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The Marifil Volcanic Complex, exposed in the eastern North Patagonian Massif, Argentina, includes up to 550 m of red conglomerates, sandstones, black siltstones, limestones, and reworked tuff of the Puesto Piris Formation. The basal part of this unit, which was deposited in high-gradient topographic relief, is composed of conglomerates and sandstones with thin layers of reworked tuffs. The lithofacies associations of the basal part indicate that the depositional mechanisms were mantled and gravitational flows.The middle part of the unit consists of fine sandstones, limestones, and black siltstones that were deposited in low-energy fluvial and lacustrine environments. The outcrops are located along the NEe SW direction and the major thickest units represented by limestones and siltstones, occur near the southeastern border of this NEeS W depocenter. Since the rhyolitic and trachytic lava flows and tuffs of the Marifil Volcanic Complex are interbedded with the sedimentary sequences of the Puesto Piris Formation,both units are coeval. Zircon Ue Pb age was obtained for a trachytic lava flow(193.4 ±3.1 Ma) suggesting that sedimentation and volcanism are Sinemurian. This extensional episode was recorded in the eastern,western, and southwestern sectors of the North Patagonian Massif, and is possibly associated with the Gondwana supercontinent breakup.  相似文献   
The understanding of the hydrology of plain basins may be improved by the combined analysis of rainfall–run‐off records and remote sensed surface moisture data. Our work evaluates the surface moisture area (SMA) produced during rainfall–run‐off events in a plain watershed of the Argentine Pampas Region, and studies which hydrological variables are related to the generated SMA. The study area is located in the upper and middle basins of the Del Azul stream, characterized by the presence of small gently hilly areas surrounded by flat landscapes. Data from 9 rainfall–run‐off events were analysed. MODIS surface reflectance data were processed to calculate SMA subsequent to the peak discharge (post‐SMA), and previous to the rainfall events (prev‐SMA), to consider the antecedent wetness. Rainfall–run‐off data included total precipitation depth (P), maximum intensity of rainfall over 6 hr (I6max), surface run‐off registered between the beginning of the event and the day previous to the analysed MODIS scene (R), peak flow (Qp), and flood intensity (IF). In contrast with other works, post‐SMA showed a negative relationship with the R. Three groups of cases were identified: (a) Events of low I6max, high prev‐SMA, and low R were associated with slow and weakly channelized flow over plain areas, leading to saturated overland flow (SOF), with large SMA; (b) events of high I6max, low prev‐SMA, and medium to high R were rapidly transported along the gentle slopes of the basin, related to Hortonian overland flow (HOF) and low post‐SMA; and (c) events of medium to high I6max and prev‐SMA with medium R were related to heterogeneous input‐antecedent‐run‐off conditions combined: Local spatial conditions may have produced HOF or SOF, leading to an averaged response with medium SMA. The interactions between the geomorphology of the basin, the characteristics of the events, and the antecedent conditions may explain the obtained results. This analysis is relevant for the general knowledge of the hydrology of large plains, whose functioning studies are still in their early stages.  相似文献   
Samples from nine Central Vietnam coastal lagoons, together with three soils and sediments collected in two freshwater reservoirs of the Thua Thien-Hué province, were analysed for polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs). Total concentrations are low, from 192 to 2912 pg g−1 and depth profiles in Tam Giang-Cau Hai (TG-CH) sediment cores show only minor changes over time in PCDD/F input and composition. Octachloro dibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) is the prevailing congener (approximately 90%), indicating combustion as the main PCDD/F source to these coastal systems, whereas natural formation might be partly responsible for the presence at depth. 2,3,7,8-Tetrachloro dibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD), largely sprayed together with Agent Orange over the study areas during the war (1961–1971), is absent or very low. This result supports the hypothesis of strong degradation soon after spraying. Multivariate statistical analyses account for the presence of local, short-range sources as observed in the northern part of the TG-CH lagoon.  相似文献   
