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Saturn’s diffuse E ring consists of many tiny (micron and sub-micron) grains of water ice distributed between the orbits of Mimas and Titan. Various gravitational and non-gravitational forces perturb these particles’ orbits, causing the ring’s local particle density to vary noticeably with distance from the planet, height above the ring-plane, hour angle and time. Using remote-sensing data obtained by the Cassini spacecraft in 2005 and 2006, we investigate the E-ring’s three-dimensional structure during a time when the Sun illuminated the rings from the south at high elevation angles (>15°). These observations show that the ring’s vertical thickness grows with distance from Enceladus’ orbit and its peak brightness density shifts from south to north of Saturn’s equator plane with increasing distance from the planet. These data also reveal a localized depletion in particle density near Saturn’s equatorial plane around Enceladus’ semi-major axis. Finally, variations are detected in the radial brightness profile and the vertical thickness of the ring as a function of longitude relative to the Sun. Possible physical mechanisms and processes that may be responsible for some of these structures include solar radiation pressure, variations in the ambient plasma, and electromagnetic perturbations associated with Saturn’s shadow.  相似文献   
Buried valleys are characteristic features of glaciated landscapes, and their deposits host important aquifers worldwide. Understanding the stratigraphic architecture of these deposits is essential for protecting groundwater and interpreting sedimentary processes in subglacial and ice‐marginal environments. The relationships between depositional architecture, topography and hydrostratigraphy in dissected, pre‐Illinoian till sheets is poorly understood. Boreholes alone are inadequate to characterize the complex geology of buried valleys, but airborne electromagnetic surveys have proven useful for this purpose. A key question is whether the sedimentary architecture of buried valleys can be interpreted from airborne electromagnetic profiles. This study employs airborne electromagnetic resistivity profiles to interpret the three‐dimensional sedimentary architecture of cross‐cutting buried valleys in a ca 400 km2 area along the western margin of Laurentide glaciation in North America. A progenitor bedrock valley is succeeded by at least five generations of tunnel valleys that become progressively younger northward. Tunnel‐valley infills are highly variable, reflecting under‐filled and over‐filled conditions. Under‐filled tunnel valleys are expressed on the modern landscape and contain fine sediments that act as hydraulic barriers. Over‐filled tunnel valleys are not recognized in the modern landscape, but where they are present they form hydraulic windows between deep aquifer units and the land surface. The interpretation of tunnel‐valley genesis herein provides evidence of the relationships between depositional processes and glacial landforms in a dissected, pre‐Illinoian till sheet, and contributes to the understanding of the complex physical hydrology of glacial aquifers in general.  相似文献   
Hazard research has made significant strides over the last several decades, answering critical questions surrounding vulnerability and recovery. Recently, resilience has come to the forefront of scholarly debates and practitioner strategies, yet there remain challenges implementing resilience in practice, the result of a complex web of research that spread across numerous fields of study. As a result, there is a need to analyze and reflect on the current state of resilience literature. We reviewed 241 journal articles from the Web of Science and Engineering Village databases from 1990 to 2015 to analyze research trends in geographic location of studies, methods employed, units of analysis, and resilience dimensions studied, as well as correlations between each of these categories. The majority of the studies analyzed were conducted in North America, used quantitative methods, focused on infrastructure and community units of analysis, and studied governance, infrastructure, and economic dimensions of resilience. This analysis points to the need to: (1) conduct studies in developing country contexts, where resilience is particularly important; (2) employ mixed-methods for additional depth to quantitative studies; (3) connect units of analysis, such as infrastructure and community; and (4) expand on the measurement and study of environmental and social dimensions of resilience.  相似文献   
