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Crooked line, rough topography: advancing towards the correct seismic image   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Seismic exploration in mountainous areas imposes serious compromises on both acquisition and processing. Access restrictions usually result in profiles that are not straight and are not recorded along the true dip direction (if there is a true dip direction!). Processing constraints often result in very poor approximate corrections for elevations and for deviations from a straight line. Most fundamentally, 2D acquisition and processing assumes that the earth is 2D; this assumption is often seriously violated in mountainous areas. While we cannot efficiently correct 2D seismic data for the effects of a fully 3D subsurface, we can improve the data quality in thrust areas where the assumption of 2D subsurface variation is reasonable. We do this in a series of small steps, which improves the accuracy of several approximations made in processing 2D land data.  相似文献   
Both Vancouver, British Columbia, and Detroit, Michigan, have significant and growing urban agriculture movements. In this article, I follow recent work investigating the connection between urban agriculture and neoliberalization to determine how these local governments have used urban agriculture in narratives of economic development to selectively pursue a sustainability fix. I analyze how different regimes of local governance have influenced the urban agriculture movements, leading to local, hybridized fixes that adapt to different material and discursive contexts in each place. I argue that in both cities, urban agriculture has radical potential as a grassroots response to economic and environmental injustice, but has also been enrolled as a device by the local state in which the primary goal of sustainability planning becomes enhanced economic competitiveness. Pursuing an agenda of food justice requires examining the larger context and effects of municipal involvement with food movements.  相似文献   
This paper presents the sediment, landform and dynamic context of four avalanche-fed valley glaciers (Khumbu, Imja, Lhotse and Chukhung) in the Mount Everest (Sagarmatha) region of Nepal. All four glaciers have a mantle of debris dominated by sandy boulder-gravel that suppresses melting to an increasing degree towards the snout, leading to a progressive reduction in the overall slope of their longitudinal profile. Prominent lateral–terminal moraine complexes, also comprising sandy bouldergravel, enclose the glaciers. These terminal moraines originally grew by accretion of multiple sedimentary facies of basal glacial and supraglacial origin, probably by folding and thrusting when the glaciers were more dynamic during the Little Ice Age. The four glaciers are in various stages of recession, and demonstrate a range of scenarios from down-wasting of the glacier tongue, through morainedammed lake development, to post-moraine-dam breaching. Khumbu Glacier is at the earliest stage of supraglacial pond formation and shows no sign yet of developing a major lake, although one is likely to develop behind its >250 m high composite terminal moraine. Imja Glacier terminates in a substantial body of water behind a partially ice-cored moraine dam (as determined from geophysical surveys), but morphologically appears unlikely to be an immediate threat. Chukhung Glacier already has a breached moraine and a connected debris fan, and therefore no longer poses a threat. Lhotse Glacier has an inclined, free-draining tongue that precludes hazardous lake development. From the data assembled, a conceptual model, applicable to other Himalayan glaciers, is proposed to explain the development of large, lateral-terminal moraine complexes and associated potentially hazardous moraine dams. – 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   
The surface renewal (SR) method was applied for the first time to measurements of air temperature over four Amazonian forest sites and different seasons in order to obtain estimates of buoyancy heat flux. The required calibration of this method against eddy covariance resulted in a value for a specific parameter that is close to the range reported in other studies, contributing to the generalization of the SR method to different kinds of canopies. The comparison with fluxes obtained using the eddy covariance technique revealed a good match between the two methods for different sites, heights and seasons. Sites with high levels of non-stationarity in the signals of temperature and wind speed presented higher scatter in the regression with fluxes from eddy covariance. For a particular site with previously reported influence of low-frequency motions, the regression was only satisfactory, i.e., slope parameter close to unity and small offset, when oscillations with periods longer than $\approx $ 13 min were filtered out. The SR method has a great potential due to the simplicity of the instrumentation required. However, care should be taken when measuring under the influence of mesoscale motions, which can lead to high levels of non-stationarity, compromising the fundamental concepts of the SR theory.  相似文献   
