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Abstract: Sn, B and Pb-Zn skarn, vein and disseminated deposits occur in the eastern part of Sikhote-Alin fold system associated with the late Cretaceous-earliest Paleogene volcano-plutonic complexes, which are products of a continental margin-type subduction along the East Sikhote-Alin belt. There are two metallogenic zones where the ore deposits are concentrated. The Taukha metallogenic zone combining B and Pb-Zn skarn, vein and disseminated deposits occurs on the main volcanic chain along the Japan Sea coast. Late Cretaceous-earliest Paleogene calc-alkaline plutonic and volcanic rocks of magnetite series predominate here. Volcanic rocks overlie on the lower Cretaceous Taukha terrane which consists of abundant olistostromes with numerous olistoliths of Triassic limestones. During the middle-late Cretaceous time, an ignimbrite erupted and formed a huge borosilicate skarn deposit. A later subduction related volcanism of the late Cretaceous-earliest Paleogene stage (70–55 Ma) was predominated by andesites and rhyodacites. Many Pb-Zn skarn and vein deposits were formed. Sulfur isotope compositions of galena in the B and Pb-Zn deposits of the Taukha metallogenic zone vary from –1. 3 to +2. 0%, averaging 0% in the δ34S.  相似文献   
Time series of meteorological and hydrographic variables were analyzed using Huang's Empirical Mode Decomposition (EMD) to ascertain the relationships among climatic forcings and the hydrographic behavior in an estuarine bay. The EMD method allowed us to separate the different characteristic oscillation patterns (or modes) of a 14 year-long time series of weekly hydrographic (water temperature and salinity) and meteorological (air temperature, pressure, wind and precipitation) data from Alfacs Bay (Ebre delta, NW Mediterranean). In order to explore the relations between couples of oscillation modes from different series, we developed a correlation index based on the phase differences between these modes. Common characteristic modes in the studied series are a seasonal pattern and an inter-annual oscillation. The comparison between series of meteorological and hydrographic variables shows significant correlations of two modes (of 1 year and 2–3 year periods, respectively) of water temperature with the corresponding two modes of air temperature and air pressure. There were also significant positive correlations between wind speed and water temperature. The use of EMD allowed to discover a strong connection between stratification and the use of irrigation channels in the bay; in addition, with the help of this method we can propose a common meteorological forcing mechanism for the observed patterns of variability. Those findings would have been impossible to guess by use of classical Fourier methods, and gives a demonstration of the power of EMD in climatic series analysis.  相似文献   
Using data from the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) Spectroheliometer onSkylab, we study the empirical characteristics of the variable emission in active regions. These simultaneous multi-wavelength observations clearly confirm that active regions consist of a complex of loops at different temperatures. The variable emission from this complex has very well-defined properties that can be quantitatively summarized as follows: (1) It is localized predominantly around the footpoints where it occurs at discrete locations. (2) The strongest variability does not necessarily coincide with the most intense emission. (3) The fraction of the area of the footpoints,δn/N, that exhibits variable emission, varies by ±15% as a function of time, at any of the wavelengths measured. It also varies very little from footpoint to footpoint. (4) This fractional variation is temperature dependent with a maximum around 105 K. (5) The ratio of the intensity of the variable to the average background emission, δI/Ī, also changes with temperature. In addition, we find that these distinctive characteristics persist even when flares occur within the active region.  相似文献   
The impact of the Black Sea Water (BSW) inflow on the circulation and the water mass characteristics of the North Aegean Sea is investigated using a high-resolution 3D numerical model. Four climatological numerical experiments are performed exploring the effects of the exchange amplitude at the Dardanelles Straits in terms of the mean annual volume exchanged and the amplitude of its seasonal cycle. Larger inflow of low salinity BSW influences the water characteristics of the whole basin. The largest salinity reduction is encountered in the upper layers of the water column, and the most affected region is the northeastern part of the basin. The winter insulation character of the BSW layer (low-salinity layer) is reduced by the seasonal cycle of the inflow (minimum during winter). The maximum atmospheric cooling coincides with the minimum BSW inflow rate, weakening the vertical density gradients close to the surface and thus facilitating the vertical mixing. The inflow rate of BSW into the North Aegean Sea constitutes an essential factor for the circulation in the basin. Increased inflow rate results into considerably higher kinetic energy, stronger circulation and reinforcement of the mesoscale circulation features. Although the position of the front between BSW and waters of Levantine origin does not vary significantly with the intensity of the BSW inflow rate, the flow along the front becomes stronger and more unstable as the inflow rate increases, forming meanders and rings. The changes in the intensity of BSW inflow rate overpower the wind and thermohaline forcing and largely determine the general circulation of the North Aegean Sea.  相似文献   
207Pb/206Pb single-grain zircon, 40Ar/39Ar single-grain hornblende and biotite, and 40Ar/39Ar bulk-sample muscovite and biotite ages from the Nelshoogte trondhjemite pluton located in eastern Transvaal, South Africa, show that this granitoid had a protracted thermal history spanning 3213±4  Ma to about 3000  Ma. Whole-rock 40Ar/39Ar ages from cross-cutting dolerite dykes indicate that these were intruded at about 1900  Ma. There is no evidence of this or other, later events significantly affecting the argon systematics of the minerals from the pluton dated by the 40Ar/39Ar method.
