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On May 2012, a severe seismic sequence occurred in the central part of the Po Plain (Northern Italy). It was characterized by two main shocks displaying local magnitudes 5.9 (on May 20th) and 5.8 (on May 29th), respectively; the maximum observed intensity was VII–VIII on the MCS scale. The emergency response was coordinated as usual by the Department of Civil Protection (DPC), within the general framework provided by the components and operational structures of the National Civil Protection Service. In addition to the search and rescue and to the population assistance activities, many technical activities were carried out to support the civil protection management of the recovery phase. Among these, mentioning is deserved by: the acquisition and dissemination of the accelerometric data from the National Accelerometric Network and the Seismic Observatory of the Structures, owned and operated by DPC; the evaluation of the liquefaction phenomena; the damage and building safety assessment; the regulations for the seismic safety assessment of industrial buildings, aimed at a rapid re-establishment of the productive activities; the actions undertaken following the evaluations by the Grandi Rischi Commission on the possible evolution of the seismic sequence. All these aspects will be examined under a civil protection perspective.  相似文献   
The grain-scale processes of peridotite melting were examined at 1,340°C and 1.5 GPa using reaction couples formed by juxtaposing pre-synthesized clinopyroxenite against pre-synthesized orthopyroxenite or harzburgite in graphite and platinum-lined molybdenum capsules. Reaction between the clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene-rich aggregates produces a melt-enriched, orthopyroxene-free, olivine + clinopyroxene reactive boundary layer. Major and trace element abundance in clinopyroxene vary systematically across the reactive boundary layer with compositional trends similar to the published clinopyroxene core-to-rim compositional variations in the bulk lherzolite partial melting studies conducted at similar PT conditions. The growth of the reactive boundary layer takes place at the expense of the orthopyroxenite or harzburgite and is consistent with grain-scale processes that involve dissolution, precipitation, reprecipitation, and diffusive exchange between the interstitial melt and surrounding crystals. An important consequence of dissolution–reprecipitation during crystal-melt interaction is the dramatic decrease in diffusive reequilibration time between coexisting minerals and melt. This effect is especially important for high charged, slow diffusing cations during peridotite melting and melt-rock reaction. Apparent clinopyroxene-melt partition coefficients for REE, Sr, Y, Ti, and Zr, measured from reprecipitated clinopyroxene and coexisting melt in the reactive boundary layer, approach their equilibrium values reported in the literature. Disequilibrium melting models based on volume diffusion in solid limited mechanism are likely to significantly underestimate the rates at which major and trace elements in residual minerals reequilibrate with their surrounding melt. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
The large-scale crustal deformations observed in the Central European Basin System (CEBS) are the result of the interplay between several controlling factors, among which lateral rheological heterogeneities play a key role. We present a finite-element integral thin sheet model of stress and strain distribution within the CEBS. Unlike many previous models, this study is based on thermo-mechanical data to quantify the impact of lateral contrasts on the tectonic deformation. Elasto-plastic material behaviour is used for both the mantle and the crust, and the effects of the sedimentary fill are also investigated. The consistency of model results is ensured through comparisons with observed data. The results resemble the present-day dynamics and kinematics when: (1) a weak granite-like lower crust below the Elbe Fault System is modelled in contrast to a stronger lower crust in the area extending north of the Elbe Line throughout the Baltic region; and (2) a transition domain in the upper mantle is considered between the shallow mantle of the Variscan domain and the deep mantle beneath the East European Craton (EEC), extending from the Elbe Line in the south till the Tornquist Zone. The strain localizations observed along these structural contrasts strongly enhance the dominant role played by large structural domains in stiffening the propagation of tectonic deformation and in controlling the basin formation and the evolution in the CEBS.  相似文献   