The aim of this paper is to investigate different aspects of the seasonal-to-interannual temperature variability in Eastern Patagonia, the southernmost area of South America, east of the Andes Cordillera. Homogenous regions of seasonal variability and the atmospheric circulation patterns associated with warm and cold conditions in each of them are described in this study. Relationships between temperature in Eastern Patagonia and that registered in other areas of southern South America are also addressed. Results show that the northern and southern areas of Eastern Patagonia have different temperature variability in summer and autumn whereas the temperature variability tends to be more homogeneous within the region during winter and spring. Warm (cold) conditions in the northern areas are associated with reinforced (weakened) westerlies in summer, winter and spring whereas northerly (southerly) advections of warm (cold) air toward the region produce such conditions in autumn. Temperature in the southern portion of Eastern Patagonia is affected by anticyclonic (cyclonic) anomalies that enhance (reduce) the incoming solar radiation and induce reinforced (weakened) westerlies promoting warm (cold) conditions in the region. Furthermore, cyclonic (anticyclonic) anomalies at subpolar latitudes hinder (favor) outbreaks of cold air increasing (decreasing) the temperature over areas of Eastern Patagonia. The circulation anomalies associated with warm (cold) conditions in Eastern Patagonia also promote cold (warm) conditions over areas of northern Argentina, Paraguay and southern Brazil. Consequently, a dipole of temperature is detected in southern South America with centers of opposite sign over these regions.  相似文献   
The Jurassic Ferrar dolerite sills of the McMurdo Dry Valleys,Antarctica represent the plumbing system for flood basalt eruptionsassociated with the breakup of Gondwana. Among the Ferrar sills,the 350–450 m thick cumulate-textured Basement Sill isdifferentiated into a Lower Marginal Zone (LMZ) gabbronorite,a thick Lower Zone (LZ) orthopyroxene–plagioclase orthocumulatepyroxenite, a strongly layered mela- to leuco-gabbronorite MiddleZone (MZ), a thick Upper Zone (UZ) gabbronorite with ferrogabbroicpods, and an Upper Marginal Zone (UMZ) gabbronorite. Texturesand mineral compositions in the LZ pyroxenite and MZ–UZgabbronorites are nearly identical, the main distinction beingthe greater relative proportion of plagioclase in the MZ–UZgabbronorites, and of pigeonite in the UZ. Most orthopyroxenein the LZ, MZ and UZ occurs as sub-euhedral, normally zonedprimocrysts, commonly with rounded plagioclase inclusions. Plagioclaseis usually sub-euhedral and normally zoned, but can containsodic cores interpreted to be xenocrystic. Orthopyroxene andfeldspar compositions thoughout the sill are generally fairlyuniform, and resemble the compositions of micro-phenocrystsin the chilled margins. We infer that the sill was filled bya c. 1250°C slurry of orthopyroxene + plagioclase phenocrystsor primocrysts that subsequently unmixed in response to buoyancyforces. The LZ websterite contains numerous anorthosite to gabbronoriteschlieren, veins and pipes (< 2 m diameter), which we interpretas fossil segregation channels. Textures and mineral compositionsin these felsic channels are very similar both to UZ and MZgabbronorites, and to the groundmass separating accumulatedorthopyroxene primocrysts in the LZ and MZ. We infer that plagioclase-charged,hydrous pore melt from the pyroxenite may have segregated, pooledand ascended through these conduits to feed growth of the UZgabbronorite. Detailed mapping shows that the pipes are separatedby about 15 m on average. Calculations suggest that this numberdensity of conduits could have drained the LZ cumulates of theirinterstitial melt + plagioclase in about 8 days. Sequences (eachc. 5–10 m thick) of layered leuco-gabbronorite in theMZ could represent intra-cumulate sills that formed from plagioclase-richslurries ascending in segregation channels. Fe–Ti-richpyroxenitic veins and pods (some pegmatitic) and an unusualcoarse-grained plagioclase facies occur at the contacts betweenmassive leuco-gabbronorite layers in the MZ. Discordant ferro-pegmatitepods and dykes occur throughout the UZ. We interpret these Fe-richpegmatoidal rocks as evolved residual melts expelled from thecompacting gabbronoritic cumulates of the MZ and UZ. KEY WORDS: Ferrar; cumulates; differentiation; Antarctica; layering  相似文献   