  The pluton has a well-defined palaeomagnetic pole which is dated at 3179±18 (2 σ ) Ma by 40Ar/39Ar dating of hornblende. This pole (18°N, 310°E, A 95=9°) yields a palaeolatitude of 0°, significantly different from other Archaean poles from the Kaapvaal Craton. The palaeolatitude difference implies that there was significant apparent polar wander during the Archaean. A second, overprinting magnetization seen in the pluton is also seen in the lower-Proterozoic dolerite dykes, and is consistent with other lower-Proterozoic (2150–1950  Ma) poles for southern Africa.  相似文献   
Natural tracers (Cl? and stable water isotopes) in pore water of the Opalinus Clay and adjacent formations were studied in the motorway tunnel at Mont Russelin, Switzerland. The Opalinus Clay occurs in the core of an anticline which is cut by a complex system of thrust faults. Concentration profiles of natural tracers were taken from 17 boreholes along a 363 m long section. Pore waters of drillcore samples were analysed with indirect and direct methods. The Cl? and stable water isotope distribution in the pore water shows a regular and well defined profile, with a conspicuous decrease towards the overlying Dogger limestone aquifer. The highest Cl? values (approximately 23,000 mg/L) are found in the core of the anticline in Liassic claystones underlying the Opalinus Clay. To quantify the large-scale transport properties of the Opalinus Clay formation, a 2D transport model was constructed and used to reproduce the observed concentration profiles. The calculations indicate that the observed tracer distributions are consistent with diffusion as the dominant transport process. Groundwater flow in the overlying Dogger aquifer was initiated about 2–4 Ma ago, which is long after the folding of the Jura Mountains and probably coincides with the exposure of the aquifer to freshwater recharge following continued erosion of the anticline. The calculations suggest that tracer distributions are controlled by 1) the timing of freshwater recharge in the overlying limestone aquifer, 2) the shape of the anticline and 3) the magnitude and the anisotropy ratio of diffusion coefficients.  相似文献   
The early Paleozoic Terskey Suture zone,located in the southern part of the Northern Tien Shan domain in Kyrgyzstan,comprises tectonic slivers of dismembered ophiolites and associated primitive volcanics and deepmarine sediments.In the Lake Songkul area,early-middle Cambrian pillow basalts are crosscut by the Songkultau intrusion of coarse-grained gneissose quartz diorites and tonalites with geochemical characteristics typical for high-SiO2 adakites(SiO2>56 wt.%,Al2O3>15 wt.%,Na2 O>3.5 wt.%and high Sr/Y and La/Yb ratios).The Songkultau granitoids have positive initialεNd(+3.8 to+6.4)andεHf(+12.3 to+13.5)values indicating derivation from sources with MORB-like isotopic signature.Volcanic formations,surrounding the Songkultau intrusion,have geochemical affinities varying from ocean floor to island arc series.This rock assemblage is interpreted as a relic of an early-middle Cambrian primitive arc where the adakite-like granitoids were derived from partial melting of young and hot subducted oceanic crust.An age of 505 Ma,obtained for the Songkultau intrusion,shows that hot subduction under the Northern Tien Shan continued until middle Cambrian.The primitive arc complexes were obducted onto the Northern Tien Shan domain,where the Andean type continental magmatic arc developed in Cambrian and Ordovician.Formation of the Andean type arc was accompanied by uplift,erosion and deposition of coarse clastic sediments.A depositional age of ca.470 Ma,obtained for the gravellites in the Lake Songkul area,is in agreement with the timing of deposition for lower Ordovician conglomerates elsewhere in the Northern Tien Shan,and corresponds to the main phase of the Andean type magmatism.The Songkultau adakites in association with surrounding ocean floor and island arc formations constitute a relic of a primitive Cambrian arc and represent a juvenile domain of substantial size identified so far within the predominantly crustal-derived terranes of Tien Shan.On a regional scale this primitive arc can be compared with juvenile Cambrian arcs of Kazakhstan,Gorny Altai and Mongolia.  相似文献   
