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This work is part of the project study for a road tunnel bypassing the town of Genova and was aimed at evaluating the amount of asbestos fibres in the metaophiolites belonging to the Voltri Group and the Sestri–Voltaggio Zone (Liguria, Northern Italy). The 85 studied rock samples (mainly mafic and ultramafic rocks) derive from exposed outcrops and prospecting boreholes. The study of field relations and petrographic/microtextural investigations under the optical microscope allowed for the identification and characterisation of asbestos-bearing settings and lithotypes. Mineralogy and concentration of asbestos fibres in powdered specimens were determined by means of a scanning electron microscope equipped with an energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy device. These investigations were combined with petrography on thin-section, X-ray diffraction analysis and phase contrast optical microscopy on rock powders. Mafic and ultramafic rocks commonly contain asbestos in concentrations below 1,000 mg/kg (considered as the contamination threshold under Italian law). However, the fibre concentration rises abruptly within localised zones, where the metaophiolite sequences were involved into late ductile to brittle tectono-metamorphic events. Two groups of asbestos-bearing settings have been so far identified in the area: (a) fracture networks within serpentinites (dominated by fibrous chrysotile), and (b) boudins of chlorite-tremolite schists, likely deriving from dynamic recrystallisation of mafic rocks under greenschist facies conditions (dominated by fibrous amphibole). Even considering the low volumetric incidence of these settings (metres to few tens of metres), their high asbestos content locally controls the total fibre amount in the excavation products, thus requiring special prevention measures during excavation, management and final storage of the contaminated debris.  相似文献   
The sequence-stratigraphic investigation by Very High-Resolution (VHR) seismic profiles allowed recognition of the detailed architecture of the late Pleistocene and Holocene succession of the Venice area. In this way deposits previously known by the analyses of scattered cores, mainly taken along the lagoon margin and the littoral strips, have been correlated at regional scale including the near offshore sector and the result has pointed out the lateral variability of the stratal architecture. Late Pleistocene deposits consist of an aggrading floodplain and fluvial channel fills accumulated during decreasing eustatic sea level, and they are coeval with offlapping forced regressive marine wedges in the Central Adriatic basin. The Holocene sequence is composed of three main seismic units separated by major stratal surfaces. Unit 1 (up to 9 m thick) is formed by channelized deposits separated by areas showing sub-horizontal and hummocky reflectors, and is bounded at the base by a surface that records prolonged conditions of subaerial exposure and at the top by a flatter surface resulting from erosion by marine processes. Deposits of Unit 1 are interpreted as estuarine and distributary channel fills, and back-barrier strata. Unit 2 is well distinguishable from Unit 1 only in the offshore area and at the barrier island bounding the Venice Lagoon, and is composed of a prograding marine wedge (up to 10 m thick) that interacts laterally with ebb tidal deltas. Unit 3 consists of a tidal channel complex and inlet deposits, which testify the evolution of the lagoon area. Tidal channels are entrenched in the lagoon mud flat (coeval with Units 1–2) and cut the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary in several places.Following current sequence-stratigraphic concepts, the Holocene sequence is composed of a paralic transgressive systems tract (TST) (Unit 1) overlying a sequence boundary (the Pleistocene–Holocene boundary) and overlain by a marine highstand systems tract (HST) (Unit 2) in seaward locations and by highstand lagoonal deposits landwards. TST and HST are separated by a downlap surface that is amalgamated with a wave ravinement surface in several places. Unit 3 is coeval with the upper part of Unit 2, and its development has been favoured by human interventions, which led to a transgression limited to the lagoon area.Local factors during the deposition, i.e. subsidence, sediment supply, physiography, and current/wave regimes, led to a significant lateral variability in the architecture of the Holocene sequence, as evidenced by the extreme thickness variation of the TST along both depositional strike and dip. The HST, instead, shows less pronounced strike variations in the stratal architecture. Also, present data clearly evidence that the human impact has a great relevance in influencing the late Holocene sedimentation.  相似文献   