The effectiveness of seismic isolation in protecting structural and non‐structural elements from damage has been assessed in an extensive programme of shaking‐table tests, carried out on four identical 1/3.3‐scale, two‐dimensional, reinforced concrete (R/C) frames. Four different isolation systems were considered, namely: (i) rubber‐based, (ii) steel‐based, (iii) shape memory alloy (SMA)‐based and (iv) hybrid, i.e. based on both SMA and steel components, isolation systems. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the main results of the experimental tests on base‐isolated models, whose structural response is described through: (i) maximum base displacements; (ii) maximum interstorey drifts; (iii) maximum storey accelerations and (iv) maximum storey shear forces. The evolution of the fundamental frequency of vibration of the R/C frame during the tests is also described. The beneficial effects of using base isolation resulted in no or slight damage, under strong earthquakes, to both structural and non‐structural members, as well as to the internal content of the building. The comparison with the experimental results obtained in shaking‐table tests on similar fixed‐base models emphasizes these positive aspects. Finally, advantages and drawbacks related to the use of each isolation system are discussed in the paper. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
PCBs were analysed in surficial sediments and selected sediment cores collected between 2002 and 2008 in Central Vietnam coastal lagoons. The aim was to determine contamination levels and trends, and to evaluate the effects of anthropogenic pressures and natural events. Samples were mostly fine-grained with low total PCB concentrations (0.367-44.7 μg kg−1). Atmospheric transport and post depositional processes modify to some degree the fingerprint of PCB inputs to the environment favouring the predominance of 3, 4 and 5 chlorinated congeners. The similarity of congener distributions in contemporary surficial samples also suggests the presence of a unique source over the entire study area, probably connected to mobilisation and long range transports from land-based stocks. The removal of consistent sediment layers is hypothesised based on repeated samplings of the same area. Natural meteorological events (such as typhoons) are suspected to be responsible for these sediment losses.  相似文献   
The identification of bacterial community structure has led, since the beginning of the 1990s, to the idea that bacterioplankton populations are stratified in the water column and that diverse lineages with mostly unknown phenotypes dominate marine microbial communities. The diversity of depth-related assemblages is also reflected in their patterns of activities, as bacteria affiliated to different groups can express different activities in a given ecosystem. We analysed bacterial assemblages (DGGE fingerprinting) and their activities (prokaryotic carbon production, protease, phosphatase, chitinase, beta-glucosidase and lipase activities) in two areas in the Ross Sea, differing mainly in their productivity regime: two stations are located in the Terra Nova Bay polynya area (highly productive during summer) and two close to Cape Adare (low phytoplankton biomass and activity). At every station a pronounced stratification of bacterial assemblages was identified, highlighting epipelagic communities differing substantially from the mesopelagic and the bathypelagic communities. Multivariate analysis suggested that pressure and indirectly light-affected variables (i.e. oxygen and fluorescence) had a great effect on the bacterial communities outcompeting the possible influences of temperature and dissolved organic carbon concentration. Generally activities decreased with depth even though a signal of the Circumpolar Deep Water (CDW) at one of the northern stations corresponded to an increase in some of the degradative activities, generating some ‘hot spots’ in the profile. We also found that similar assemblages express similar metabolic requirements reflected in analogous patterns of activity (similar degradative potential and leucine uptake rate). Furthermore, the presence of eukaryotic chloroplasts’ 16S rDNA in deep samples highlighted how in some cases the dense surface-water formation (in this case High Salinity Shelf Water—HSSW) and downwelling can affect, at least for some phylotypes, the bacterial (16S rDNA based) community structure of the dark ocean.  相似文献   
We explore the possible evolutionary status of the primary component of the binary 85 Pegasi, listed as a target for asteroseismic observations by the MOST satellite. In spite of the assessed 'subdwarf' status, and of the accurate distance determination from the Hipparcos data, the uncertainties in the metallicity and age, coupled with the uncertainty in the theoretical models, lead to a range of predictions on the oscillation frequency spectrum. Nevertheless, the determination of the ratio between the small separation in frequency modes, and the large separation as suggested by Roxburgh, provides a very good measure of the star age, quite independent of the metallicity in the assumed uncertainty range. In this range, the constraint on the dynamical mass and the further constraint provided by the assumption that the maximum age is 14 Gyr limits the mass of 85 Peg A to the range from 0.75 to  0.82 M  . This difference of a few hundredths of a solar mass leads to well detectable differences both in the evolutionary stage (age) and in the asteroseismic properties. We show that the age determination which will be possible through the asteroseismic measurements for this star is independent either of the convection model adopted or the microscopic metal diffusion. The latter conclusion is strengthened by the fact that, although metal diffusion is still described in an approximate way, recent observations suggest that real stars suffer a smaller metal sedimentation compared with the models.  相似文献   
