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Base metal–Ag mineralisation at Dikulushi and in other deposits on the Kundelungu Plateau (Democratic Republic of Congo) developed during two episodes. Subeconomic Cu–Pb–Zn–Fe polysulphide ores were generated during the Lufilian Orogeny (c. 520 Ma ago) in a set of E–W- and NE–SW-oriented faults. Their lead has a relatively unradiogenic and internally inhomogeneous isotopic composition (206Pb/204Pb = 18.07–18.49), most likely generated by mixing of Pb from isotopically heterogeneous clastic sources. These sulphides were remobilised and enriched after the Lufilian Orogeny, along reactivated and newly formed NE–SW-oriented faults into a chalcocite-dominated Cu–Ag mineralisation of high economic interest. The chalcocite samples contain only trace amounts of lead and show mostly radiogenic Pb isotope signatures that fall along a linear trend in the 207Pb/204Pb vs. 206Pb/204Pb diagram (206Pb/204Pb = 18.66–23.65; 207Pb/204Pb = 15.72–16.02). These anomalous characteristics reflect a two-stage evolution involving admixture of both radiogenic lead and uranium during a young fluid event possibly c. 100 Ma ago. The Pb isotope systematics of local host rocks to mineralisation also indicate some comparable young disturbance of their U–Th–Pb systems, related to the same event. They could have provided Pb with sufficiently radiogenic compositions that was added to less radiogenic Pb remobilised from precursor Cu–Pb–Zn–Fe polysulphides, whereas the U most likely originated from external sources. Local metal sources are also suggested by the 208Pb/204Pb–206Pb/204Pb systematics of combined ore and rock lead, which indicate a pronounced and diversified lithological control of the immediate host rocks on the chalcocite-dominated Cu–Ag ores. The Pb isotope systematics of polysulphide mineralisation on the Kundelungu Plateau clearly record a diachronous evolution.  相似文献   
Active hydrate destabilization in Lake Baikal,Siberia?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT In this paper, we present new seismic and heat-flow data that show the base of the hydrate stability zone (BHSZ) in Lake Baikal to be locally characterized by abnormal variations in depth, with distinct regions of deeper-than-normal and regions of shallower-than-normal BHSZ. These variations are related to strong lateral variations in heat flow, and occur in close association with important rift-basin faults. Areas of shallow BHSZ are also characterized by the presence of several methane seeps and mud volcanoes at the lake floor. We infer that the seeps are the surface expression of escape pathways for overpressured fluids generated by the dissociation of pre-existing hydrates, in response to a thermal pulse caused by an upward flow of hydrothermal fluids towards the BHSZ. It thus seems that present-day hydrate dissociation in Lake Baikal is modulated by the tectonic activity in the rift rather than by – climatically controlled – changes in lake level or water temperature.  相似文献   
The geomorphic origin and evolution of the tectonically unique interior highland of southern Africa, the Kalahari Plateau, and its flanking low-lying coastal planes, remain largely unresolved because of a lack of regional quantitative analyses of its uplift and erosion history. Here we focus on the southern Cape, South Africa and link onshore denudation, based on new apatite fission track thermochronology results, to offshore sediment accumulation, using abundant well data and a seismic reflection profile. We attempt to relate source and sink in order to resolve some first order issues concerning timing of the exhumation and development of the topographic features of southern Africa. The volume of sediment accumulated off South Africa's south coast is calculated using 173 wells and a seismic reflection profile. A total, uncompacted, sediment volume of 268,500 km3 accumulated off South Africa's south coasts since  136 Ma, in the Outeniqua and Southern Outeniqua Basins. Accumulation volumes and rates were highest in the early Cretaceous (48,800 × 104 km3 at  8150 km3/Ma from  136 to 130 Ma, and 57,500 × 104 km3 at 5750 km3/Ma from  130 to 120 Ma) and mid–late Cretaceous (83,700 × 104 km3 at 3200 km3/Ma from  93 to 67 Ma). Volumes and accumulation rates were lowest for the early–mid-Cretaceous (47,400 × 104 km3 at 1750 km3/Ma from  120 to 93 Ma) and the Cenozoic (31,200 × 104 km3 at 450 km3/Ma from  67 to 0 Ma). Although our analysis shows that the accumulated volume of offshore sediments does not match the calculated volume of onshore erosion, as quantified through apatite fission track thermochronology (e.g. Tinker, J.H., de Wit, M.J., Brown, R., 2008. Mesozoic exhumation of the 439 southern Cape, South Africa, quantified using apatite fission track thermochronology. Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.10.009), the timing of increased sediment accumulation closely matches the timing of increased onshore denudation. This suggests that the greatest volumes of material were transported from source to sink during two distinct Cretaceous episodes, and that the processes driving onshore denudation decreased by an order of magnitude during the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
