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The Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) has been developed to allow researchers, educators, and the general public to access data and images from the major sources of on-line solar data. The VSO substantially reduces the effort required to locate disparate data sets, and removes the need for the user to locate the data and learn multiple interfaces. The VSO provides a single interface to about 60 geographically distributed data sets including space- and ground-based sources. These data sets incorporate several physical variables including magnetic field, intensity, Doppler velocity, etc., and all wavelengths from X-ray to radio. All layers of the sun, from the interior to the corona, are included. In this paper we describe the system and present the interface that the user will encounter. We also discuss future enhancements planned for the system.  相似文献   
Volatile fatty acid (VFA) apparent turnover rates were determined by measuring whole sediment VFA concentrations and the corresponding reaction rate constants. The following ranges of VFA concentrations were measured in Cape Lookout Bight, N.C. sediments (μmole·ls?1): acetate 54–660, propionate 1–24, butyrate <0.5–22, iso-butyrate <0.5–6. Apparent turnover rates measured over a one-year period ranged from 18–600 μmole·ls?1·h?1 for acetate and 0.7–7 μmole·ls?1·h?1 for the carboxyl carbon of propionate. Methane production was observed only with acetate and only in sulfatedepleted sediments; total acetate turnover attained approximately the same maximum value in both sulfate-reducing and sulfate-depleted sediments.Apparent turnover rates for acetate and propionate appeared to be controlled by similar factors: in sulfate-reducing (surface) sediments the turnover rates were stimulated by autumn storm-mediated deposition/resuspension events; in deeper sulfate-depleted sediments the turnover rates followed changes in the ambient temperature. Changes in VFA poolsizes were proportionally much larger than changes in corresponding rate constants. The ratio of CO2 to CH4 produced from acetate vs. depth suggested that non-methanogenic bacteria accounted for 60% of the acetate turnover in sulfate-depleted sediments.VFA concentrations were much lower in N.C. continental slope mud than in Cape Lookout sediments; acetate was the only VFA detectable throughout the top 40 cm of the slope sediments. The estimated production rate of CO2 from acetate decreased rapidly with depth. The surface rate was approximately 20 times less than that measured at similar temperatures in sulfate-reducing Cape Lookout sediments.  相似文献   
To understand the origin of the methane distributions in sediments of Eckernförde Bay, three sites were sampled in May 1994 for determination of methane, sulfate and chloride concentrations in the sediment porewaters. In much of the Bay, bubbles of biogenic methane gas within the sediments lead to widespread ‘acoustic turbidity’ seen in acoustic surveys, masking the sedimentary structure below the gassy horizon. Acoustic windows, where the gas does not appear to be present, occur in several locations in the Bay, often surrounded by acoustically turbid sediments. Pockmarks, shallow depressions in the sediment, are also found in Bay sediments and may show acoustic turbidity at even shallower depths below the interface than surrounding sediments. One site of each type was sampled in this study. The site probably representative of much of the bay below 20 m water depth, revealed methane saturated conditions by about 75 cm depth below the interface, confirming inferences from acoustic scattering data that free gas was present in the sediment. Above this, the methane concentration profile was concave-upward, indicative of methane oxidation in the overlying, sulfate-reducing sediments. These porewaters showed a slightly decreasing chlorinity with depth. At an acoustic window site, methane concentrations rose to a maximum at about 125 cm depth, but did not reach saturation. Below this depth they decreased in a concave-down pattern. Chloride concentrations decreased markedly with depth, indicative of vertical freshwater flow from below. The third site was a pockmark exhibiting very shallow acoustic turbidity at about 25 cm depth. Here methane concentrations rose to exceed saturation within 25 cm depth below the interface and the porewaters became almost fresh by 1.5 m depth, indicative of a stronger flow of freshwater from below. These groundwater flows have competing effects on the methane inventory. They help exclude sulfate from the sediment, allowing the earlier/shallower onset of methanogenesis, but they also aid loss of methane through advection. A diagenetic model that couples the biogeochemistry of sulfate and methane is used to explain the presence or absence of methane gas in these sediments in relation to the flow rate of fresh groundwater from below. Model results indicate that acoustic windows within otherwise acoustically turbid sediments of the bay are likely due to relatively higher rates of vertical advection of fresh groundwater. The gassy pockmark, however, with an even higher vertical advection rate, seems to require the input of additional reactive organic carbon to explain its vertical methane distribution.  相似文献   
In situ carbon flux measurements and calculated burial rates are utilized to construct an organic carbon budget for the upper meter of sediment at a single station in Cape Lookout Bight, a small marine basin located on the Outer Banks of North Carolina, U.S.A. (34°37′N, 76°33′W). Of 149 ± 20 mole · m?2 · yr?1 of total organic carbon deposited, 35.6 ± 5.2 mole · m?2 · yr?1 is recycled to overlying waters, 84 ± 18% as ∑CO2 and 16 ± 8% as CH4. Approximately 68 ± 20% of the upward carbon flux is supported by sulfate reduction while 32 ± 16% takes place as the result of underlying methanogenesis. Measured ∑CO2 and CH4 sediment-water fluxes range seasonally from 1900–6300 and 50–2500 μmole · m?2 · hr?1 respectively.The mean residence time of metabolizable organic carbon in the upper 80 cm of sediment is approximately four months with greater than 98% of the calculated total remineralization taking place within three years. In spite of large upward fluxes of methane, larger molecules derived from metabolizable sedimentary organic carbon appear to be the dominant reductants for dissolved sulfate.  相似文献   
AnnouncementNinth Seminar on Relativistic Astrophysics and Gravitation Wusterhausen (Potsdam), G.D.R., 23–28 October, 1989  相似文献   
