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Zhang  Guanglei  Ranjith  P. G.  Perera  M. S. A.  Lu  Yiyu  Choi  Xavier 《Natural Resources Research》2019,28(4):1639-1660
Natural Resources Research - High-volatile bituminous coal samples were reacted in deionized water with supercritical CO2 (ScCO2–water) under simulated in situ pressure and temperature...  相似文献   
In the Western Lake Baikal, recent Baikal Rift's tectonics control the topography, seismicity, climate, geomorphology, and economy. Scarps, facets, structural terraces, horsts and grabens, and trapezoid valleys can be clearly observed. They have been generated by the recent tectonic movements along the faults and represent a serious geologic hazard. The specific geological conditions predetermine a unique variety of landscapes. Thus, the main type of the economy is tourism. However, unorganized tourism leads to the degradation of the unique landscapes. It increases risk and requires disaster management. Three criteria has been used for risk assessment: (1) degree of geologic hazard; (2) degree of landscape degradation; and (3) degree of the economy's vitality. The high ecological significance and low stability to antropogeneous pressure are typical for landscapes of the Western Lake Baikal. Thus, some special activities of disaster management should be implemented based on our investigation.  相似文献   
A recent study demonstrated that 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) may have an adverse effect on the reproduction in marine medaka (Oryzias melastigma), but the molecular mechanisms remain largely unknown. In this study, we investigated the protein expression profiles of male and female gonads of O. melastigma exposed to dietary BDE-47 at two dosages (0.65 and 1.30 μg/g/day, respectively) for 21 days. Extracted proteins were labeled with iTRAQ and analyzed on a MALDI TOF/TOF analyzer, as results, 133 and 144 unique proteins were identified in testis and ovary, respective, and they exerted dose- and sex-dependent expression patterns. In testis, among the 42 differentially expressed proteins; down-regulation of histone variants and parvalbumins implicated BDE-47 may disrupt the spermatogenesis and induce sterility in fishes. In ovary, 38 proteins were differentially expressed; the elevation of vitellogenins and apolipoprotein A–I expression indicated BDE-47 acts as an estrogen-mimicking compound and led to reproductive impairment in O. melastigma.  相似文献   
A bathymetric survey of Kawah Ijen crater lake was conducted by acoustic sounding in 1996 to compare the lake morphology with those measured in 1922, 1925 and 1938, and to calculate the present lake volume. Even though the lake experienced several hydrothermal eruptions, the maximum depth became shallower (182 m) than before (200 m), resulting in a reduced lake volume (3.0×107 m3).Fifty-two major and minor constituents including rare earth elements and polythionates (PT) of the lake waters at various depths were determined by ICP-AES, ICP-MS and HPLC, respectively. These ions except for several volatile elements are taken up by lake fringe through congruent dissolution of pyroclastics of Kawah Ijen volcano. Most ions are homogeneously distributed throughout the lake, although PT showed a considerable vertical variation. Rare earth elements (REE) in the Kawah Ijen water as well as those from other hyper-acidic crater lakes show distribution patterns likely due to the three rock dissolution (preferential, congruent and residual) types, and their logarithmic concentrations linearly depend upon the pH values of the lake waters.Using the PT degradation kinetics data, production rates of PT, injection rates of SO2 and H2S into the lake were estimated to be 114, 86 and 30 tons/day, respectively. Also travel time of the spring water at the Banyupahit Riverhead from Kawah Ijen was estimated to be 600–1000 days through the consideration of decreasing rates of PT. Molten sulfur stocks containing Sn, Cu, Bi sulfides and Pb-barite exposed on the inner crater slope were presumed to be extinct molten sulfur pools at the former lake bottom. This was strongly supported by the barite precipitation temperature estimated through the consideration of the temperature dependence of Pb-chlorocomplex formation.  相似文献   
The Obudu dam is being built across Abeb river in Obudu area of the Cross River State (Nigeria). The earthfill dam will be approximately 18 m high with a crest length of 385 m. The dam site is located within part of the Obudu crystalline basement plateau which is a region of low seismicity. The terrain is smoothly undulating and low lying and was known to be composed of unclassified basement and decomposed bedrock (overburden). The present study was carried out to assess the suitability of the chosen dam axis based on the determination of the nature and geotechnical characteristics of the overburden and bedrock. The investigation included geophysical surveys, bearing capacity tests (cone penetrometer and standard penetration), classification and grain size distribution as well as tests for compaction, consolidation and compressive strength. The results show that the bedrock