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The abundance of a scyphomedusae, Aurelia aurita and Chrysaora melanaster, and a ctenophore, Bolinopsis mikado, in Tokyo Bay was investigated from 1995 to 1997. Aurelia aurita appeared throughout the year with a peak in abundance occurring from spring to summer. The average abundance and biomass
during this period for the three successive years was 4.8, 43.8 and 3.2 ind. m−2, and 1.02, 10.0 and 0.42 gC m−2, respectively. The values in 1995 and 1997 were comparable with those previously reported for A. aurita abundance from 1990 to 1992. Values were very high in 1996, but the size composition of the bell diameter did not differ
from other years, which suggested the absence of food limitation for A. aurita in 1996. C. melanaster was scarce over the survey period (<1.0 ind. m−2) while Bolinopsis mikado was more abundant during September to December, with maximum values of 172 ind. m−2 and 0.33 gC m−2 observed in December 1997. The weight-specific clearance rate for A. aurita on zooplankton (mainly copepods and their nauplii) was 0.16 ± 0.05 lgWW−1 h−1 (n = 13). Population clearance rate peaked from spring to summer, with average levels of 14.2%, 162% and 5.0% day−1 obtained from spring to summer for respective years. Population clearance rates for B. mikado, calculated based on minimum carbon requirements, was 7.1% day−1 in December 1997. Consequently, the trophic role of gelatinous zooplankton as predators in Tokyo Bay is important all the
year round, considering the high impact of A. aurita from spring to summer and B. mikado from autumn to winter. 相似文献
Stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basin induced by mantle diapiric upwelling and eustatic event 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basin provides important constraints on the rheological structure of the upper mantle and the crust, eustatic events and tectonic movements. In this study, we examined the convective coupling between the uppermost mantle and ductile lower crust as a formation mechanism of sedimentary basins. In this mechanism, the lower crust is squeezed by the upper mantle flow associated with mantle diapiric upwelling, resulting in the surface subsidence and formation of sedimentary basin. We investigated the stratigraphic architecture by taking into account the horizontal migration of the upwelling in time and spatial domains. The sedimentary basin is characterized by both the thickness and formation period for its gross feature and the sequence stratigraphy. The decay of the upwelling causes the surface uplift, and some parts of sediments deposited during the surface subsidence are consequently eroded. The subsidence area moves as the activity of upwelling horizontally migrates, resulting in the formation of unconformity for the uplifted and eroded area over the previous upwelling. We also incorporated the effects of third order eustasy, with amplitude of 100 m and period of 1 Myr, into convective coupling model. An application of our model to Karatsu-Sasebo coalfield in the Tertiary of the northwest Kyushu, Japan, indicates that the stratigraphic architecture of sedimentary basin including two effects, i.e. convective coupling and eustasy, may provide important information about the viscosity structure of the lower crust and uppermost mantle and spatio-temporal growth and decay histories of the mantle diapiric upwelling. 相似文献
Toshiaki Tsunogae M. Santosh Yasuhito Osanai Masaaki Owada Tsuyoshi Toyoshima Tomokazu Hokada 《Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology》2002,143(3):279-299
The ultrahigh-temperature (UHT) metamorphism of the Napier Complex is characterized by the presence of dry mineral assemblages, the stability of which requires anhydrous conditions. Typically, the presence of the index mineral orthopyroxene in more than one lithology indicates that H2O activities were substantially low. In this study, we investigate a suite of UHT rocks comprising quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, and magnetite-quartz gneiss from Tonagh Island. High Al contents in orthopyroxene from sapphirine granulite, the presence of an equilibrium sapphirine-quartz assemblage, mesoperthite in quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, and an inverted pigeonite-augite assemblage in magnetite-quartz gneiss indicate that the peak temperature conditions were higher than 1,000 °C. Petrology, mineral phase equilibria, and pressure-temperature computations presented in this study indicate that the Tonagh Island granulites experienced maximum P-T conditions of up to 9 kbar and 1,100 °C, which are comparable with previous P-T estimates for Tonagh and East Tonagh Islands. The textures and