the melt ranged from about 10−3 to 10−2. Partition coefficients for other trace elements determined in this study increase in compatibility in the order Ba < Rb < B < Sr < Ti < Y < Nb, with Ba, Rb, B and Sr showing incompatible behavior (DM < 1.0), and Ti, Y and Nb showing compatible behavior (DM > 1.0).The effect of partition coefficients on melt evolution during petrogenetic modeling was examined using partition coefficients determined in this study and compared to trends obtained using published partition coefficients. The lower DREE determined in this study result in smaller REE bulk distribution coefficients, for a given mineral assemblage, compared to those calculated using previously reported values. As an example, fractional crystallization of an assemblage composed of 35% hornblende, 64.5% plagioclase and 0.5% zircon produces a melt that becomes increasingly more enriched in Yb using the DYb from this study. Using DYb from Fujimaki (1986) results in a melt that becomes progressively depleted in Yb during crystallization.  相似文献   
Basalt in the Furutobe District of the Kuroko mine area in Japan is characterized by abundant chlorite and epidote. Fluid inclusion studies indicate that chlorite is formed at lower temperatures (230–250°C) than epidote (250–280°C). The seawater/basalt mass ratio for the early chlorite-rich alteration was high (max. 40), but that for the later alteration was low (0.1–1.8). The CaO, Na2O and SiO2 of the bulk rock correlate negatively with MgO, while FeO and Σ Fe correlate positively with MgO. These changes in the characteristic features of hydrothermal alteration from early to late are generally similar to those for a mid-ocean ridge geothermal system accompanying basalt alteration.The MgO/FeO ratios of chlorite and actinolite and the Fe2O3 concentration of epidote from the basalt are greater than those of mid-ocean ridge basalt probably owing to the differences in the Fe2O3/FeO and MgO/FeO ratios of the parent rocks. The lower CaO concentration and the higher Na2O concentration of the bulk rock compared with altered mid-ocean ridge basalt can be interpreted in terms of the difference in original bulk rock compositions.The Furutobe basalt, as well as other submarine back arc basalts, contains more vesicles filled with hydrothermal minerals (epidote, calcite, quartz, chlorite, pyrite) than do the mid-ocean ridge basalts. The abundance of vesicles plays an important role in controlling the secondary mineralogy and geochemistry of hydrothermally altered submarine back arc basin basalts.  相似文献   
We experimentally determined F and Cl partition coefficients together with that of 19 trace elements (including REE, U-Th, HFSE and LILE) between basaltic melt and lherzolite minerals: olivine, orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and garnet. Under conditions from 8 to 25 kbars and from 1,265 to 1,430°C, compatibilities of F and Cl are globally ordered as D Cpx/melt > D Opx/melt > D Grt/melt > D Ol/melt > D Plag/melt, and D F mineral/melt is larger than D Clmineral/melt. Four other major results were brought to light. (1) Chlorine partition coefficients positively correlate with the jadeite component in orthopyroxene, and increase of the CaTs component promotes Cl incorporation in clinopyroxene. (2) Variations of fluorine partition coefficients correlate strongly with melt viscosity. (3) F and Cl partition coefficients correlate with the Young’s modulus (E 0) of pyroxene octahedral sites (M sites) and with Raman vibrational modes of pyroxenes. This demonstrates a fundamental interaction between the M site of pyroxenes and the incorporation of F and Cl. (4) We also determined the parameters of the lattice-strain model applied to 3+ cation trace elements for the two M sites in orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene: D 0M1, D 0M2, r 0M1r 0M2E 0M1 and E 0M2.  相似文献   
A computational scheme for an improved Mellor–Yamada(M–Y) Level-3 model with condensation physics is proposedand its performance is examined against large-eddy-simulationdata on radiation fog. The improved M–Y model greatlycorrects several shortcomings of the original M–Y model:the underestimations of the mixed-layer depth and themagnitude of turbulent kinetic energy, and the discrepanciesin the formation and dissipation times of the fog. Inaddition the improved M–Y model can reproduce theoccurrence of Kelvin–Helmholtz instability and periodicoscillations due to its energy cycle. It is shown that theoptimization of both the closure constants and the masterlength scale is required for this improvement.The improved M–Y model has an improvement also in theLevel-2.5 version. Although the performance of theLevel-2.5 version is not so good as that of the Level-3version, the former has the advantage of relatively lowcomputational cost and is popularly used in operationalweather forecasts. Our computational scheme for theimproved M–Y model allows us to switch its hierarchylevels easily according to the purpose.  相似文献   
Abstract. Bottom-simulating reflectors suggestive of the presence of methane hydrates are widely distributed below the ocean floor around Japan. In late 1999, drilling of the MITI Nankai Trough wells was conducted to explore this potential methane hydrate resource and a Tertiary conventional structure. The wells are located in the Northwest Pacific Ocean off Central Japan at a water depth of 945 m. A total of six wells were drilled, including the main well, two pilot wells, and three post survey wells at intervals of 10–100 m. All wells except the first confirmed the occurrence of hydrates based on logging-while-drilling, wire-line logging and/or coring using a pressure and temperature coring system in addition to conventional methods. Based on the various well profiles, four methane hydrate-bearing sand-rich intervals in turbidite fan deposits were recognized. Methane hydrates fill the pore spaces in these deposits, reaching saturation of up to 80 % in some layers. The methane hydrate-bearing turbiditic sand layers are less than 1 m thick, with a total thickness of 12–14 m. The bottom depth of high hydrate concentration correlates well with the depth of the bottom-simulating reflector. Based on these exploration results, the Japanese government inaugurated a 16-year methane hydrate exploitation program in 2001.  相似文献   