We present a thorough review of the knowledge on the climate and environment in Sicily over the last 20 000 years, taking into account results of several studies carried using terrestrial and marine records. We obtain a coherent framework of the most important changes succeeded in the island, even if some points need further investigation. All the reconstructions of surface temperatures of the seas and the air surrounding Sicily point out severe climatic conditions during the last glacial period. The steppe- and semisteppe-like vegetation pattern testifies, together with additional evidence from geochemical data of lacustrine evidence, markedly arid conditions. Fi-nally, significant episodes of sea level drop connected Sicily to the Italian Peninsula and favoured the dispersion of faunal elements from southern Italy. The transition between the last glacial and the Holocene was not characterized by a gradual warming but was punctuated by two abrupt suborbital climatic fluctuations: Bølling-Allerød (warm) and Younger Dryas (cold), as recognized in the sediments recovered close to the northern and southern coast of Sicily. A denser arboreal cover is possibly indicated by the occurrence of dormouse and Arvicola remains. Finally the sensitivity of Sicily to climate perturbations is demonstrated by the occurrence of repeated subtle climatic anomalies during the Holocene, including the Little Ice Age, also known from historical chronicles. Forests, woods and Mediterranean maquis developed in the early-middle Holocene. Thereafter was a general decline of arboreal vegetation, following a general aridification trend that seems to be a common feature in southern Europe and North Africa. Science Greek colonization (7th century before Christ), the landscape was intensively modelled for agriculture and breeding, leading to a significant loss of vegetation cover.  相似文献   
Abstract. Two field experiments were performed on the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, at Orpheus Island and Lizard Island, respectively, to investigate the effects of allelopathic soft corals on survivorship and community structure of scleractinian coral spat. Ceramic tiles were placed around the allelopathic soft corals Sinularia flexibilis (Quoy & Gaimard 1833) and Sarcophyton glaucum (Quoy & Gaimard 1833), and controls. One control consisted of settlement plates surrounding a scleractinian coral (non‐allelopathic planktivore); another control had no adult soft or scleractinian coral present. The experimental soft corals affected the recruitment of various taxonomic groups of coral spat differentially, as evidenced by the diversity of coral spat settling in treatments and controls. At Orpheus Island (O.I., n = 1038 spat) and Lizard Island (L.I., n = 7032 spat), there were significant differences between recruitment success of the two dominant coral taxa, Pocilloporidae (O.I., 61.4 %; L.I., 20.5 %) and Acroporidae (O.I., 33.7 %; L.I., 53 %). Settlement plates exposed to Sinularia flexibilis at either site had the lowest proportion of acroporid recruits. Diversity indices (Shannon‐Wiener Indices) varied significantly between treatments at both Orpheus and Lizard Islands. This appears to be due to selective inhibition of acroporid spat by Sinularia flexibilis at both sites. Growth of coral spat was higher on settlement plates in the presence of Sarcophyton at Lizard Island. Settlement of most associated epibiota was generally inhibited under these conditions. Coral spat survivorship was highest in the presence of Sinularia at Orpheus ­Island; at Lizard Island, this was the case with the Sarcophyton treatment. Higher survivorship, and in some cases growth, of coral spat near soft corals was apparently due to reduced competition for space between spat and associated epibiota. This hypothesis is supported by the results of a sister experiment where a coating of Sinularia flexibilis extract on settlement tiles significantly decreased fouling by sessile epibiota. Soft corals have an allelopathic effect on recruitment and early development of scleractinian corals and, consequently, on early coral reef community succession.  相似文献   
Changes in the shore topography (e.g. slope) occur at a scale of hundreds of meters in several locations in the Lusitanian and the Mediterranean Sea provinces. We tested whether differences in the bottom inclination might affect the vertical distribution patterns of two sympatric coastal labrid fishes, the rainbow wrasse Coris julis and the ornate wrasse Thalassoma pavo. Visual censuses were used to determine the distribution and abundance of these labrid species in high (≥30°) and low (≤3°) slope rocky substrates covered by brown macroalgae and at two different depths (shallow, 4–7 m, and deep 14–20 m). Pectoral fin aspect ratio was used as an estimate of swimming performance to potentially explain the patterns observed. Despite the intrinsic biogeographical differences in the overall density of T. pavo and C. julis, on steep coasts the ornate wrasse dominated in shallow waters, whereas the two species coexisted both in shallow and deeper depths on gentle slope coasts. These distribution patterns were consistent across locations, and fin aspect ratio was not a good predictor of between‐habitat use for wrasses. We show that, under specific topographical conditions, the depth segregation pattern seems to be an interactive segregation (likely related to resource competition) rather than a result of selective segregation due to morphological differences in the pectoral fin. Significant ecological changes might occur in locations where the density of T. pavo has recently increased as a result of water warming.  相似文献   
