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We report the first application of a biogeochemical model in which the major elemental composition of the phytoplankton is flexible, and responds to changing light and nutrient conditions. The model includes two phytoplankton groups: diatoms and non-siliceous picoplankton. Both fix C in accordance with photosynthesis-irradiance relationships used in other models and take up NO3 and NH4+ (and Si(OH)4 for diatoms) following Michaelis-Menten kinetics. The model allows for light dependence of photosynthesis and NO3 uptake, and for the observed near-total light independence of NH4+ uptake and Si(OH)4 uptake. It tracks the resulting C/N ratios of both phytoplankton groups and Si/N ratio of diatoms, and permits uptake of C, N and Si to proceed independently of one another when those ratios are close to those of nutrient-replete phytoplankton. When the C/N or Si/N ratio of either phytoplankton group indicates that its growth is limited by N, Si or light, uptake of non-limiting elements is controlled by the content of the limiting element in accordance with the cell-quota formulation of Droop (J. Mar. Biol. Ass. U.K 54 (1974) 825).We applied this model to the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) site in the western Sargasso Sea. The model was tuned to produce vertical profiles and time courses of [NO3], [NH4+] and [Si(OH)4] that are consistent with the data, by adjusting the kinetic parameters for N and Si uptake and the rate of nitrification. The model then reproduces the observed time courses of chlorophyll-a, particulate organic carbon and nitrogen, biogenic silica, primary productivity, biogenic silica production and POC export with no further tuning. Simulated C/N and Si/N ratios of the phytoplankton indicate that N is the main growth-limiting nutrient throughout the thermally stratified period and that [Si(OH)4], although always limiting to the rate of Si uptake by diatoms, seldom limits their growth rate. The model requires significant nitrification in the upper 200 m to yield realistic time courses and vertical profiles of [NH4+] and [NO3], suggesting that NO3 is not supplied to the upper water column entirely by physical processes. A nitrification-corrected f-ratio (fNC), calculated for the upper 200 m as: (NO3 uptake—nitrification)/(NO3 uptake+NH4+ uptake) has annual values ranging from only 0.05–0.09, implying that 90–95% of the N taken up annually by phytoplankton is supplied by biological regeneration (including nitrification) in the upper 200 m. Reported discrepancies between estimates of organic C export based on seasonal chemical changes and POC export measured at the BATS site can be almost completely resolved if there is significant regeneration of NO3 via organic-matter decomposition in the upper 200 m.  相似文献   
Metamorphic soles are tectonic slices welded beneath most large‐scale ophiolites. These slivers of oceanic crust metamorphosed up to granulite facies conditions are interpreted as forming during the first million years of intraoceanic subduction following heat transfer from the incipient mantle wedge towards the top of the subducting plate. This study reappraises the formation of metamorphic soles through detailed field and petrological work on three key sections from the Semail ophiolite (Oman and United Arab Emirates). Based on thermobarometry and thermodynamic modelling, it is shown that metamorphic soles do not record a continuous temperature gradient, as expected from simple heating by the upper plate or by shear heating as proposed in previous studies. The upper, high‐T metamorphic sole is subdivided in at least two units, testifying to the stepwise formation, detachment and accretion of successive slices from the down‐going slab to the mylonitic base of the ophiolite. Estimated peak pressure–temperature conditions through the metamorphic sole, from top to bottom, are 850°C and 1 GPa, 725°C and 0.8 GPa and 530°C and 0.5 GPa. These estimates appear constant within each unit but differing between units by 100–200°C and ~0.2 GPa. Despite being separated by hundreds of kilometres below the Semail ophiolite and having contrasting locations with respect to the ridge axis position, metamorphic soles show no evidence for significant petrological variations along strike. These constraints allow us to refine the tectonic–petrological model for the genesis of metamorphic soles, formed via the stepwise stacking of several homogeneous slivers of oceanic crust and its sedimentary cover. Metamorphic soles result not so much from downward heat transfer (ironing effect) as from progressive metamorphism during strain localization and cooling of the plate interface. The successive thrusts originate from rheological contrasts between the sole, initially the top of the subducting slab, and the peridotite above as the plate interface progressively cools. These findings have implications for the thickness, the scale and the coupling state at the plate interface during the early history of subduction/obduction systems.  相似文献   
An iminodiacetate chelating resin was optimised for the rapid determination of Co, Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni in seawater. Using inexpensive, high-capacity, reusable cartridges allowed high flow rates of up to 25 ml min−1. High preconcentration factors, of up to 500, were obtained in order to analyse samples using an ICP-OES. The requirement for a buffer was eliminated due to the high tolerance of the ICP-OES to interfering matrix elements, thereby further reducing the potential for contamination. Quantification limits in seawater were: Co = 6 ng l−1, Cu = 8 ng l−1, Fe = 6 ng l−1, Mn = 5 ng l−1 and Ni = 6 ng l−1. The method was verified by the analysis of near shore seawater (CASS-4) and open ocean seawater (NASS-5) reference materials. In order to satisfy the high sampling demands using the iminodiacetate cartridges, a portable off-line preconcentration unit was developed for routine analysis. The multi-channel preconcentration unit, was capable of treating up to eight samples simultaneously with concentrating times as little as 30 minutes. The technique was also used to determine dissolved metals in fresh and interstitial waters. The technique has been successfully used in a number of environmental studies and impact assessments to evaluate the effects of mining on the New Caledonian lagoon.  相似文献   