Abstract. The paper provides an overview of the state of the small pelagic fish in the Adriatic Sea. The North Adriatic is reviewed for the 1976–1998 period and the South Adriatic for the 1987–1998 period. First the fluctuations in time and in space of the pelagic biomass, as a whole and per species, are presented. Then the dramatic collapse of anchovy stock and its apparent association with the decrease of surface temperature is discussed. Finally the changes of the anchovy and sardine catches are compared and analysed with respect to their abundances in the sea. The conclusion is that acoustic and satellite methods are able to provide a large amount of information on the variability in the pelagic populations; this is essential for an appropriate management of these resources. There is still a need, however, to refine the methods and to integrate this kind of information with further environmental data (including natural predators).  相似文献   
The value of technology and of its evolution towards a low carbon economy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper assesses the economic value associated with the development of various low-carbon technologies in the context of climate stabilization. We analyze the impact of restrictions on the development of specific mitigation technologies, comparing three integrated assessment models used in the RECIPE comparison exercise. Our results indicate that the diversification of the carbon mitigation portfolio is an important determinant of the feasibility of climate policy. Foregoing specific low carbon technologies raises the cost of achieving the climate policy, though at different rates. CCS and renewables are shown to have the highest value, given their flexibility and wide coverage. The costs associated with technology failure are shown to be related to the role that each technology plays in the stabilization scenario, but also to the expectations about their technological progress. In particular, the costs of restriction of mature technologies can be partly compensated by more innovation and technological advancement.  相似文献   
This paper investigates whether an inefficient allocation of abatement due to constraints on the use of currently available low carbon mitigation options can promote innovation in new technologies and have a positive impact on welfare. We focus on the case of a nuclear power phase-out and endogenous technical change in energy efficiency and alternative low carbon technologies. The research is inspired by the re-thinking about nuclear power deployment which took place in some countries, especially in Western Europe, after the Fukushima accident in March 2011. The analysis uses an Integrated Assessment Model, WITCH, which features multiple externalities related to greenhouse gas emissions and innovation market failures. Our results show that phasing out nuclear power stimulates R&D investments and deployment of technologies with large learning potential. The resulting technology benefits that would not otherwise occur due to intertemporal and international externalities almost completely offset the economic costs of foregoing nuclear power. The extent of technology benefits depends on the stringency of the climate policy and is distributed unevenly across countries.  相似文献   
卫星遥感结合地面资料对区域表面动量粗糙度的估算   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
利用地面湍流观测资料估算了黑河实验区几个典型下垫面的局地地表动量粗糙度,与卫星观测Landsat TM资料相结合得到了由标准化差值植被指数(NDVI)计算地表动量粗糙度的经验关系式,进而估算了实验区夏季和近冬季的地表粗糙度的区域分布,并对所得关系式进行了合理性检验。  相似文献   
卫星遥感藏北高原非均匀陆表地表特征参数和植被参数   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
卫星遥感在研究青藏高原北部地区(藏北高原地区)非均匀陆表地表特征参数和植被参数时有其独到的作用.作者提出了基于NOAA-14 AVHRR资料推算藏北高原地区地表特征参数和植被参数的方案,并把其用于全球能量水循环之亚洲季风青藏高原试验(GAME/Tibet)试验区.同时利用3个景的NOAA-14 AVHRR资料进行了分析研究,得到了一些有关藏北地区非均匀地表的区域地表特征参数(地表反射率、地表温度)和植被参数(INDV、植被覆盖度和叶面指数ILA).  相似文献   
At many North Atlantic continental margins, the early Neocomian is characterized by a major stratigraphic turning point from Late Jurassic-Berriasian carbonate bank/pelagic carbonate deposition to Valanginian-Barremian hemipelagic sedimentation with thick Wealden-type deltaic to deep-sea fan sequences. The stratigraphy and structure of the very old, starved passive margin of the Mazagan Plateau and adjacent steep escarpment off Morocco was studied during the French-German CYAMAZ deep diving campaign. The drowning of the Late Jurassic-early Berriasian carbonate platform was strongly influenced by a global late Berriasian sea level fall which was followed by a rapid late Valanginian sea level rise and/or by a major regional blockfaul ting event with accelerated subsidence rates. Upper Berriasian to (?) Hauterivian quartz-bearing bioclastic wackestones document the transition from the carbonate platform to the hemipelagic deposition on the drowned platform