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Late-Pleistocene deposits in north County Mayo were deposited in three main glacigenic environments. 1. Drumlins and basal tills were formed when ice moved from the Irish lowlands and local mountain catchments into Donegal Bay. 2. Gilbert-type deltas accumulated up to 80m I.O.D. on the lowlands and subaqueous moraines formed across minor valleys when marine-based ice grounded inland. 3. A thick drape of fossiliferous glaciomarine mud along the coastal fringe was deposited from meltwater plumes and by ice-rafting immediately outside of these ice limits. The muds contain an Elphidium clavatum-dominated, low-diversity microfauna which is characteristic of cold-water conditions adjacent to glacier termini. Valves of Macoma calcarea from the mud have been 14C dated at 16940 ± 120 and 17300 ± 100 BP. The high-level delta complex was deposited from tidewater glaciers in a peripheral depression adjacent to the drumlin ice limits of north County Mayo. Although the field evidence cannot be used to determine former sea level history with any accuracy, it poses general problems for sea level history and isostatic effects of the last major ice sheet in the west of Ireland. Raised glaciomarine sequences commonly occur in close association with drumlin ice limits elsewhere in Ireland and represent marine transgressions prior to glacial unloading. It is suggested that the magnitudes and patterns of crustal depression are greater and geometrically more complex at the margins of ice sheets in Ireland than hitherto realised.  相似文献   
The following events have been identified from a complex sequence of Midlandian (Devensian) sediments recently exposed at Aghnadarragh, County Antrim: (1) A lower till interpreted as Early Midlandian was deposited by a major lowland ice sheet which moved south-eastwards from central Ulster across the Lough Neagh depression. (2) Deglacial conditions were followed by a periglacial phase characterised by ice-wedge growth and sedimentation by gravelly debris flows. The latter contain the oldest known remains of Mammuthus primigenius in Ireland. (3) An Early Midlandian interstadial is represented by a woody detritus peat, with evidence of Betula, Pinuos and Picea woodlands and a rich beetle fauna. Wood from this horizon has been shown to be beyond the range of radiocarbon dating (>48 180 BP). (4) Interstadial conditions were succeeded by a cold, non-glacial phase dominated by in-channel gravelly flows and deposition of organic muds which contain plant and insect fossils. These horizons are older than 46 850 BP. (5) An upper, non-drumlinised till was deposited during the Late-Midlandian by a major lowland ice sheet which moved generally eastwards across the Lough Neagh Lowlands from central Ulster. This glaciation probably reached its maximum at ca 20–24 ka. (6) Drumlin formation occurred in the Lough Neagh Lowlands towards the end of the Late-Midlandian. The limiting moraines are dated to 17 ka. The lower till at Aghnadarragh is the first positive record of a major lowland ice sheet in Ireland during the early part of the last cold stage. The Early Midlandian interstadial peats have not been documented elsewhere in Ireland and correlate broadly with the Chelford Interstadial complex of the English Midlands. Related exposures elsewhere in Ulster confirm that the middle part of the last cold stage was free of major lowland ice masses but deposits of this period are absent from Aghnadarragh.  相似文献   
Deming  Drake  Jennings  Donald E.  McCabe  George  Moran  Thomas  Loewenstein  Robert 《Solar physics》1998,182(2):283-291
We determined the limb profile of the extremely Zeeman-sensitive emission line of Mg i at 12.32 m (811.58 cm–1) during the May 1994 annular eclipse, using the 3.5-m ARC telescope at the Apache Point site on Sacramento Peak, New Mexico. Spectra were recorded at 0.1 cm–1 spectral resolution and 1 s time resolution using a cryogenic grating spectrometer. The time derivatives of the observed line energy and continuum intensity were used to infer high-resolution profiles of the solar limb. Data were obtained at second contact only, since clouds prevented observations at third contact. We find that the emission line energy peaks very close to the 12 m continuum limb. This agrees with our result from the 1991 total eclipse over Mauna Kea, and also with non-LTE radiative transfer theory for this line, which predicts an upper-photospheric origin. However, in 1991, line emission remained observable as high as 2000 km above the continuum limb, whereas the 1994 data show observable emission to only 500 km. This difference greatly exceeds any applicable errors, or sensitivity differences in either data set, and must be attributed to spatial and/or temporal inhomogeneities in the solar limb emission of this line. We discuss possible causes of these inhomogeneities, and implications for observations at far-IR and submillimeter wavelengths.  相似文献   
Characterizing the spatial dynamics of soil moisture fields is a key issue in hydrology, offering an avenue to improve our understanding of complex land surface–atmosphere interactions. In this paper, the statistical structure of soil moisture patterns is examined using modelled soil moisture obtained from the North American Land Data Assimilation System (NLDAS) at 0.125° resolution. The study focuses on the vertically averaged soil moisture in the top 10 cm and 100 cm layers. The two variables display a weak dependence for lower values of surface soil moisture, with the strength of the relationship increasing with the water content of the top layer. In both cases, the variance of the soil moisture follows a power law decay as a function of the averaging area. The superficial layer shows a lower degree of spatial organization and higher temporal variability, which is reflected in rapid changes in time of the slope of the scaling functions of the soil moisture variance. Conversely, the soil moisture in the top 100 cm has lower variability in time and larger spatial correlation. The scaling of these patterns was found to be controlled by the changes in the soil water content. Results have implications for the downscaling of soil moisture to prevent model bias.  相似文献   
