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In this article, the authors summarize 20 years of scholarship and two field projects on geoarchaeology in Nara, Japan, carried out by researchers from 12 different institutions in 4 countries. The research goal was to test an aerial photographic reconstruction of surface landforms in the Nara Basin with subsurface data. Project A was conducted at Asawa; it tested, through geological coring, whether a suspected swampy backmarsh in the eastern basin existed and whether it would yield data on the transition to wet rice agriculture in the mid‐1st millennium B.C. Project B was conducted at Miwa; it tested, through geological coring and subsequent excavation, the nature of upland agricultural terrace formation in the southeastern basin and whether the suspected existence of a 4th‐century palace site could be confirmed. Two layers of carbonaceous clay at Asawa were dated to the Early (˜5000–3500 B.C.) and Final (˜1000‐300 B.C.) phases of the Jomon period. Pollen data revealed the establishment of an evergreen oak forest from 5,000 years ago and anthropogenic changes in forest cover from 2,000 years ago. Phytoliths from rice, millets, reeds, and bamboo were recovered in layers postdating the Final Jomon carbonaceous clay. A fault scarp with anthropogenic modification of the terraces was identified at Miwa. It was discovered that an incised stream valley had been infilled in the Medieval period at the same time surface layers were razed; the front of the terrace was extended in the premodern period. Remains were recovered from the Middle Yayoi (˜100 B.C.–A.D. 100) and the Medieval (˜A.D. 1185–1603) periods. However, as the terracing involved razing the early historic levels, no data were recovered on the alleged 4th‐century palace site. The significance of these findings lies in the identification of (a) a swampy backmarsh at Asawa, where initial agricultural efforts in growing wet rice in the basin may have occurred, confirming the aerial photographic reconstruction; and (b) hillside terracing activities at Miwa, from the Medieval period onwards, which have radically changed the configuration of the natural topography. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   
Deep‐sea hydrothermal vents are unique light‐independent ecosystems that are sustained by chemosynthetic bacteria. For many of the invertebrates inhabiting in such environments, bacteria play essential roles in both energy acquisition and detoxification of potentially toxic gases such as H2S. In this study, the bacterial flora present on the gills of Alvinocaris longirostris (Bresiliidae: Caridea), a shrimp inhabiting hydrothermal vents (1532 m depth) at the Hatoma Knoll of the Okinawa Trough, was investigated. Bacterial 16S rDNA fragments were successfully amplified from the gills and 70% of these fragments showed an identical pattern in the restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. These fragments were assigned to the ribotype AL‐1. Phylogenetic analyses suggest that AL‐1 forms a monophyletic clade with Sulfurovum spp. (ε‐Proteobacteria). Fluorescence in situ hybridization for AL‐1 and electron microscopy showed the presence of short‐rod bacteria lining up on the cuticular layer of the surface of the gill filaments. These results suggest that bacterial association with gills also occurs in bresiliid shrimps.  相似文献   
Newly emerged landscapes above sea level are characterized by rapidly evolving geomorphic systems where the initial fluvial pattern adapts to a former submarine topography. Such an early formed fluvial system establishes drainage basins and unstable landforms that characterize high topographic asymmetry which are prone to fast removal or reorganization. Transitional landscapes might form depositional systems as lakes or ponds that subsequently are incised, captured and incorporated into drainage basins. In this study we focus on the recently emerged Hengchun Peninsula to survey its paleoenvironment evolution. Three drillings performed in the Gangkou basin with fieldwork revealed several indicators that reconstructed stages of the landscape reorganization. The major finding shows an ephemeral large lake in the central part of the Hengchun Peninsula that was drained to the Pacific c. 6000 bp . The lake belonged to an ephemeral lakeland that was created after the emergence of the peninsula. Currently, several areas as relict landforms indicate this stage of topography evolution that through high rates of incision and subsequent captures, transforms into drainage basins. Furthermore, two drillings show brackish waters at the present estuary of the Gangkou basin. These two different paleoenvironments today build one system – Gangkou catchment. Long-term uplift rates show that a hanging wall of the Hengchun Fault plays a significant role in the creation of a lakeland by tilting the peninsula's surface. The tilt impacts on asymmetrical emergence of the peninsula and catchment development. Our study shows that a new geomorphic system might create depositional ephemeral landforms (lakes) that represent phases of early topography evolution after emergence above a sea level that are subjected to instantaneous rearrangement and evolves through large-scale phases before it reaches a topographic steady-state.  相似文献   