From the photographs taken at the total solar eclipse of 11 June 1983, we derived the electron density for the north polar rays and for the thread-like fine structures above the active region, which are 108 at 1.4 solar radii and 3×109 at 1.15 solar radii, respectively. The brightness distributions of the corona at the polar region and above the active region, and the flattening index were also derived.Paper presented at the IAU Third Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, held in Kyoto, Japan, between 30 September–6 October, 1984.  相似文献   
Up to 3 km of dunitic rocks occur below crustal gabbro in the Blow Me Down massif (Bay of Islands Ophiolite, Newfoundland). Analyses of dunite- and gabbro-hosted clinopyroxene grains (cpx) for rare earth elements (REE), Zr, and Ti reveal three types of chondrite-normalized patterns: N-group patterns are similar to cpx grains as they would form by fractionation from a range of mid ocean ridge basalts (MORB). They are typical for a few higher level dunitic samples as well as mafic cumulates. F-group patterns show light REE depletion, very strong middle REE fractionation and a positive Zr anomaly and occur in dunites only. R-group patterns are severely depleted in both light and heavy REEs relative to MORB-like cpx and two samples of the group display a positive Ti anomaly. They are also restricted to dunitic rocks. The patterns are explained in a two stage model in which an established dunite sequence, dominated by MORB-type cumulate signatures (N-group), was infiltrated by extremely refractory melts. During infiltration of the refractory melt chromatographic fractionation occurred, transforming N-group dunites into F-group and R-group dunites. The F-group patterns are composite patterns: heavy REE, Ti ± Zr reflect the original MORB-like cumulate dunite host, light REEs indicate equilibrium with the infiltrating, refractory melts. Steep slopes in the middle REEs reflect the position of the chromatographic front. For more intense percolation of refractory melts, R-group patterns with a positive Ti anomaly will form by the same process. The rest of the R-group patterns displaying no positive Ti anomaly may represent either the most intensely reacted host rocks or these dunites derive directly as cumulates from refractory melts. Only small volumes of refractory melt (a 5 m column) are required to imprint the observed trace element pattern on the thick original dunite sequence. One of several possible origins for the refractory melts is transformation of original MORB-type melts by way of chromatographic fractionation within the highly depleted, residual uppermost mantle. In the framework of an oceanic spreading centre, the migrating, refractory liquids are considered a late event following the main constructive stage dominated by aggregated melts. The study demonstrates that highly refractory melts can exist under oceanic spreading centres dominated by a MORB-like cumulate and volcanic sequence. Received: 2 September 1996 / Accepted: 20 November 1997  相似文献   
An observation line along the TOPEX/POSEIDON (T/P) ground track 060 was set to estimate the Oyashio transport. We call this line the OICE (Oyashio Intensive observation line off-Cape Erimo) along which we have been conducting repeated hydrographic observations and maintaining mooring systems. T/P derived sea surface height anomaly (SSHA) was compared with velocity and transport on OICE. Although the decorrelation scale of SSHA was estimated at about 80–110 km in the Oyashio region, the SSHA also contains horizontal, small-scale noise, which was eliminated using a Gaussian filter. In the comparison between the SSHA difference across two selected points and the subsurface velocity measured by a moored Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), the highest correlation (0.92) appeared when the smoothing scale was set at 30 km with the two points as near as possible. For the transport in the Oyashio region, the geostrophic transport between 39°30′ N and 42°N was compared with the SSHA difference across the same two points. In this case the highest correlations (0.79, 0.88 and 0.93) occurred when the smoothing scale was set at 38, 6 and 9 km for reference levels of 1000, 2000 and 3000 db, respectively. The annual mean transport was estimated as 9.46 Sv in the 3000 db reference case. The Oyashio transport time series was derived from the T/P SSHA data, and the transports are smaller than that estimated from the Sverdrup balance in 1994–1996 and larger than that in 1997–2000. This difference is consistent with baroclinic response to wind stress field. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The impact sites of the Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 are observed with the 101-cm telescope at Bisei Astronomical Observatory until the end of August with B, V, R, I, and methane-band (0.89m) filters. The outline of the observation is briefly described.  相似文献   
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