The Gulf of Cariaco is a marginal basin located between the Cariaco Basin and the Paria Gulf, offshore NE Venezuela, along a system of active right-lateral strike-slip faults. It is connected to the Caribbean Sea via a shallow 58-m-deep sill implying that the gulf was disconnected from the global ocean during eustatic lowstands. A dense grid of high-resolution reflection seismic profiles has been used to determine the overall tectonic structure of the gulf and to establish the seismic stratigraphy of its sedimentary infill. Six unconformity-bounded seismic–stratigraphic units were identified in the upper ~ 200 m of the sedimentary infill. Detailed seismic–stratigraphic and seismic-facies analysis allowed defining a series of sedimentary features that can be used as indicators of past sea or lake level in the Gulf of Cariaco: i) delta offlap breaks, ii) evaporites, and iii) erosional unconformities. Using accurate measurements of these various indicators at several locations in the gulf and a simple total subsidence model, a relative sea/lake-level history encompassing the last 130 kyr could be reconstructed. In periods of connection with the open ocean, reconstructed relative sea level correlates well with eustatic sea level. In times of disconnection, distinct lake-level fluctuations occurred, which sometimes resulted in total dessication of the gulf. Lake-level fluctuations appear to correlate with major Heinrich Events, stadials and interstadials. MIS 4, the LGM and the Younger Dryas were thus identified in the Gulf of Cariaco sedimentary record. The last reconnection to the Caribbean Sea occurred during MWP1b (around 11.5 kyr). The very good fit of the Cariaco sea/lake-level curve with the eustatic sea-level curves (both in terms of amplitude and of timing) underscores potential for future paleoclimate research of the sedimentary record contained in this marginal basin, despite its active tectonic setting.  相似文献   
In this paper, we address the irregular behaviour and geometry of the gas hydrate stability zone (HSZ) inferred from reflection seismic data in relation to heat-flow measurements. The study area lies in the hanging wall of the Posolsky fault in the Southern Baikal Basin (SBB). Side-scan sonar imagery already revealed an undulating antithetic active fault structure and several isolated active vent structures. Remarkably, these fluid discharge structures occur only where the base of the hydrate stability zone (BHSZ), as inferred from seismic reflection profiles, is fluctuating and discontinuous, independent of lake floor morphology. The correlation between the interpreted BHSZ and heat-flow data across the Malenki seep is reasonable. On a seismic profile south of the fluid escape features, the BHSZ is expressed as an oscillatory, but continuous reflection, and shows poor correlation with heat-flow measurements. In nearly all cases, measured heat-flow exceeds inferred heat-flow. Additionally, the local inferred minima are anomalously low compared to the expected background values in the SBB. These observations suggest that the present-day hydrate accumulation and its (meta-)stability are more complicated than originally suspected. The limited area of these anomalies, their amplitudes and their occurrence in the immediate vicinity of faults and fluid escape features suggest that fluid convection cells disturb local gas hydrate stability conditions.  相似文献   
In order to investigate the nature of dwarf low surface brightness (LSB) galaxies we have undertaken a deep B - and I -band CCD survey of a 14-deg2 strip in the Virgo Cluster and applied a Fourier convolution technique to explore its dwarf galaxy population down to a central surface brightness of ∼26 B mag arcsec−2 and a total absolute B mag of  ∼−10  . In this paper we carry out an analysis of their morphology, ( B − I ) colours and atomic hydrogen content. We compare these properties with those of dwarf galaxies in other environments to try and assess how the cluster environment has influenced their evolution. Field dwarfs are generally of a more irregular morphology, are bluer and contain relatively more gas. We assess the importance that various physical processes have on the evolution of cluster dwarf galaxies (ram-pressure stripping, tidal interactions, supernova-driven gas loss). We suggest that enhanced star formation triggered by tidal interactions is the major reason for the very different general properties of cluster dwarfs: they have undergone accelerated evolution.  相似文献   
Starting from a given time‐migrated zero‐offset data volume and time‐migration velocity, recent literature has shown that it is possible to simultaneously trace image rays in depth and reconstruct the depth‐velocity model along them. This, in turn, allows image‐ray migration, namely to map time‐migrated reflections into depth by tracing the image ray until half of the reflection time is consumed. As known since the 1980s, image‐ray migration can be made more complete if, besides reflection time, also estimates of its first and second derivatives with respect to the time‐migration datum coordinates are available. Such information provides, in addition to the location and dip of the reflectors in depth, also an estimation of their curvature. The expressions explicitly relate geological dip and curvature to first and second derivatives of reflection time with respect to time‐migration datum coordinates. Such quantitative relationships can provide useful constraints for improved construction of reflectors at depth in the presence of uncertainty. Furthermore, the results of image‐ray migration can be used to verify and improve time‐migration algorithms and can therefore be considered complementary to those of normal‐ray migration. So far, image‐ray migration algorithms have been restricted to layered models with isotropic smooth velocities within the layers. Using the methodology of surface‐to‐surface paraxial matrices, we obtain a natural extension to smooth or layered anisotropic media.  相似文献   
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