The Solar System Odyssey mission uses modern-day high-precision experimental techniques to test the laws of fundamental physics which determine dynamics in the solar system. It could lead to major discoveries by using demonstrated technologies and could be flown within the Cosmic Vision time frame. The mission proposes to perform a set of precision gravitation experiments from the vicinity of Earth to the outer Solar System. Its scientific objectives can be summarized as follows: (1) test of the gravity force law in the Solar System up to and beyond the orbit of Saturn; (2) precise investigation of navigation anomalies at the fly-bys; (3) measurement of Eddington’s parameter at occultations; (4) mapping of gravity field in the outer solar system and study of the Kuiper belt. To this aim, the Odyssey mission is built up on a main spacecraft, designed to fly up to 13 AU, with the following components: (a) a high-precision accelerometer, with bias-rejection system, measuring the deviation of the trajectory from the geodesics, that is also giving gravitational forces; (b) Ka-band transponders, as for Cassini, for a precise range and Doppler measurement up to 13 AU, with additional VLBI equipment; (c) optional laser equipment, which would allow one to improve the range and Doppler measurement, resulting in particular in an improved measurement (with respect to Cassini) of the Eddington’s parameter. In this baseline concept, the main spacecraft is designed to operate beyond the Saturn orbit, up to 13 AU. It experiences multiple planetary fly-bys at Earth, Mars or Venus, and Jupiter. The cruise and fly-by phases allow the mission to achieve its baseline scientific objectives [(1) to (3) in the above list]. In addition to this baseline concept, the Odyssey mission proposes the release of the Enigma radio-beacon at Saturn, allowing one to extend the deep space gravity test up to at least 50 AU, while achieving the scientific objective of a mapping of gravity field in the outer Solar System [(4) in the above list].   相似文献   
The 15-km-long Matane pockmark train belongs to a series of NNE-striking alignments of pockmarks mapped on the seafloor of the St. Lawrence Estuary. It includes 109 pockmarks that show a complete transition from well-defined, relatively deep (up to 8.6 m), crater-like depressions to subtle, partly buried morphological features, suggesting that pockmarks have formed at different periods along the whole alignment and that the location of fluid release has changed through time. On seismic profiles, pockmarks are characterized by vertical seismic chimneys that root in the (fractured?) hinge zone of an open anticline within the autochthonous Palaeozoic rocks of the St. Lawrence Platform. In absence of a geochemical characterization of expelled gas, the relationship between the Matane pockmark train and the anticline in a domain characterized by mature source rocks is the strongest evidence for the genetic link between pockmarks and the release of gas from an active hydrocarbon system or a reservoir located in the Palaeozoic succession.
Alignment of the Matane pockmark train along a buried bedrock anticline of the Lower St. Lawrence Estuary  相似文献   
Electrophoretic variation in proteins encoded by seven presumptive gene loci was analyzed in four populations of the stygobiont amphipodNiphargus rhenorhodanensis. The four populations occur in different habitats, including one in drainage canals, another from sediments of the Ain River, a tributary of the Rhône River, and the remaining two occur in a karstic massif (Dorvan, Ain, France) in the epikarstic and at the base level of the massif, respectively. Six of the seven loci were polymorphic within or among populations, with as many as three electromorphs segregating at the most variable loci. Significant deficiencies in the frequency of heterozygotes were common. Genetic divergence between the two populations of the Dorvan Massif and between the two of the Ain River (forest and sediment habitats) was large. This was highly unexpected, particularly in the case of the two hydrologically connected populations of the Dorvan Massif. It is suggested that either low migration rates or the presence of ecological barriers to gene flow may result in strong genetic differention among local populations ofNiphargus.  相似文献   
The part that sea spray plays in the air-sea transfer of heat and moisture has been a controversial question for the last two decades. With general circulation models (GCMs) suggesting that perturbations in the Earth's surface heat budget of only a few W m–2 can initiate major climatic variations, it is crucial that we identify and quantify all the terms in that heat budget. Thus, here we review recent work on how sea spray contributes to the sea surface heat and moisture budgets. In the presence of spray, the near-surface atmosphere is characterized by a droplet evaporation layer (DEL) with a height that scales with the significant-wave amplitude. The majority of spray transfer processes occur within this layer. As a result, the DEL is cooler and more moist than the atmospheric surface layer would be under identical conditions but without the spray. Also, because the spray in the DEL provides elevated sources and sinks for heat and moisture, the vertical heat fluxes are no longer constant with height. We use Eulerian and Lagrangian models and a simple analytical model to study the processes important in spray droplet dispersion and evaporation within this DEL. These models all point to the conclusion that, in high winds (above about 15 m/s), sea spray begins to contribute significantly to the air-sea fluxes of heat and moisture. For example, we estimate that, in a 20-m/s wind, with an air temperature of 20°C, a sea surface temperature of 22°C, and a relative humidity of 80%, the latent and sensible heat fluxes resulting from the spray alone will have magnitudes of order 150 and 15 W/m2, respectively, in the DEL. Finally, we speculate on what fraction of these fluxes rise out of the DEL and, thus, become available to the entire marine boundary layer.  相似文献   
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