Abstract– More craters may be discovered in the future, but as it is currently known, the Campo del Cielo crater field is 18 km long by 4 km at its widest point. Such a distribution of craters suggests that the parent meteoroid entered and traversed the atmosphere at a very low angle relative to horizontal. The crater field contains at least 20 small craters produced by the larger fragments of the parent meteoroid. Four of these are explosion analog craters and the rest are penetration funnels. During four field seasons, we have constructed topographic and magnetic maps of four of the penetration funnels as found, and then dug trenches across them to learn their original structures and recover meteorites preserved within them. Structures of these penetration funnels indicate very low angles of impact, i.e., 9–16° relative to horizontal. This supports the idea that the parent meteoroid traversed the atmosphere at a low angle. Data given here for the four penetration funnels include projectile masses, lengths, widths, depths, and estimates of impact angles and azimuths. One of the penetration funnels described here (No. 6) can almost be classified as an explosion analog crater.  相似文献   
The heterogeneity of facies at the scale of individual lithological levels controls, at a macroscopic scale, water flow and contaminant transport in porous sediments. In particular the presence of organized features such as permeable connected levels, has a significant effect on travel times and dispersion. Here, the effects of facies heterogeneity on flow and transport are studied for three blocks, whose volume is of the order of a cubic meter, dug from alluvial sediments from the Ticino valley (Italy). Using the results of numerical tracer experiments on these domains, the longitudinal dispersion coefficient is computed with an Eulerian approach based on the fit of the breakthrough curves with the analytical solution of the convective-dispersive transport equation. Moreover, the dispersion tensor is computed with a Lagrangian approach from the second order moments of particle distributions. Three types of connectivity indicators are tested: (1) connectivity function; (2) flow, transport and statistical connectivity; (3) original (intrinsic, normal and total) indicators of facies connectivity. The connectivity function provides the most complete information. Some of the transport and statistical connectivity indicators are correlated with dispersivity. The simultaneous analysis of the three indicators of facies connectivity emphasizes the fundamental geometrical features that control transport.  相似文献   
Water tank experiments were performed in order to investigate the behaviour of currents in pockmarks. A particle-seeded flow was visualised and quantified with the aid of the particle tracking velocimetry technique. The employed analogue pockmark is a 1:100 idealised scale model of a natural pockmark, while the highest Reynolds number in the experiments was one order of magnitude smaller than in nature. Interaction of the flow with the pockmark geometry resulted in an upwelling current downstream of the pockmark centre, along with enhanced water turbulence in the depression. Scaling-up the experimental measurements, it is found that the upwelling would be capable of preventing the settling of particles as large as very fine sand. Furthermore, the increased turbulence would support the suspended fine material, which can thus be transported away before settling. The net effect for a variable-direction near-bed current over long periods of time would be to winnow the settling sediments and reduce the sedimentation rate in pockmarks. These mechanisms may be responsible for the observed lack of sediment infill and the typical presence of relatively coarser sediments inside pockmarks compared to the surrounding bed. In contrast, sediments transported as bedload are likely to be deposited in pockmarks because of the weakening of near-bed currents as well as lateral flow convergence associated with the upwelling. Bedload, however, may not be the dominant mode of sediment transport in areas covered by cohesive sediments, where pockmarks are found.  相似文献   
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