Extensive regions of low-density cometary comae are characterized by important deviations from the Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution, i.e. breakdown of thermodynamic equilibrium. The consequences of this on the shapes of emission and absorption lines, and for the acceleration of solid bodies due to gas drag, have rarely been investigated.These problems are studied here to aid in the development of future coma models, and in preparation for observations of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko from the ESA Rosetta spacecraft. Two topics in particular, related to Rosetta, are preparation for in situ observations of water, carbon monoxide, ammonia, and methanol emission lines by the mm/sub-mm spectrometer MIRO, as well as gas drag forces on dust grains and on the Rosetta spacecraft itself.Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) modeling of H2O/CO mixtures in spherically symmetric geometries at various heliocentric distances are used to study the evolution of the (generally non-Maxwellian) velocity distribution function throughout the coma. Such distribution functions are then used to calculate Doppler broadening profiles and drag forces.It is found that deviation from thermodynamic equilibrium indeed is commonplace, and already at 2.5 AU from the Sun the entire comet coma displays manifestations of such breakdown, e.g., non-equal partitioning of energy between kinetic and rotational modes, causing substantial differences between translational and rotational temperatures. We exemplify how deviations from thermodynamic equilibrium affect the properties of Doppler broadened line profiles. Upper limits on the size of liftable dust grains as well as terminal grain velocities are presented. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that the drag-to-gravity force ratio is likely to decrease with decreasing cometocentric distance, which may be of relevance both for Rosetta and for the lander probe Philae.  相似文献   
Soil resources in parts of Tanzania are rapidly being depleted by increased rates of soil erosion and downstream sediment transport, threatening ecosystem health, water and livelihood security in the region. However, incomplete understanding to what effect the dynamics of soil erosion and sediment transport are responding to land-use changes and climatic variability are hindering the actions needed to future-proof Tanzanian land-use practices. Complementary environmental diagnostic tools were applied to reconstruct the rates and sources of sedimentation over time in three Tanzanian river systems that have experienced changing land use and climatic conditions. Detailed historical analysis of sediment deposits revealed drastic changes in sediment yield and source contributions. Quantitative sedimentation reconstruction using radionuclide dating showed a 20-fold increase in sediment yield over the past 120 years. The observed dramatic increase in sediment yield is most likely driven by increasing land-use pressures. Deforestation, cropland expansion and increasing grazing pressures resulted into accelerating rates of sheet erosion. A regime shift after years of progressive soil degradation and convergence of surface flows resulted into a highly incised landscape, where high amounts of eroded soil from throughout the catchment are rapidly transported downstream by strongly connected ephemeral drainage networks. By integrating complementary spatial and temporal evidence bases, this study demonstrated links between land-use change, increased soil erosion and downstream sedimentation. Such evidence can guide stakeholders and policy makers in the design of targeted management interventions to safeguard future soil health and water quality.  相似文献   
When the Tennessee-Tombigbee Waterway of Mississippi and Alabama opened to commercial and recreational traffic on January 16, 1985—some 21 months ahead of schedule—it signaled the completion of the largest Army Corps of Engineers Civil Works project ever undertaken, and perhaps the last of its kind After more than a century of studies and re-studies and major funding battles in Congress, the Tennessee-Tombigbee construction faced, predictably, great opposition on environmental grounds The first major project to be completed under the National Environmental Policy Act, it brought environmental design to the same level of prominence as engineering design.  相似文献   
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