margin. Seawards, these deposits are correlated with a deep sea fan sequence. We discuss also an example from the Tarfaya Basin-Fuerteventura area further south. A 300 m thick succession of organic-rich claystone and sandstone turbidites (including m-thick debris flow units) of Hauterivian to Barremian age was an unexpected discovery at DSDP Site 603 off North Carolina (Leg 93). We discuss a tectonically confined fan model with laterally migrating channels, influenced by sea level fluctuations and varying terrigenous supply. During the Valanginian to Barremian time of high-standing (or rising) sea level, shelf construction (Wealden-type deltas) coincided with subdued, resedimentation-starved turbiditic system on the continental rise. Extensive unconsolidated sands, however, reflect sudden input of shelfal material into the basin during a mid-Aptian sea level lowstand (shelf destruction). The following global late Aptian transgression terminated the clastic fan deposition, raised the CCD and started the deposition of organic-rich shales.  相似文献   
Gabbro xenoliths reported in this paper were collected in northern Fuerteventura, the Canary Island located closest to the coast of Africa. The xenoliths are very fresh and consist of Ti–Al-poor clinopyroxene + plagioclase (An87–67) + olivine (Fo72–86) ± orthopyroxene. Clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene are constantly and markedly depleted in light rare earth elements (LREE) relative to heavy REE (HREE), as expected for cumulus minerals formed from highly refractory N-MORB-type melts. In contrast, whole-rock Primordial Mantle-normalized trace element patterns range from mildly S-shaped (mildly depleted in Pr–Sm relative to both the strongly incompatible elements Rb–La and the HREE) to enriched. Estimates show that the trace element compositions of the rocks and their minerals are compatible with formation as N-MORB gabbro cumulates, which have been infiltrated at various extents (≤1% to >5%) by enriched alkali basaltic melts. The enriched material is mainly concentrated along grain boundaries and cracks through mineral grains, suggesting that the infiltration is relatively recent, and is thus associated with the Canary Islands magmatism. Our data contradict the hypothesis that a mantle plume was present in this area during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. No evidence of continental material that might reflect attenuated continental crust in the area has been found. Gabbro xenoliths with REE and trace element compositions similar to those exhibited by the Fuerteventura gabbros are also found among gabbro xenoliths from the islands of La Palma (western Canary Islands) and Lanzarote. The compositions of the most depleted samples from these islands are closely similar, implying that there was no significant change in chemistry during the early stages of formation of the Atlantic oceanic crust in this area. Strongly depleted gabbros similar to those collected in Fuerteventura have also been retrieved in the MARK area along the central Mid-Atlantic Ridge. The presence of N-MORB oceanic crust beneath Fuerteventura implies that the continent–ocean transition in the Canary Islands area must be relatively sharp, in contrast to the situation both further north along the coast of Morocco, and along the Iberian peninsula.  相似文献   
New Sr isotopic data on lavas and xenoliths from Somma-Vesuvius and other nearby volcanic areas (Phlegrean Fields and Ischia) are presented. Chemical and isotopic evidences show that not all the Phlegrean Fields rocks belong to the low K series, but some of them may be interpreted as low pressure differentiates of Somma magmas, i.e. as a part of the high K series. Two rock groups are defined in the Ischia low K series, which are well identified both in time and in chemical and isotopic features, and cannot be derived from the same magma source. The low K series in the studied area generally has lower Sr isotopic values than the high K series.Historical Vesuvian lavas show two distinct linear trends with negative slopes when87Sr/86Sr ratios are plotted against their ages of eruption. Such trends are interpreted to result from mixing of magmas in two separate reservoirs. Evidence from the Vesuvian ejecta shows that Somma-Vesuvius magmas underwent high or low pressure fractionation, in connection with different events of the Vesuvian activity. Distinct magma reservoirs developed episodically at different depths. Isotopic and geochemical evidences do not favour large scale assimilation of crustal materials by Somma-Vesuvius magmas, but instead appear to reflect mantle characteristics.A minimum of three different (inhomogeneous) source regions is necessary to account for the isotopic features of the studied rocks.  相似文献   
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