An integrated vulnerability and risk assessment model (IVR) is proposed. The proposed model is a composite index that assesses the relationships among four critical components, namely exposure, hazard, vulnerability and capacities and measures, and how these can be used to illustrate the integrated risk and vulnerability situation of an area. These factors are assessed using individual variables. Fifty-four variables, objectively decided upon, were used to measure the contribution of each component factor. The general characteristics of vulnerability, risk, exposure and capacities and measures are well known; however, the relative importance of each variable and their inter-relatedness, in measuring risk and vulnerabilities, as demonstrated by the IVR; and how these in turn affect the impacts of natural hazards, are still debatable. The IVR though provides a valid, reliable and sensitive tool, which can be used to further explore these relationships. Through robust testing and application, subjectivity in the selection of variables can be reduced. Moreover, through the establishment of a database for data collection and storage, objectivity (reliability) can be achieved as well as, availability of the requisite data inputs. The sensitivity of the model allows for the quick identification of strategic action, which will ultimately lead to hazard loss reduction. The values yielded for each component factor can help decision-makers in the allocation of scarce developmental funds as well as identify trends in levels of risk, vulnerability, exposures and capacities and measures as well as determine areas where mitigation strategies are needed most.  相似文献   
The middle atmospheric dynamics on Venus are investigated using a middle atmosphere general circulation model. The magnitude of the superrotation is sensitive to the amplitude of the planetary-scale waves. In particular, the critical level absorptions of the forced planetary-scale waves might contribute to the maintenance of the superrotation near the cloud base. In the case of strong 5.5-day wave forcing, the superrotation with zonal wind speed higher than 100 m s?1 is maintained by the forced wave. Four-day and 5.5-day waves are found near the equatorial cloud top and base, respectively. The planetary-scale waves have a Y-shaped pattern maintained by the amplitude modulation in the presence of strong thermal tides.The polar hot dipole is unstable and its dynamical behavior is complex near the cloud top in this model. The dipole merges into a monopole or breaks up into a tripole when the divergent eddies with high zonal wavenumbers are predominant in the hot dipole region. A cold collar is partly enhanced by a cold phase of slowly propagating waves with zonal wavenumber 1. Although such a complex dipole behavior has not been observed yet, it is likely to occur under a dynamical condition similar to the present simulation. Thus, the dynamical approach using a general circulation model might be useful for analyzing Venus Express and ground-based observation data.  相似文献   
We present a deep [O  iii ]λλ4959,5007 image of the northern filamentary jet in the Crab Nebula taken with the 8.2-m Subaru telescope. Using this image and an image taken with the Kitt Peak National Observatory (KPNO) 4-m in 1988, we have computed proper motions for 35 locations in the jet. The results suggest that when compared to the main body of the remnant, the jet experienced less outward acceleration from the central pulsar's rapidly expanding synchrotron nebula. The jet's apparent expansion rate yields an undecelerated explosion date for the Crab Nebula of 1055 ± 24 CE, a date much closer to the appearance of the historic 1054 CE guest star than the 1120–1140 CE dates estimated in previous studies using filaments located within the remnant's main nebula. Our proper motion measurements suggest the jet likely formed during the 1054 supernova explosion and represents the remnant's highest velocity knots possibly associated with a suspected N–S bipolar outflow from the supernova explosion.  相似文献   
A tripolar pattern as an internal mode of the East Asian summer monsoon   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A tripolar anomaly pattern with centers located around the Philippines, China/Japan, and East Siberia dominantly appears in climate variations of the East Asian summer monsoon. In this study, we extracted this pattern as the first mode of a singular value decomposition (SVD1) over East Asia. The squared covariance fraction of SVD1 was 59?%, indicating that this pattern can be considered a dominant pattern of climate variations. Moreover, the results of numerical experiments suggested that the structure is also a dominant pattern of linear responses, even if external forcing is distributed homogeneously over the Northern Hemisphere. Thus, the tripolar pattern can be considered an internal mode that is characterized by the internal atmospheric processes. In this pattern, the moist processes strengthen the circulation anomalies, the dynamical energy conversion supplies energy to the anomalies, and the Rossby waves propagate northward in the lower troposphere and southeastward in the upper troposphere. These processes are favorable for the pattern to have large amplitude and to influence a large area.  相似文献   
