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The Selenga River is the main artery feeding Lake Baikal. It has a catchment of ~450000 km² in the boundary region between Northern Mongolia and Southern Siberia. Climate, land use and dynamic socioeconomic changes go along with rising water abstractions and contaminant loads originating from mining sites and urban wastewater. In the future, these pressures might have negative impacts on the ecosystems of Lake Baikal and the Selenga River Delta, which is an important wetland region in itself and forms the last geobiochemical barrier before the Selenga drains into Lake Baikal. The following study aims to assess current trends in hydrology and water quality in the Selenga-Baikal basin, identify their drivers and to set up models (WaterGAP3 framework and ECOMAG) for the prediction of future changes. Of particular relevance for hydrological and water quality changes in the recent past were climate and land use trends as well as contaminant influx from mining areas and urban settlements. In the near future, additional hydrological modifications due to the construction of dams and abstractions/water diversions from the Selenga’s Mongolian tributaries could lead to additional alterations.  相似文献   
We evaluate the statistical properties of low-level jets (LLJs) observed by means of a network of Doppler sodars in the Moscow region, Russia. Continuous long-term measurements of the echo-signal intensity and wind-velocity profiles were carried out in July 2005 and in 2008–2010 synchronously in the centre of Moscow and at a rural site. The summertime nocturnal LLJs have a very clear diurnal cycle and exhibit features predicted by the Blackadar mechanism. In contrast, the long-lasting wintertime jets do not have any clear diurnal variability. The urban environment strongly influences LLJs in both seasons: above the city LLJs are higher, weaker and observed more rarely than at the rural site. In very cold periods (air temperature below −8°C) no LLJs were observed over the city, instead convection emerged in the urban boundary layer. The results are based on observations made in July 2005, January and December 2009, and January 2011.  相似文献   
We propose a new method for estimating the HI deficiency in galaxies. The method is based on a semi-empirical relationship between the total mass of HI and specific angular momentum of isolated galaxies. The atomic-hydrogen deficiency is estimated for nearby spiral galaxies and for spiral galaxies in the Virgo and Coma clusters. The mean HI deficiencies determined for these samples using our method are similar to those obtained with conventional methods, although there are considerable differences in some cases. The HI deficiency in nearby galaxies does not depend on their degree of isolation, and there is no systematic discrepancy between their HI and “normal” masses. Significant HI deficiencies are observed in the Virgo and Coma clusters, out to distances of 1.5 and 3–4 Mpc from the cluster centers, respectively. At such distances, the ram pressure is too small to sweep a considerable amount of gas from the galactic disks. Either these galaxies have passed through the dense cluster center, or their gas deficiency is due to the fact that the halo had stopped accreting onto the disk when the galaxy entered the cluster.  相似文献   
We present new high-precision 40Ar/39Ar ages on feldspar and biotite separates to establish the age, duration and extent of the larger Siberian Traps volcanic province. Samples include basalts and gabbros from Noril'sk, the Lower Tunguska area on the Siberian craton, the Taimyr Peninsula, the Kuznetsk Basin, Vorkuta in the Polar Urals, and from Chelyabinsk in the southern Urals. Most of the ages, except for those from Chelyabinsk, are indistinguishable from those found at Noril'sk. Cessation of activity at Noril'sk is constrained by a 40Ar/39Ar age of 250.3 ± 1.1 Ma for the uppermost Kumginsky Suite.The new 40Ar/39Ar data confirm that the bulk of Siberian volcanism occurred at 250 Ma during a period of less than 2 Ma, extending over an area of up to 5 million km2. The resolution of the data allows us to confidently conclude that the main stage of volcanism either immediately predates, or is synchronous with, the end-Permian mass extinction, further strengthening an association between volcanism and the end-Permian crisis. A sanidine age of 249.25 ± 0.14 Ma from Bed 28 tuff at the global section and stratotype at Meishan, China, allows us to bracket the P–Tr boundary to 0.58 ± 0.21 myr, and enables a direct comparison between the 40Ar/39Ar age of the Traps and the Permo–Triassic boundary section.Younger ages (243 Ma) obtained for basalts from Chelyabinsk indicate that volcanism in at least the southern part of the province continued into the Triassic.  相似文献   
To design and review the operation of spillways, it is necessary to estimate design hydrographs, considering their peak flow, shape and volume. A hybrid method is proposed that combines the shape of the design hydrograph obtained with the UNAM Institute of Engineering Method (UNAMIIM) with the peak flow and volume calculated from a bivariate method. This hybrid method is applied to historical data of the Huites Dam, Sinaloa, Mexico. The goal is to estimate return periods for the maximum discharge flows (that account for the damage caused downstream) and the maximum levels reached in the dam (measure of the hydrological dam safety) corresponding to a given spillway and its management policy. Therefore, to validate the method, the results obtained by the flood routing of the 50-year hydrograph are compared with those obtained by the flood routing of the three largest historical floods. Both maximum flow and elevation were in the range of values observed within 37.5–75 years corresponding to the length of the historical record.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to estimate the effect that climate change will have on groundwater recharge at the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. The groundwater recharge is calculated from a monthly water balance model considering eight methods of potential and actual evapotranspiration. Historical data from 1961–2000 and climate model outputs from five downscaled general circulation models in the near horizon (2015–2039), with representative concentration pathway (RCP) 4.5 and 8.5 are used. The results estimate a recharge of 118 ± 33 mm·year–1 (around 10% of precipitation) in the historical period. Considering the uncertainty from GCMs under different RCP and evapotranspiration scenarios, our monthly water balance model estimates a groundwater recharge of 92 ± 40 mm·year–1 (RCP4.5) and 94 ± 38 mm·year–1 (RCP8.5) which represent a reduction of 23% and 20%, respectively, a result that threatens the socio-ecological balance of the region.  相似文献   
The Mottled Zone(MZ) or Hatrurim Formation,which occurs near the Levantine Transform in the South Levant,has been studied during the last 150 years but its origin remains debatable.Mottled Zone Complex/Complexes(MZC/MZCs) consist of brecciated carbonate and low-temperature calcium-hydro-silicate rocks,which include unusual high- and ultra-high-temperature low-pressure(HT-LP) meta-morphic mineral assemblages.The MZ has been regarded as a product of combustion of bituminous chalks of the Ghareb Fm.of Cretaceous(Maastrichtian) age.In this paper we present detailed geographic, geomorphologic,structural and geological data from the MZCs of the South Levant,which show that the MZCs cannot be stratigraphically correlated with the Ghareb Fm.,because MZC late Oligocene-late Pleistocene deposits occur within or unconformable i.e.,with stratigraphic hiatus,overlap both the late Cretaceous and,in places,Neogene stratigraphic units.We propose an alternative model for the formation of MZCs by tectonically induced mud volcanism during late Oligocene-late Pleistocene time. This model explains(i) the presence of dikes and tube-like bodies,which consist of brecciated exotic clastic material derived from stratigraphically and hypsometrically lower horizons;(ii) mineral assemblages of sanidinite facies metamorphism;(iii) multi-stage character of HT-LP pyrometamorphism;and (iv) multi-stage low-temperature hydrothermal alteration.High temperatures(up to 1500℃) mineral assemblages resulted from combustion of hydrocarbon gases of mud volcanoes.Mud volcanism was spatially and structurally related to neotectonic folds and deformation zones formed in response to opening of the Red Sea rift and propagation of the Levantine Transform Fault.Our model may significantly change the prospects for oil-and-gas deposits in the region.  相似文献   
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