An estimated 666,000 ha of acid sulfate soils (ASS) occur within the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) catchments of Queensland, Australia. Extensive areas have been drained causing acidification, metal contamination, deoxygenation and iron precipitation in reef receiving waters. The close proximity of ASS to reef waters makes them a substantial threat to water quality. Another important issue linked with ASS is their release of soluble iron, which is known to stimulate nuisance marine algal blooms, in particular Lyngbya majuscula. Known blooms of the cyanobacteria in reef waters have been confirmed at Shoalwater Bay, Corio Bay, the Whitsunday area and Hinchinbrook Channel. Acid sulfate soils are intimately related to coastal wetland landscapes. Where landscapes containing ASS have been disturbed (such as for agriculture, aquaculture, marinas, etc.) the biodiversity of adjacent wetlands can be adversely affected. However, there is no clear knowledge of the real extent of the so-called "hotspot" ASS areas that occur within the GBR catchments. Management of ASS in reef catchments has benefited from the implementation of the Queensland Acid Sulfate Soils Management Strategy through policy development, mapping, training programs, an advisory service, research and community participation. However, major gaps remain in mapping the extent and nature of ASS. Areas of significant acidification (i.e. hotspots) need to be identified and policies developed for their remediation. Research has a critical role to play in understanding ASS risk and finding solutions, to prevent the adverse impacts that may be caused by ASS disturbance. A case study is presented of the East Trinity site near Cairns, a failed sugar cane development that episodically discharges large amounts of acid into Trinity Inlet, resulting in periodic fish kills. Details are presented of scientific investigations, and a lime-assisted tidal exchange strategy that are being undertaken to remediate a serious ASS problem.  相似文献   
A hydrogeological study was undertaken in the Zenako-Argaka catchment, near Hagere Selam in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, during the rainy season of 2006. A geological map was produced through geophysical measurements and field observations, and a fracture zone identified in the north west of the catchment. A perched water table was found within the Trap Basalt series above the laterized upper Aram Aradam Sandstones. A map of this water table was compiled. Water-level variation during the measurement period was at least 4.5?m. Variation in basal flow for the whole catchment for the measurement period was between 12 and 276?m3/day. A groundwater flow model was produced using Visual MODFLOW, indicating the general direction of flow to be towards the south, and illustrating that the waterways have only a limited influence on groundwater flow. The soil water budget was calculated for the period 1995?C2006, which showed the important influence of the distribution of rainfall in time. Although Hagere Selam received some 724?mm of rainfall per year over this period, the strong seasonal variation in rainfall meant there was a water deficit for on average 10?months per year.  相似文献   
We detail the investigation of the first application of several dissimilarity measures for large-scale solar image data analysis. Using a solar-domain-specific benchmark dataset that contains multiple types of phenomena, we analyzed combinations of image parameters with different dissimilarity measures to determine the combinations that will allow us to differentiate between the multiple solar phenomena from both intra-class and inter-class perspectives, where by class we refer to the same types of solar phenomena. We also investigate the problem of reducing data dimensionality by applying multi-dimensional scaling to the dissimilarity matrices that we produced using the previously mentioned combinations. As an early investigation into dimensionality reduction, we investigate by applying multidimensional scaling (MDS) how many MDS components are needed to maintain a good representation of our data (in a new artificial data space) and how many can be discarded to enhance our querying performance. Finally, we present a comparative analysis of several classifiers to determine the quality of the dimensionality reduction achieved with this combination of image parameters, similarity measures, and MDS.  相似文献   
In Fall 2008 NASA selected a large international consortium to produce a comprehensive automated feature-recognition system for the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The SDO data that we consider are all of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) images plus surface magnetic-field images from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI). We produce robust, very efficient, professionally coded software modules that can keep up with the SDO data stream and detect, trace, and analyze numerous phenomena, including flares, sigmoids, filaments, coronal dimmings, polarity inversion lines, sunspots, X-ray bright points, active regions, coronal holes, EIT waves, coronal mass ejections (CMEs), coronal oscillations, and jets. We also track the emergence and evolution of magnetic elements down to the smallest detectable features and will provide at least four full-disk, nonlinear, force-free magnetic field extrapolations per day. The detection of CMEs and filaments is accomplished with Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO)/Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph (LASCO) and ground-based Hα data, respectively. A?completely new software element is a trainable feature-detection module based on a generalized image-classification algorithm. Such a trainable module can be used to find features that have not yet been discovered (as, for example, sigmoids were in the pre-Yohkoh era). Our codes will produce entries in the Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase (HEK) as well as produce complete catalogs for results that are too numerous for inclusion in the HEK, such as the X-ray bright-point metadata. This will permit users to locate data on individual events as well as carry out statistical studies on large numbers of events, using the interface provided by the Virtual Solar Observatory. The operations concept for our computer vision system is that the data will be analyzed in near real time as soon as they arrive at the SDO Joint Science Operations Center and have undergone basic processing. This will allow the system to produce timely space-weather alerts and to guide the selection and production of quicklook images and movies, in addition to its prime mission of enabling solar science. We briefly describe the complex and unique data-processing pipeline, consisting of the hardware and control software required to handle the SDO data stream and accommodate the computer-vision modules, which has been set up at the Lockheed-Martin Space Astrophysics Laboratory (LMSAL), with an identical copy at the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory (SAO).  相似文献   
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