Little research has examined whether forests reduce stream water eutrophication in agricultural areas during spring snowmelt periods. This study evaluated the role of forests in ameliorating deteriorated stream water quality in agricultural areas, including pasture, during snowmelt periods. Temporal variation in stream water quality at a mixed land‐use basin (565 ha: pasture 13%, forestry 87%), northern Japan, was monitored for 7 years. Synoptic stream water sampling was also conducted at 16 sites across a wide range of forest and agricultural areas in a basin (18.3 km2) in spring, summer and fall. Atmospheric nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) deposition were measured for 4 years. The results showed that concentration pulses of nitrate, organic N and total P in stream water were observed when discharge increased during spring snowmelt. Their concentrations were high when silicate concentrations were low, suggesting surface water exported from pasture largely contributed to stream water pollution during snowmelt. Atmospheric N and P deposition (4.1 kg N ha?1 y?1; 0.09 kg P ha?1 y?1, respectively) was too low to affect the background concentrations of N and P in streams from forested areas. Reduction of eutrophication caused by nutrients from pasture was mainly due to dilution by water containing low concentrations of N and P exported from forested areas, whereas in‐stream reduction was not a dominant process. Results indicate that forests have a limited capacity to reduce the concentration pulses of N and P in stream water during snowmelt in this study basin. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A permineralized frond from the Coniacian Kashima Formation (Yezo Group) of Hokkaido, Japan, is identified as Zamites bayeri based on leaf shape, transverse orientation of stomata, papillate epidermal surface, and hollow subsurface bodies formed only on the abaxial epidermis. The specimen has an articulation at the base of the leaflet from which the leaflet was detached by means of an abscission zone. This finding suggests that Z. bayeri has compound leaves that are functionally equivalent to a twig bearing simple leaves. This functional conversion is often found in extant compound-leaved ferns or cycads growing in infertile conditions; thus Z. bayeri might have lived in a similar habitat. Leaflet articulation is also found in other Zamites species including the type species of the genus, whereas it is unknown in other bennettitalean foliar morphogenera. The rachis of the specimen has a columnar vascular bundle, which is common in bennettitalean foliage.  相似文献   
Summary The open-path eddy covariance (EC) method often shows unlikely downward CO2 fluxes in late winter and early spring over drained paddy fields with few active plants. To understand why, we carried out intensive measurements in a bare paddy field from 9 to 11 April 2003, simultaneously using open- and closed-path EC methods; aerodynamic and dynamic closed-chamber methods were also used. During this period, the open-path EC method showed downward daytime CO2 fluxes ranging from 0 to −5.9 μmol m−2 s−1, even after application of the WPL correction (density correction) and ordinary quality control tests. Because the closed-path EC and aerodynamic methods showed upward CO2 fluxes, the downward CO2 fluxes observed with open-path EC appear not to represent true CO2 transport. Diurnal variations in the downward daytime CO2 fluxes appeared to be correlated with increases in solar radiation during the day, and also with increases in sensible heat flux in weak winds but not under strongly windy conditions. The daytime 10-Hz time series data of vertical wind and CO2 mixing ratio demonstrated that updrafts were CO2 depleted in the open-path system, whereas the same updrafts were CO2 enriched in the closed-path system. Careful examination of the discrepancies between the open- and the closed-path EC measurements revealed that the amplitudes of the 10-Hz temperature signals from the sonic anemometer and the resultant sensible heat fluxes were too small to compensate for the discrepancies observed during the daytime. The open-path EC method with the conventional application of the WPL correction is not necessarily appropriate for measuring small magnitudes of CO2 flux (≤5 μmol m−2 s−1) under such surface and atmospheric conditions that the magnitude of the WPL correction is as great as that of the uncorrected CO2 flux itself. Author’s addresses: Keisuke Ono, 3-1-3 Kannondai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8604, Japan; Akira Miyata, Tomoyasu Yamada, National Institute for Agro-Environmental Sciences, Tsukuba, Japan  相似文献   
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