Several families of periodic orbits exist in the context of the circular restricted three-body problem. This work studies orbital motion of a spacecraft among these periodic orbits in the Earth–Moon system, using the planar circular restricted three-body problem model. A new cylindrical representation of the spacecraft phase space (i.e., position and velocity) is described, and allows representing periodic orbits and the related invariant manifolds. In the proximity of the libration points, the manifolds form a four-fold surface, if the cylindrical coordinates are employed. Orbits departing from the Earth and transiting toward the Moon correspond to the trajectories located inside this four-fold surface. The isomorphic mapping under consideration is also useful for describing the topology of the invariant manifolds, which exhibit a complex geometrical stretch-and-folding behavior as the associated trajectories reach increasing distances from the libration orbit. Moreover, the cylindrical representation reveals extremely useful for detecting periodic orbits around the primaries and the libration points, as well as the possible existence of heteroclinic connections. These are asymptotic trajectories that are ideally traveled at zero-propellant cost. This circumstance implies the possibility of performing concretely a variety of complex Earth–Moon missions, by combining different types of trajectory arcs belonging to the manifolds. This work studies also the possible application of manifold dynamics to defining a suitable, convenient end-of-life strategy for spacecraft placed in any of the unstable orbits. The final disposal orbit is an externally confined trajectory, never approaching the Earth or the Moon, and can be entered by means of a single velocity impulse (of modest magnitude) along the right unstable manifold that emanates from the Lyapunov orbit at \(L_2\) .  相似文献   
The analysis of non-radiative sources of static or time-dependent gravitational fields in the Solar System is crucial to accurately estimate the free-fall orbits of the LISA space mission. In particular, we take into account the gravitational effects of Interplanetary Dust (ID) on the spacecraft trajectories. The perturbing gravitational field has been calculated for some ID density distributions that fit the observed zodiacal light. Then we integrated the Gauss planetary equations to get the deviations from the LISA Keplerian orbits around the Sun. This analysis can be eventually extended to Local Dark Matter (LDM), as gravitational fields are expected to be similar for ID and LDM distributions. Under some strong assumptions on the displacement noise at very low frequency, the Doppler data collected during the whole LISA mission could provide upper limits on ID and LDM densities.  相似文献   
A well‐replicated decadal‐term (2005–2014) stomach content data set was analysed in order to infer inter‐annual fluctuations in the diet of the Argentine hake, Merluccius hubbsi, an opportunistic predator in the San Jorge Gulf (SJG) ecosystem in the Southwest Atlantic. Ten research cruises were carried out each year during January from 2005 to 2014. A total of 18,461 specimens of Me. hubbsi was analysed, of which 6,777 (36.71%) contained food in their stomachs. The diet of Me. hubbsi changed markedly from 2011 onwards, with much greater consumption of the lobster krill Munida gregaria compared to the years before 2011. The frequency of occurrence (%F) of Mu. gregaria in the stomach contents of Argentine hake increased from the year 2009 onwards, most noticeably since 2011, and mostly over the southern region of the SJG. The main predators of Mu. gregaria in the SJG are two species of teleost fish (pink cusk eel, Genypterus blacodes, Argentine seabass, Acanthistius brasilianus) and three Rajidae skates (Zearaja chilensis, Psammobatis spp. and Sympterygia bonapartii), which exhibited decreased catches in the years analysed. The increased consumption of Mu. gregaria by Me. hubbsi, coupled with decreased trends in abundance of the main predators of the lobster krill during the last decade, indicate that top‐down trophic dynamic control occurs in the SJG ecosystem.  相似文献   
The Campi Flegrei caldera is a restless structure affected by general subsidence and ongoing resurgence of its central part. The persistent activity of the system and the explosive character of the volcanism lead to a very high volcanic hazard that, combined with intense urbanization, corresponds to a very high volcanic risk. One of the largest sources of uncertainty in volcanic hazard/risk assessment for Campi Flegrei is the spatial location of the future volcanic activity. This paper presents and discusses a long-term probability hazard map for vent opening in case of renewal of volcanism at the Campi Flegrei caldera, which shows the spatial conditional probability for the next vent opening, given that an eruption occurs. The map has been constructed by building a Bayesian inference scheme merging prior information and past data. The method allows both aleatory and epistemic uncertainties to be evaluated. The probability map of vent opening shows that two areas of relatively high probability are present within the active portion of the caldera, with a probability approximately doubled with respect to the rest of the caldera. The map has an immediate use in evaluating the areas of the caldera prone to the highest volcanic hazard. Furthermore, it represents an important ingredient in addressing the more general problem of quantitative volcanic hazards assessment at the Campi Flegrei caldera.  相似文献   
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