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The application of mechanical stress on a rock sample can induce electromagnetic emissions. Such emissions can be detected experimentally and in principle could be used as precursors of the upcoming failure.  相似文献   
In 2007, a companion with planetary mass was found around the pulsating subdwarf B star V391 Pegasi with the timing method, indicating that a previously undiscovered population of substellar companions to apparently single subdwarf B stars might exist. Following this serendipitous discovery, the EXOTIME (http://www.na.astro.it/~silvotti/exotime/) monitoring program has been set up to follow the pulsations of a number of selected rapidly pulsating subdwarf B stars on time scales of several years with two immediate observational goals:
  1. determine $\dot{P}$ of the pulsational periods P
  2. search for signatures of substellar companions in O–C residuals due to periodic light travel time variations, which would be tracking the central star’s companion-induced wobble around the centre of mass
These sets of data should therefore, at the same time, on the one hand be useful to provide extra constraints for classical asteroseismological exercises from the $\dot{P}$ (comparison with “local” evolutionary models), and on the other hand allow one to investigate the preceding evolution of a target in terms of possible “binary” evolution by extending the otherwise unsuccessful search for companions to potentially very low masses. While timing pulsations may be an observationally expensive method to search for companions, it samples a different range of orbital parameters, inaccessible through orbital photometric effects or the radial velocity method: the latter favours massive close-in companions, whereas the timing method becomes increasingly more sensitive toward wider separations. In this paper we report on the status of the on-going observations and coherence analysis for two of the currently five targets, revealing very well-behaved pulsational characteristics in HS?0444+0458, while showing HS?0702+6043 to be more complex than previously thought.  相似文献   
The south Ardestan plutonic rocks constitute major outcrops in the central part of Iran’s Cenozoic magmatic belt and encompass a wide compositional spectrum from gabbro to granodiorite. U–Pb laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) dating of zircon three granodiorites yielded ages of 24.6 ± 0.1, 24.6 ± 0.1, and 24.5 ± 0.1 Ma. For tonalitic rocks, internal Rb–Sr isochron ages (biotite, feldspars) indicate cooling ages of 20.4 ± 0.1, 20.5 ± 0.1, and 22.3 ± 0.1 Ma, which are slightly younger than the zircons’ ages. The limited variations in their Sr–Nd isotope ratios indicate derivation from an asthenospheric mantle source. A geodynamic model is presented in which late Oligocene–Miocene rollback of the Neotethyan subducting slab triggered asthenospheric upwelling and partial melting in the south Ardestan. These melts were subsequently modified through fractional crystallization and minor crustal contamination en-route to the surface. Plagioclase + orthopyroxene-dominated fractional crystallization accounts for differentiation of gabbro to gabbroic diorite, whereas fractionation of clinopyroxene, titanomagnetite, and orthopyroxene led to differentiation of gabbroic diorite to diorite. Amphibole fractionation at deeper levels led to the development of tonalites.  相似文献   
The lower Pliocene Belvedere Formation, cropping out in the Crotone Basin, southern Italy, exhibits a metre‐scale to decametre‐scale shallow‐marine cyclicity that shares features of both high‐frequency sequences linked to shoreline shifts and controlled by minor relative sea‐level and/or sediment supply changes, and sedimentological cycles unrelated to shoreline shifts. In order to better understand the high‐frequency sequence stratigraphic framework of this succession, an integration of sedimentological, micropalaeontological (micro‐foraminifera assemblages) and mineralogical (heavy mineral abundance) data is used. From a sedimentological/stratigraphic point of view, wave‐ravinement surfaces bounding high‐frequency sequences, and associated substrate‐controlled ichnofacies, are prominent in outcrop and document environmental and water‐depth changes, whereas bedset boundaries separating sedimentological cycles have a more subtle field appearance and are only associated with changes of environmental energy. Moreover, condensed deposits are present only above wave‐ravinement surfaces, and the high‐frequency sequences bounded by these surfaces have a thickness that is an order of magnitude greater than that of the bedsets. Micro‐foraminifera assemblages may change, and the content of heavy minerals usually increases, across wave‐ravinement surfaces, whereas both parameters do not change significantly across bedset boundaries. The abundance of heavy minerals is systematically higher, with respect to the underlying and overlying deposits, in the condensed shell beds that overlie wave‐ravinement surfaces. An integrated sedimentological, micropalaeontological and mineralogical approach represents a powerful tool to discriminate between wave‐ravinement surfaces bounding high‐frequency sequences and bedset boundaries, and in general to investigate at the intra high‐frequency sequence scale. This integrated approach is expected to be very useful in the study of potentially all shallow‐marine successions composed of small‐scale cycles, in order to delineate a detailed sequence stratigraphic framework and understand the factors that controlled the cyclicity.  相似文献   