mineral reactions preserved by these UHT rocks are consistent with an isobaric cooling (IBC) history probably following an counterclockwise P-T path. We document the occurrence of very high-density CO2-rich fluid inclusions in the UHT rocks from Tonagh Island and characterize their nature, composition, and density from systematic petrographic and microthermometric studies. Our study shows the common presence of carbonic fluid inclusions entrapped within sapphirine, quartz, garnet and orthopyroxene. Analysed fluid inclusions in sapphirine, and some in garnet and quartz, were trapped during mineral growth at UHT conditions as 'primary' inclusions. The melting temperatures of fluids in most cases lie in the range of -56.3 to -57.2 °C, close to the triple point for pure CO2 (-56.6 °C). The only exceptions are fluid inclusions in magnetite-quartz gneiss, which show slight depression in their melting temperatures (-56.7 to -57.8 °C) suggesting traces of additional fluid species such as N2 in the dominantly CO2-rich fluid. Homogenization of pure CO2 inclusions in the quartzo-feldspathic garnet gneiss, sapphirine granulite, and garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss occurs into the liquid phase at temperatures in the range of -34.9 to +4.2 °C. This translates into very high CO2 densities in the range of 0.95-1.07 g/cm3. In the garnet-orthopyroxene gneiss, the composition and density of inclusions in the different minerals show systematic variation, with highest homogenization temperatures (lowest density) yielded by inclusions in garnet, as against inclusions with lowest homogenization (high density) in quartz. This could be a reflection of continued recrystallization of quartz with entrapment of late fluids along the IBC path. Very high-density CO2 inclusions in sapphirine associated with quartz in the Tonagh Island rocks provide potential evidence for the involvement of CO2-rich fluids during extreme crustal temperatures associated with UHT metamorphism. The estimated CO2 isochores for sapphirine granulite intersect the counterclockwise P-T trajectory of Tonagh Island rocks at around 6-9 kbar at 1,100 °C, which corresponds to the peak metamorphic conditions of this terrane derived from mineral phase equilibria, and the stability field of sapphirine + quartz. Therefore, we infer that CO2 was the dominant fluid species present during the peak metamorphism in Tonagh Island, and interpret that the fluid inclusions preserve traces of the synmetamorphic fluid from the UHT event. The stability of anhydrous minerals, such as orthopyroxene, in the study area might have been achieved by the lowering of H2O activity through the influx of CO2 at peak metamorphic conditions (>1,100 °C). Our microthermometric data support a counterclockwise P-T path for the Napier Complex. 相似文献
Abstract. Multi-channel seismic data obtained from the Nankai accretionary prism and forearc basin system has been studied to elucidate the migration and accumulation process of gas to the BGHS and examine the distribution pattern of BSRs and characteristic reflections associated with them.
BSRs are distributed widely in the Nankai accretionary prism and associated forearc basins (33,000 km2 ) and 90 % of them have migration and recycling origins. The widest distribution of the BSRs can be seen at the prism. A correlation between the BSR distributions and prism size shows that the BSRs tend to be more well-developed in a prism of large size. This suggests that a large prism may produce much amount of gas-bearing fluids that migrate to the BGHS and form the BSRs (tectonic control), hi the forearc basins, the BSRs are identified at topographic highs, anticlines and basin margins (structural control).
The upward migration of gas-bearing fluids is carried out through permeable sand layers and as a result, the distribution of BSRs is confined to alternating beds of sand and mud facies (sedimentary control). However, if there is enough time for upward migration and accumulation of gas to the BGHS, the BSRs can be generated widely in low-permeable mud facies (time control).
Those results imply that structural, tectonic, sedimentary and time controls are primary factors to decide the distribution of BSRs in the Nankai Trough area. 相似文献
BSRs are distributed widely in the Nankai accretionary prism and associated forearc basins (33,000 km
The upward migration of gas-bearing fluids is carried out through permeable sand layers and as a result, the distribution of BSRs is confined to alternating beds of sand and mud facies (sedimentary control). However, if there is enough time for upward migration and accumulation of gas to the BGHS, the BSRs can be generated widely in low-permeable mud facies (time control).