is heterogeneous, including gneisses sillimanite, biotite and granite types), dolerite, quartzite and pegmatite with an overall moderate strength (about 76.04 MN m−2 average) and fair rock mass rating (RMR). The bedrock along the dam axis is apparently lacking in major fractures which could lead to short circuiting of the future impoundment. The overburden (soil) comprises silt (MH, ML), silty clay (CL) and silty sand (SM) with a combined thickness of about 2–20 m, increasing away from the valley floor towards the shoulders. Generally the overburden is of suitable compressive strength (150–300 KN m−2), low to medium plasticity and swelling potential and low permeability (up to 1.41 × 10−7 ms−1) which would ensure a tight reservoir. The material settlement is expected to be small and slow. Accordingly, excavation of up to 5 m, decreasing towards the valley shoulders has been suggested to expose the recommended bearing medium: fresh/competent bedrock and overburden in the valley floor and flanks, respectively. While a detailed investigation of burrow areas was not part of the present study, a few potential sites in the dam axis and reservoir areas have been suggested based on the evaluation of material properties.  相似文献   
Summary We report here new data on the solubility of Au in silicate melts of anorthite-diopside eutectic composition at a wide range of oxygen fugacities, from pure oxygen to 10–8 atm, and at a temperature range of 1300 °C to 1480 °C. Because experiments were done with metal loops at temperatures above the Au-melting temperature, PdAu-metal-alloys had to be used. Pd-solubility data derived from the same set of experiments agree with earlier data obtained from experiments with pure Pd-metal (Borisov et al., 1994a). The results of the present experiments show that Pd-solubilities are by a factor of 2 to 6 higher than Au-solubilities. Both, Au and Pd solubilities decrease with decreasing oxygen fugacity. At oxygen fugacities below the iron-wiistite buffer (IW) Au solubility increases with decreasing fO2 probably reflecting formation of Au-silicides at such reducing conditions. Compared to Pd, Au has higher activity coefficients in Fe-metal and lower solubility in silicate melts. This leads to similar metal-silicate partition coefficients for both elements. At a temperature of 1350 °C and an oxygen fugacity corresponding to IW-2 DAu (met/sil) is about 2.5 · 107 and DPd (met/sil) about 1.6 · 107. Thus similar behavior is expected during metal separation in planetary bodies including core formation in the Earth. The metal/silicate partition coefficient of Ir is, however, by several orders of magnitudes higher (Borisov and Palme, 1995a). Equilibration with chondritic metal will therefore lead to grossly non-chondritic Pd/Ir or Au/Ir ratios in coexisting silicate phases. Chondritic ratios are thus indicative of the presence of unfractionated meteoritic components. Samples from the upper mantle of the Earth, for example, reflect the admixture of a late unfractionated (chondritic) veneer (e.g.,Kimura et al., 1974;Jagoutz et al., 1979).Solubilities of Pd and Au in silicate melts are much higher than the contents in terrestrial basalts implying that the abundances of these two elements are not buffered by residual PGE- and Au-containing alloys. The most likely process for fractionating PGEs in terrestrial magmas are mineral-melt (e.g., olivine/melt) equilibria.
Experimentelle Bestimmung der Löslichkeit von Au in Silikatschmelzen
Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird über die Ergebnisse der Bestimmung der Löslichkeit von Au in Silikatschmelzen mit der Zusammensetzung des Anorthit-Diopsid Eutektikums berichtet. Die Versuche wurden mittels Metallschlaufe über einen weiten Sauerstoffpartialdruckbereich, von reinem Sauerstoff bis zu 10–8 atm und in einem Temperaturbereich von 1300 °C bis 1480 °C, durchgeführt. Da diese Temperaturen jedoch den Au-Schmelzpunkt überschreiten, wurde mit AuPd-Legierungen gearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse der dadurch zusätzlich erhaltenen Pd-Versuche stimmen mit früher bestimmten, mit reinen Pd-Schlaufen durchgeführten Pd-Löslichkkeiten überein (Borisov et al., 1994a). Die auf reine Metalle zurückgerechneten Löslichkeiten von Pd sind um einen Faktor 2 bis 6 mal höher als die entsprechenden Au-Löslichkeiten. Die Löslichkeiten beider Metalle nehmen mit abnehmendem Sauerstoffpartialdruck ab. Unter noch stärker reduzierenden Bedingungen (Eisen-Wüstit Gleichgewicht) nimmt die Löslichkeit von Au jedoch zu. Dies könnte auf die Bildung von Au-Siliziden zurückzuführen sein.Im Vergleich zu Pd sind die Aktivitätskoeffizienten von Au in metallischem Eisen höher, die Löslichkeiten in Silikatschmelzen jedoch niedriger. Das führt zu ähnlichen Metall/Silikat Verteilungskoeffizienten von Au und Pd. Bei einer Temperatur von 1350 °C und einer Sauerstoffugazität von IW-2 ergeben sich für DAu (met/sil) 2.5 · 107 und für DPd (met/sil) 1.6* 107. Der Metall/Silikat-Verteilungskoeffizient von Ir ist jedoch unter den gleichen Bedingungen um mehrere Größenordnungen höher (Borisov andPalme, 1995a). Ein chondritisches Pd/Ir- oder Au/Ir-Verhältnis kann