Integrated hydrologic models characterize catchment responses by coupling the subsurface flow with land surface processes. One of the major areas of uncertainty in such models is the specification of the initial condition and its influence on subsequent simulations. A key challenge in model initialization is that it requires spatially distributed information on model states, groundwater levels and soil moisture, even when such data are not routinely available. Here, the impact of uncertainty in initial condition was explored across a 208 km2 catchment in Denmark using the ParFlow.CLM model. The initialization impact was assessed under two meteorological conditions (wet vs dry) using five depth to water table and soil moisture distributions obtained from various equilibrium states (thermal, root zone, discharge, saturated and unsaturated zone equilibrium) during the model spin‐up. Each of these equilibrium states correspond to varying computation times to achieve stability in a particular aspect of the system state. Results identified particular sensitivity in modelled recharge and stream flow to the different initializations, but reduced sensitivity in modelled energy fluxes. Analysis also suggests that to simulate a year that is wetter than the spin‐up period, an initialization based on discharge equilibrium is adequate to capture the direction and magnitude of surface water–groundwater exchanges. For a drier or hydrologically similar year to the spin‐up period, an initialization based on groundwater equilibrium is required. Variability of monthly subsurface storage changes and discharge bias at the scale of a hydrological event show that the initialization impacts do not diminish as the simulations progress, highlighting the importance of robust and accurate initialization in capturing surface water–groundwater dynamics. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An analysis of simulated global water-balance components (precipitation [P], actual evapotranspiration [AET], runoff [R], and potential evapotranspiration [PET]) for the past century indicates that P has been the primary driver of variability in R. Additionally, since about 2000, there have been increases in P, AET, R, and PET for most of the globe. The increases in R during 2000 through 2009 have occurred despite unprecedented increases in PET. The increases in R are the result of substantial increases in P during the cool Northern Hemisphere months (i.e. October through March) when PET increases were relatively small; the largest PET increases occurred during the warm Northern Hemisphere months (April through September). Additionally, for the 2000 through 2009 period, the latitudinal distribution of P departures appears to co-vary with the mean P departures from 16 climate model projections of the latitudinal response of P to warming, except in the high latitudes. Finally, changes in water-balance variables appear large from the perspective of departures from the long-term means. However, when put into the context of the magnitudes of the raw water balance variable values, there appears to have been little change in any of the water-balance variables over the past century on a global or hemispheric scale.  相似文献   
The Health of Glaciers: Recent Changes in Glacier Regime   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
Glacier wastage has been pervasive during the last century; small glaciers and those in marginal environments are disappearing, large mid-latitude glaciers are shrinking slightly, and arctic glaciers are warming. Net mass balances during the last 40 years are predominately negative and both winter and summer balances (accumulation and ablation) and mass turnover are increasing, especially after 1988. Two principal components of winter balance time-series explain about 50% of the variability in the data. Glacier winter balances in north and central Europe correlate with the Arctic Oscillation, and glaciers in western North America correlate with the Southern Oscillation and Northern Hemisphere air temperature. The degree of synchronization for distant glaciers relates to changes in time of atmospheric circulation patterns as well as differing dynamic responses.  相似文献   
This paper presents a finite element parametric study of several variables that affect the stiffness efficiency of rigidly capped pile groups with a view to developing a solution for preliminary design purposes. Previous empirical solutions from linear elastic work had identified a significant dependence of stiffness efficiency on pile group size and group spacing, and in this study, the effect of the pile length-to-diameter ratio, the compressibility of a stiff bearing stratum beneath the pile group and the depth below ground level to the stiff bearing stratum are also considered. Pile groups in a soft clay/silt are modelled using PLAXIS 3D Foundation in conjunction with a soil model that captures the stress dependency of soil stiffness. The trends from the soft soil study have been formulated into a set of equations which can be used to predict the stiffness efficiency of pile groups. This new approach captures more variables than previous simpler empirical prediction methods and performs better when applied to a database of 29 published pile group case histories.  相似文献   
Ethylene (C2H4) emission has been measured in the poles and equator of Jupiter. The 949 cm−1 spectra were recorded with a high resolution spectrometer at the McMath-Pierce telescope at Kitt Peak in October-November 1998 and at the Infrared Telescope Facility at Mauna Kea in June 2000. C2H4 is an important product of methane chemistry in the outer planets. Knowledge of its abundance can help discriminate among the various proposed sets of CH4 photolysis branching ratios at Ly-α, and determine the relative importance of the reaction pathways that produce C2H2 and C2H6. In the equatorial region the C2H4 emission is weak, and we were only able to detect it at high air-mass, near the limb. We derive a peak equatorial molar abundance of C2H4 of 4.5×10−7-1.7×10−6 near 2.2×10−3 mbar, with a total column of 5.7×1014-2.2×1015 molecules cm−2 above 10 mbar depending upon choice of thermal profile. We observed enhanced C2H4 emission from the poles in the regions where auroras are seen in X-ray, UV, and near infrared images. In 2000 we measured a short-term change in the distribution of polar C2H4 emission; the emission in the north IR auroral “hot spot” decreased by a factor of three over a two-day interval. This transient behavior and the sensitivity of C2H4 emission to temperature changes near its contribution peak at 5-10 microbar suggests that the polar enhancement is primarily a thermal effect coupled with vertical transport. Comparing our observations from Kitt Peak and Mauna Kea shows that the C2H4 emission of the northern non-“hot spot” auroral regions did not change over the three-year period while that in the southern polar regions decreased.  相似文献   
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