A process chain for the definition and the performance assessment of an operational regional warning model for rainfall-induced landslides, based on rainfall thresholds, is proposed and tested in a landslide-prone area in the Campania region, southern Italy. A database of 96 shallow landslides triggered by rainfall in the period 2003–2010 and rainfall data gathered from 58 rain gauges are used. First, a set of rainfall threshold equations are defined applying a well-known frequentist method to all the reconstructed rainfall conditions responsible for the documented landslides in the area of analysis. Several thresholds at different exceedance probabilities (percentiles) are evaluated, and nine different percentile combinations are selected for the activation of three warning levels. Subsequently, for each combination, the issuing of warning levels is computed by comparing, over time, the measured rainfall with the pre-defined warning level thresholds. Finally, the optimal percentile combination to be employed in the regional early warning system, i.e. the one providing the best model performance in terms of success and error indicators, is selected employing the “event, duration matrix, performance” (EDuMaP) method.  相似文献   
 New Sr- Nd- and Pb-isotopic and trace element data are presented on basalts from the Sulu and Celebes Basins, and the submerged Cagayan Ridge Arc (Western Pacific), recently sampled during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 124. Drilling has shown that the Sulu Basin developed about 18 Ma ago as a backarc basin, associated with the now submerged Cagayan Ridge Arc, whereas the Celebes Basin was generated about 43 Ma ago, contemporaneous with a general plate reorganisation in the Western Pacific, subsequently developing as an open ocean receiving pelagic sediments until the middle Miocene. In both basins, a late middle Miocene collision phase and the onset of volcanic activity on adjacent arcs in the late Miocene are recorded. Covariations between 87Sr/86Sr and 143Nd/144Nd show that the seafloor basalts from both the Sulu and Celebes Basins are isotopically similar to depleted Indian mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB), and distinct from East Pacific Rise MORB, defining a single negative correlation. The Cagayan Arc volcanics are different, in that they have distinctly lower ɛNd(T) for a given ɛSr(T), compared to Sulu and Celebes basalts. In the 207Pb/204Pb and 208Pb/204Pb versus 206Pb/204Pb diagrams, the Celebes, Sulu and Cagayan rocks all plot distinctly above the Northern Hemisphere Reference Line, with high Δ7/4 Pb (5.3–9.3) and D8/4 Pb (46.3–68.1) values. They define a single trend of radiogenic lead enrichment from Celebes through Sulu to Cagayan Ridge, within the Indian Ocean MORB data field. The data suggest that the overall chemical and isotopic features of the Sulu, Cagayan and Celebes rocks may be explained by partial melting of a depleted asthenospheric N-MORB-type (“normal”) mantle source with isotopic characteristics similar to those of the Indian Ocean MORB source. This asthenospheric source was slightly heterogeneous, giving rise to the Sr-Nd isotopic differences between the Celebes and Sulu basalts, and the Cagayan Ridge volcanics. In addition, a probably slab-derived component enriched in LILE and LREE is required to generate the elemental characteristics and low Nd(T) of the Cagayan Ridge island arc tholeiitic and calcalkaline lavas, and to contribute to a small extent in the backarc basalts of the Sulu Sea. The results of this study confirm and extend the widespread Indian Ocean MORB signature in the Western Pacific region. This signature could have been inherited by the Indian Ocean mantle itself during the rupture of Gondwanaland, when fragments of this mantle could have migrated towards the present position of the Celebes, Sulu and Cagayan sources. Received: 23 May 1995/Accepted: 12 October 1995  相似文献   
Mechanisms of failure occurring in two portions of a riverbank along the Arno River (Central Italy), are investigated in detail starting by a series of periodic field observations and bank profile measurements. Two dominant mechanisms involving the silty sand portion of the bank have been observed: (a) alcove-shaped failure in the middle portion of the bank; (b) slab failure involving the middle–upper bank.