Those results imply that structural, tectonic, sedimentary and time controls are primary factors to decide the distribution of BSRs in the Nankai Trough area. 相似文献
One-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and high resolution two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) were applied to separate protein molecules in dissolved organic matter (DOM) from oceanic waters. Results were: (1) The 2-DE distinguished a total of 412 protein spots in 10 samples from five water columns over the Pacific, although fewer than 30 proteins were resolved as bands from the identical samples by SDS-PAGE. (2) Major and ubiquitous protein bands (34 and 39 kDa proteins) on the SDS-PAGE gel were resolved into horizontally spread arrays (trains) of spots on the 2-DE gels, indicating that these bands were a mixture of protein species that have the same molecular weight (MW) but different isoelectric points (pIs). (3) Proteins that exhibited such electrophoretic patterns on the 2-DE gels were glycosylated with variable linkages between the sugar and polypeptide chains. (4) N-terminal amino-acid sequencing demonstrated that individual spots within each train of spots had identical N-terminal amino-acid sequences.The N-terminal amino-acid sequences of the 39 and 34 kDa glycoprotein spots in samples collected at different sites were also identical. Protein isoforms with the same amino-acid sequence but different glycosylation profiles, termed glycoforms, were often observed on the 2-DE gel. Thirty-one and 24 spots on the 2-DE gels were glycoforms of two glycoproteins with MWs of 39 and 34 kDa, respectively; they were one protein species. The glycoforms of the 39 kDa protein were identified as a low molecular weight alkaline phosphatase (L-AP) of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 by a homology search through five amino-acid sequence databases. The present and earlier work indicates that all identified source organisms of dissolved proteins belong to the Pseudomonas group. We propose the hypothesis that proteins associated with membrane vesicles liberated from a minor member of the bacterioplankton assemblage, the marine Pseudomonas group, are one of the important sources of dissolved proteins in oceanic waters. This hypothesis may apply to the source pathway and survival not only of proteins and also to the universally occurring bacterial peptidoglycan and lipopolysaccharide components in DOM. 相似文献
Masatoshi Yamada Zhong-Liang Wang Yoshihisa Kato 《Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science》2006,66(3-4):570-579
Concentrations of U and Th isotopes in Okinawa Trough and East China Sea sediment cores were determined by isotope dilution inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ID-ICP-MS) to investigate the behavior of redox sensitive uranium in suboxic hemipelagic sediments and determine their significance in oceanic uranium balance. 238U concentrations and 238U/232Th activity ratios in the East China Sea sediments showed no remarkable variation with depth. However, 238U and 238U/232Th ratios in the Okinawa Trough sediments were low in the surface oxidizing layer but increased where the suboxic condition was encountered. The distribution profiles of 230Th and 232Th concentrations were relatively constant with depth in both the Okinawa Trough and East China Sea sediment cores. These results suggested that there has been post-depositional precipitation of authigenic uranium within the suboxic Okinawa Trough sediment column. The post-depositional precipitation rates of authigenic uranium were estimated to be 47 ± 5 to >62 ± 8 ng cm−2 yr−1; these rates were comparable to those previously reported for several anoxic sediments. A mechanism controlling precipitation of uranium may be the downward diffusion of uranium U(VI), reduction to U(IV) and finally precipitation onto the solid phase. The accumulation rate of uranium for the Okinawa Trough sediments was approximately eight times higher than the world average rate reported for suboxic sediments. This removal of uranium in the oceanic budget increases the importance of the suboxic sediment sink. 相似文献
This article aims to analyze how private property regimes can co-exist with common property regimes in a coastal area. The case study shows how the dynamics of private property and common property right holders is in creating commitment to make symbiosis in resource use. This is based on a case study in two villages in West Lombok, Indonesia, where pearl-culture as a private property resource exists in a common property regime. This is a successful story in dealing with the tragedy of property rights in the country wherein established institutional arrangement is still absent. Nevertheless, this may be site specific, and fragile if there is no institutional arrangement combining formal and informal rules and involving both formal and informal authorities. To make a robust solution, multilevel solution must be considered: national, local, and community level, with reference to Japan case. 相似文献