In the 1960s Russian scientists made what was then a bold assertion that gas hydrates should occur in abundance in nature. Since this early start, the scientific foundation has been built for the realization that gas hydrates are a global phenomenon, occurring in permafrost regions of the arctic and in deep water portions of most continental margins worldwide. In 1995, the U.S. Geological Survey made the first systematic assessment of the in-place natural gas hydrate resources of the United States. That study suggested that the amount of gas in the gas hydrate accumulations of northern Alaska probably exceeds the volume of known conventional gas resources on the North Slope. Researchers have long speculated that gas hydrates could eventually become a producible energy resource, yet technical and economic hurdles have historically made gas hydrate development a distant goal. This view began to change in recent years with the realization that this unconventional resource could be developed with existing conventional oil and gas production technology. One of the most significant developments was the completion of the BPXA-DOE-USGS Mount Elbert Gas Hydrate Stratigraphic Test Well on the Alaska North Slope, which along with the Mallik project in Canada, have for the first time allowed the rational assessment of gas hydrate production technology and concepts. Almost 40 years of gas hydrate research in northern Alaska has confirmed the occurrence of at least two large gas hydrate accumulations on the North Slope. We have also seen in Alaska the first ever assessment of how much gas could be technically recovered from gas hydrates. However, significant technical concerns need to be further resolved in order to assess the ultimate impact of gas hydrate energy resource development in northern Alaska.  相似文献   
Stephanodiscus niagarae is frequently reported from late Pleistocene (>10,000 yr BP) sediments in central Mexico, with lower abundances through the Holocene. Its presence in Holocene and modern environments in central Mexico was not well documented until our study, where we report on three populations of S. niagarae, one middle Holocene population with particularly high abundance from the Upper Lerma Basin, and two modern sites, Valle de Bravo and Santa Elena. The three sites are located in the same geographical area, in the State of Mexico. The fossil material dates to ca. 6600–4900 yr BP, with S. niagarae reaching up to 90% of the diatom counts. Stephanodiscus niagarae is present in association with Fragilaria pinnata, F. brevistriata, and Aulacoseira granulata. In Valle de Bravo (ca. 30 m deep) S. niagarae is present in very low numbers in water column and surface sediments samples (<1%); the diatom assemblage is dominated by Fragilaria crotonensis in association with A. granulata, A. granulata var. curvata and Cyclotella ocellata. In Santa Elena, a shallow, intermittent irrigation channel, S. niagarae is the second most abundant alga; the diatom assemblage is dominated by S. niagarae in association with A. granulata, A. granulata var. curvata and F. crotonensis. Both modern sites show a trend to eutrophy and these diatom assemblages are taken as indicative of this trend. It is suggested researchers should be cautions when the presence of S. niagarae in sedimentary records is taken as indicative of deep waters conditions, as the present data show that this species can thrive in rather shallow environments in Mexico.  相似文献   
The Stellar Imager (SI) is a space-based, UV/Optical Interferometer (UVOI) designed to enable 0.1 milli-arcsecond (mas) spectral imaging of stellar surfaces and of the Universe in general. It will also probe via asteroseismology flows and structures in stellar interiors. SI’s science focuses on the role of magnetism in the Universe and will revolutionize our understanding of the formation of planetary systems, of the habitability and climatology of distant planets, and of many magneto-hydrodynamically controlled processes, such as accretion, in the Universe. The ultra-sharp images of SI will revolutionize our view of many dynamic astrophysical processes by transforming point sources into extended sources, and snapshots into evolving views. SI is a “Flagship and Landmark Discovery Mission” in the 2005 Heliophysics Roadmap and a potential implementation of the UVOI in the 2006 Science Program for NASA’s Astronomy and Physics Division. We present here the science goals of the SI Mission, a mission architecture that could meet those goals, and the technology development needed to enable this mission. Additional information on SI can be found at: http://hires.gsfc.nasa.gov/si/.  相似文献   
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