A portion of the riverbank was subject to laboratory (grain size analysis; phase relationship analysis; triaxial tests) and in situ tests (borehole shear tests (BSTs)) to characterise the geotechnical properties of the overbank deposits. Two different procedures of bank stability analysis have been performed: (1) a complete analysis, coupling seepage analysis with the limit equilibrium method; (2) two simplified analyses, through the limit equilibrium method with simple assumptions on pore water pressures distribution.

For the complete analysis, saturated/unsaturated flow within the riverbank was modelled by finite element seepage analysis in transient conditions, using as boundary conditions eight hydrographs with increasing water stage. Riverbank stability analyses have been conducted by the Morgenstern–Price rigorous method, dividing each of the eight hydrographs in 21 time steps and calculating the safety factor for each step. The analysis revealed the occurrence of two possible mechanisms of failure (slab-type and alcove-shaped sliding failures), according to the field observations, related to different river stages and pore water pressures within the riverbank: alcove failures are likely to occur with moderate flow events, while slab failures are favoured by flow events with higher peak river stage.

A first type of simplified analysis, representing critical conditions reached during a rapid flow event, was based on the main hypothesis of the occurrence of a zero pore water pressures zone within the portion of the bank between the low-water stage and the peak stage reached. A second type of simplified analysis was applied in order to represent rapid drawdown conditions following a prolonged flow event (worst case), with the main assumption of total saturation of the material up to the same elevation of the peak river stage. The first simplified analysis has given similar results to the complete seepage/stability analysis, confirming slab-type and alcove-shaped failure as the two main mechanisms of instability, while the second type of simplified analysis has conducted to too conservative results compared to the other previous analyses.

Field observations regarding different characteristic bank geometries in adjacent sub-reaches have been summarised in a conceptual cyclic sketch, that include all the possible paths of bank evolution depending on the succession of river stages reached during flow events and related pore pressure conditions.  相似文献   

We studied spatial and temporal characteristics of seismic attenuation inCentral Italy using S- and coda- waves recorded by the MarchesanSeismograph Network from earthquakes located in the epicentral area ofthe 1997 Umbria-Marche sequence. The amplitude decay of the S waveswith distance was defined calculating empirical attenuation functions at 15frequencies between 1 and 25 Hz. We analyzed separately foreshocks andaftershocks and we found the same attenuation functions, suggesting thatthe possible temporal variations could be confined in a small area. Thefrequency dependence of Q S was approximated by the equation Q S=18 · f 2.0between 1 and 10 Hz. At higher frequencies (10–25 Hz), the frequencydependence of Q s weakens, having an average value of Q S=990. We also estimated Q from coda waves (Q C) using the single-scattering models of Aki andChouet (1975) and Sato (1977). We found that Q C=77 · f 0.6, (between 2 and 20Hz) at the western side of the mountain chain, using either foreshocks oraftershocks. This relation is consistent with previous estimates of Q Creported for the Central Apennines. For a volume sampling the Colfioritobasin, the Apennines and the Marche region we found that Q C=55 · f 0.8,indicating highattenuation below the mountain belt. To detect small temporal changes ofQ, we calculated spectral ratios of 5 temporal doublets located in theepicentral area and recorded at the closest station. We found temporalchanges of Q that vary from 27% to 56%, depending on the locationof the doublets. This variability suggests that the temporal change ofattenuation may depend on the spatial variation of Q and perhaps on thespatial distribution of tectonic stress in the epicentral area.  相似文献   
The results of radial velocity measures of the star o And from high dispersion plates relative to the years 1964, 1966, 1975 and 1976 are given. The averaged values of the 1964 and 1966 plates confirm the existence of the minimum in the trend of the radial velocities and fit well the curve obtained in the hypothesis of periodic long-term radial velocity variations with the period of 23.5 years (Fracassiniet al., 1977). Preliminary orbital elements in the hypothesis of a long period spectroscopic binary system have been tentatively drawn.  相似文献   
A predictor‐multicorrector implementation of a Time Discontinuous Galerkin method for non‐linear dynamic analysis is described. This implementation is intended to limit the high computational expense typically required by implicit Time Discontinuous Galerkin methods, without degrading their accuracy and stability properties. The algorithm is analysed with reference to conservative Duffing oscillators for which closed‐form solutions are available. Therefore, insight into the accuracy and stability properties of the predictor‐multicorrector algorithm for different approximations of non‐linear internal forces is gained, showing that the properties of the underlying scheme can be substantially retained. Finally, the results of representative numerical simulations relevant to Duffing oscillators and to a stiff spring pendulum discretized with finite elements illustrate the performance of the numerical scheme and confirm the analytical estimates. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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