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Ultra-high resolution hydrodynamic simulations using 10243 grid points are performed of early supernova burst in a forming galaxy, with properties similar to those inferred for Lyman α emitters (LAEs) and Lyman Break Galaxies (LBGs). We show that, at the earliest stages of less than 300 Myr, continual supernova explosions produce multitudinous hot bubbles and cooled H(I) shells in-between. The H(I) shells radiate intense Lyman α (Lyα) emission like LAEs. We found that the bubbly structures produced are quite similar to the observed features in the Lyα surface brightness distribution of the extended LAEs. After 1 Gyr, the galaxies are dominated by stellar continuum radiation and then resemble the LBGs. At this point, the abundance of heavy elements appears to be solar. After 13 Gyr, these galaxies resemble present-day ellipticals.  相似文献   
Geomagnetic field motions of Holocene secular variations are investigated using a separation method. The palaeomagnetic secular variations from Britain, North America and Australia have been subjected to maximum-entropy method analyses. Based on the results of spectral analyses, the secular variations are separated by band-pass filters into low-frequency components, generally including the period band 1800-3600 yr, and high-frequency components, generally including the period band 1000-1200 yr. There is an interval, from 4200 to 1700 yr BP, which shows clockwise rotational motions in the low-frequency components of all three sites. Westward drifting of geomagnetic fields may be globally dominant. Swinging or elliptical looping motions constrained to a certain direction were observed in the low-frequency components of the British data. The time duration for the persistence of the swinging motion constrained to a certain direction was 3500 years or so, which could be the lifetime of an oscillating stationary field. The duration of the transitional motion was 1000-1300 years, which may indicate the recurrence time of a stationary field.  相似文献   
Similarity solution for the interaction of stellar wind with surrounding interstellar medium is obtained on the base of momentum conservation. The conversion efficiency of kinetic energy of stellar wind into the kinetic energy of expanding shell is derived. The results are compared with the observations on the ring nebulae associated with the Wolf-Rayet star and it is shown that the observed values of energy conversion are in good agreement with the momentum conserving model.  相似文献   
We analyzed noble gases in an oxidized residue prepared from a HF‐HCl residue of the Saratov L4 chondrite. The Ar, Kr, and Xe concentrations in the oxidized residue are two orders of magnitude lower than those in the HF‐HCl residue, and they are close to concentrations in the bulk. The He and Ne concentrations are similar in the three samples. The Ne isotopic ratios are almost purely cosmogenic, indicating absence of presolar diamonds (the carrier of the HL component). Thus, Saratov contains phase Q without presolar diamond. A study of the Raman spectroscopic parameters for the HF‐HCl residue and the oxidized residue shows large changes due to oxidation. The directions of these changes are the same as observed in Allende, except oxidation increased the ID/IG (intensity ratio of the D band to the G band) in Saratov but decreased in Allende. This difference may be attributed to the different crystalline stages of carbon in both meteorites. The shifts in the Raman parameters to a discrete and/or more expanded region suggest that (1) oxidation changes the crystalline condition of graphitic carbon, (2) phase Q is not a dissolved site, and (3) the release of Q‐gas is simply related to the rearrangement of the carbon structure during oxidation.  相似文献   
167 SSC events have been studied by using the data observed at the multiple-satellites at the geosynchronous altitude. The strong local time asymmetry of the SSC amplitude which was found by Kokubun (1983) has been confirmed. The pronounced local time asymmetry has also been found with the direction of the initial movement of Psc magnetic pulsations. Those local time effects are interpreted by the intensification of the magnetopause surface current during a SSC event, and by the distance between the geosynchronous satellite and the surface current. It has also been clarified that the SSC signal propagates with a speed of 400–700 km s?1 across the field lines in the magnetosphere as suggested by Wilken et al. (1982).  相似文献   
We investigated the lower mass limitM l for the carbon detonation supernovae by testing the dynamical instability of the envelopes of red supergiants. It was found that the dependence ofM l on the mixing lengthl of convection is appreciable. As a smaller value ofl is assumed,M l becomes larger. It may be as large as 8M ifl is a third of the pressure scale-height. This is one of the ways to remove the difficulty of overproduction of iron-peak elements involved in the model of the carbon detonation supernovae.  相似文献   
The first confirmed lunar impact flash due to a non-Leonid meteoroid is reported. The observed Perseid meteoroid impact occurred at 18h28m27s on August 11, 2004 (UT). The selenographic coordinates of the lunar impact flash are 48±1° N and 72±2° E, and the flash had a visual magnitude of ca. 9.5 with duration of about 1/30 s. The mass of the impactor is estimated to have been 12 g based on a nominal model with conversion efficiency from kinetic to optical energy of 2×10−3. Extrapolation of a power law size-frequency distribution fitting the sub-centimeter Perseid meteoric particles to large meteoroids suggests that several flashes should have been observed at this optical efficiency. The detection of only one flash may indicate that the optical efficiency for Perseid lunar impact is much lower, or that the slope of the size distribution differs between large meteoroids and typical sub-centimeter meteoric particles.  相似文献   
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