also auf die Anwesenheit einer unfraktionierten chondritischen Komponente zurückgeführt werden. Dies gilt beispielsweise für Proben aus dem oberen Erdmantel. Hier handelt es sich vermutlich um Zumischung einer späten chondritischen Akkretionskomponente, die sich nicht mehr mit einer metallischen Phase (Kern) ins Gleichgewicht gesetzt hat (z.B.Kimura et al., 1974,Jagoutz et al., 1979).Die Löslichkeiten von Pd und Au in Silikatschmelzen sind wesentlich höher als ihre Gehalte in basaltischen und komatiitischen Laven. Dies bedeutet, daß Au und Pd in Schmelzen aus dem Erdmantel nicht durch residuale Au- und/oder Pd-haltige Metall phasen bestimmt sind. Gleichgewichte zwischen Schmelze und Mineralen (z.B. Olivin) sind die wahrscheinlichsten Fraktionierungsmechanismen für Platingruppenelemente in terrestrischen Magmen.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
We compare the P-, S- and Lg- spectra of the 11th May, 1998 Pokhran underground nuclear explosion (NE) with those of an earthquake (EQ) of comparable magnitude that occurred in its vicinity (~100 km west) on 9th April, 2009, utilizing the waveforms recorded by a Global Seismograph Network station at Nilore (NIL), Pakistan. The contiguous occurrence of these events and the similarity of the travel paths provided a good opportunity to discriminate the nature of the sources. Our results suggest that the Pn/Lg and Pn/Sn amplitude ratios of the explosion and earthquake waveforms exhibit distinct differences in the higher frequency window. Further, since the P-phases have high signal to noise ratio compared to their S counterparts, we utilize their spectra to derive the source parameters of the NE and EQ sources. Our results show that the seismic moment, corner frequency and source dimension of the explosion are ~1.58X1017 Nm, 1.18 Hz and ~0.793 km respectively. The moment magnitude (MW) and surface wave magnitude (MS) for the nuclear explosion are estimated to be ~5.4 and ~3.57 respectively. The values of MW (5.3) and MS (4.3) obtained by us for the earthquake are consistent with the estimates in the Harvard catalog and earlier published results. The estimate of MW for the nuclear explosion was hitherto not available. Lastly, we estimate the yield of the NE to be ~50 kt from the surface wave magnitude and discuss the various limitations related to its estimation.  相似文献   
We use telluric and magnetic data of the diurnal variation recorded in Europe, Australia and North America to study the magnetotelluric tensor in the 6h–24h period range. We use associate directions and we eliminate the effects of deviation of telluric currents. We thus obtain for each observatory reliable phases and apparent resistivity values representative of the neighbouring stratified substratum. It appears that the values obtained in the four European observatories (Saint-Maur, France; Ebro, Spain; Toledo, Spain; Nagycenk, Hungary) give similar results and that these results are different from those obtained either in Tucson (USA) or in Watheroo (Australia).Using Bostick transform we interpret these phase and apparent resistivity values in terms of conductivity of the upper mantle. We discuss then the conductivity heterogeneities in terms of change either in temperature, or partial melting or percentage of fluids of the upper mantle: at depths of about 300 km, the upper mantle appears to be 100 °C hotter under Australia than under Europe; the probable presence of fluids at depths about 100 km in the southwestern North America upper mantle appears to be responsible for the high observed conductivities. All these conductivity values are coherent with tomography results from Woodhouse and Dziewonsky: high (low) conductivities are cohernet with low (high)seismic wave velocities.  相似文献   
High latitude ion outflows mostly consist of upward streaming O+ and He+ emanating from the ionosphere. At heights above 1000 km, these flows consist of cold and hot components which resonantly scatter solar extreme ultraviolet (EUV) light, however, the ion populations respond differently to Doppler shifting resulting from the large relative velocities between the ions and the Sun. The possibility of optical detection of the Doppler effect on the scattering rate will be discussed for the O+ (83.4 nm) ions. We have contrasted the EUV solar resonance images of these outflows by simulations of the 30.4 nm He+ and 83.4 nm O+ emissions for both quiet and disturbed geomagnetic conditions. Input data for the 1000 km level has been obtained from the EICS instrument aboard the Dynamics Explorer satellite. Our results show emission rates of 50 and 56 milli-Rayleighs at 30.4 nm for quiet and disturbed conditions and 65 and 75 milli-Rayleighs at 83.4 nm for quiet and disturbed conditions, respectively, obtained for a polar orbiting satellite and viewing radially outward. We also find that an imager at an equatorial distance of 9 RE or more is in a favorable position for detecting ion outflows, particularly when the plasmapause is depressed in latitude. However, an occultation disk is necessary to obscure the bright plasmaspheric emissions.  相似文献   
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