Naoto Ebuchi Yasushi Fukamachi Kay I. Ohshima Kunio Shirasawa Masao Ishikawa Toru Takatsuka Takaharu Daibo Masaaki Wakatsuchi 《Journal of Oceanography》2006,62(1):47-61
Three High Frequency (HF) ocean radar stations were installed around the Soya/La Perouse Strait in the Sea of Okhotsk in order to monitor the Soya Warm Current (SWC). The frequency of the HF radar is 13.9 MHz, and the range and azimuth resolutions are 3 km and 5 deg., respectively. The radar covers a range of approximately 70 km from the coast. The surface current velocity observed by the HF radars was compared with data from drifting buoys and shipboard Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCPs). The current velocity derived from the HF radars shows good agreement with that observed using the drifting buoys. The root-mean-square (rms) differences were found to be less than 20 cm s−1 for the zonal and meridional components in the buoy comparison. The observed current velocity was also found to exhibit reasonable agreement with the shipboard ADCP data. It was shown that the HF radars clearly capture seasonal and short-term variations of the SWC. The velocity of the Soya Warm Current reaches its maximum, approximately 1 m s−1, in summer and weakens in winter. The velocity core is located 20 to 30 km from the coast, and its width is approximately 40 km. The surface transport by the SWC shows a significant correlation with the sea level difference along the strait, as derived from coastal tide gauge records at Wakkanai and Abashiri. Deceased. 相似文献
Organic geochemical study of bulk organic matter (OM), hopanoid hydrocarbon and normal hydrocarbon (C23C35) was conducted for a 936-cm-long sediment core sample from the Oki Ridge of the Japan Sea (Core KH-79-3, C-3; 37°03.5 N, 134°42.6E, water depth 935 m). Stable carbon isotopic ratios were also measured for both bulk OM and individual hydrocarbons. The following results were obtained: (1) The weight ratios of total organic carbon to total nitrogen range from 6.2 to 9.4 in the core. The 13C values of bulk OM range from –25.1–20.7%.. The 13C values of OM in the sections of 140190 cm are lower (–25–24) than those in the other sections (–23–21). This result indicates that OM in the core except for the 140190 cm sections is essentially of marine origin. (2) The 13C value of diploptene (a hopanoid hydrocarbon) in the last glacial maximum (LGM), is –66.3 (vs. PDB), which indicates it originating in methanotrophic bacteria. This result provides evidence to support for the previous ideas (Oba et al., 1980, 1984; Masuzawa and Kitano, 1984) that the bottom waters in the Japan Sea were anoxic in LGM. (3) Long chain (C23C35) n-alkanes of higher-plant wax origin were found throughout the core. Their concentration is high in 140190 cm in depth, suggesting that eolian dust load was high in LGM. (4) The n-alkane/TOC ratio increases with decreasing 13C values of bulk OM. This result indicates that the load of terrestrial (probably eolian dust-derived) OM to the Japan Sea became higher in colder climates. (5) The CPI values of long-chain n-alkanes are different in different 13O stages of paleoclimate, probably reflecting variations in species of terrestrial higher plants as a result of climatological adaptations. 相似文献
Osamu Seki Takeshi Nakatsuka Kimitaka Kawamura Sei-Ichi Saitoh Masaaki Wakatsuchi 《Marine Chemistry》2007,104(3-4):253-265
C37–C39 alkenones were measured in time-series sediment trap samples collected from August 1998 to June 2000 at two depths in the seasonal sea ice region of the western Sea of Okhotsk, off Sakhalin, in order to investigate alkenone production and water-column processes in the region. Measurable export fluxes of alkenones are ranged from < 0.1 to 5.8 μg/m2/day and clearly showed that the alkenone production was restricted to autumn. In 1998, maximum export flux of alkenones occurred in September when surface water column was well stratified with low nutrients in the surface mixing layer. In the next year, the maximum flux is observed in October. Comparison between alkenone temperature and satellite based sea surface temperature (SST) shows that the estimated alkenone temperatures in August 1998 were found to be 10 °C lower than the temporal satellite SST, suggesting that alkenones are produced in surface to subsurface thermocline layers during the period. Annual mean flux of alkenones is lower in the lower traps than that of the upper traps, suggesting rapid degradation of alkenones in water column, but the UK37′ value is not significantly altered. This study indicates that UK37′ values preserved in the surface sediments off Sakhalin reflect the seasonal temperature signal of near surface water, rather than annual mean surface temperature. 相似文献