Glacial cirques are widely used palaeoenvironmental indicators, and are key to understanding the role of glaciers in shaping mountain topography. However, notable uncertainty persists regarding the rate and timing of cirque erosion. In order to address this uncertainty, we analyse the dimensions of 2208 cirques in Britain and Ireland and model ice accumulation to investigate the degree of coupling between glacier occupation times and cirque growth. Results indicate that during the last ~120 ka, cirques were glacier-free for an average of 52.0 ± 21.2 ka (43 ± 18%); occupied by small (largely cirque-confined) glaciers for 16.2 ± 9.9 ka (14 ± 8%); and occupied by large glaciers, including ice sheets, for 51.8 ± 18.6 ka (43 ± 16%). Over the entire Quaternary (i.e. 2.6 Ma), we estimate that cirques were glacier-free for 1.1 ± 0.5 Ma; occupied by small glaciers for 0.3 ± 0.2 Ma; and occupied by large glaciers for 1.1 ± 0.4 Ma. Comparing occupation times to cirque depths, and calculating required erosion rates, reveals that continuous cirque growth during glacier occupation is unlikely. Instead, we propose that cirques attained much of their size during the first occupation of a non-glacially sculpted landscape (perhaps during the timeframe of a single glacial cycle). During subsequent glacier occupations, cirque growth may have slowed considerably, with the highest rates of subglacial erosion focused during periods of marginal (small glacier) glaciation. We propose comparatively slow rates of growth following initial cirque development because a ‘least resistance’ shape is formed, and as cirques deepen, sediment becomes trapped subglacially, partly protecting the bedrock from subsequent erosion. In support of the idea of rapid cirque growth, we present evidence from northern British Columbia, where cirques of comparable size to those in Britain and Ireland developed in less than 140 ka. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. © 2019 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We examine the electromagnetic coupling of a GPS antenna–monument pair in terms of its simulated affect on long GPS coordinate time series. We focus on the Earth and Polar Observing System (POLENET) monument design widely deployed in Antarctica and Greenland in projects interested particularly in vertical velocities. We base our tests on an absolute robot calibration that included the top ~0.15 m of the monument and use simulations to assess its effect on site coordinate time series at eight representative POLENET sites in Antarctica over the period 2000.0–2011.0. We show that the neglect of this calibration would introduce mean coordinate bias, and most importantly for velocity estimation, coordinate noise which is highly sensitive to observation geometry and hence site location and observation period. Considering only sub-periods longer than 2.5 years, we show vertical site velocities may be biased by up to ±0.4 mm/year, and biases up to 0.2 mm/year may persist for observation spans of 8 years. Changing between uniform and elevation-dependent observation weighting alters the time series but does not remove the velocity biases, nor does ambiguity fixing. The effect on the horizontal coordinates is negligible. The ambiguities fixed series spectra show noise between flicker and random walk with near-white noise at the highest frequencies, with mean spectral indices (frequencies <20 cycles per year) of approximately −1.3 (uniform weighting) and −1.4 (elevation-dependent weighting). While the results are likely highly monument specific, they highlight the importance of accounting for monument effects when analysing vertical coordinate time series and velocities for the highest precision and accuracy geophysical studies.  相似文献   
Giant landslides on volcanic islands represent the largest formations which can be created in a single geological moment. Such landslides are distributed across the globe and have attracted a significant amount of research interest. Yet, no coherent attempts have been made to rationalise this information into a single online resource. This report summarises information about the structure of the recently created database of giant landslides on volcanic islands and presents some observations regarding the uncertainties inherent in the inventories. The database is being prepared over a 3-year period: the first year of the project has focused on rationalising information about giant landslides around the Atlantic Ocean while the second and third years will focus on rationalising information about such landslides from the Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean, respectively. Using this database, it should be possible to interrogate the spatial and temporal patterns of land sliding and landslide reactivation as well as to better assess the hazard and potential risks posed by giant landslides on volcanic islands. It will be particularly interesting to see if any evidence can be found for global triggers, such as eustatic or climatic changes, instead of the more commonly expounded local triggers. Ultimately, it is hoped that the database will benefit both the geoscientific community and those agencies responsible for civil defence. This work is part of the activities of the International Consortium on Landslides, namely its International Programme on Landslides (Project n. 212). The database is available from the giant landslides project webpage: https://www.irsm.cas.cz/ext/giantlandslides.  相似文献   
This paper presents the first study of Tl isotopes in early diagenetic pyrite. Measurements from two sections deposited during the Toarcian Ocean Anoxic Event (T-OAE, ∼183 Ma) are compared with data from Late Neogene (<10 Ma) pyrite samples from ODP legs 165 and 167 that were deposited in relatively oxic marine environments. The Tl isotope compositions of Late Neogene pyrites are all significantly heavier than seawater, which most likely indicates that Tl in diagenetic pyrite is partially sourced from ferromanganese oxy-hydroxides that are known to display relatively heavy Tl isotope signatures. One of the T-OAE sections from Peniche in Portugal displays pyrite thallium isotope compositions indistinguishable from Late Neogene samples, whereas samples from Yorkshire in the UK are depleted in the heavy isotope of Tl. These lighter compositions are best explained by the lack of ferromanganese precipitation at the sediment-water interface due to the sulfidic (euxinic) conditions thought to be prevalent in the Cleveland Basin where the Yorkshire section was deposited. The heavier signatures in the Peniche samples appear to result from an oxic water column that enabled precipitation of ferromanganese oxy-hydroxides at the sediment-water interface.The Tl isotope profile from Yorkshire is also compared with previously published molybdenum isotope ratios determined on the same sedimentary succession. There is a suggestion of an anti-correlation between these two isotope systems, which is consistent with the expected isotope shifts that occur in seawater when marine oxic (ferromanganese minerals) fluxes fluctuate.The results outlined here represent the first evidence that Tl isotopes in early diagenetic pyrite have potential to reveal variations in past ocean oxygenation on a local scale and potentially also for global oceans. However, much more information about Tl isotopes in different marine environments, especially in anoxic/euxinic basins, is needed before Tl isotopes can be confidently utilized as a paleo-redox tracer.  相似文献   
A study of detrital zircon age populations in Namurian–Westphalian (Carboniferous) sandstones in the southern Central Pennine Basin of the UK has revealed considerable complexity in their provenance history. The Pendleian–Marsdenian Morridge Formation, which is known to have been derived from the Wales‐Brabant Massif to the south on the basis of palaeocurrent and petrographic information, is dominated by zircons ultimately derived from the Caledonian belt to the north. These zircons were recycled from sandstones of northern origin that had been previously deposited over the massif during Middle to Late Devonian times. The Morridge Formation also includes Late Neoproterozoic zircons of local Wales‐Brabant Massif origin. The south lobe of the Yeadonian Rough Rock has been previously interpreted as having a complex provenance including sediment of northern origin interbedded with sediment ascribed to a Wales‐Brabant Massif source. However, the zircon spectrum lacks a Late Neoproterozoic component that would have been diagnostic of input from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, and the provenance history of the Rough Rock south lobe therefore remains enigmatic. The Langsettian Ludgbridge Conglomerate is dominated by Late Neoproterozoic zircons of Wales‐Brabant Massif origin, but even in this evidently proximal deposit, the provenance is complex since the main zircon group (ca. 640 Ma) cannot be matched with known local Neoproterozoic basement sources. The data either indicate the presence of hitherto‐unknown magmatic rocks of this age adjacent to the South Staffordshire coalfield or indicate that the zircons were recycled from sediment with a more distal origin. Finally, the Duckmantian Top Hard Rock contains zircons that can be reconciled with a source in the Irish Caledonides, consistent with the palaeocurrent evidence, supplemented by zircons derived from the Wales‐Brabant Massif, possibly including the Monian Composite Terrane of Anglesey. The study reinforces the important message that failure to recognize the presence of recycled zircon could lead to erroneous reconstructions of sediment provenance and transport history. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Recently, a number of “Payment for Watershed Services” programs have aimed to engage private landowners in watershed stewardship initiatives by offering financial incentives for adopting watershed best management practices. However, a growing field of research suggests that financial incentives alone may be of limited utility to encourage widespread and long-standing behavior change, and other policy tools may be required. This research examines how attitudes may influence enrollment in watershed stewardship programs to shed light the application of incentive, capacity building, and symbolic policy tools. We distributed a questionnaire to rural landowners in the Clackamas River watershed, OR, and received 281 valid responses (29% response rate). We found that attitudes associated with trust, ecological understanding, and technical capacity played more fundamental roles compared with financial considerations. We interpret these findings by evaluating the likely efficacy of various policy tools, and stress the importance of engaging landowners by building capacity and trust.  相似文献   
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